“As ye sow…”

Our deranged world is a product of deranged minds.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Philosophy begins with invariably difficult questions. Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Is there a god or gods? What is right and what is wrong? How should groups of people be organized and function together? Ironically, when such questions are infrequently asked, when philosophy is generally ignored or disparaged, as it is now, is when it’s needed the most.

Political philosophy is the branch that addresses the question of how coercive power is to be distributed in a society. It’s a knotty issue, but one question provides clarification, enabling further analysis and leading to useful conclusions. Who owns a political unit’s resources? This question differentiates between governments that protect individual rights and property and those that don’t. It also highlights a key problem: on planet earth, every government falls into the latter category.





The United States’ founding documents pay tribute to individual rights and private properly. Some of the founders may have thought they were establishing a government subordinated to protection of individual rights, which would have been an historical first. However, none thought such a government would be easy to maintain, and their fears were borne out. The US government places prominently on the inglorious list of governments claiming ownership over everything within their dominion, defined as any place where they can exercise their coercive power.

To those who say the institution of inviolate private property still exists in the US, what asset can the US government not seize? The income tax gives it first claim on income. No real estate is exempt from eminent domain. Intellectual property claims are at the sufferance of the patent, trademark, and copyright authorities. Financial assets held within the banking system can be “bailed in,” and plans are afoot to ban cash. The already extensive range of assets subjected to civil asset forfeiture continues to expand. More ominously, assets can be seized from parties never adjudicated guilty. Conscription grants to the government the lives of the conscripted. The US government is no exception to the general rule, nothing is inviolate expect perhaps a person’s thoughts, and undoubtedly it’s working on that.

Individuals who assert the right to initiate aggression against whomever they choose are philosophically unhinged, candidates for an asylum or a penitentiary. Rejecting the first principle that must guide human interaction—that no one may rightfully initiate force against another person—such individuals have no rational foundation for their thoughts or actions. The “garbage in” of their philosophical premises produces “garbage out” emotional states, mental processes, and ultimately, lives. Having abandoned reason for coercion and violence, reality becomes a chaotic, incomprehensible void.

Governments’ coercive power allow them to take: might makes right. A philosophy that recognized a right of some individuals to steal from others fails on first principles; there is no logical distinction possible between the privileged and the subjugated. Does the aggregation of individuals into a unit which calling itself a government give them a right which none of them have individually? One could say that the aggregate was for the protection of its constituents’ persons, property, and rights, but a government so limited is acting as their constituents’ subordinate agent, exercising and enhancing their right of self-defense. Efforts have been made, notably the American experiment, but no government has ever been restricted in this manner.

No matter its guiding “ism,” every government has granted itself the power to initiate violence against its citizens. Just because the ruling agglomerate asserts this privilege doesn’t render it philosophically valid. What it does is legitimate the initiation of violence for any and all causes—domestic and foreign—the government deems proper.

Having violated the first principle of nonaggression, nothing can stop that philosophical default from trickling down to the subject population. The ragged thief who holds up a liquor store lacks the polish and articulation of the politician who asserts the government’s first claim on a nation’s production, the central banker who depreciates its currency, or the general bent on global dominance who wages offensive wars, but philosophically they’re soul mates. In fact, the thief has a moral one up on the others: he doesn’t claim to be protecting the values he destroys.

Millions have decried the violence that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking at the University of California at Berkeley, just as millions on the other side decried mostly illusory violence among Trump supporters during the campaign. However, not one in a thousand of those denouncing the violence as violations of fundamental civil liberties denounce the daily violations of fundamental liberties visited upon them by their own government. America’s corruption is so complete that those who insist that they are not fodder for the government, that their lives are their own, and that the only proper government is one subordinated to the protection of their individual rights—and maintain positions consistent with those principles—could hold a convention and not fill a high-school gym.

This small group is the victim of a terrifying pincer movement from above and below. When a society abandons itself to violence, “legal” and otherwise, it abandons itself to mindless irrationality driven by hate and antipathy towards every positive value. Violence is not a means to any end other than destruction and death; violence itself is the end. Humanity has been fed the same tripe for centuries: noble ends justify evil means. Violation of the first principle—the stricture against initiated aggression—bars consideration of the purported ends. A “discussion” with a gun is no discussion. Violence exercised in self-defense protects positive values, but when violence is initiated, destruction, death, and the depraved pleasure of loathsome minds are its only ends.

An individual who claims by word or deed the right to initiate violence—and the consequent rights to subjugate, injure, and kill—is a rabid, deranged, and dangerous animal. A government that asserts that right is a pack. In self-defense, the virtuous, if they are to protect their liberty, rights, and lives, must quarantine or kill the rabid. A necessary corollary of the stricture against initiated aggression is that we have the right to use all means necessary to defend ourselves from it—with pity, perhaps, but no remorse.

The chaos, the terror, of our deteriorating world is a true and faithful reflection of souls abandoned to hate. The free mind and its methods—intrepid curiosity, truth, and logic—stand as their ultimate enemy. If those who would oppose this destruction and death abandon their souls, they become the mindless evil they opposed. Those who defend their rights, values, and lives without surrendering their morality will rebuild from the rubble the kind of world in which they deserve to live. They will do so unobstructed—hate inevitably leads to its own destruction.

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February 11, 2017 3:09 pm

Wow. I saw that dog in my bathroom mirror this morning when I woke up.

February 11, 2017 3:19 pm

“nothing is inviolate except perhaps a persons thoughts” Predictive policing is convicting folks of thought crime daily, they think they can read your mind already. A tinfoil hat may actually be in order for when they really can, lol.

February 11, 2017 7:53 pm

Cool, I will start working on a tinfoil hat to go with my anti-facial recognition disguise 🙂

February 11, 2017 3:25 pm

That’s what my German Shepherds look like when a deranged person come down my driveway. Comforting.

February 11, 2017 10:25 pm

Nice doggie. SIT, motherfucker. SIT

February 12, 2017 10:05 am

My sweet, loving 10 month old german shepherd puppy ( who still thinks he is a lap dog) turned into a similar, ravenous beast when some solicitors knocked on my door to offer tree-trimming services.
It is comforting–and quite amusing to see grown men stumble backwards off of my porch and beg me not to open the screen door.

February 11, 2017 3:27 pm

This nation has committed the most grievous sin second only to Satan . America has rejected the one true God and the Christian principles upon which it was founded.This has been lead by a hostile elite who hates God and traditional Christian Americans.This nation is going to burn and die like no other in history .God guarantees this.Nothing will save America except national repentance but the elite and their media lackies will never allow this.During the peak of the 4th turning a hurricane of violence is going to strike our country .The government will declare martial law.We will be reduced to a third world cesspool of poverty and hate with everyone blaming everyone else . Diversity is where nation’s come to die.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 12, 2017 12:21 am

Evidently, you have studied this matter in depth. I take it then, that diversity is the unpardonable sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. Thank goodness the Europeans arrived just in time to stop the diversity shenanigans in the new world. We must hurry on to Mars and beyond. No telling if they are in the process of screwing up their lives with Arcturian pussy.

February 12, 2017 1:15 pm

Damn, I hate it when you tell it like it is………… (sarcasm)

February 11, 2017 3:28 pm

Govt is about control. Always has been. Always will be. The only way to avoid that is to have a population willing and capable of controlling themselves which is why Libertarianism will never be anything more than an ideal of the minority.

February 11, 2017 3:37 pm

Indent Service ,if what you said is true one can only wonder why your wife hasn’t put you down by now . Meathead.

February 11, 2017 6:13 pm


Just when I thought no one was lower than Ashley Jude you went and proved me wrong.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 11, 2017 9:55 pm

Fergus, you do not understand the animosity between BB and Indentured, neither do I.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
February 11, 2017 4:18 pm

Of course you know Bionic Mosquito. If by some small chance you don’t, Google him. You’re soul brothers. (As I am)

February 11, 2017 4:52 pm

Doomed, we’re domed, I tell you. Robert seems to indicate that there is no hope or way out.

For many a year I have said that we (about 50 million of us conservatives) need to pull our resources, buy a country, leave this one in peace, and start all over again with a new & improved Constitution. It will need to define & identify a large number of things, like: what is is, family, individual rights, government limitations, exclude Islam/Muslims, etc. With luck, it may be good for a couple or 3 hundred years; then a new one can be made learning from the bones of the last.

February 12, 2017 10:09 am

Sadly, unless Antarctica thaws, there is nowhere left to escape to. It is time to stand firm and reclaim the heritage, culture and nation that our fathers built and died for–no more running.

February 11, 2017 7:02 pm

Too much doom porn. The world won’t end anytime soon as long as we don’t blow ourselves up in nuclear war. If we had a civil war, the United States might break up into different countries though.

Miles Long
Miles Long
February 11, 2017 7:49 pm

In a perfect world, yes. We live in an imperfect world & it seems to be getting more screwed up daily. I fear there may come a time sooner than later where personal action will be needed. Not that I struggle with bloodthirsty thoughts of violence for no reason, but maybe the NAP’s line needs to be rethunk. We take the high road, they take the low road, & they’ve been getting to Scotland before us. When do results become more important than principle?

“Violation of the first principle—the stricture against initiated aggression—bars consideration of the purported ends.”
What about the idea that the best defense is a good offense? The other guys are unencumbered by rules which is a serious disadvantage for us. You know it’s coming… sometime. The side that strikes first could permanently negate its opponent from the get-go. Isn’t it better to be the hammer than the nail?

“A “discussion” with a gun is no discussion. ”
It sure is more respectful if both of us are packin’.

Devil’s advocate here, because I struggle sometimes with the finer points of philosophy & my knees start to jerkin’. You know the type, I’m older, I’m tired, get off my lawn. I imagine that if a child was disciplined for stepping over acceptable limits when young, he wouldn’t be playing the knock-out game today. When I was very small (3 or 4?) a friend punched me in the face because I threw a rock at him. It connected with his noggin & hurt I’m guessing. I didn’t know/think/realize that was a bad idea at the time, nobody had given me the memo yet, I was playing. Quick & easy lesson. I’m not quite sure what I had for dinner on Thursday but still, after all those years, I dont throw rocks at people… there may be a proverb in there somewhere.

There’s no Saint before my name. When is patience & tolerance done? Does a grown-up need to take these insufferable riotous twats who are out of control out back & kick the ever-lovin’ shit out of them? Yes kids, there are consequences for being a jerk… even if you didn’t know better. Heh, now you know. Knowledge brings responsibility to do better rather than just accountability for what you’ve done, but again we lapse into that perfect world.

Is it too late for that lesson? Are the same thoughts & actions valid going back up the scale? Do cops who abuse their authority go to jail & pay huge fines like the rest of us would for flash-banging an infant in the wrong house? Does Uncle, somehow, need to be taken behind the woodshed? Do the puppet masters need to swing from lamp posts? The loss of freedom has been incremental. The death from 1000 cuts. What or when will be that straw that breaks our backs?

  Miles Long
February 11, 2017 8:48 pm

Thumbs up for being grumpy and cantankerous , “get off my lawn” lol

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Robert Gore
February 12, 2017 5:31 pm

Hi Robert,

I wrote that on not much sleep for a few days. Maybe I should hide the keyboard when I get that way. The quotes I used confused me a bit as to their context, but re-reading the article today after sleeping some helped.

Thanks for the article & your comment, & no I didn’t get the feeling you were preaching passivity. It was my internal yin/yang thing coming out for all to see about maybe being more proactive rather than always being reactive.

February 11, 2017 10:23 pm

Fergus , Ashely Judd is a leftist whoremoger .I am a gentleman’s gentlemen.My beef with Indent Service is he’s a cat hater of the most worrisome kind.I think he would commit cat genocide if we allow him.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 11, 2017 10:37 pm

BB, cats are seriously reducing the bird population, what about that genocide, big boy?
I have two queens and a tom. They tried to sneak up on my fake parrots. Idiots.

  EL Coyote
February 12, 2017 4:57 pm

Our cats have never attacked a bird and will never. They don’t even kill the mice in the house, just play with them a little.

Christopher Hardt
Christopher Hardt
February 11, 2017 11:18 pm

Thank you Robert for a well written and thought provoking article. The final paragraph was particularly weighty. Indeed this mortal existence seems to be one balanced on the razors edge of good and evil, light and dark, and it is our natural animal instinct to respond to hate with hate, evil with evil – in repetitive cycles. I am personally wrestling with the concept of how I might “be the light” and stand against darkness with the powerful forces of good. However, lest you think of me as an inept pacifist, I take my AR15 out regularly so in the terrible event it must be used, it will. However, back to the light. My personal mantra is: In times of Darkness let me be the light. Only light can defeat the darkness.

February 12, 2017 12:09 am

Timely coincidence – this piece here, Z’s at his blog, Dystopic at his, and Porretto at his. I wonder if your 4 got together this morning and planned this out. This is great stuff! Check out the other three! Perfect timing for an otherwise slow Saturday/

Pax – jb

February 12, 2017 10:18 am

What a powerful essay RG. You raise some very important questions. And by important, I literally mean life and death important . After all, isn’t that what we strive to achieve; a balance between what freedoms we are willing to sacrifice in exchange for life ? Man, in order to survive as a species must live and work as a collective. And that’s the Catch 22. Sans government, tribe, collective, the individual man has no hope of withstanding the nefarious forces of organized conquer, and control, yet those we entrust with our security and wealth inevitably become our slave masters.

“The Ninth Law is No Law
The are no laws and there are no Rule. All is division by zero.
No guarantees, absolutes, or laws are permanent and eternal in the world of men, and the dark world has never taken notice of laws.
At the end of things , an enlightened acceptance ultimately arrives at the understanding there are no laws.
Laws are simply mental formations of human imagination , and not explicit commands of God underlying the concrete foundations of the universe. ”

Not my words, but those of Ivan Throne.

Laws are created by men thus can be torn asunder, ignored or used to violate the very flesh of the individual man. Obviously, Franklin knew this well. After emerging on the last day of the meetings with the Continental Congress at Independence Hall he was asked what sort of government are We the People to have. He replied ” a Republic if you can keep it.” And, therein lies the eternal dilemma. What sort of government are we to have? Are We the People, enmeshed in petty hedonism, stripped of courage and blinded by complacency now beyond the point of saving ourselves , much less our nation?
Time will tell. But as history will attest, no empire is forever, especially one as divided by race, culture and tradition as our current multicultural and diverse faux Republic.

“Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.” Aristotle

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“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”― Benjamin Franklin

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t bone
t bone
February 12, 2017 12:16 pm

Mr. Gore,
Excellent article…can’t believe you are same guy that wrote the “balls” piece.
This article speaks to principles and morality and a careful contemplation of the facts, whereas the other article merely states that bravado is everything absent any logic or forethought.
How do you reconcile the two?
did I miss something?

February 12, 2017 2:47 pm

history is a hard pill to take all things change but stay the same

February 12, 2017 7:41 pm

Mr. Gore,
That was a rousing article. Full to the brim.
Consider Trump has more enemies than friends…and new
enemies via paid thugs. Is it the fear of smashed rice bowls?
Some are saying the bad guys are so entrenched they will
double down/never retreat. Too much money is at stake.
I hope those “some” are wrong, and that there is some big
$$$$ on President Trump’s side as well.
Thanks for writing.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
February 13, 2017 11:36 am

Now that I’ve rejected my prior anarchist-libertarian naivete, I now see that from the communism of the USSR (which outlived Mises, lasting almost 70 years after his irrefutable proof of the impossibility of economic calculation under socialism) to the last 50+ years of unhinged Utopianism in Western countries, I see one thing:

Humanity always exists in one fad or another.

There is no “bedrock” to which we’ll repair once this long delusion is past. The notion that mankind will eventually arrive at a stable, rational, reason-based society is just one more teleological Utopian fantasy.

It’s fads. It’s fads, all the way down.