We Need A Tom Doniphon

Guest Post by The Zman

Recently, the nation’s cat ladies have been asking the rest of us, “Aren’t you afraid that Trump is going to become a dictator and start bullying journalists and judges just to get his way?” Of course we’re all suppose to start from the premise that Trump is Hitler reborn and just looking for a reason to impose martial law. The fact that Trump has assiduously adhered to the rules of the game to this point is just proof that he is Hitler. After all, Hitler won an election too and we all know how that worked out.

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My answer to that query is, “No, I’m not afraid Trump will do all those things. I’m afraid he won’t do those things.” For the last three decades, probably longer, the guys allegedly on the side of the rest of us, have been obsessed with playing by the rules. The thing I don’t fear is that Trump will “go too far” or fail to respect the rules of the game. I don’t care about those rules anymore. Those rules are the bars of the cage. What we don’t need now is a guy obsessed with procedure. We need a guy willing to break the rules.

We have reached a point where it is heads they win, tails we lose. The game has been rigged to make reforming the system within the rules an impossibility. When a majority of the people favor a policy that the managerial class opposes, the policy gets hamstrung by the rules of the game. All of a sudden, the process is sacred. When the managerial class wants something for their masters, they change the rules so it either flies through or simply happens without anyone noticing. The process is not all that important.

All the blather about America being a nation of laws is just cover for the fact that ours is a lawless nation ruled by lawless men. An obvious example is the Ninth Circuit judges, who have fabricated a legal justification for throwing sand in the gears of a wildly popular executive order issued by President Trump. These are not men enforcing the law or respecting the laws. These are men who hold the law in contempt. All that matters to them is obedience to the weird secular cult we have come to call Progressivism.

If what it takes to break the stranglehold this cult has on society is a dictator willing to toss a few judges from a helicopter, then sign me up for dictatorship. I’d much prefer to live in a society where me and my neighbors meet once a month to govern ourselves and our community, but that’s not on offer. What is on offer now is the post-modern theocracy that uses the corrupted and degraded tools of 18th century liberalism to maintain its grip on society. Squads of government men rounding these people up in the middle of the night sounds pretty good right now.

Totalitarians attempt to change the world and human nature, by controlling all aspects of society, including the granular aspects of the political system. It’s what makes reform impossible as we are quickly seeing with the opposition to Trump’s policies. It’s not that they object, on policy grounds, to the very mild reforms that are being proposed. What is at issue is the very concept of the all encompassing world state. To permit reform is to permit questioning and that can never be tolerated.

The only way to break the totalitarian stranglehold may be with a an authoritarian willing to bust down doors and crack some heads. Authoritarianism is only concerned with political power and as long as that is not contested it gives society a certain degree of liberty. You can still have judges falling out of helicopters as we saw with Pinochet, but the people can still go about their lives, free from the hectoring of secular fanatics living off the tax payers. Trump ordering the execution of the 9th Circuit is not ideal, but it beats the hell out of being ruled by angry lunatics from San Francisco.

The main argument against personal rule is that the person eventually dies. Then you have to hope the next guy is not crazy or dangerous. That’s also an upside to authoritarianism. Trump is not going to live forever. What follows is not likely to be another authoritarian. Pinochet eventually gave way to a form of self-government. The reason Chile did not suffer the same fate as Venezuela or Argentina is that Pinochet had most of the secular fanatics shot and tossed into a pit. As a result, Chile came out of the other end of the Pinochet years looking pretty good.

America is headed for a bad end unless things change quickly and radically. The suicide cult that has control of our society is not going to stop until we’re all dead. At some point, you have to use every means necessary to prevent a catastrophe. If that means Lindsay Graham winds up in pit covered in lime, so be it. If Bill Kristol has to write his tantrums from exile in Israel, I can live with that. In order to have a world run by Senator Ranse Stoddard, you first need a Tom Doniphon to do the dirty work of clearing out  Liberty Valance.

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February 12, 2017 8:50 am

It’s a fight to the death and for over a 100 years only one side has known that. The best result of this past national election and subsequent rioting has been the eyeopening. It’s impossible not to know that sane, hard working people have been fucked by both parties.

We see this play out every day now against Trump. He was elected because of his agenda and all this obstruction & hysteria, from both sides, only serves to better make our case.

Zman’s point about Chile and how they got past Pinochet stepping down is dead on. I read today how the DC bureaucrats are openly planning to sabotage Trump’s change of course. That’s the way it always has been when a Repub is elected. Just lie in wait for a few years and when administrations change, as they always do, it’s petal to the metal time again.

Trump certainly recognizes this. No judges are going to take helicopter rides, at least in the foreseeable future. OTOH, we all know if REgressives were in power and had their way, it’d be cattle cars and camps.

Somethings out of whack here. We need Sun Tzu AND Tom Doniphan.

February 12, 2017 9:24 am

There are so many things wrong with this, I’m not sure where to start. First of all you don’t cure burns by jumping in a fire. The Tree of Liberty is not grown by cutting it down either. While I can understand the desire to stamp out the hate filled insanity directed at a group of people that have, by and large, left behind all reason, I am totally opposed to replacing it with less freedom.

It is all well and good when they are dragging out the people you don’t like, but when Sauron turns his gaze on you what then? Here’s the deal: if you don’t like the rules, get rid of the rules that don’t make any sense or change them. Even in my most ideologically libertarian core I recognize that there is no way to live around a group of people without having some way to resolve disputes and deal with things like aggressive violence. That means there will always be some rules when people congregate into a society.

Clearly we have too many, they are deceitful, they serve higher masters at the expense of the common citizen, and now they combine to create and preserve an evil entity (our government). I’m altogether fine with destroying the existing order and replacing it with smaller, less powerful, more local and more accountable replacements. I think this will happen in the form of a balkanized breakdown into smaller countries. I think that is best-case. I don’t think the existing order can be fixed.

Wishing for a King on top of the midden is the insanity of wishful thinking every bit as disconnected from reality and history as the result purple haired cat-women desire. I guess it isn’t too surprising though. When you look at the history of the 1850s it was much the same. It was a total breakdown in the ability of one camp to dialog with the other. In that time it was largely geographical. Today the biggest divide lies between urban and rural. If the first was a mess this time around it won’t just be the soldiers getting massacred on the 21st century version of Antietam; it will be whole cities devouring themselves as the support structures supported by the rural population breaks apart. But don’t forget the urban population controls the big money, big weapons, and the horde of locusts let loose from the cities will consume and destroy much before they consume themselves.

The parallel between Hitler here is disturbing. Germany was sick and tired of the failed government and they wanted someone to step in and “take care” of everything. Here you are spouting the same mindless abdication of your own responsibility for your own life. “Let’s get someone in here to make it the way I want, and who the fuck cares who gets killed in the process. If they don’t agree with me then they should get the fuck out or die.” Did I sum it up for you correctly?

Insanity + Insanity = Insanity^2

February 12, 2017 5:18 pm

Just trun the other cheek when they push you in the oven. You’ll be a better man for it.

February 12, 2017 9:35 am

Best answer to that cat lady’s question would be as evil a grin as you can muster and the answer “Oh, I hope so!”.

February 12, 2017 10:00 am

Sonic, I have to agree with your point of view. Sometimes, when I see some stupid on the MSM, or some march by rolling thunder thighs cat ladies, or some blather by John McWar, I have a mental temper tantrum and dream of Trump just rounding all of these asshats up and dropping them in some pit or island somewhere to let them eat each other. Then, common sense kicks in, and I realize that what you say above is eventually what happens when people don’t “check themselves” when they feel that way.
Hitler was extremely popular in Germany, and the economy improved greatly, the problem was that little issue with extracting human beings the regime thought were “the enemy” and summarily executing them in large numbers.
We are, and need to continue being a country of laws. That is where things get easier than a lot of other countries. We have a road map, it is called the US Constitution. And that road-map, if Trump can use it effectively, will allow for change without becoming Nazi Germany. The force that needs to be defeated is the people using ignorance, fear, intimidation and deception against our better judgement. When Hillary was the “presumed winner” I really thought that this country had lost its mind, and the constitution really was a dead document. Then, miraculously (not really if you didn’t pay attention to the MSM liars), Trump won. I believe that the thinking people still out number the “obese brigade” and snowflakes, however because of debt serfdom, some of the smart have to just keep their head low, and nod and smile for the sake of their families. These marches are not made up of the working folks, they are by and large the dregs of Wal Mart. People that the thinking man looks at and know they live in their parents basements, and know more about naval lint than any useful skill.
The MSM keep acting like we the deplorables are in the minority. I disagree, we just are low to the ground and strategic, because we have skin in the game. The media only covers the loud, and those that have nothing to lose. Looking at the rise of popular sites like Zerohedge, TBP, and various other news sources vs. the sagging rating of MSM, and acceleration of adoption rates of Roku, vs. cable, I suspect that the shift is unseen. There are hints, even on MSM sites. I saw a poll on MSN.com the other day asking about whether people supported Trumps ban on immigrants. Right under an article from the NY Times, decrying how “racist” it was, the poll was at 57% vs 43%, in FAVOR of the ban. Yet, I am supposed to believe that “everyone” is apposed to it because the “news” tells me so….please.
Nature is self correcting, and I believe that correction is in progress, we just don’t see it on the surface. Think about the fact that noone knew the USSR was collapsing until there was a checkpoint in Berlin that all of sudden got mobbed, and the guards did nothing to stop it.

February 12, 2017 5:20 pm

Yes it self corrected in Germany, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Cambodia……..

Just sing Kumbaya, kumbaya….

February 12, 2017 10:32 am

Sorry Sonic, liberalism is dead. It died in the Whiskey Rebellion. The law is what the man with the gun says it is, and further, it always has been. The trick is – if we as a culture can survive long enough – to keep power local. In order to both survive as a culture and realize the potential of exercising true self rule on the only scale possible, which is to say, on the local level, we must first recognize that we are in an existential struggle for our culture.

Our house is on fire. We must throw water on the blaze and we must NOT wait for the fire brigade because “principles” or “traditions”. If Trump is handing me a bucket, I don’t care from where he got it, I just want the water.

February 12, 2017 11:31 am

Wait… Insanity + Insanity = 2Insanity not Insanity^2. That would be Insanity x Insanity. Other than that, I agree with sonic. Interesting writing but a bit too hyperbolic for my tastes.

February 12, 2017 8:40 pm

““Thing that got me was not her list of things she hated, since she was obviously crazy as a Cyborg, but fact that always somebody agreed with her prohibitions. Must be a yearning deep in human heart to stop other people from doing as they please. Rules, laws — always for other fellow. A murky part of us, something we had before we came down out of trees, and failed to shuck when we stood up. Because not one of those people said: “Please pass this so that I won’t be able to do something I know I should stop.” Nyet, tovarishchee, was always something they hated to see neighbors doing. Stop them “for their own good” — not because speaker claimed to be harmed by it.” – Robert Heinlein
This is the only sense in which America is still “a nation of laws”. Should you generate enough wealth to be envied, the envious will pass a law to strip you of it – which is the REAL reason for a Constitution that LIMITS the power of government, and stops it from doing MORE evil.

February 12, 2017 11:48 am

The dopey left is playing their hand showing it in the open.. And extolling it as a virtue to all with a confirmation bias likewise.

They didnt even wait for ‘Tax cut for the rich!” To at least claim some sort of ideological difference.

February 12, 2017 12:59 pm

NoSonic , you’ are a Meathead .The German people were tired of a failed government.No ,No and No.The German people were tired of a government allowing central banks to destroy the value of their currency through inflation and debasement . They were tired of a hostile alien elite ( mainly God Damn Jews ) Destroying their economy and culture .These Jews had completed control of the currency , newspapers and other media . Just like here in America.They got control of the German culture just like American culture By counterfeiting mass Fiat money by Controlling the currencies .Then using this worthless Fiat money to buy the real assets of Germany just like here in America.Meathead.

February 12, 2017 1:04 pm

Hitler was a god send.He took back control of the currency.He then removed Jews and other traitors from all important positions in society.In other words Hitler took back control of Germany.Between 1933 and 1940 Germany became a World superpower and the Germans saw Hitler as their Savior.Got this Meathead???????

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
February 12, 2017 4:25 pm

Usually I agree wholeheartedly with Zman, but this time I’m going with Sonic’s point of view. The problem with a dictator that does what you want, is that the guy may be just the opposite. Think Obama and Trump. Relying on a dictator to solve all our problems is a gamble that I’m none to comfortable with.

The solution which Zman and others touched on is a divorce. The USA needs to break into smaller entities with more like-minded populations who at least can talk to each other. Since the liberal wing-nuts simply refuse to even listen to other points of view, they need their own safe spaces the size of small countries. Then, they can have nothing but unisex bathrooms, perfect political correctness, free university schooling, all news from the New York Times and CNN, and Bill Maher on the tube 24/7.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 12, 2017 4:26 pm

How do you deal with a CIA that aims a journalist’s car at a tree in LA or snuffs out a Supreme Court justice in preparation for a possible post-election court battle ?

  Iska Waran
February 12, 2017 5:23 pm

Wow Iska, the more you post the more I believe that there aliens among us.

Care to reveal your sources for these almost certainly true allegations?

February 12, 2017 6:54 pm

BB if you want to call me a Meathead I’ll wear it as a badge of honor. I think I’d be truly worried about my sanity if you agreed with me.

Blaming a group of people is always an easy thing to do, but you’d have to work real damn hard to find any example where it was true. Even Islam, which I generally abhor, has in its membership people I would consider to be good fathers, husbands, and quality humans. They are, in my opinion, a weak and ignored subset of the main, but they exist. By existing they prove false the notion that all muslims are hateful, bad, (insert epithet here). They buy into a system of belief that prima facie is inherently evil. You could say the same thing about Amurikans.

Hitler was evil. He was also a political genius and an opportunist. Nothing brings people together like a common enemy, and when one runs out another suffices. I could find some common ground with you on the bankers, but to suggest that every little grandma making matzo is responsible for the ills in you life is to be every bit as loony as those who think that mandating the use of xim is a good idea. And I’d stick to that if every single little matzo making lady sincerely worked for the supremacy of all things Jewish. Everyone is in it for themselves, their family, and then their tribe. It is time we quit pretending otherwise and acting offended by it. That kind of hypocrisy is ubiquitous.

And for the record you are a fucking moron if you think another Hitler would be good for anyone. However good he may have started out if you were a mainstream Arian German; in the end the whole country was destroyed, all the Fräulein were made into whores, nearly an entire generation of men made into casualties, and a society so terminally embarrassed they feel obligated to encourage the middle east to move in and start assaulting their women.

February 12, 2017 7:09 pm

My 2 cents worth. If you’re going to play by a set of rules you need to ensure that your opponents are playing by the same rules. Case in point is how woefully unprepared the Brits were when they encountered guerilla warfare during the revolutionary war. The Prog/Libs have no intention of playing by any set of rules. They are a mob. They will use any means possible to achieve their aims, which has nothing to do with social justice and everything to do with obtaining and keeping power. Seeing as the election of Trump is a freaking miracle, we only have this one moment to try and set things right. If Trump needs to take on dictatorial powers to set the country back on it’s envisioned foundations, so be it. If we fail to get this “experiment” back on track, it’s over. We’re already in a war, a culture war. Nothing is as important to focus on. Nothing! Half of the country is severely compromised by decades of brainwashing and the slow march to communism. What we need at this time is another General George Washington to fearlessly direct and push us through to victory. No fucking mercy. We will get none if this one chance fails. Man the fuck up!

February 12, 2017 7:24 pm

Be careful what you wish for Raven. If I have to fight, I’d rather fight the cat ladies and pajama boys. If you turn trump into a dictator you may find yourself fighting the modern day SS instead.

February 12, 2017 7:36 pm

Sonic. Don’t you understand that you’re being stripped of your rights and are being bludgeoned into servitude day by day? I’m not happy about the prospect of anyone becoming a dictator. The country is already lost, and the only way back is through the efforts of a “benevolent” strong man. The system can’t be salvaged in it’s present state. It needs an overhaul.

February 12, 2017 8:38 pm

You are still a Meathead , every thing and I mean everything I just told you is one Google search away if you would get off your lazy butt.Even the history of so called Jews is one of lies , subversion , and hatred for every other group of people on this planet.They have been kick out of 109 different countries throughout history.It is always for the same reasons.Hitler was evil ? No more then you . Hitler never personally killed anyone in world war ii .Now take a good look at Stalin and his Jewish killers that murdered over 20 million Russian.Most of these mass killing jews Came from New York city and they would kill you if given the opportunity .Google it Meathead.

February 12, 2017 8:57 pm

Hey Meathead about those Muslims .
You to ” American Rennaissance ” Read “Muslim Irrsurrection in Europe ” This is what it could look like . It’s about the Muslims in Chechnya.Be sure to watch the videos .Yet boy those Muslims really love humanity. Article is up now and videos are up now .You are very naive,Meathead.

February 13, 2017 10:38 am

@ BB Yeah well Obama never killed anyone either…not personally. You really are the village idiot. So now every Google search brings factual accuracy and every youtube video is gospel truth? If you were ten I could see how you believe that. You’ve been around this site plenty long enough to know better. You have your petty hatred, and that is all you see. It is all the Jews fault. Whatever. I’m betting it has a lot more to do with the man in the mirror.

@ Raven you think I don’t know I’m being systematically stripped of my rights? Shit on that. You think a “benevolent strong man” is benevolent if your rights or life conflict with his wishes? You are a bug. He won’t even notice the crunch of your loved ones lives beneath his boot.

February 13, 2017 11:06 am

It’s a huge risk. I’m not naive. But time is short. Something must be done to defang the left. As I said, they will never play by the rules. They will never be reasonable. They will not stop willingly. They will not share power. Win now, or lose forever.

Btw, history has recorded many benevolent monarchs and strong men. Not everyone who takes power is abusive. Look to our founders, or Catholic monarchs of the Middle Ages as for examples of men (and women) in power who looked after the people. Whether Trump is cut from the same cloth remains to be seen. I think he just might be.

February 13, 2017 11:27 am

Well I hope you are right if it plays out that way. I am very skeptical. I think Trump is not a pawn of the same powers, but I think it is likely he is a pawn of others. Maybe that is worse and maybe that is better. I suspect it will all come down either way since there is too much rot in the structure to repair it.