Level of Migration to the United States

Infographic: Level of Migration to the United States Not Unprecedented | Statista
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Contrary to popular perception, the levels of migration to the United States are far from unprecedented. The absolute numbers have never been higher. But put into relation to the overall population, the percentage share in 1910 (14.7) was higher than it is today (13.5). In 2015 some 43 million people were living in the United States who were born abroad.

The term foreign-born refers to people residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. This includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs), certain legal nonimmigrants (like persons on student or work visas), refugees or asylum seekers and also persons illegally residing in the United States.

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February 14, 2017 4:14 pm

Left out here is what the response to that previous level of “migration” to the US was.


Shown but not mentioned is how rapidly the immigration rates increased causing a much more rapid rise in total numbers over fewer years than in the earlier peak.

February 14, 2017 4:26 pm

Anyway you cut it, islam is incompatible with a Republican or Democratic political system.
muslims should be denied entry and those here told to make a choice. Renounce islam or get the eff out.

February 14, 2017 4:54 pm

A good example of misinterpretation of data.

However that was a much simpler time. European immigrants at least knew how to use a toilet. Much more of the population was involved in farming, etc. Much easier to blend in.

Today we’re accepting third world people – what kind of skills could they possibly offer? Why do we need them when we now have 330 million people? Did you know that these Sub Saharan (Somali) people have on the average an 80 IQ? Worse than the niggers (85 IQ) that we have here now. How’s that going to enhance our gene pool.

I suspect many aren’t literate, and have little education. They are supported by our welfare system. Their children need special second language teachers. They get medicaid.

And then there’s the fucking Mexicans. Don’t even start me on that.

So what benefit are they to us? I don’t want to hear “we were all immigrants” or “diversity is our strength” – what a shit load of empty babble.

We are full up and we don’t need turd worlder’s that believe in some tenth century philosophy combining religion/legal system/political system that preaches violence and is not compatible with our form of government.

February 14, 2017 6:02 pm

In the ’80s I was superintendent of approximately 50 mexican immigrants.
While they knew enough to wipe their ass with toilet paper, for whatever reason they insisted on throwing it in the trash rather than flushing it.

February 14, 2017 6:38 pm

Are you aware of how bad the plumbing is in Mexico? They use the trash because that is all they know. Don’t take this as an endorsement of massive uncontrolled immigration from the 3rd world, but your relative wealth and ignorance are showing.

February 14, 2017 11:10 pm

“While they knew enough to wipe their ass with toilet paper, for whatever reason they insisted on throwing it in the trash rather than flushing it.”

You should saunter on down to Mejico and check out their plumbing. You’ll be lucky if it doesn’t reject the duece you just dropped let alone the paper you want to feed it for dessert.

February 14, 2017 11:07 pm

“So what benefit are they to us?”

They are of no benefit to us if by us you refer to the ‘Murican citizens. They are however a gigantic benefit to our owners and we all know it’s our owners and their agenda that really matters.

As far as IQ goes, I’d bet that 50% or better of millenials and gen Z do not have IQ’s that exceed 90. I’d put the minnies at 90 and gen Z at about 75 actually. How do you think the offspring of people with such low IQ are going to fare? Another generation or two and it will literally be a case of retards spawning retards.

February 14, 2017 11:19 pm

I/S- I think you hit the nail on the head. My daughter is trying to train a minnie to do a mindless job and sure enough, one month in and the minnie is still a fuckup. She would have had better luck with a dog.

February 15, 2017 7:50 am

It’s so bad that I’m encountering millenials that can’t read. One works at a bank in TX and the other works for Direct TV in CO. I have another moran at another bank (location unknown) that insists that I obtain a “new” unsigned, un-notarized copy of my fathers POA and have it signed and notarized in the state I live in……….otherwise they can’t help me. He’s fucking asking me for something that does not exist by virtue of the fact that my father signed and his lawyer notarized the only blank copy that ever existed.

I’ve had companies send me confirmation letters assuring me that they had assigned my father to be his own power of attorney (instead of me). I’m dealing with Comenity Bank where I’m fully recognized as POA for my mother one week then not the next then I am again the following week, then not again the following week.

I truly can’t figure out these dumbasses A. Ever got a job in the first place and B. How they find their way to work each day.

February 14, 2017 5:56 pm

When someone declares war on you (the Muslims) you don’t keep letting them in.
When someone sneaks into your country illegally (the Mexicans), you kick them out.

February 14, 2017 6:43 pm

When you have been at war with Middle Eastern countries for over 100 years in support of dictators, oil companies, natural resource thieves, rogue nation-states, etc. and have directly caused the deaths of over 3 million people (by some estimates), you definitely have to expect that some of the relatives of all these dead, other victims of torture (by your “friends” in the brutal dictatorships, of course), etc. are going to want to exact some revenge. Probably not a great idea to keep welcoming them into your country. Of course halting the onslaught would force you to have to admit that you have been creating terrorists with your policies of death and destruction, and the option of actually stopping the drone attacks, CIA meddling in elections, assassinations of national leaders, orchestration of coups, etc. is sadly off the table. When the arms industry, the banking cartels, and the other folks who actually run the government are making so much off the bloodshed, etc. it is unlikely to ever stop.

February 14, 2017 9:00 pm

The author tells us that the need for miners, farmers, sheep herders, lumberjacks today is as great as it was 150 years ago.

February 14, 2017 10:39 pm

Obnoxious comparison. The country wasn’t remotely fully settled back then. People were expanding into wide open territory.

Then add in the difference in the demographic types.

Then add in the difference in the methods of sustaining themselves once here.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 15, 2017 2:10 am

We should only allow in fabulous babes.

February 15, 2017 7:15 am

Totally meaningless chart.

PERCENTAGE of immigrants is irrelevant. 25% in 1900 when the population was 76 million is quite different than 25% today with a population of 300+ million. Raw numbers matter!!

“Oh look, we let in 100,000 mooslimfuks! That’s only .001 of the population! Isn’t that great??”

ummmmmm, NO! you stupidfuk!

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
February 15, 2017 8:26 am

The total immigration numbers are not the issue. What is important is who is coming in, and what will they do once here. Before WWI most immigrants came from Europe – Germans, Irish, Polish, Italians, etc. with similar values and objectives as the people who settled this country. They assimilated, adopted our language and culture, and helped build a nation economically and politically.

Today we have immigrants here who:
1. do not want to integrate
2. do not want to learn the language
3. want to replace American society and culture with something else
4. will replace our political and legal systems with a new caliphate, dictatorship, or a new world-wide governmental system of foreign values and objectives.
5. loot our resources in order to enrich to oligarchs in other cultures not in the least interested in our survival.

We have communities in the US today where law enforcement dares not enter. We have communities which have set up and enforce their own laws and mores, and our courts are letting them do so with impunity; communities where English is not spoken.

Europe survived the invasions of the late middle ages because it was able to build walls of intolerance to those ideologies which sought to destroy it. We are in that circumstance today. We need to establish our own walls – physical, cultural, legal – of intolerance to the destruction of the values, constitutional/political/legal system and practices which allowed this country to grow to have the power we used to have before the idiots, wimps, sjws and criminals took over. Regretfully, we have no leaders willing to take on those tasks.

I was watching one of the protest marches by college students recently; we used to call them sophomores, and for good reason,

February 15, 2017 9:58 am

In 1910 we didnt have 30% of them getting on welfare.

Nor did we have tens of millions of completely undocumented migrants, many of them also somehow managing to collect welfare.