The Illusion of Freedom: The Police State Is Alive and Well

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“All the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”—Historian Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45

Brace yourself.

There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.

Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware. And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.

The world has been down this road before.

We are at our most vulnerable right now.

The gravest threat facing us as a nation is not extremism—delivered by way of sovereign citizens or radicalized Muslims—but despotism, exercised by a ruling class whose only allegiance is to power and money.

We’re in a national state of denial.

Yet no amount of escapism can shield us from the harsh reality that the danger in our midst is posed by an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution, Congress, the courts or the citizenry.

If the team colors have changed from blue to red, that’s just cosmetic.

The playbook remains the same. The leopard has not changed its spots.

Scrape off the surface layers and you will find that the American police state is alive and well and continuing to wreak havoc on the rights of the American people.

“We the people” are no longer living the American Dream.

We’re living the American Lie.

Indeed, Americans have been lied to so sincerely, so incessantly, and for so long by politicians of all stripes—who lie compulsively and without any seeming remorse—that they’ve almost come to prefer the lies trotted out by those in government over less-palatable truths.

Here’s a truth few Americans want to acknowledge: nothing has changed (at least, not for the better) since Barack Obama passed the reins of the police state to Donald Trump.

The police state is still winning. We the people are still losing.

In fact, the American police state has continued to advance at the same costly, intrusive, privacy-sapping, Constitution-defying, relentless pace under President Trump as it did under President Obama.

  • For-profit private prisons haven’t stopped locking up Americans and immigrants alike at taxpayer expense.
  • Congress hasn’t stopped enacting draconian laws such as the USA Patriot Act and the NDAA.
  • The Deep State’s shadow government hasn’t stopped calling the shots behind the scenes.
  • And the American people haven’t stopped acting like gullible sheep.

Here’s the problem as I see it: “we the people” have failed to recognize these warning signs as potential red flags to use as opportunities to ask questions, demand answers, and hold our government officials accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law.

Unfortunately, once a free people allows the government to make inroads into their freedoms, or uses those same freedoms as bargaining chips for security, it quickly becomes a slippery slope to outright tyranny. And it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican at the helm, because the bureaucratic mindset on both sides of the aisle now seems to embody the same philosophy of authoritarian government.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is what happens when you ignore the warning signs.

This is what happens when you fail to take alarm at the first experiment on your liberties.

This is what happens when you fail to challenge injustice and government overreach until the prison doors clang shut behind you.

In the American police state that now surrounds us, there are no longer such things as innocence, due process, or justice—at least, not in the way we once knew them. We are all potentially guilty, all potential criminals, all suspects waiting to be accused of a crime.

So you can try to persuade yourself that you are free, that you still live in a country that values freedom, and that it is not too late to make America great again, but to anyone who has been paying attention to America’s decline over the past 50 years, it will be just another lie.

The German people chose to ignore the truth and believe the lie.

As the wife of a prominent German historian recalled: “[O]n the whole, everyone felt well. . . . And there were certainly eighty percent who lived productively and positively throughout the time. . . . We also had good years. We had wonderful years.”

In other words, as long as their creature comforts remained undiminished, as long as their bank accounts remained flush, as long as they weren’t being discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed and turned into slave labor, life was good.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

Remember, freedom demands responsibility.

Freedom demands that people stop sleep-walking through life, stop cocooning themselves in political fantasies, and stop distracting themselves with escapist entertainment.

Freedom demands that we stop thinking as Democrats and Republicans and start thinking like human beings, or at the very least, Americans.

Freedom demands that we not remain silent in the face of evil or wrongdoing but actively stand against injustice.

Freedom demands that we treat others as we would have them treat us.

In other words, if you don’t want to be locked up in a prison cell or a detention camp—if you don’t want to be discriminated against because of the color of your race, religion, politics or anything else that sets you apart from the rest—if you don’t want your loved ones shot at, strip searched, tasered, beaten and treated like slaves—if you don’t want to have to be constantly on guard against government eyes watching what you do, where you go and what you say—if you don’t want to be tortured, waterboarded or forced to perform degrading acts—if you don’t want your children to grow up in a world without freedom—then don’t allow these evils to be inflicted on anyone else, no matter how tempting the reason or how fervently you believe in your cause.

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February 21, 2017 12:39 pm

All I had to do is read Executive Order 13603 Section 502 below to know that we are merely fodder for the Grand Scheme’s of our rulers. Slavery is alive and well:

Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability WITHOUT COMPENSATION ( my emphasis ) and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be re-delegated.

February 21, 2017 12:58 pm


The State claims a monopoly on the use of force. The State speaks only in threats and veiled threats – it speaks the language of violence. Behind every law and regulation is a loaded gun.

With all that said, I find myself in a macro version of what the ghetto community has known for decades. See, the useless eaters (monsters actually) live and rule over me from thousands of miles away. This presents me with a difficult problem in that I can only show my immediate displeasure by wrecking my own community and I have no wish to do that because, well, I live here.

What to do? What to do?

You could gather up millions of like minded armed individuals and march on Washington but unless you are ISIS, you guys are not gonna get State sponsored and keeping and maintaining an effective army in the field for any length of time requires tremendous effort. Plus, our military is designed to defeat just that kind of army. No, the only way to take down these monsters is to study what has worked in the past and what usually works is a two-pronged approach.

1. Set up competing institutions. We see this in home schooling and alternative media. It isn’t enough that public education and the MSM have been shown to be failed institutions. An alternative must be waiting in the wings.

2. The other approach is the militant approach and for that you’ve got to turn to Sun Tzu and Che Guevara. In that approach, the goal is to show that the State is ineffective in protecting its leadership and critical assets. Isolate the leadership by forcing them to live in protective enclaves. Make them terrified to appear anywhere in public. Force everyone to recognize the truth – it’s US vs. THEM.

February 21, 2017 1:09 pm

“You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”

………….Robert Heinlein

“I don’t sweat you”.

…………..Rocky Balboa

February 21, 2017 4:36 pm

The Canadian militarized police state are certainly a bitchy bunch, overstaffed and bored out of their fucking minds I believe is the biggest problem. Best and only solution is to sue the hell out of them when they step out of line I suppose. Luckily I break zero laws 🙂

February 21, 2017 10:22 pm

Am I the only one that stopped reading when I got to the “as I wrote in my book” line?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
February 22, 2017 12:26 am

In Maryland a small state in general from Fed State & Local there are 240 Seprate police agencies with arrest powers ! Talk about a make work phony welfare jobs program !