The Teflon Don Grinds Down #TheResistance

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

History will record that once upon a time there was something that called itself #TheResistance, and it was President Trump’s bestest buddy because it provided him the cover to ruthlessly dismantle everything Barack Obama and Team Libfascist tried to build. Whining, virtue signaling, and figuratively choosing to die on strategically insignificant hills while dressed like lady parts; these were its methods. Yet instead of defeating him, it only made Donald Trump stronger, and helped ensure his crushing of its members’ liberal dreams.

See, the problem for #TheResistance is that it is composed of stupid people who think they are smart people, parochial bigots who consider themselves open-minded cosmopolitans, and meritocrats who really didn’t merit anything except contempt. They refuse to see that their hero Obama left in his miserable wake a country on the verge of being torn apart, and a teetering legacy built of wishes and fraud that is collapsing before our eyes. When Trump is done, it will be like The One had never even been there. History will label Obama “The Zero” – zero accomplishments, zero achievements, zero return on America’s eight-year investment in fake hope and change for the worse.

All that will remain of President Obama’s reign, besides a few cheesy biographies straining to place him up there with those real presidents on Mt. Rushmore, will be the lingering stench of his utter failure.

Breathe it in, normals. It smells like victory.

Every day Trump gets stronger; every day #TheResistance gets weaker – and more embarrassingly pathetic. One by one, these liars’ memes are falling apart. One by one, the Obamacronies are being dismissed from their D.C. sinecures and replaced with competent patriots – a nice change from the last eight years of rule by a pack of smug, genderfluid <href=”#real-world_comparisons” target=”_blank”>Tracey Flicks.

Savor their pain as their hopes for some sort of deus ex scandalabra rescue from Election Day’s cruel accounting crumble, leaving them with nothing but ashes and the certain knowledge that every regulatory power grab and legislative ploy they thought was locked-in is going to be herded to the kill floor and converted into hamburger. Make mine animal style, with a side of the free market and a tall, icy glass of liberal tears.

Say goodbye to the regulations that impoverish our miners, to the codes that skyrocket our electric bills in the name of the weird liberal weather religion, and to rules declaring that puddle in your backyard one of the “waters in the United States” and allowing some bureaucrat with a clipboard and a sneer to tell you where you can and can’t build a tool shed. Slowly but surely, it’s all going away.

Every day, the Trump administration gets stronger, more embedded, and does more damage to liberals’ dreams; every day, the liberal elite gets weaker, less relevant, and more ridiculous.

Their organized system of lies and deceit is expiring in front of us. Sure, the whole Russian thing was fun while it lasted – a bunch of vague allegations ultimately shot to bits by James Clapper after Trump forced him to either ‘fess up that it was phony or admit the Obama administration was Watergating all up in there. Look, I – and a lot of other folks – are absolutely convinced the Obamaites either hard-tapped Trump’s comms or illegally accessed whatever was swept up by the NSA (which, according to the myriad leaks and defectors under President Faily McWorsethancarter’s watch, is everything). But proving that in court doesn’t matter; what does matter is the “Don + Ivan, sitting in an onion dome” meme is now a smoking crater, a nutty theory on par with chemtrails, UFOs, and the idea that Lena Dunham is hot.

Donald Trump: Doing the job the catamite media won’t do.

Let me be perfectly clear, to quote someone who I can’t seem to remember anymore: it’s all caving in on them. Look at St. Preet and the 86ings of Obama’s ambulance chasers. Any news report that did not begin with something like “Donald Trump demanded the resignations of all Obama U.S. attorneys today, something every single new president does every single time…” was a hack lie and just more dictation taken by eager Democrat partisans. You never got that baseline truth from the mainstream media – you only got it from the alternative and social media worlds. The bad guys can’t contain the truth anymore – the news is going to get out no matter how hard the media tries to contain it. And now, everyone knows their game.

You can hear the Brian Stelters and Chris Cuomos and all the rest of these rump-nosing weasels howling in agony as all the power and glory they struggled to achieve turns to dust. Imagine – you work for years, struggle and toil, then finally get your own CNN show, and now that you have it all you get is grief from jeering conservatives tweeting memes comparing you to Baghdad Bob. The media mediocrities are nothing but a joke now, a whiny, silly joke: “So, Rachel Maddow walks into a bar with a safety pin, a genital beanie, and a tax return…”

No one’s listening, no one’s caring. The Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Schumers can bunt the softballs their lackeys loft at them 24/7, and the needle just doesn’t move. No one’s watching.

But it gives Trump cover, the cover he needs to be ruthless. When you go at a guy like Trump locked and loaded, with the volume turned to 11, howling for blood, then you can’t expect him to ask for, or give, quarter. Softboy Jeb would’ve folded and whimpered under your onslaught, sobbing and begging to submit, but not Trump. He fights, and you fools left him with no choice but to go for your throats or lose. You made it a cage match, the Thunderdome, so that’s how he’s fighting. Two men enter; one man leaves. There’s no room for mercy – you saw to that – so your beloved liberalism won’t get any.

You gave Trump the excuse he needed to be the most conservative president since Calvin Coolidge, and now he’s doing it. He couldn’t not do it – you left him no way to compromise, and you made sure that any act of magnanimity or graciousness would be rejected. Even if he wanted to moderate his policies, that would just create an opening we all absolutely know you would exploit. So there won’t be any détente with the liberal elite, no peace accords with the snooty left.

Thanks #TheResistance. You made it do or die, so enjoy it when this guy picks “do” for conservatism, and “die” for liberalism.

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March 16, 2017 2:59 pm

While I agree with most of this article(can cover chem trails & UFO’s another time)with the supposed legal system always trying to undermine Trump and a very real possibility he may get killed like JFK,and frankly,Pence won’t cut it by a long shot.Hence we need to keep up efforts to back POTUS when we agree with him and be ready to get very in your face politically and otherwise if something happened to Trump

david morgan
david morgan
March 16, 2017 3:02 pm

There is no place for compromise or pleasantries in the struggle that is now happening .
For too long the so called political moderates on the center ground treated politics as a form of gentlemanly sport , while the enemy slowly destroyed all but the most basic values of civilization .
At best we have won some small battles , but there is a war still to win and I am uncertain if victory is achievable in the short term .

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 16, 2017 3:24 pm

If Don would go grab a pussy or two, he’d have all the cover he needs to beef up the deportation force.

Rocky Racoon
Rocky Racoon
March 16, 2017 5:01 pm

The media may have lost its credibility but it is still dangerous. Worse we see the Red Guards are now in control of a number of universities. I would be far happier if Trump took on the RINOs, for they are the Washington establishment.

Then he should string up the judiciary.

  Rocky Racoon
March 16, 2017 5:08 pm

Indeed the Red Guards are quite active at colleges and universities such as The University of Central Florida and they are preaching violence. Sounds like a case of be careful what you wish for.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 16, 2017 5:30 pm

Chemtrails are real.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 16, 2017 7:24 pm

Yes, the CIA chief admitted as much. They call it “geoengineering”
And there’s no question UFO’s are real objects and have been visiting us for 1000’s of years.

March 16, 2017 6:47 pm

Chemtrails are real, and I have often cried when seeing
the beautiful blue sky turn into milk glass.
The power, “the powers” have over us, is very evident
when gov can’t even be bothered to lie about it.

Every comment here is a jewel. Valid. Due respect.
We are being besieged by evil people and dumb people.
Or asleep people. I want to be respectful but it can be
difficult. We are not free.

March 16, 2017 8:04 pm

Y’all know if I wanted sarcasm I would just jump over to Accredited Times where they do it much better. If you guys are serious about chem trails and ufo’s then your really gonna have to give up on that there written thang cause clearly you are not qualified. And that really depresses me cause I thought that perhaps you weren’t as loony as the retards that we have out here in CA. But no…I guess I have no place to turn.

Sad. (to turn a phrase)

March 17, 2017 4:47 am

I think UFOs are government experiments hidden from the public. I don’t believe in life on other planets.
According to the “Iron Mountain Report,” which seems to be correct so far (although it’s said to be fiction, I don’t believe that), the scare of an alien invasion is supposed to be the last resort to usher in one-world government.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
March 16, 2017 8:18 pm

Suzanna is right. We are not free. We’re the good Germans, accepting the fate decreed to us by the experts, the powers that be, the ones in charge, even though they have no ground to stand on. They’re standing on a pile of shit.

March 17, 2017 9:24 am

We are not free because we have chosen comfort and ball sports over freedom. Our mighty uber mensch has provided for our every comfort and we willingly stroll with a smile on our faces towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, that light is a fire in a furnace. But we chose to love the Pats, or the Chargers, or the Steelers and we chose to spend our time drunk in front of the screen rather than sitting with our friends discussing ways to make our world a better place. We made that choice. They offered the choice but they couldn’t make you take the inoculation against your awakening.

So just to start the ball rolling; start getting together with other people and talk about politics and race and religion. Fuck PC. And then gently nudge your new friends and your old friends towards the idea of one term for everyone in office. Once and done is the only way to clean out the swamp. It really does not matter who you send to Washington as long as it isn’t them. A simple plan for simple minds. No more McCain. No more Lindsey Graham. No more any of them. The job is a service to your country. Not a profession. They should all go back to a job they can handle. I hear that McDonalds is hiring burger flippers. Perhaps their limited intellect will be sufficient for that task.