Via Lonely Libertarian

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March 4, 2017 7:13 pm

It’s a class thing. In upper middle class areas, the parents take their kids out of school whenever they feel like it (and rightly so, of course), and the school district never bothers them. Upper middle class families have lawyers and political influence.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 5, 2017 12:15 am

I think things must be different in each region.

We have regularly taken our children out of school for family trips, weddings, funerals, hunting expeditions etc.

They never say boo to us about it. Or to any of the other dozens of parents I know who do the same.

Mind you, I still can’t believe they won’t let you pump your own gas in Jersey….

Mind boggling.

March 4, 2017 7:54 pm

I think my return letter would have been much simpler, something like “Kiss my ass”.

March 5, 2017 8:59 am

I prefer “You want to suck my what?”

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 4, 2017 8:27 pm

Spend the money on a private school instead of a vacation.

March 4, 2017 8:58 pm

I would remove my kids immediately from the school and send them a nice little response. Something to the effect of a big F***K YOU!! in big red letters.

March 4, 2017 9:45 pm

And you would immediately have the cops & child protective services in your life.
The way to handle it is to withdraw them from school & re enroll them when you get back.

March 4, 2017 11:49 pm

Why oh why are you still subjecting your children to the daily incarceration at the government monopoly day prisons (aka skools)? The only vacation they should be taking is a vacation from the brainwashing/propaganda centers that pretend to “educate” while systematically destroying the future of our nation. If you have not watched any of John Taylor Gatto’s fine YouTube videos or read any of his books, I encourage you to immediately. He is a former NYC Teacher of the year who has extensively researched the REAL purpose for the modern incarnation of so-called “public schools” in America. What he reveals is eye-opening (hint – it has NOTHING to do with classic education of children).

March 5, 2017 12:34 am

We have been away from homeschool awhile. We had blonde haired blue eyed boys, and we were told they wanted to hold both back. They were almost a grade ahead when they wanted to go back 2yrs later. Tragedy struck so we sent them back after 5 yr old daughter had massive stroke. She was already reading.
When the state is going to teach fourth graders how to put on condoms,and different kinds of sex, count me and mine out. I don’t remember which state wanted to go down to fourth grade, but I did not forget it. When my daughter was a sophomore, I tried to help with her homework, I was severely ticked when the answers were not in the book. Did you know most of our textbooks are made in Saudi Arabia. I guess that explains why children know nothing about our American history, or Christian heritage.

March 5, 2017 4:31 am

Notice the principal’s first name. My guess? An affirmative action commando of the colored persuasion. Ironic that AA can stand for both, african american and affirmative action.

September 19, 2017 3:50 pm

Just because her name is Rochelle doesnt mean she is a black woman she could possibly be a white woman too.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
March 5, 2017 8:52 am

Nothing new here ! When we investagated our local public schools for our daughter we had an eye opening experience ! The racial mix was normal for the students but the teachers were obviously Affirmative Action diversity dim wits that “esplanded da goal of da squoo ” dat all chillens must achieve ! I turned to my wife and said we’re done here !
We started the school search a year earlier than necessary and were able to tour and sit in the catholic schools in our area ! Our daughter attended catholic schools from K -12 graduated with honors and had a modest but respectable choice of colleges and is in her junior year now !
In this state we are tax forced to support a fair to mediocre public school system filled with a few good educators hanging on for retirement surrounded by politically correct swamp creatures in control ! Some of the local schools are failing some are OK but the affirmative action has done the damage intended ! Good teachers transfer or retire ASAP and the politically correct lunatics run it all !
As with most government controlled systems it becomes a jobs program for those with degrees in useless studies that sound impressive but mean very little in real world application . Now between uninvolved parents and the systematic ignorance we are forced to support we have a generation of kids who are educated , feel very good about themselves and can actually do very little , yes our snowflakes !

  Boat Guy
September 19, 2017 4:23 pm

You are very disrespectful.

March 5, 2017 8:53 am
March 5, 2017 12:19 pm

I call bullshit. this might have happened years ago, but the name doesn’t match any of the current school principals currently serving.

March 5, 2017 4:54 pm

The deep irony of this for me is that I’m sitting on an Amtrak train with my family including my 11 year old daughter and my 7 year old son. We’re on our way to New England from North Carolina. The kids will miss the entire week of school. Instead they’ll go see some of Boston, spend a day with Hardscrabble Farmer at his farm, ski, and visit family. I love the school they go to. We sold our house, in part, to ensure our ability to keep paying for it. They believe, and I agree, that the kids will get more out of the experience of this week away than they would get by staying.

The sucky part of their school is that it only goes to the 6th grade. My daughter is in 6th, so she has to find another school next year. One of the interview questions we’ve posed each prospective school is “We travel and when we do we try and bring our kids. What is your policy for absences where we pull them out of school to do something we find is important?”. I was amazed, but not surprised by how many felt like that would be a serious issue. It made shrinking our list easier.

March 5, 2017 5:28 pm

Well strip me bare and color my ass red, you certainly are one brilliant fellow. Who would have thought that an administrator for such a sophisticated blog as TBP would be stupid enough to take his kids out of grade school to go on an “educational” vacation. If your high school kid were off visiting colleges you might have had a chance at getting a waiver but let’s face it, you were just asking for a letter. Of course, with a mouth like that I am sure that the lovely folks at the grade school would rather you not come down to ask for a waiver, you might launch more than a few complaints once the kids got home to ask their parents what that old man was yelling about.

I know that it’s after noon and Sunday to boot so it wouldn’t be fair to suggest that you shouldn’t be so drunk so early…but you really should consider the impact of your drinking on your young children. Think of yourself as kinda a role model.

I like to diddle little boys in my spare time.

March 5, 2017 5:55 pm

This is probably due to the dollars; the schools get so many dollars per student-day, so having your kids out becomes an economic hit to the school. Rather than lose a single dollar of funds, they would gladly throw you in jail and seize your children “for their own good”.
Gonna be a lot of dead public parasites when the Crunch comes, and they find out that no one else would hire them while they can’t support themselves without active assistance. Tens of millions is my guess.

March 5, 2017 6:55 pm

Wow, I guess now would be a good time to ask if this particular admin is actually Jim, or someone else. If it is Jim then I guess I would have to ask how you could maintain your credibility by making additions to other peoples comments. If it is not Jim then Jim needs to get control over his admins as adding things to comments makes it very hard to believe anything that one sees on TBP and that, unfortunately, makes it very hard to see why anyone would want to visit the blog.

I hope that the above, “I like to diddle little boys in my spare time.” didn’t come from Jim. I have a much higher opinion of his integrity and find it hard to believe that he would react in this way. After all, we have nothing if not our reputation.

March 6, 2017 10:27 pm

hehe go ADMIN!

I had this come up once with family vacation , Told them to fuck off since I paid their salary lol .
Never heard anything else after that . Go figure .
Ya im still kicken a bit still cant spell . whatever