For Democrats, 2017 Will Be The Year of Living Stupidly

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

For Democrats, 2017 Will Be The Year of Living Stupidly

If you thought 2016 was packed full of liberal foolishness, just wait until you get a load of 2017. As 2016 ends, progressives enter the new year terrified that Donald Trump will continue to run circles around them, and their epic meltdown is only going to get more epically meltdownier. They’ve been shrill, stupid, and annoying for the last two months, but brace yourself for the next 12. Fear is going to make them go nuts – not the fear that Trump will be a failure, but the gut-wrenching, mind-numbing fear that Donald Trump will be a success.

And it looks like Trump may very well be one – something I previously and publicly doubted.

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Let’s step back and think about who Trump has shown himself to be. Sure, he’s vulgar, and his knowledge of traditional conservatism is … limited. But he’s a competitor, and if he’s stupid like the liberals say then what does that make the liberals who Trump keeps beating as enthusiastically as Josh Marshall tweeting past midnight? Look, the guy is a property developer. If he does not deliver what he promises, the buyer won’t take occupancy and he loses money. Trump knows from his own experience – and the painful experience of the follow-through-free GOP – that the way to win is to deliver on his promises. It may ruffle our conservafeathers, but Trump promised to keep Carrier in the USA and he did it. As promised, the market is in the stratosphere and consumer confidence exists again. Trump promised to nominate conservatives and he did – do you think that whiny puffball Jeb Bush would have put up a cabinet full of Mad Dogs and activists aching to burn their own useless agencies to the ground?

People babble on about how “Trump will never do anything about illegals” and “He’ll never repeal Obamacare.” Yeah, put your money on Trump failing – I did, and the guy I wrote checks to lost. News Flash: Donald Trump is not only going dance with the ones who brung him but afterwards he is going to take them to his limo to make out. This guy is interested in trying to please the people who elected him, not the urban swells who write for or read the NYT or WaPo – he knows they will never stop loathing him even if he somehow simultaneously cures cancer, brings world peace, and convinces Coldplay to disband.

No, he’s going to do what he said he will do – and I expect that when we hear the name of his Supreme Court nominee (Please, for many reasons, make it Judge Willet!) every conservative in America is going to seek a cigarette and a cuddle.

The left is going to keep freaking out, and it may take well beyond the next 12 months for these losers to realize that it’s just not working, that they have hit bottom yet continued to dig. Take the whole Russian hacking thing. Hey, I’m certainly glad that all these Joe McCarthy-come-latelys have finally discovered that the Russians are bad. It would have been nice if they had realized that back when I was waiting to die in place in West Germany in the late-80s while these same jerks were buying into the original Russian political hack: the KGB-inspired and guided nuclear freeze movement.

Now, the old meme was that us stupid Neanderthals who don’t shop at Whole Foods (OK, I shop at Whole Foods but my heart is totally at Kroger’s) are too stupid to know what’s good for us and that we vote for Republicans because of guns and Jesus. Of course, liberals don’t realize that normals think guns and Jesus are two pretty damn good voting criteria. Anyway, their new theory – as I understand it, because it seems coherence-challenged – is that the Russians somehow forced us to vote for Trump by releasing authentic emails that revealed the depths of Democrat perfidy and the media’s Clinton collaboration. Basically, the Russians unfairly told us the truth that Democrats and their media minions wanted to deny us, and that “hacked” the election. Oh, and Trump is insufficiently mad about Hillary and Company not being able to effectively hide their web of corruption and lies thanks to John Podesta not understanding that you don’t click the link in the email from the Oil Minister of Nigeria, Crown Prince Goodfellow Scamoscammer.

Now, I bet the discussions in the Michigan union halls and the Pennsylvania VFWs went something like this: “You know Mitch, with the economy so good and America so respected in the world, I was totally going to support Hillary continuing Obama’s work, but then I found out that Donna Brazile was feeding her CNN’s debate questions. Also, until Comey reminded me, I had totally forgotten Hillary was under FBI investigation for doing what would have gotten me sent to Leavenworth if I had done it when I was in the Navy. So, despite loving all the Democrat policies that have made my life a paradise, especially the idea of a law allowing grown men in dresses to loiter in my tween daughter’s restroom, I’m voting for Trump. Oh, also I’m a deplorable racist and hate science. Also, sexism.”

Sure, I think the Russians’ truthful revelations of true stuff that showed the true depth of Democratic corruption in a true way hurt Hillary. I just think that the left is deluding itself when it tells normal people that they were somehow suckered by the Russians’ truthful revelations of true stuff that showed the true depth of Democratic corruption. “You flyover rubes are so stupid that you can be manipulated by the facts that we were too incompetent to effectively hide from you!” is probably not a great way to win hearts and minds, but hey progs, feel free to go with it.

It’s also hilarious to watch the sputtering rage of the Vox and Vox-like online lib thought leaders as Trump simply refuses to allow Obama to sucker him into a distracting fight with Putin. Crimea? Meh? Syria? Doh-de-doh. Embarrass the Democrats? This means war! America needs to keep the Bear down with our boot on its throat, but not through fussy fits inspired by sad feelz.

That Trump laughs at how a creaky ex-superpower is so relentlessly trolling the feckless Obama – President Faily McWorsethancarter even makes acting butch seem super femme – draws cries of “Treason!” and “Traitor!” from the same set who never saw a flag they didn’t want to burn, mourned Castro, and who know damn well it isn’t them or their gender indeterminate children who would get to fight and die in the war they seem so eager to provoke to close out Obama’s pathetic reign.

We can expect more nonsense along these lines. Everything Trump does will draw howls of anguish. Courageous hashtags like #TheResistance will spread across Twitter. The traditional media will whine all the way down as it falls towards irrelevance. And Trump will march on, heedless of his critics. 2017 has the potential to be awesome.

Obamacare will get a stake through its putrid heart.

The Supreme Court will continue to move rightward.

The prequel to People’s Republic will be unleashed upon your Kindles.

Yes, in just three weeks, we will embark on a course of hope and change, despite the best efforts of the left. They aren’t going to stop, but they aren’t going to win. So, if you thought 2016 was full of liberal stupidity, just wait until you get a load of 2017.

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kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 2, 2017 2:50 pm

For Democrats, 2017 Will Be The Year of Living Stupidly

But they are so used to that lifestyle – it won’t be a hardship at all.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
January 2, 2017 2:56 pm

I keep thinking the trumpster was chosen by the globalists. The hildabeast was too sick and was baggage. Trump has been in bed with the jews for many years. Time will tell.

  Jack Lovett
January 2, 2017 3:38 pm

If they -the globalists- chose them they sure seem to be doing everything they can to stop him, even after the election is over they keep trying (and may yet succeed).

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 2, 2017 4:04 pm

This guy is among the former never Trumpers who can’t resist their neocon impulse to fault Obama for an insufficiently warlike response to Crimea voting to rejoin Russia and to Russia stymieing American plans to hand Syria over to Sunni islamists. He’s like those who are pissed that Obama didn’t bomb Assad in 2013 after Assad supposedly crossed Obama’s red line and implausibly gassed Sunni children (according to our own professional liars – the CIA).
In other words, he attacks Obama for being a wimp when the real problem is that Obama has been a neocon warmonger. Thank God the Russians in Crimea are out from under the thumb of the Ukrainians. Thank God Russia and Assad have all but defeated the Sunni jihadis we empowered to depose Assad. He doesn’t seem to get it that we hired Trump so that we can mind our own fucking business.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
  Iska Waran
January 2, 2017 4:52 pm

Good one, Iska

January 2, 2017 4:38 pm

I listened to Tom Hartman on “Progressive” radio today, if one day is any indication of an entire year, his head is going to explode.

January 3, 2017 5:35 am

I used to tune him in on occasion-he used to be some what sane-glad to hear his true colors are showing-I’ll give him a listen today for some grins.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 3, 2017 7:38 am

Actually, his name is Thom. THOM. Don’t normalize the moron by calling him Tom.

January 2, 2017 5:04 pm

Getting off to a rough start already as I read that Jerry Sandusky was pardoned by Obama today, and will be watching this evening’s Rose Bowl between his former boys, er, I mean team, Penn State vs USC with James Alefantis at some pizza joint in D.C, maybe even play a few games of “ping-pong” downstairs too. Pizza..It’s what’s for dinner.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
January 3, 2017 12:28 pm

I think that was a SATIRE article; do you have a link?

  james the deplorable wanderer
January 3, 2017 3:23 pm

I was just messing around James….just making a joke…just busting PSU fans ‘ chops…

January 2, 2017 5:38 pm

With a little luck, Trump will drive a sharp stake through the diseased heart of liberal-left ideology which is a parasitic cult characterized by guilt, self-hatred and ultimately national suicide. Just read the Burnham’s book to understand why the liberal-left does not have a future. Burnham’s thesis is straightforward. “Liberalism,” he writes, “is the ideology of western suicide”. And if Trump is smart, he will take no prisoners because the liberal-left must be banished from the face of this earth.

“Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism” By James Burnham

January 2, 2017 11:16 pm

” …. but the gut-wrenching, mind-numbing fear that Donald Trump will be a success.” ———- from the article

Disclaimer: I voted for the first time since I voted for Jimmy Carter. I voted for Donald Trump. That being said …

You know what I look forward to? Watching Trump-eteer heads EXPLODE when they realize Trump’s success will be rather limited.

I believe Trump will be successful in three areas; which is why I voted for him;

—1) he will handle the country-killing illegal immigration problem

—2) he will keep us from going to war with Russia

—3) he will appoint conservative Supremes and Federal Judges.

Anything beyond that will be a bonus.

And since he WILL NOT (apparently) address The Debt or The Fed, his “successes” will be marginal at best. And it will be a blast to watch Trump-eteers exclaim; “OH FUCK! WE’VE BEEN HAD AGAIN!!” heh

January 3, 2017 2:58 pm

Those three resons are a royal flush as opposed to Hitlery’s pair of dueces.

January 3, 2017 10:01 am

i know it won’t happen but it would be nice if all the lietards would move to some place else but they won’t. can trump do alot hope so, there is so much hate beween the left and the right it will never come to like one another, the left wants all my money and for me to shut up that they stole it. we don’t like them and never will i would rather kill them then live with them.

M. I. A.
M. I. A.
January 3, 2017 12:57 pm

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