Could a Climate Science Expert Change Your Opinion?

Guest Post by Scott Adams

It seems to me that the big problem with the climate change debate is that no one would recognize a good argument if they saw one. We only think we have the ability to recognize a good argument. What actually happens is that cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias generally keep a wall between us and reality. We live in our own little movies in our heads while being sure everyone else is watching the same movie. They aren’t.

Here’s a thought experiment:

Let’s say you are new to the debate about climate change and I put you in a room with the most well-informed climate scientist in the world. The scientist spends as much time with you as you want, answering every question and making her case that climate change is a human-caused disaster in the making. Let’s say this scientists is also the best communicator in the world, unlike most scientists. So now you have the best information, from the most knowledgeable person in the world on this topic, communicated in the best possible way, and answering all of your questions. Would you be persuaded by all of that credibility and good communication?


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We know that a die-hard climate change skeptic would not be persuaded by this excellent source of information because humans rarely change their minds about important things. Instead we hallucinate reasons for why we were right all along. But in my thought experiment I said you are new to the climate change debate. So let’s assume you came to it without bias. Would you be convinced by the scientist?

Probably yes. If your first introduction to a topic involved a clear and detailed explanation from the top expert in the world, you would probably be persuaded because there is nothing stopping that persuasion from happening. You have no bias to overcome and the scientist is both credible and clear in her message.

The unbiased mind is likely to be totally convinced in this thought experiment. And that mind would also think it had engaged in rational behavior. After all, what could be more rational than getting the best information on a topic, from the best expert in the world, communicated in the clearest possible way?

But your new certainty about climate change would be a fraud that you perpetrated on yourself. If you don’t yet see in my thought experiment why the best information from the best source is still unreliable, even when clearly communicated, you probably don’t understand enough about the world to participate in decision-making.

I’ll simplify this even further so you can test your hallucination. Here’s the summary of the situation. Tell me why you should not automatically trust the scientist in this thought experiment. Assume the following three things ARE true. What’s missing?


  • Best expert in the world on Climate Science.
  • Currently works in the field.
  • Great communicator, answers all of your questions.


See what’s missing yet?

The thing that is missing is that you can’t know what the expert didn’t tell you. If you are not an expert in the field yourself, how could you possibly know what has been left out?

You also don’t know if the scientist is suffering from cognitive dissonance. It would look exactly the same to you. And cognitive dissonance is common to all humans, including scientists.

But wait, you say. The whole point of science is that the scientific process controls for human bias. The peer review process scrubs away bias over time, and climate science has been around for long enough that lots of scrubbing has happened. The peer-reviewed science is heavily on the side of temperatures being influenced by CO2 in a potentially disastrous way. If you believe in science, shouldn’t that tell you all you need to know?

Well, it might. Except for the fact that prediction models are not actually science. Correct me if I am wrong (and that is likely in this case) but it seems to me that the prediction models are just tools that scientists use. They are not derived from the highly-credible scientific method any more than stock-picking models are. And stock-picking models generally don’t work over time even though they are great at hindcasting (predicting the past, basically).

How about political forecast models? Those aren’t science either. And we observed in the recent presidential election that they performed worse than “cartoonist has an opinion.” Yet political models perform great in hindcasts.

I’m also confused by the fact that apparently there is more than one climate model that gets the “right” answer for climate scientists. Shouldn’t there only be one? Why wouldn’t science pick the best one and call it a day? And if they can’t agree on which one is best, what does that tell us?

My position on climate change is that BOTH sides of the debate are completely credible to the people already on their side, thanks to confirmation bias. But that’s where the persuasion ends. Neither side has the tools or talent to sell their beliefs to the other side in any wholesale way.

Imagine putting the leading expert from both sides on a TV show or a podcast with an objective moderator who is trying to get to the truth for viewers. Would that work? I doubt it. It would look like this:

Moderator: Explain why your side is right.

Expert 1: Look at my chart here.

Expert 2: That chart is wrong. You forgot to include the (whatever).

Expert 1: It wouldn’t make any difference.

Expert 2: Yes it would.

Moderator: Okay,  I guess we’re done here.

If you are frustrated with the people who are on the other side of the debate, no matter which side that is, I think you should give them some slack. There is no way for this sort of information to be credibly conveyed to human beings. And the problem is not always on the receiving end.

That said, I’ve ordered some new studio equipment for doing podcasts and live streaming. If I can figure out how to make it all work (which is harder than it seems) I’ll bring on some guests to show you how they fail to communicate this topic to me. We won’t learn anything about climate science but you might enjoy watching me dismantle both sides.

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January 18, 2017 4:16 pm

Just looking at the science wouldn’t influence me. Who, and then why, someone is pushing the science is what I look at. Sadly all things these days are usually done for the benefit of someone who doesn’t have my best interests in mind. Every bit of my cynicism has been earned the hard way.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 18, 2017 4:17 pm

We are due an Ice Age and that would seem to be about 90% of any argument; plus CO2 is a lagging (not leading) indicator of global warming. My first questions would be about Chem-trails anyway (the modern UFOs everybody but government experts can see).

  rhs jr
January 18, 2017 4:49 pm

First car I had – there were ‘cum trails’ in the back seat.

January 18, 2017 5:38 pm

Shoulda done a better job cleaning up after your boyfriend.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 18, 2017 4:18 pm

I’m not sure who is going to get assassinated first, Trump or Scott Adams.

Adams is lucky that most of the snowflakes in his home state of California don’t like guns.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
  Trapped in Portlandia
January 18, 2017 4:37 pm

They’ll beat him to death with their purses.

Old Guy
Old Guy
January 18, 2017 4:20 pm

Today’s “science” is bought and paid for. Investigate, sift, then trust your gut.

January 18, 2017 4:33 pm

Call it bias but I would be skeptical upon introduction to a “Climate Scientist Expert”. I would immediately rate them lower than the local Weather ‘expert’……and take both with a huge grain of salt.

January 18, 2017 4:48 pm

I’m a computer scientist, and I can tell you that there’s about as much ‘science’ in climate science as there is in computer science.

Climate change – the ultimate boogeymen – invisible – all threatening. Sorta like the slasher movies where he keeps coming, and can’t be stopped. What a great threat – never ending – the human race are forever sinners.

Certainly it puts the climate change people in charge over all the countries of the world.

The ultimate power – dictate behavior, taxes, you name it. This is their real agenda. All in the name of saving the planet.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 18, 2017 4:51 pm

Scott – your error = “You have no bias to overcome and the scientist is both credible and clear in her message.”

Finding a person without a bias is like searching for Bigfoot. For example, if a person is a Registered Democrat, they have already received a bias from the politicians and the media.

GOD could arrive in a white robe and explain why Global Warming is a hoax and it would be to no avail.

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 18, 2017 5:00 pm

The Force is strong with this one.

I’m following the logic, but think I can come to my own conclusions based on available facts. Simple. To consider that I can never come to a conclusion because I can never know all the facts is, well, something I used to wonder about when I was young and pondered the universe that was on the tip of my thumb nail, like, wow, man.

  Not Sure
January 18, 2017 5:05 pm

Perhaps but The Force is not with me.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 18, 2017 5:12 pm

Scott – “Neither side has the tools or talent to sell their beliefs to the other side in any wholesale way.”

Try this:

January 18, 2017 5:17 pm

when man controls the very sun itself, he will tame our climate

January 18, 2017 5:34 pm

Anyone who can do real math will quickly understand that the cost of doing what the “experts” advocate (in their government grant applications) is more than world GDP, and wouldn’t have much effect on climate…..But you won’t be getting any grants, haha.
Of course, I anticipate a little ice age given the solar minimum we are entering…

January 18, 2017 5:53 pm

What does the temperature at 3:45.23 on july17 1483 in lima peru tell you about the climate? The earth is over 4 billion years old. All the data you have is equivalent to a single data point in comparison to the age of the earth. Ice cores are worthless. Any ice core samples from florida? Egypt? No? Then you have no data. Couple hundred years at best. How much with modern equipment? Less. Entire premise is stupid.

January 18, 2017 5:54 pm

Knowledge is always finite, Ignorance is always infinite. I get it, but it’s not very useful.
Climate Change is an issue where there is no good practical solutions. Even if the worst of Al Gore’s nightmares were real (which have been proven wrong in many cases); I think we can all agree that tasking government to fix it would be far worse than doing nothing. On the other side, let’s say that Anthropogenic Climate Change is complete made-up bullshit without the slightest degree of evidence to back it up (the opinion of many here); does that mean that burning fossil fuels and rain forests and anything else that will burn at exponentially increasing rates, while at the same time dumping chemicals and radiation into rivers, oceans and soils is a good idea?
So, what is to be done?
Popcorn, anyone?

January 18, 2017 7:36 pm

Believe it or not, there is a middle ground…..

It’s possible to reject the global wanting nonsense that says we must give our money to the government and all other international bodies who demand our money while also deciding to not poison our lands. Just because you don’t buy the global warming/wanting scam doesn’t mean you have to support dumping toxic sludge into the soil.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
January 18, 2017 8:28 pm

I have given up trying to discuss the subject of man made catastrophic global warming with any of the alarmists. Multiple times, as soon as I opine that man made CO2 is not endangering the climate I get the knee jerk response of “Oh! So you just think that you can dump whatever you want into the ocean and put out any kind of pollution into the air and it will be just perfectly fine, huh?!” In their minds CO2 equals pollution equals all pollution equals willful destruction of the planet. In spite of that being a completely false chain of reasoning, it is a very powerful equation in their thinking, and if you point it out to them they get angry. I am tempted to call the warmists “idiots”, but in truth, some of them (not many) are really quite brilliant — but they have been programmed (brainwashed if you prefer) to quickly respond emotionally, and then their intellect automatically looks for any kind of reason to support the emotion that they are already experiencing.

  Jason Calley
January 19, 2017 6:14 pm

Of course there is a balance to be struck and a lot of middle ground…But this society is all about false dilemma. Also, human beings tend to exploit resources as fast possible with very little thought given to the future. And, as much as I truly believe in free markets, it is undeniable that industry will lay waste to ecosystems in the name of profit. Like I say I see no practical solution even if we had a population consisting of genuine critical thinkers…Which of course couldn’t be further from the truth.

January 18, 2017 5:58 pm

John Oliver had a great segment last year on the awful way “scientific findings” are interpreted and communicated through the MSM. Worth a watch…

January 18, 2017 6:07 pm

How much is the scientist being paid by Al Gore?

January 18, 2017 6:20 pm

I don’t need an argument, because I do lack the relevant expertise to truly evaluate the nuances of domain experts. However, I am (education, not professional) a scientist (physics) and understand the scientific method. The most disqualifying aspect of climate science is that they won’t release the RAW data, or even the adjusted data, with a comprehensive rules of adjustment to any skeptics. There have even been some people who argued, they would, but they can’t because they lost the raw data, and only have the adjusted, but trust them.

The ‘scientists’ on the catastrophic warming side are actively avoiding providing the facts and basis necessary to truly evaluate their claims. That may be many things, but it is absolutely not science, and is very anti-science. That doesn’t mean that global warming is or is not happening, but it does mean they are not doing science in any form. And I have had high level communications with people who asked what it would take to convince me, and I have answered “simple, release the raw data.” And the people I was talking to thought they could make that happen…and they couldn’t. I have turned multiple serious and connected climate alarmists into (private) skeptics with that very simple request.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
January 18, 2017 8:38 pm

Hey anonymous! Yes, exactly! Release the raw data, but just as important, release how all the adjustments are made and what their justification is. Science must be reproducible. When “climate scientists” release a new chart and they have changed all the numbers for everything from 1880 to the present, is it too much to ask for them to explain why they changed the data for 1880? Is there some new journal they have found that has the REAL temperatures for 1880? Did they just find a letter that explains how all the stations in 1880 moved their thermometers to different sites? The “scientists” have made these changes over and over and over, year after year, time after time, each new chart changing just a little bit more the supposedly accurate temperatures for years long gone past. I could go on… The short take away is that they are frauds and have damaged the good reputation of real science.

January 18, 2017 6:58 pm

Who is paying the climate scientist or the entity they are working for? That will tell you everything. Follow the money.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
January 18, 2017 7:16 pm

People that deny global warming are following in the footsteps of those that once thought lead in gasoline, etc., couldn’t possibly be damaging to human health.

The science is proven and the damage directly affects China. They are beyond the finish line on alternatives, while the oil goon squad, here in Bruce Jenner Land… or, Bridget Jenner, or, is it Kardashian- Land, are busy staring down phony drama on reality TV.

Anyway, 60% of the world relies on run-off, from the Himalayas and those resources (as back-up systems) are largely gone. The glaciers have, in the words of “Brother-Where-Art-thou”, “Runn oft”.

The glaciers are going the way of Mrs. Hogwallop, but there is still time, largely because of “Runn-oft”, from snow in the region and this is not a small point… at least, until Hogwallup Glacier does split for good, as glaciers do, for the moment, imply a reservoir, as back-up.

January 18, 2017 7:23 pm

So, what is wrong with the glaciers melting?

January 18, 2017 8:14 pm

“Climate change” is NOT debatable, as it has been occurring since the planet was first formed; and none of that has anything to do with humans. Furthermore, “global warming” has been occurring at least for the last 40,000 years, & may still be, as geologists claim that a mile high glacier face was then just 50 miles north of Harrisburg, PA. A very lot of global warming has occurred since then; & very little, or none, of it was man-caused. “Man-made global warming” is simply a political-science construct, concocted to enslave & control the reduced world’s population (see the Georgia Guidestones,) for the benefit of the few Progressive rulers (OWG.) It is as simple as that.

January 18, 2017 8:21 pm

I would only note that, while ‘science’ understands gravity to the point a spacecraft can be sent to Pluto and rendezvous with it billions of miles in distance and years in time away, no scientist can ‘explain’ how gravity works. It just does.

We might all agree that if you change the composition of the earth’s atmosphere you will change its climate but our ability to predict when, by how much and if it would be ‘bad’ is nowhere near as well understood as ‘gravity’ which remains a mystery.

January 18, 2017 9:51 pm

As before, Mr. Adams, you don’t know dick about scientific method.

Just as intelligent design is a threshold question between nonscience and conjectures, anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a threshold question between conjectures and hypotheses. AGW is a centuries-old conjecture elevated to an established belief by a little clique of quacks who proclaim themselves the Consensus on Climate, guardians of the vault of exclusive knowledge. Does this sound familiar? Is the Consensus patterned after the Council of Trent? As a matter of science, as opposed to a matter of belief, the AGW conjecture is gathering more contradictory evidence than supporting. The layman can test it and understand its failings by applying just the few principles outlined here.

AGW fails the test because it is proclaimed by a consensus. Science places no value on such a vote. A unanimous opinion, much less a consensus, is insufficient. Science advances one scientist at a time, and we honor their names. It advances one model at a time. When the article gets around to saying ‘most scientists believe…,’ it’s time to go back to the comics section. Science relies instead on models that make factual predictions that are or might be validated.

AGW fails on the first order scientific principles outlined here because it does not fit all the data. The consensus relies on models initialized after the start of the Industrial era, which then try to trace out a future climate. Science demands that a climate model reproduce the climate data first. These models don’t fit the first-, second-, or third-order events that characterize the history of Earth’s climate. They don’t reproduce the Ice Ages, the Glacial epochs, or even the rather recent Little Ice Age. The models don’t even have characteristics similar to these profound events, much less have the timing right. Since the start of the Industrial era, Earth has been warming in recovery from these three events. The consensus initializes its models to be in equilibrium, not warming.

And there’s much, much more.

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a crippled conjecture, doomed just by these principles of science never to advance to a hypothesis. Its fate would be sealed by a minimally scientifically literate public.

— Jeff Glassman, PhD, “Conjecture, Hypothesis, Theory, Law: The Basis of Rational Argument” (December 2007)

January 18, 2017 10:27 pm

I was thinking this article was going to be talking about how “the unbiased person” was a child of age 7-8 being fed the governments propaganda of global warming. How the world will be this scary place to live in when the child gets 20 if we don’t all act now… f4rsh minds that don’t know any different….

case in point….

I think back and recall when my daughter came home from school one day in jr. high, and was spouting about how the oceans are all going to be rising by 3 feet over the next 100 years from melting ice sheets… I looked at her with one eye brow raised and said… prove this to me. I handed her an atlas and said do some basic math on ocean volumes and the amount of water in the worlds oceans today…. verses the estimated volume of ice and take that into a mathematical equation and please tell me again how the ocean will rise 3 feet??

to this day she has never believed a single thing about the climate change/global warming bullshit.

January 19, 2017 11:51 am

I have absolute proof of global warming. It is imperative that we correct the problem now and I have the solution. Send money and I will fix it.

January 21, 2017 6:59 pm