Trump’s Declaration of War

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.

Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.

If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China.

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The interest groups designated by Trump as The Enemy are well entrenched and accustomed to being in charge. Their powerful networks are still in place. Although there are Republican majorities in the House and Senate, most of those in Congress are answerable to the ruling interest groups that provide their campaign funds and not to the American people or to the President. The military/security complex, offshoring corporations, Wall Street and the banks are not going to roll over for Trump. And neither is the presstitute media, which is owned by the interest groups whose power Trump challenges.

Trump made it clear that he stands for every American, black, brown, and white. Little doubt his declaration of inclusiveness will be ignored by the haters on the left who will continue to call him a racist just as the $50 per hour paid protesters are doing as I write.

Indeed, black leadership, for example, is enculturated into the victimization role from which it would be hard for them to escape. How do you pull together people who all their lives have been taught that whites are racists and that they are the victims of racists?

Can it be done? I was just on a program briefly with Press TV in which we were supposed to provide analysis of Trump’s inaugural speech. The other commentator was a black American in Washington, DC. Trump’s inclusiveness speech made no impression on him, and the show host was only interested in showing the hired protesters as a way of discrediting America. So many people have an economic interest in speaking in behalf of victims that inclusiveness puts them out of jobs and causes.

So along with the globalists, the CIA, the offshoring corporations, the armaments industries, the NATO establishment in Europe, and foreign politicians accustomed to being well paid for supporting Washington’s interventionist foreign policy, Trump will have arrayed against him the leaders of the victimized peoples, the blacks, the hispanics, the feminists, the illegals, the homosexuals and transgendered. This long list, of course, includes the white liberals as well, as they are convinced that flyover America is the habitat of white racists, misogynists, homophobes, and gun nuts. As far as they are concerned, this 84% of geographical US should be quarantined or interred.

In other words, does enough good will remain in the population to enable a President to unite the 16% America haters with the 84% America lovers?

Consider the forces that Trump has against him:

Black and hispanic leaders need victimization, because it is what elevates them to power and income. They will turn a jaundiced eye toward Trump’s inclusiveness. Inclusiveness is good for blacks and hispanics, but not for their leaders.

The executives and shareholders of global corporations are enriched by the offshored jobs that Trump says he will bring home. If the jobs come home, their profits, performance bonuses, and capital gains will go away. But the economic security of the American population will return.

The military/security complex has a 1,000 billion annual budget dependent on “the Russian threat” that Trump says he is going to replace with normalized relations. Trump’s assassination cannot be ruled out.

Many Europeans owe their prestige, power, and incomes to the NATO that Trump has called into question.

The financial sector’s profits almost entirely flow from putting Americans into debt bondage and from looting their private and public pensions. The financial sector with their agent, the Federal Reserve, can overwhelm Trump with financial crisis. The New York Federal Reserve Bank has a complete trading desk. It can send any market into turmoil. Or support any market, because there is no limit on its ability to create US dollars.

The entire political ediface in the US has insulated itself from the will, desires, and needs of the people. Now Trump says the politicians will be accountable to the people. This, of course, would mean a big drop in their security in office and in their income and wealth.

There are a large number of groups, funded by we-know-not-who. For example, RootsAction has responded today to Trump’s forceful commitment to stand for all of the people against the Ruling Establishment with a request to “ask Congress to direct the House Judiciary Committee to open an impeachment investigation” and to send money for Trump’s impeachment.

Another hate group, human rights first, attacks Trump’s defense of our borders as closing “a refuge of hope for those fleeing persecution.” Think about this for a minute. According to the liberal-progressive-left and the racial interest group organizations, the US is a racist society and President Trump is a racist. Yet, people subject to American racism are fleeing from persecution to America where they will be racially persecuted? It doesn’t make sense. The illegals come here for work. Ask the construction companies. Ask the chicken and animal slaughter houses. Ask the vacation area cleaning services.

This list of those on whom Trump has declared war is long enough, although there are more that can be added.

We should ask ourselves why a 70 year old billionaire with flourishing businesses, a beautiful wife, and intelligent children is willing to give his final years to the extraordinary stress of being President with the stressful agenda of putting the government back in the hands of the American people. There is no doubt that Trump has made himself a target of assassination. The CIA is not going to give up and go away. Why would a person take on the grand restoration of America that Trump has declared when he could instead spend his remaining years enjoying himself immensely?

Whatever the reason, we should be grateful for it, and if he is sincere we must support him. If he is assassinated, we need to take up our weapons, burn Langley to the ground and kill every one of them.

If he succeeds, he deserves the designation: Trump the Great!

Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and any other country on the CIA’s hit list should undersand that Trump’s rise is insufficient protection. The CIA is a worldwide organization. Its profitable businesses provide income independent of the US budget. The organization is capable of undertaking operations independently of the President or even of its own Director.

The CIA has had about 70 years to entrench itself. It has not gone away.

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January 21, 2017 8:37 am

Right up to the penultimate paragraph PCR was back on form rather than foaming at the mouth. Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia don’t need to worry about the CIA destroying their countries, given that they’ve learned how to do that all by themselves.

Like DJT, I was born in NYC 70 years ago (weeks apart) and salute him for taking on a task I know I wouldn’t were I in his shoes. He is in my opinion the last best hope for a renaissance of genuine righteousness in the USA: economic, social, cultural, educational, etc. He was very gracious during the transition, but it’s now time for no more Mr. Nice Guy. Derail the gravy train for all the public-trough tax-feeders who’ve robbed the slumbering majority blind in so many ways! Pare down bloated government! Avoid and eliminate foreign entanglements! And once established in office and with the support of the people, put an end to the Federal Reserve and restore national monetary sovereignty, although if anything is likely to lead to Trump’s assassination, this would be the issue upon which to focus.

People get ready, ’cause the train’s arrived and you’d best be on board if you want to see it leave the station.

January 21, 2017 11:11 am

Yes, I think the Federal Reserve Bank was behind the JFK assassination !
you mess with big money, your ass is in trouble …


January 21, 2017 9:01 am

I am afraid he will be assassinated. I was on pins and needles yesterday while he was outside and vulnerable to a sniper’s bullet. I’m glad he’s keeping his own private security.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 21, 2017 10:01 am

Monte……what Trump is about to do is enormous; beyond what you can contemplate. The bloodsuckers in DC are going to rain hell on Trump.

  kokoda the deplorable
January 21, 2017 10:26 am

Not just in DC.

January 21, 2017 10:26 am

I think, just like the campaign, people are underestimating Trump. He has a lot of power as the President, even against the 16% of the deep state and corporate interests that PCR refers.
The problem is, for many years, the office of the President has been on auto pilot. The people occupying that office have been just kind of going through the motions, and letting their political hack cabinet picks and advisers do most of the leading, and thinking. The last President that tried to change things was Kennedy, yes he got offed by the CIA, however he did not expect it either. He was still a rich kid, from a privileged family, that was naive about the real power and influence of those enemies within. Trump, being a New York business man, that has dealt with the Mob, Construction unions, rough and dirty politicians, and crooks of various colors in Atlantic City, does not suffer from naivete. He knows EXACTLY who the players are, and how they derive that power, and has proven to be very adept at using the stick and carrot effectively mold them to his way of thinking.
Trump wrote his own speech yesterday. Think about that…It was a very good, if not excellent speech that outlined his goals and vision nicely. This did not sound like a man that was going in to battle without a plan.
His opponents have a fatal flaw, a big one, that most moral people do not, and that is they will kick anyone under the wheels of the bus if they feel they can get a better deal on the apposing side. They are whores. Think corporate exec that will make more money if he abandons offshoring, but can get a huge contract building bridges, or providing some other support for a Trump agenda item. Same with the CIA, think – jail time or maybe out your boss who is an ass anyway, and you know his secrets….and a possible promotion.
Trump is the master persuader / negotiator, if he wasn’t, we would not have watched his inauguration yesterday. Remember the cunt was supposed to be the chosen one. He vanquished her, and the media in a stunning kill shot, with a tenth of the support and money. He is also a master at poker, and will not show his cards, until the opponent is vulnerable. I am looking forward to see the chess master and his moves as they happen, as I think they will surprise many.

January 21, 2017 10:41 am

I say he should declare martial law.Make himself King for the next 8 years.I bet that would fuck with the deep state .Talk about driving the liberals Progressives insane.Wonder what they would do if they all of a sudden had no more Rights to hide behind ? Give the military , national guard and police orders to shoot to kill . Arrest every Democrat in leadership positions.Take control of the Federal reserve and issue the currency himself.You know ,be King.

January 21, 2017 11:49 am

Once you’ve made yourself King it is a lifetime situation, not limited to 8 years, and your security force has a good deal in determining how long that lifetime is.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
January 21, 2017 11:48 am

bb, that is the ace in the hole, the left wants to go nuts it could turn real nasty for them. i like others held my breathe till he was sworn in, expecting one last surprise from barry.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 21, 2017 11:51 am

Let’s not have Martial Law unless and until the Deep State gives him an ironclad excuse for one – they’re just blinded enough by their own hubris that they’ll give it to him.

January 21, 2017 11:55 am

Anybody watching the Shit Show on cable newz right now ….. the millions and billions of Womenz and Fags protesting Lord Donald? Right now fake-Indian fake-cunt Elesbian Warren is shitting bricks all over the place.

The Democraps have effectively, and officially (imho) declared war on Trump and His Deplorables.

January 21, 2017 12:07 pm

Ignore them Stucky…just ignore them.

January 21, 2017 1:02 pm


That’s like telling someone to not look at a car wreck as they are driving by.

Nevertheless, you probably just gave the very best advice possible. I’ll give it a shot.

(BTW, CuNNt is covering it nonstop. Fux isn’t covering at all … not even a 10 second mention. lol )

January 21, 2017 12:05 pm

Let’s stop the assassination talk.
From the get-go Trump is way funner than that poser O.
As for the international CIA? Start with the drug trade =
leave Afghanistan. Abandon MSM. Abandon Hollywood.
Prosecute some people. It will eventually sort itself out.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 21, 2017 2:13 pm

History/Prophecy: TPTB and their Useless Idiots declared a Leftist war on U.S. FIRST and crammed their Cultural Communism down our throats; we rebelled and have only just begun to fight with God’s help; we are the Counter Revolution; they will become the Vanquished and we will experience God’s Last Call. Unfortunately, Trump is a nice guy who will not cut deep enough or far enough and much of The Deep State Cancer will remain; after Trump, the Chosen Ones “Messiah” (the Barbarians Mahdi) AKA The Anti-Christ will arise and the NWO Leftist will become worse than the Nazis, Communist, and the Muslim Barbarians combined. Then God’s Righteous anger will destroy all the wicked and Jesus returns to establish His/God’s Kingdom over all the Earth for Millennia. Ref the Tanakh Zech 12-14 and the Gospel Rev 19-21.

Appalachian Trail Deblazer
Appalachian Trail Deblazer
January 21, 2017 5:52 pm

In the Bible some Kings were killed by members of their own family.

I might suggest a new position for BHO / Moochel as Official White House food tasters since they staying in DC.