
It all comes down to balls.

Guest post

Courage is abhorred more than admired, because cowardice is far more prevalent. Physical and moral courage require commitment to an objective or principle. Cowards abandon their objectives or principles at the first sign of pressure, resistance, or opprobrium and hate the steadfast, even if they’re ostensibly allied in the same cause.

Political venues are nowhere to look for courage. Politics is a popularity contest and its winners lie, flatter, and pander. They don’t generally stand for anything grander than their own advancement. The venal pursuits of politicians and bureaucrats—power, money, sex, intoxication—don’t lend themselves to stirring moral defenses. Power ebbs and flows, but there’s a community of interest—perpetuation of a corrupt system. They’re all “part of the same hypocrisy,” and revelation of it serves no one’s interest.

Truth is the enemy of hypocritical regimes, which makes telling it, as George Orwell noted, a “revolutionary act,” bold and dangerous. President Trump spouts his share of nonsense, bombast, hyperbole, and lies, but it’s not those excesses that frightens and enrages the regime. Rather, he has shattered the veneer of respectability that cloaks its incompetence, corruption, and carnage. He challenges elite consensus on interventionism, immigration and trade, and the whole canon of political correctness.

His most recent truth bomb was telling Bill O’Reilly that the US has its share of killers, and implying the country’s killing doesn’t always spring from innocent motives. That unremarkable statement sent the chicken-hawk, “exceptional nation” crew into a mindless tizzy. Trump reveals in real life what Francis Ford Coppola captured with the cinematic confrontation between Michael Corleone and US Senator Geary: our rulers are criminals. It’s telling that at scene’s end, the audience hopes that Mafia killer Corleone “wins” his standoff with the vile senator.

Exposure is not Trump’s worst transgression. He’s got balls, the exposed don’t, and at a primal level, the neutered reflexively resent the testicled. Since rulers began ruling, courage, at least of the physical variety, has been a primary job qualification. Much of human history is not far removed from Game of Thrones-style intrigue and bloodshed. Those who couldn’t screw their courage to the sticking place found themselves in a dungeon or on the gallows. Machiavelli advised leaders to cultivate fear, not love. At the Al Smith dinner and his inaugural address, Trump displayed a full frontal fortitude never seen among the high and mighty he challenged.

Balls explain two well-recognized sociological phenomena. Warriors challenge death, knowing they may not win, which is contrary to every biological imperative hard-wired into the human species. Demanding and relentless training, complete immersion in follow-orders and brotherhood indoctrination, and the exigencies of life-or-death situations override instinct and inculcate martial courage. With rare exceptions (see “Much More Than Trump,” SLL), societies pay homage to the warriors who defend them, saluting that courage.

It’s virtually a law of nature that statuesque, strikingly beautiful women like Melania Trump end up with alpha males. Courage, and the confidence and strength that flow from it, rank high on the list of alpha male traits. They exercise a compelling and evolutionary attraction, given the necessity for women to protect themselves and their offspring. Not coincidentally, balls are symbols of both courage and reproductive prowess.

When Faustian bargains are struck, supplicants trade away not just their souls but their balls. Washington is a Faustian bargain flea market, making it the City of No Balls, Eunuchville. In vanquishing Eunuchville’s chosen Republicans and Democrat, Trump shredded its shibboleths, existentially embarrassing the eunuchs, revealing them as purveyors of puerile pap. His deprecatory “low energy” was code for “low testosterone.” Political correctness has excused the eunuchs from challenging manifest idiocies and thereby offending legions of idiots. Trump says things many “ordinary” people believe but which in Eunuchville—smothered by the sanctimonious stultification of political correctness—can’t be said.

The Democrats’ brain trust must grasp this source of Trump’s appeal if they hope to attract voters from Trump’s base, not only at the presidential level but on the state and local strata where they’ve been decimated. Psychologically, it’s far more important than programs to address income inequality or help displaced factory workers. They’ve got a long row to hoe, and they keep making it longer. Nobody has ever accused Hillary Clinton of moral courage, and the only physical courage she’s “demonstrated” was her made up story of being under fire in Bosnia. Then there are the Million Woman March’s pink hats and vagina costumes, the “fundamental” right of men dressed as women to use women’s restrooms, and Chuck Schumer sobbing over refugees. None of this plays well with the F-150 crowd (it plays just as poorly that many Democrats don’t know what an F-150 is).

There’s one hope for the Democrats, if the brain trust is smart enough to seize it (the betting odds go the other way). Tulsi Gabbard is a Democratic representative from Hawaii. She’s a veteran who served two tours in Iraq (physical courage), resigned from the Democratic National Committee last year to support Bernie Sanders (moral courage), and has been an outspoken critic of US involvement in Syria (more moral courage),  recently strolling through Syria’s bombed-out streets with former Representative Dennis Kucinich (more physical courage).

Predictably, that trip and her renewed criticism of US policy has elicited a storm of criticism from other politicians and the mainstream media, who focused their vitriol on her meeting with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. She has not backed down. Here are the balls the Democratic party so desperately needs. Her gender, military service, support of Sanders, youth (she’s 35), athleticism (she surfs), photogenic good looks (never an irrelevant consideration for candidates of either sex), and willingness to take on the Deep State and its interventionism offer a sharp contrast to the Democrats’ enfeebled gerontocracy. Embracing her would be a significant step towards erasing the party of FDR and JFK’ s courage deficit.

A tidal wave of trouble approaches. It will swamp the cowards and may overwhelm the courageous. As they did during his campaign, President Trump’s supporters will stay with him if he meets it forthrightly. If he loses his nerve, he’ll lose his support and his presidency. On the other hand, if he can, as Rudyard Kipling wrote, force his “heart and nerve and sinew to serve” his “turn long after they are gone” (“If—”), he may be remembered as this generation’s FDR.

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February 7, 2017 7:06 am

Plain simple truth is indeed very offensive and hurtful to the “politically correct” world in which we live. “Learn to do good; seek justice, REBUKE THE OPPRESSOR, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” Isaiah 1:17

February 7, 2017 7:31 am

Sometimes the awful truth just has to be blurted out , otherwise courage wanes and cowardice prevails.
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February 7, 2017 1:41 pm

@Flash: That’s funny!

February 8, 2017 6:42 am

That there is funny. But … the sack should be ‘RED!” Blue is for sissies (or libs).

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
February 7, 2017 7:32 am

Biblical passages and teachings tell us all we need to know about the politically correct and their endless efforts to force acceptance of what is un acceptable !
Has anyone asked the question why ? We are deeply involved in Afghanistan , one of the top illegal heroin producers in the world and we have an epidemic of heroin overdoses ? Seems obvious to me ! End the foolish drug war and the criminalized activity that people will not stop associated with it ! The left and the right in this country need to drop that issue and lay off the agencies involved ! The money is better spent elsewhere ! As for the addicts , you cannot fix stupid and in many cases you cannot fix mental illness ! Let the families decide what to do with the issue of an addict in the family and if you as an charitable benefactor wish to open your wallet to lend a hand fine but using the force of government to confiscate my earned wealth for your touchy feely do good failures must end ! Show some balls !

  Boat Guy
February 7, 2017 10:49 am

Really boat guy? How about we keep heroin out of the country? That would be what balls would do, not roll over as you suggest.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
February 8, 2017 1:12 am

Drugs are inanimate objects – they attack no one.

A drug epidemic is a symptom, not a cause, of moral decay and hopelessness in a society.

Ending the war on drugs means ending an artificial drag on supply – which means prices plummet and drug barons/capos/whatever lose their lucrative businesses (and power) overnight.

Would there be a short-term spike in usage? Maybe. Probably? But moral decay needs to be addressed head-on.

The ‘War on Drugs’ TM was, and is, a massive attempt by the right to deny the moral decay in our societies. And the opium trade in Afghanistan is sanctioned (i.e. allowed) by the U.S. government. That is moral decay, front and centre. American (and Canadian and British) troops died to protect the opium trade.

  Maple Curtain
February 8, 2017 6:45 am

Word. Crush the cartels in one fell swoop!
Insanity = doing the same war for decades expecting to make a dent

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Maple Curtain
February 9, 2017 9:51 am


All true. The only reason the war rages on is because too many people benefit financially from it. There is a very blurry line between public and private organized crime. But I suppose it has always been that way…

  Maple Curtain
February 9, 2017 10:11 am

Would be in favour of legalizing drugs only as long as taxpayers didn’t have to pay for them. But then folks on welfare would just be going to corner store and blowing all their money on check day on meth or heroin. Then what? Rest of month whoring, stealing and food banks to get by.

All that will be accomplished is that organized crime would get government sanction.

February 9, 2017 10:25 pm

RiNS, saying all these things will happen if drugs are legalized is implying that they don’t all happen NOW when they are illegal. Implying this will be organized crime with govt sanction is stupid too. These things exist underground where there is no protection by the law for misdealings. Alcohol used to be illegal, and its sale was a business of murder and theft. Now that its not illegal, you don’t see the ABC liquor store and the XYZ liquor store on the opposite corners having beef, fighting each other over turf, do you? Its the same thing.

  Maple Curtain
February 9, 2017 6:22 pm

Maple, its also worth remembering that the last time we had such a big heroin epidemic occurred while we were involved in vietnam. hmmm. You’d almost think there was some kind of correlation to us being militarily involved in opium producing countries and heroin epidemics back home.

February 8, 2017 8:26 pm

Nearly sixteen years of occupation is for the purpose, primarily, of funding the CIA/Deep State, off the books, by creating the biggest opium crop in the history of the planet, guarded by the schnookered military volunteers, and our warlord partners–with the added benefit of making unemployed/unemployable young Americans in every small town NGAF about living in Mom’s basement at 30, as long as that good dope is cheaper than oxy….
The yet to start TAP gas pipeline war justification was just a red herring.

February 9, 2017 6:25 pm

Soldiers are guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan, and since 90% of the worlds opium apparently comes from afghanistan, its a fair bet to say a lot of it ends up the big pharma’s opium based pain killers, like oxy. SO the soldiers protect the opium crops, at US taxpayer expense. Then, when they get wounded, they get shipped home, and the VA hands those pills out like candy. They end up addicted to them, and big pharma has customers for life. EVERYONE WINS!

February 7, 2017 8:14 am

Calvera (Eli Wallach): “New walls! They won’t keep me out.”

Chris (Yul Brenner): “They were built to keep you in.”

The Magnificent Seven, 1960

February 7, 2017 8:26 am

“Trump shredded its shibboleths, existentially embarrassing the eunuchs, revealing them as purveyors of puerile pap. ”
Pure gold……..

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
February 7, 2017 11:32 am

Truth be told, the entire essay was one of your more stylistic.

I can always tell when you are writing about something that comes from deeper within your ‘well’, something that you feel passionate about. This was definitely one of them and is another that deserves to be read far and wide. Well done Robert.

  Robert Gore
February 9, 2017 6:27 pm

I was particularly fond of “enfeebled gerontocracy”. As much as I read, its not often I find a new word, but gerontocracy was a new one for me. Well done.

February 7, 2017 8:49 am

Japan and Germany learned after WW2, it is easier to let someone else provide your military defense and concentrate on taking over the world through Economic and financial (business) tactics.
China has seen the benefit of doing things this way, too. Granted, they still have a big sabre to rattle but where does all Wallmart’s merchandise come from? Not to mention Harbor Freight aka Chinese Hardware?
Do you think President Putin’s military industrial complex isn’t soiling itself just as President Trump’s is doing?
Gentlemen working out trade and co-operation allowing more money to flow to the citizenry than to the elites?
Let’s try paying down our debt rather than wasting more money on aircraft carriers and aircraft that cost 20 times more than projected and never work properly after all is said and done?
Let’s bring home our military and place them on the border to enforce the laws already in place rather than build a wall no one will be required to pay for? As their enlistments run out, hire the best suited for the border patrol and ICE.
I’d love to be able to go to Russia as a tourist. Cuba, too. I believe they both could soon be new places to invest and do business. I guess we’ll see…

February 7, 2017 10:11 am

Let’s NOT pay down our debt. Let’s restructure it and default on the TBTF banks and then return to sound money…

February 7, 2017 10:56 am

Dude, you’ve been able to go to Russia as a tourist for decades. You can also go to Cuba quite easily. The Cuban authorities stamp a piece of paper and you keep it in your passport while you are there. There are direct flights from Key West. They simply call them charters, even though they are regularly scheduled.

Philip Arlington
Philip Arlington
February 7, 2017 8:54 am

Many people may be on the side of Michael Corleone, but I regard The Godfather series as a deeply dishonest and manipulative misrepresentation and simplification of a complex moral situation which demoralises Americans of the better kind, or perhaps I should say the less bad kind. (I am not American myself.) There has never been a real mafia don with anywhere near as many impressive qualities as Michael Corleone. He is a propaganda tool against the idea that responsible power can exist, but it has existed in many times and places, in the U.S. and elsewhere.

  Philip Arlington
February 7, 2017 9:34 am

Responsible power does not exist, if you think otherwise then you are being conned.

The only way for a nation to survive and thrive is if the government and its power is limited and its the individuals who are responsible for their own damned lives.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 7, 2017 9:13 am

This was one of your best.

“…the neutered reflexively resent the testicled.”

That’s a great line on several levels; meter, rhythm, and truth.

And Eunuchville? Comedy gold. I will be using that one.

February 7, 2017 9:43 am
February 8, 2017 6:52 am

Hillary who?

where's my future?
where's my future?
February 7, 2017 9:55 am

that’s why when the shooting starts, those fighting FOR something and defending their soil,will win. Paid mercs have no skin in the game and will fold quickly.

February 7, 2017 10:13 am

I would much rather have a president with brains then balls. One that politically aligns with most at TBP, but just not the biggest buffoon in all mankind. Every word out of his mouth, from sentence to sentence, is nonsense. These confirmation bias article’s are getting real tiresome. I voted for Trump (against Hillary) with the hope that he would tone down the clown act and get smart. As each day passes, the sicker I get I voted for him. The only good Trump can do as each day passes is trigger the black swan event waiting in the shadows. Hopefully it will only crash the stock market and not the world as we know it. The click after the submit button will be the delete of TBP link. Waste of time! I’ll just have to get my dose of JQ’s articles some other way.

February 7, 2017 10:45 am

Looks like Banana is missing her some nuance. Good fucking riddance.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 7, 2017 12:01 pm

Thanks for all the years of input, you will be sorely missed.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 8, 2017 9:30 am

HSF, Thanks so much for the laugh of the day!!


Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
February 8, 2017 1:16 am

Tone police – junior high hall monitor – go away and let the adults discuss politics and culture.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 7, 2017 11:01 am

Tulsi Gabbard can’t be the woman to lead the democrat party because Michael Moore is the woman leading the democrat party.

  Iska Waran
February 8, 2017 6:57 am

Iska, I thought Michael Moore was the Jabba the Hutt of some planet in another part of the universe! But Tulsi, while blessed with some common sense, won’t survive a diseased party. She should join the Trump train instead. Notice I didn’t say ‘join the Republicans.’ I am still pissed at them too, especially with the acts by RINO’s.

February 7, 2017 11:11 am

Your writing style and your commentary are very clever. We/I
always enjoy your remarks! And Eunochville is priceless.

I have been reading about men and their wish list for their women.
Some are obvious and important, but the laugh line = “talk 80%
less.” I for one would love it if the vast majority of women would
exist all things political. Sure, a comment/opinion is not a problem,
but the sweeping proclamations and bids for control would best be
Banana, how about testosterone and brains?

February 7, 2017 12:07 pm

Banana Cassandra…you are not alone
stick around just a short time and you can say I told you so.
Balls without brains or a conscience is quite a liabilty
If the author of this article was an alpha male he would get it…and stop being so submissive

  Robert Gore
February 7, 2017 3:55 pm

A Great reply RG.

I would like to add… Faustian bargain flea market ….to my repertoire.

It provides a great image of swamp that is Washington. Would also add that the comments by banana and anon are a bit offside. But that’s their problem. Trump is doing what needs doing. Now he is going to stumble but part of the charm and what got him elected was his lack of subtlety. I can’t understand why people were hoping he would change once elected.

His unpredictability is what his opposition fears. He can in 140 characters or less kill a few prostitutes and get somebody else to pay for it. To the untrained eye it is erratic and undiplomatic but the madness does have a method. Makes sense once the whole show is seen thru the persuasion and bias lens as outlined in several articles by Scott Adams.

Besides if you are going to take on a Sen. Pat Geary best dispense with civility. You don’t stick your hand in the mouth of an alligator. You shoot it between the eyes.

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February 7, 2017 1:32 pm

Mr. Gore,
I openly admit I have not read many or your articles…
My understanding of one of the definitions of “having balls”, is taking unnessary risks with high stakes with a small chance of success, which is really cool if you are Evil Knievel, however if you are the leader of the free world that is really bad judgement, and quite dangerous.

Would you rather fly with a pilot that is careful and cautious or a pilot with really big balls?

To that end I remain got me there

February 8, 2017 12:57 am

Dualism. Why not both? Balls and brains. The two are not mutually exclusive. As for an airline pilot with both I nominate Sully (have you see that film by Clint Eastwood?). That guy had balls alright but he also had the experience of 40 yrs flying which translated into an intuitive understanding of a very exceptional situation, and he acted according and save every single life on that plane.

February 8, 2017 6:52 am

Balls lead, the Brains will follow.

February 8, 2017 7:13 am

While acknowledging there is more than one definition of “having balls” of course you would pick the one most denigrating to our new President. You have unmasked yourself for the pussy that you are. I like to think of “having balls” more in the vein of the saying that “Courage doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. It means you go anyway.” It means you stand up to the bad guys, the bullies of the world who have had their way previously because no one would take them on. Hiding or appeasing them does not make anyone safe. I guess Chamberlain must be one of your heroes.
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February 7, 2017 3:06 pm

I thoroughly enjoyed your balls and Eunichville analysis.
Thanks for pointing out a pretty little thing like Tulsi can be ballsy, too.

Regarding the Banana lady, why is it that so few women hang around here?

February 7, 2017 3:54 pm


I hang around TBP as a mostly silent learner of all that is offered from the articles and comments.

I imagine I may not be the only woman who rarely comments…

Robert Gore,

You knocked this piece out of the ballpark – a writer extraordinaire!

Huevos Azules
Huevos Azules
February 7, 2017 3:53 pm

Living around Portland, Oregon most of the men reside in “Eunuchville” in the sincere hopes of getting laid or keeping the domestic “piece”. As for me, my balls are blue. Great article. Thanks.

February 7, 2017 4:16 pm

You and Banana lady need a glass stomach so you can see where you are going.
Writing your own definitions of balls does not make you right or cool.
I have read most of his articles and the man has balls to say what he says, and as a direct byproduct of that a sense of humor. Something you and bananas sorely lack. How much is Soros paying you two for trolling?

February 7, 2017 9:37 pm

Good piece! President Trump should try to find a place for Tulsi Gabbard in his admin. He should at least have an audience with her and listen to what she learned about the scene in Syria. Much different than the propaganda.

February 9, 2017 1:24 am

Thought I’d chime in once the comments slowed down. I was hoping to get enough thumbs down so my comment disappears from view. I thought Mr. Gore would say something and he didn’t. Mr. Gore I really do like your writing, and you seem to be quite cordial. I just don’t like when an article somehow correlates something good with Trump. Like nickelthrower. Oh my god, I’ve been playing chess since I was 8 years old. Mr Niclethrower is not a chess player. He makes it sound like he knows the game and then ties it to Trump. My kids wrote better essays in junior high. I read something today where Trump said he was going to destroy the career of a Texas senator because he was trying to pass legislation to stop unwarranted civil asset forfeiture. Something most reasonable people would agree has gotten out of hand. Here’s a man(Trump) who says he’s going to destroy another man’s career because of a disagreement. By the way Flash, the Air Force One wouldn’t fly with those balls hanging on its tail. And finally, Cassandra is a rhetorical device to indicate someone whose accurate prophecies are not believed by those around them (from wiki). A banana is a synonym for penis. Not one that I would normally use, but it seemed to rhyme with Cassandra. That is right, I am a Casandra with a penis. No I’m not a transvestite or transgender, just a guy who thinks he knows something about the future that others don’t. Oil depletion will be a bitch, regardless of whose balls are in the white house.

February 9, 2017 11:54 am

Not much else I can add but I just got through watching ” The Battle of Saipan ” Saipan Documentary .If you want to see physical and Moral courage watch it .Only 45 mins.

Another I watched was “the Battle of Peleliue ” You can see both on YouTube.Only 45 mins. Hard relentless combat.

February 9, 2017 1:36 pm

Thanks for proving my point.
It’s obvious you have great big balls (calling me a pussy) and absolutely no brains saying that trump is going to stand up to the bullies of the world when if fact his history is replete with serial bullying .
The post about captain Sully absolutely hits the mark

February 9, 2017 3:48 pm

I thought it was a great piece. I watched the election process pan out with much cynicism. The right throws up trash like Bush Rubio and the same old ilk and everyone bellered that Trump had no chance at all. Well here we sit, the things he wanted to do makes people that were looking for miracles for decades found him saying what needed to be said a long time ago. Homeschoolers can believe in someone that would consider DeVoss over education Kennedy over vaccinations and the anti global warming guy. Sound too good to be true?? Yes this is playing out nicely! Hey, there is a worldwide war against christians, and he acknowledges them too. If I remain skeptical I will blame it on reading too much. I actually watched him at inauguration expecting to watch a bullet or J-dam any minute, and nothing happened at all. Media will scream no matter what he does and the negative coverage is designed to make snowflakes holler about the people that could think of supporting such policies. All the things clinton and Co. supported Trump is now shedding light to. We the real people don’t want no dam village. Is the it gonna hit the fan before any of these things get done? I do agree it takes great mental fortitude to try these things, but little “h” made a career out of lying and murder, and a portion of the country wants her for Pres. I stand in awe of putting people in charge of their own govt. It seems STANDING ROCK is picking up steam again, and a silent media. Little “o” put everything together for total control. If the paid protesters can get snowflakes to get martial kicked in, who will get beatdown first, and who will be pissed off the most. Divide and conquer hasn’t left the scene and hollywood has been in the Whitehouse before.

Afghanistan was mentioned, The Taliban had opium almost run out until the war on Terror kicked in and the opium coming out of there is astronomical now No border security has made Drug traffic skyrocket, less drug seizures means the price goes down. The massive numbers of people on narcotics prescriptions getting cut the last several years means potential addicts are going to be on the rise.
I admire, and respect the way you handled criticism and once again I thought it was a great article

February 9, 2017 6:37 pm

Thanks for bringing up the Taliban nearly wiping out opium. Thanks to U.S. Army protection and transport its bigger than ever now. People roll their eyes when I try to tell them about it.
You are the only other one I have seen mention it online in the comments section. Its about as welcome in Faux-ConVille as 911 truthers and leprosy.

February 10, 2017 1:13 pm

Robert…thanks for your contributions .

Trump has the balls alright…and the brains . He beat the crap outta’ the 18 RINO clowns in the primary and then proceeded to do it his way again by grinding the Hildabeast into political oblivion with her own mendacious past . Don’t tell me he has no brains after those two wins .

I love the fact that he scares the crap out of people . He’s like the guy holding a hand grenade,pin pulled, who’ll get his way, or destroy everyone including himself..and in truth he doesn’t care. That’s the reason that folks will give in to him in the end.

I think a better reference may be Carilto’s Way…everyone wants Trump to be more “Presidential” but like Carlito…his past is the cornerstone of who he is.

As a side note my dad worked on the first two Godfather movies. He played cards with Pacino and others from the set on a regular basis during both films. My brother was going to work on “Heat” which had Pacino in it. My dad found out and asked him to tell Pacino he said hello . My brother talked to Pacino and gave him my dad’s message.

He asked my brother who was his dad? He told him…Big Mo ( my dad was 6’5″ and 325 pounds ) . He replied,”Holy crap..Big Mo’s your dad “…” Tell that over-grown bastard he still owes me twenty bucks from the last card game .