Breakfast Club: Dining with Friends

by Uncola via

There is a group of us who meet on Saturday mornings for breakfast.  We are four white men; college educated professionals who know each other through a shared involvement and patronage of a community organization.  Our group is comprised of one in their mid-thirties, two in their forties and me as the sole quinquagenarian of the group.

During our weekend morning meal encounters, I will usually try to steer clear from political conversations. However, more often than not, it seems our discussions do drift into politics.  The thirty-something and one of the fortyish gentlemen identify as liberal and the other quadragenarian claims to be a Republican, yet he seemed to favor Hillary Clinton in the last election.  All of them hate Donald Trump, so, this leaves me as the lone racist, fear-motivated, close-minded, privileged, conspiracy-oriented, and deplorably conservative Caucasian at our table.

The following is a condensed summary of my recollection of our conversation from this previous Saturday and it is predominately paraphrased.   As a final qualifier, and as a matter of course, I will admit the ensuing review is recapitulated through the lens of my personal perspective.  This means, although my breakfast companions would likely reject my forthcoming conclusion(s) below, at the same time, I believe they would agree that the subsequent dialogue is narrated accurately, and with the topics arranged (for the most part) in the correct consecutive order of our actual conversation.

Breakfast Was Served

Just as were about three-quarters finished with our morning meal, one of my friends commented how it has been taking him quite a while to accept what is happening in national politics.

The others at the table agreed most enthusiastically.

Then, one of my buddies looked at me and said something to the effect of:  “Better watch it, Mr. Paranoid might start talking about the Illuminati.

To which I promptly responded:  “I know! Lately, I’ve been studying Spirit Cooking with John Podesta. “

At this, the blank stares of my breakfast buddies soon gave way to:

“Trump is a liar!  Everything he says is a lie!”

When I asked for specific examples, they replied: “Everything!”

“Did he lie about wiretapping?” I queried.

“Yes! But if even if he didn’t, that only means there must have been good reason!” they said.

I briefly mentioned the two FISA requests that were reported to have been made by the Obama administration in 2016, and that Trump said we will see more in two weeks.

“Two weeks,” one of my friends scoffed before again commenting on Trump’s affiliation with the Russians.

At this, I brought up the WikiLeaks Vault 7 revelations, the program entitled UMBRAGE whereby American intelligence agencies had the ability to counterfeit internet hacks from other countries and how the Wikileaks dump occurred on Wednesday, March 8, 2017.  By the next day, there was ZERO Russian election hacking stories in any of the mainstream media.  Nada.

More blank stares before one of them began railing how the media worked against Hillary Clinton during the election.

I responded by saying the media gave her a break considering how her campaign colluded with the DNC, and Donna Brazile, to hack the election away from Bernie Sanders.   Next, I asked them if they saw how the Washington Post spun their headlines earlier in the week on the topic of immigration:


Immigrants are now canceling their food stamps for fear that Trump will deport them


Immigrants are going hungry so Trump won’t deport them



An American Omelet with Extra Sausage

At this, the older of the self-identified liberals at the table said something to the effect of it being another example of white males starving the brown people.

I responded with some gentle sarcasm, by saying that my friend’s comment seemed “racist”.  This, in turn, caused the more “conservative” of my three friends to begin a friendly interrogation of me regarding my “white privilege”.

He asked if I realized that I was privileged.  I responded that I was proud of my heritage; that my great-grandfather fought in the Civil War, but yes, I am aware how I may have, indeed, inherited some economic and social benefits not received by others.

To which my “conservative” friend responded in a very self-satisfied manner; and, with a Cheshire Cat smile, he said:

“There!  See?”



I then commented how I was more concerned regarding the waves of Russophobia and Naziphobia that appeared to be taking over the entire country of late.

They replied in unison: “For good reason!”

To which I asked them:  “Just like Islamophobia, then?”

Ah, ha!

At this this, they asked me:  “What do you have against Islam?”

“It is a peaceful religion!” they exclaimed.

I replied by saying it is, actually, more of a “political system”.

Then, one of them asked me:  “What are you afraid of?”

I replied something similar to:  “American women being raped.  Because rape is a part of Islamic culture”.

To which they responded how “white men rape girls constantly, on college campuses, everywhere.”

In hindsight, I would have liked to ask them: “If that is the case, then why would you want to immigrate more rapists and add to the problem?”  But, unfortunately, I didn’t think of it until later.

But I DID ask them if they believed diversity brought unity.

After telling me how there are more white terrorists in America than Islamic jihadists and that Muslim extremists really aren’t true followers of Islam, I reminded them the Islamic Fundamentalists would defiantly disagree that they don’t represent true Islam.

I, furthermore, advised them to look towards Europe and Dearborndahar, Michiganistan, and said:

“Just like in the Middle East, there seems to be an awful lot of Islamic privilege wherever the Arabic peoples go.”

At this, my pals brought up the Germans and the Irish.

“They assimilated,” I replied.

In response, I was told: “No, they did not.  They still maintained their identity.”

So, I asked them:  “When was the last time you called and the message menu asked you to push # 8 for German?”

“That’s not the point,” they said.

“In any case,” I replied. “I am OK with LEGAL immigration.”

They then informed me how we could NEVER completely stop illegal immigration and that “twenty-foot walls” simply yield “twenty-two-foot ladders”.

“But,” I contended, “We are a nation of borders.  Borders are, in fact, constitutional.”

When they agreed, I added; “This is why the liberal judges who have opposed Trump’s executive orders on immigration, are wrong.”

At this, my friends informed me that I was wrong because they believed Trump’s Islamic ban was unconstitutional.

I said it might have been unconstitutional if ALL Muslims were included in the ban, but they weren’t; only those travelers from a few countries where the populations are overtly hostile to America.



They seemed to scoff at this and I can’t recall exactly how they responded other than with contempt.  I then said something to the effect of:

“Well, we will find out soon because it appears Trump’s second executive order will go to the Supreme Court.”

Seriously Scrambled Eggs & Cold Coffee

It was at this point when one of my friends commented regarding the hypocrisy of Republicans who complained about Obama’s executive orders yet now supported Trump’s executive actions.

I responded: “We sat on our hands and bit our fists for eight years under Obama, but you didn’t see conservatives rioting in the streets.”

To which they all said in unison: “Bullshit!”

I suspected they might have meant the Tea Party, but before I could ask for specific examples, the conversation quickly turned towards how the Republicans unconstitutionally blocked Obama’s Supreme Court nominee; that one of the liberals at our table did a “happy dance” when Antonin Scalia died, and how, in general, the Republican Party sucks.

I believe this was when one of my liberal friends began to explain how Barack Obama was the greatest president in American history, but he was incessantly vilified because of his race.  My friend also added something similar to as follows:

“If Obama was white he would be on Mount Rushmore and if Trump was black, he would be viewed as the devil.”

I informed him that I have “quite the opposite view”, and said:

“There is no way such a politically unexperienced community organizer from Chicago, and freshman senator, who was once ranked as the most liberal in the U.S. Senate, would have EVER been elected if he was white.”

I continued:  “Obama also graduated from Columbia University which was the academic home of Cloward and Piven, and during the eight years of his administration, the national debt near doubled and food stamp usage increased over thirty percent.”

At this, one of my breakfast buddies transitioned into how government is necessary to build highways and bankroll our military; to which I agreed.  But I also pointed out that, today, however, the U.S. government has grown out of control regarding entitlements.

One of my friends then called “bullshit” in that conservatives never seem to complain regarding subsidies for big oil, et cetera.

I then, also, agreed and added “agriculture” before saying:  “At least we agree that government shouldn’t subsidize business.  Good points.”

More Waffles, More Syrup

Soon, my “conservative” friend lobbed another Illuminati jab my way and asked me if the Fed’s raising interest rates was “part of the plan”.

I claimed it was most likely “controlled demolition” of our economy by the global elite in order to undermine Trump and questioned my friends as to why the rates were not increased under Obama.

“Why now?”, I inquired of them.

They all seemed to agree that the economy is doing better today and this is why Janet Yellen is raising rates.

“The economy is doing better?” I asked them. “It would seem JC Penny might beg to differ”.

To which my “conservative” friend replied: “Gordman’s too”.

When I responded by saying there was a retail landslide afoot, they claimed the closing of these retail outlets are occurring because of Amazon, and they LOVE Amazon.

I said I liked Amazon too.  It’s convenient.  And, “As I mentioned before, I do, occasionally, read Jeff Bezos’ blog, The Washington Post.”

Soon after that, a series of Neoconic grievances were aired regarding George W. Bush, weapons of mass destruction, never ending middle-east wars, and 911.

I admitted that, at the time, the media supported the build-up to the war in Iraq and, like a fool, I bought into it.  “But today,” I continued, “It seems the same mainstream media wants war with Russia.”

This delivered a cascade of criticism of Trump’s China Policy and his ill-conceived phone call, as President-Elect, to the president of Taiwan.  One of my breakfast companions then expressed real fear that Trump might soon stumble his way into the next world war.

I made a comment that it was the globalists who desired war, but I don’t believe my pals heard me.  I wanted to discuss national sovereignty because it seemed my friends viewed placing “America first” was a foreign policy disaster and a path to destruction.

An Omelet Unfinished

Somehow, though, we got back to the topic of race and immigration.  I asked them what is wrong with “tribalism”, or choosing to associate with those who are similar and celebrating our own culture, to wit, “Norman Rockwell’s America”.

One of the men said they lived in Los Angeles and the cultures there were, indeed, separated as such.

I believe it was around this point when the “conservative” forty-something gentleman excused himself from the group because he had to be somewhere else.

After saying our “goodbyes”, the remaining two other men and I continued our exchange.

I next relayed an experience about one of my college professors who was an Afro-American PhD, who taught a class, and assigned books, to show people how to escape the mental chains of race and poverty; and when the faculty tried to remove his class from the curriculum, I wrote a scathing editorial in the college newspaper in defense of this professor and his class.  In my piece, I excoriated both the university faculty and administration and challenged them to read each of the seven books assigned in the professor’s course.  In return, my professor offered me a post-graduate position in his field of study that I had to decline, due to prior, post-graduate, commitments.

“In any case”, I said to my friends, “I am not a racist, but, my point is that conservatives constantly get labeled as such, even though it is those on the political left who persistently politicize race and engage in identity politics.”

“I didn’t see my professor’s color,” I pointed out. “I only saw the man.”

Then, I asked my friend:

“Are you racist against Clarence Thomas?”

“NO,” he replied, “I just hate everything he stands for.”

To which I said:  “So…., it IS just politics then.  Why not leave out race?”

My other friend then mentioned something about the economically prosperous Antebellum North that soon freed the slaves and I mentioned how the Klu Klux Klan was an outgrowth of the Southern Democratic Party.

“Why not just let people thrive, regardless of race, as the U.S. Constitution allows?” I asked my friends.

Then, I added something to the effect of:  “Social Justice shouldn’t be legislated.”

At this, one of my liberal breakfast companions exclaimed:  “If that were true, then civil rights would have never happened because white men are fundamentally against it.”

I argued right back:  “The civil rights movement was started by white men in Europe: the English politician William Wilberforce and John Newton, who was a former slave ship captain and wrote the Christian hymn Amazing Grace.”

“And, this is another problem with the political left,” I continued.  “That they have high-jacked the civil rights movement in America when, in fact, it was started in the churches of Montgomery, Alabama.”

“The individual is the smallest minority,” I said.  “But, with the Collectivist Left, there is no responsibility, or accountability, as individuals.”  Then, I quoted the author Victor Frankl’s contention that “the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast” should be balanced by a “Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast”.

“But it’s not only that individual accountability is never requested by the left,” I added.  “It is forcibly removed as well. What right does the state have to point a gun at me in order to interfere with my private relations with my doctor?”

Poached Eggs to Go

With this, we next transitioned into Obamacare and my friends assured me that people CAN keep their doctor and that private insurance WAS a mess way before Obama came along.

“That’s just it.”  I said:  “The Democrats create problems by preventing insurance companies from selling across state lines and, then, when it results in diminished competition, increased complications, and higher premiums, the Democrats moved to, via strict party-line voting, nationalize healthcare.“

“Now they expect Republicans to reach across the aisle?”  I asked.  “Why not allow free-market competition to lower premiums?”

One of my friends then described his personal nightmares with private insurance, the greed of pharmaceutical companies, etc.

I then asked them if they favored a single-payer system and they, most emphatically, said “yes”.  “Most definitely.”

At that, I further commented on how it seemed Obamacare was set up to fail in order to usher in a single-payer system.  One of the men said, if that was the case, then, it was a “brilliant strategy”.  He, furthermore, went on to claim how we are one of the last modern countries to implement a single-payer system and even cited the U.S. Postal service as a model of efficiency because a letter can be delivered for forty-nine cents via the magnificence of governmental, administrative competence.

It was here, where the three of us decided to end our discussion and move on with our respective Saturday schedules.

Because of this, I didn’t bring up the fact that the Post Office had lost $60 Billion over the last 10 years and I also was unable to ask my friends what would happen when the single-payer healthcare system ran out of other people’s money, as do all Socialist utopian experiments.

Conclusion:  Check Please.  I Got It.

Considering our Saturday breakfast discussion, in retrospect, I have come to understand the paradoxical reality which underlies the collective ideology of my friends.

As we sat there in the very clean diner, in the heart of a modern American city and before we left in the technological marvels which we call automobiles, my friends demonstrated their complete lack of appreciation regarding the miraculous benefits of Capitalism and a fundamental lack of gratitude for Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand”.



Throughout our conversation, I kept commenting how divided are the ideological factions of our country today. But, I never mentioned how this could be by design on behalf of the globalists.

After all, a divided kingdom cannot stand and, to the globalists in power (as well as those who support them), the United States Constitution stands in the way of global hegemony, world harmony, and peace.

Oh, the irony.

In truth, my friends long for a new nation; a completely different America than was founded.

It seems they are the end result of the Frankfort School, the Fabian Socialists and the modern American educational system that, in the last four decades, has abandoned the curriculum which taught United States citizens the fundamentals of what made America unique over the past two centuries.

It would have been interesting to present to my friends a hypothetical study of two Americas, separated by both ideals and geography:  The first, a conservative constitutional republic, and the second, a liberal, collectivist Shangri-La.  I wonder if that comparison was put forth to my friends what they propose would happen?

Maybe next time I will find out because, like our Saturday “breakfast club” conversations, history repeats.

My dear friends fail to see government as a threat, in spite of leftist regimes killing more people throughout world history than any capitalistic, right-wing ideology.

Yet, it is they who view their ideas as modern, tolerant, and progressive and me, as an old-fashioned conservative clinging to dying traditions that are no longer viable.

They don’t seem to realize how their utopian dreams have been tried before in history; like the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, the People’s Republic of China under Mao Tse-tung, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge and, most recently, North Korea under Kim Jong-un.

Neither is any consideration given by my friends, for modern nations including Venezuela, which has imploded under the failed ideology of Socialism; or the fact that America is traveling down the same track to hell and upon the identical twin rails of governmental debt and corruption.

I am reminded of the story behind a famous quote made by Benjamin Franklin:

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately.

A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”

With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Although it appears President Donald Trump, during his first two months of his administration, is making a valiant effort; the fact remains that my breakfast companions, and a majority of Americans, do not wish to make America great again. Instead, they hope to remake her in another image.

The American Experiment was truly amazing while it lasted.  It ushered in more prosperity; more freedom and its veritable fountainhead of blessings have benefited the world more than any other nation on earth.

However, the revolutions of history are, once again, turning full circle.  History does repeat.

We had a republic.  We couldn’t keep it.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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March 20, 2017 4:39 pm

Fuuuuuck, I’d have been outta there at ‘Trump is a liar’…..the force is strong with you. I have found I either tell it like it is or lately, just leave and let the circle jerk commence.

March 20, 2017 4:52 pm

Great article and truly a sad one. Like yourself, I have come face-to-face with “folks” who see the world through those same rose-colored glasses and refuse to grasp the whys and wherefores of how we got here, where we really are and what comes next IF there is no serious effort at pulling our/their collective as*** out of the darkness. Sadly their refusal to look at the world, our United States as well as our individuality objectively may well result in a cold civil war going hot… anyway, as I read through your article I recalled this post I made on another site as to why things are the way they are, how we got here and what to do about it… hope it makes sense and I pray our Lord continues to bless you and yours…

When I was a kid in the ’60s Patty Hurst was kidnapped and ended up joining an extreme radical group who lived in the darkness of tearing down the good (by man’s standards) work of freedom. Obviously they were not a lone wolf for since the fall there has been and always will be — at least ’till the second Coming — hate, lies and deception of every kind. While I spoke of Ms. Hurst, she, too, was not alone by any means for an entire generation began the rebellion which has culminated in the destruction of our country that we are witnessing today.

Take a moment in Ms. Hurst’s life before her kidnap. Her father was an extremely wealthy media mogul. How wealthy? Well, Hurst Castle was
a get-a-way place for them. In other words, she had it all. All earthly stuff. Take another moment in time, today, whatever day it is you’re
reading this. Do you think she looks back now, an old woman (if she is still alive) and reflects on the destruction, the tearing down of something
productive for no other reason than to act like to be a spoiled bratty child she and so many of her/our peers did in demanding their way?

People called it a revolution for a rebellion it was; rebellion against descipline; rebellion against direction; rebellion against mothers
and fathers; rebellion against work; rebellion against God and all the while screaming for peace and love as they did and do pour gasoline
on the fire of hatered. Hatered for the establishment that gave them the opportunity and ability to act out; hatered of descipline required
to do what needs to be done when it ought to be done whether you want to or not; hatered of Religion as in ultimately our One Triune God who
once upon a time blessed this Country beyond all others because it was founded on and dedicated to His Glory and through His beneficial
Grace enabled them to demean and destroy just because the spoiled bratty child didn’t want to do whatever was necessary to continue living
in His grace as they saw their freedom above the Truth; the Truth that you cannot do whatever you want with impunity; the Truth that there
is a standard, a law, His law that, like the other blessed nation found out multiple times, cannot be broken, so much less blasphemied and
trampled in the dust.

In reality it is the horendous bit-by-bit, drip-by-drip destruction of the soul, a kind of straw that broke the camel’s back kind of thing.
The slow, almost inperceptible loss of perspective so desperately needed to keep things in balance; ie, good vs evil, and that is what it comes
down to. The reality is we humans resist change with a vengeance but are ever seeking it. When it comes suddenly it is a shock to the system
be it from the human perspective or a national crisis. When it is done drip-by-drip it is almost without notice and the longer the dripping
poison is allowed to polute the mind, body, soul, whatever, the more blind one becomes to it and the force/forces driving it.

The rebellion that was planted in the ’60s altruistically would not have been necessarily evil; however it was not altruistic. The forces
of evil that spread from communist russia to the usa has as its master satan and his minions. Just like the Japanese before world war II,
they, the Russians, knew they could not invade the usa because “there would be a gun behind every blade of grass” and i’ll add that at the
time holding that gun was a person who knew why he was holding it behind that blade of grass. Their agenda from a cold war with exploding
weapons changed to one of planting explosions in the impressionable minds of “children” as to what “should be,” “what was fair” by an
intentionally set impossible standard that eventually lead to disillusionment and indecision, which bred confusion and ultimately generations
lost in the turmoil of chasing that almighty dollar, their new god with all of its practitioners hawking their wares.

There can be no doubt that our country has forfieted its right to claim it is good and just. We have passed laws that are an abomination
not the least of which permits the murder of children through abortion at now any stage of gestation including AFTER birth. Murder. The
5th Commandment is “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Translated correctly it reads, “Thou Shalt Not Murder.” We through our actions and inactions
promote and subcumb to these “rules of the game” not even aware as a soul-searching indvidiual the multitude of aborations that infest our

I titled these statements “The Negative Proof of God,” and to prove the Positive existance of God (The ultimate Good)
One need only look at the negative (ultimate evil) that has encroached ever so methodically into the very being of each person, yes, even
those who claim to be Christians but accept such abominable laws as their right or see nothing wrong in them. Today’s TV, Movies, Music,
politicians, church leaders, government wanna-be-gods are a mirror of the soul we as a country have earned. Just drive around any town
and see the satanic symbols on vehicles, clothing… Listen to a conversation and hear the profanity flowing without thoughtful appreciation
of what they profess. Listen to the lie after lie that comes from the criminals so many ignorant sheeple have put in place. Just look at
the destruction that has taken place in our homes and families all for the sake of the individual self.

For every action there is a reaction. Basic law that does NOT CHANGE. Likewise, where evil abounds Grace abounds all the more. We are
not alone. The veil is extremely thin and anyone willing to look closely will see at least vaguely the world beyond the veil we call this
life in three deminsion. I’m not talking about any of those lies that profess these “new age religions” for they are driven by the same
evil that has brought us to this horrific time and place. I would — at least i pray daily we, each of us, can through the Grace of God
truly see ourselves as in our sins and thus enable each of us to repent. That most would I would like to think but, sadly, most wouldn’t
and just continue on their way.

Jesus came at the perfect time and place in history. He did everything possible to open the eyes of folks full well knowing that most
wouldn’t see because they weren’t looking nor recognize Him for their hearts are closed, fully occupied by the “world” in which they lived,
totally resistant to the unveiling of God made Man and thus they murdered Him thinking that was the end of it. How wrong could they be?

After His resurection the Jewish rullers were perplexed as to what to do since His deciples, apostles, were performing the same miracles
and preaching the same Gospel that Jesus did. One of their group said something like, “Leave it alone. If it is from man it will disapear
in time. If it is from God it will not disappear and you may well find yourselves opposing God….” Over 2000 years later the Church has
florished, fed and taken care of billions of believers and nonbelievers doing what they were instructed to do.

Their faithful brothers and sisters came to the shores of this country and when this country was founded, founded it on the principals set forth in the Bible.
Now our country is persecuting the Christians and openly promoting every evil imaginable. As a result our country is in such distress that the news
media won’t tell them until it is too late (if even then). I dare say that hour has already arrived and even now those drowning in the “self” refuse to see.
Pray, prep and prepare to defend yourselves for the evil is not at your doorstep but in the very home of tens if not hundreds of millions
who have put their faith in any other god but the One and Only Triune God for it is obvious that if evil exists, our Triune God does also
and, kind of like Patty Hurst’s father and so many others, He will give us the free choice to do with His gifts as we like… up to a point
for His Justice Is just that, “Just”….. Hold on and pray for perseverance…

March 22, 2017 1:29 am

All this BS about God – – that’s what’s wrong with you Yanks- (majority off)

There are no angles up there – only clouds. No 24 hr hymns -suck it up !

March 23, 2017 11:59 am

Brother/sister, I take great comfort in being a Yank and thank God for the opportunity to be raised here and help other folks along the way grasp and hold tight to the real truth that God Is and there is nothing we humans can do or say or think or react to that will remove that reality. The truly saddest part/reality is that one’s denial of the existence of God will work right up to the day they/you die and then come face to face with, are you ready for it, “God.”

March 20, 2017 4:59 pm

I just can’t stand people this deep in denial anymore. As someone once said, aint’ no one got time for that.

Captain America
Captain America
March 21, 2017 2:34 am

Well said. I long ago jettisoned all family and friends unable to reason, unwilling to discern, and too addle brained to care. It could be argued that shooting and stabbing them repeatedly with dull, rusted instruments and small caliber bullets was cruel. But, as they bled out, you could sense the lights going on, and my faith was resurrected. ‘Twas, ‘Tis and remains a conundrum to be forced in to extreme violence when all I want is freedom for all, but without trimming and even ablating certain allele pairs, the confluence of bleating hearts and dark triad souls will win.

A bright side? Sure! The blood stains were easily removed by burning the house down, I can always buy a new sister from Somalia, and at the age of 56, my name is Chuck and I don’t give a fuck.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
March 20, 2017 5:13 pm

Your Saturday breakfast club will be ending real soon.

Tyran O. Saurus
Tyran O. Saurus
  kokoda - the most deplorable
March 20, 2017 5:32 pm

Yep. I think so too. But hopefully, knowing that the internet is forever, this article will stay circulated and never die.

  kokoda - the most deplorable
March 20, 2017 6:30 pm

Do tell us you have other friends that don’t write for the huffington post. I say pisol whip them.

March 20, 2017 5:26 pm

There is a certain, inherent smugness to people with attitudes like this. They cannot be completely ignorant of historic precedent–they honestly believe that they are somehow better or superior. Where others have failed over and over, with rivers of blood as the consequence of their socialist ideology, they somehow believe in their superiority and/or enlightenment and that THEY will make it work and bring about this utopia.
Willful ignorance, condescension, megalomania–I’ve seen them all in these American socialists. Mostly there is an attitude of “I will believe what I want to believe–facts and history don’t matter.”

March 21, 2017 1:20 pm

Indeed, I get a laugh when I hear people claim that WE can succeed where others have failed and WE can do socialism right. To which I usually reply: “Then you do, in fact, believe in American Exceptionalism?” Usually shuts them up.

March 20, 2017 5:34 pm

A lot of people on the Titanic thought that it was unsinkable as well. Fight the good fight and have your .45 at the ready.

norman franklin
norman franklin
March 20, 2017 5:44 pm

Uncola it Sounds like you need a new circle of friends. I can relate to your frustration as one of my old army buddies believes in some of the stupidest fictions imaginable, I still love him though and there are three of us who get together regularly to camp and fish, we have been reeducating him for some time, now he is starting to come around. Anyhow I go to a Saturday afternoon club of sorts. We all get together and play horseshoes no libs in this bunch. If you are ever in northern Arizona on a Saturday stop by and pitch some shoes.

Peter Pan
Peter Pan
  norman franklin
March 21, 2017 12:02 pm

I believe Uncola is subscribing to: “Keep your friends close,and your enemies closer.”

March 20, 2017 5:45 pm

You are more patient than I. While I’ve successfully challenged many a liberal on their turf, its a waste of time.

Words will not change the mind of a person whose mind is already set.

Mal Reynolds
Mal Reynolds
March 21, 2017 8:26 am

Nor will facts. You can lead a liberal to the truth … but you can’t make them think.

March 20, 2017 5:47 pm

Interesting article, the conservative in it demonstrates the difference between a conservative and a deplorable libertarian.

As for the liberals, perfect example why the George Soros types really won when they sent all those Marxists to the various schools of education and dominated the teaching profession (so called) in the US.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
March 20, 2017 5:52 pm

i was invited to a social get together with guys i’ve known for well over 25 years as we worked construction together. i knew the group to be very liberal yet those issues never were dominate in the work world. now we are retired, all early boomers so in mid 20’s during lbj’s glory days. as i was late arriving, the discussion was trump of course, yet my entrance broke that train. discussed some local issues then my turn arrived. mentioning no names, i jammed the dems on community reivestment to jamie geralis. to raines to glass steagall. held the floor for 30 minutes. the guys are knowledgeble and well read. they were relieved i am sure that i ceased the onslaught. said my goodbyes as the normal break up time, and hoped maybe some thought was given to all the policies their party has favored over the years. since i have no phone i wrote to say best if i stay away from the group as i upset the chemistry. we do have shared dislike of country’s present circumstance. i am the only true southerner in the group which may well explain things.

The JG
The JG
March 20, 2017 6:06 pm

These friends of yours, you say they are college-educated? So, this level of horrendous stupidity is what $100,000 or more in college tuition gets you nowadays?

Good Lord, my man… I certainly hope you exercise as much patience when you practice your accuracy at the range. If you do (and I pray you do…) then you’ll make a fine American Rifleman, a fine Marksman.

At the rate we’re going, you – and millions other Americans – are going to need just that sort of patience, as well.

The JG

March 20, 2017 6:34 pm

Sounds like a stressful meeting. My definition of stress is that it’s what I experience when I overcome my natural desire to beat the fuck out of some asshole (or group of assholes) who desperately need it.

March 20, 2017 6:38 pm

Lost Souls. You did your best but to no avail. Write them off.

Idaho Homesteader
Idaho Homesteader
March 20, 2017 6:42 pm

Great article, Uncola. I really enjoyed reading it.

My family is liberal so I have to tread carefully at gatherings to keep from looking like a crazy person in their eyes. Luckily I live in North Idaho were liberals are out numbered.

It makes me sad to see the number of people who refuse to acknowledge reality and willingly slurp down the “truth” as dispensed by the MSM.

After reading stories like yours and seeing the level of ignorance out there, it seems like there will be no stopping the direction this train is heading.

God help us all.

  Idaho Homesteader
March 20, 2017 7:32 pm

“it seems like there will be no stopping the direction this train is heading.”…I agree with that.
I have fleeting moments of thinking it’d be better just to see the country reap what it has sown, and get it over with already. But then I see good people fighting the good fight, and young people too.

btw, my uncle homesteaded in Idaho in the Twin Falls area, after ww2. After about fifteen years of frost and picking up rocks he gave it up with five kids and nothing that couldn’t fit in a late 40s station wagon, then coming to help my Dad on his farm. I respected this man a lot. He was in the Ranger battalions that scaled the cliffs on D Day, most of his battalion was lost at that time. He was forever picking at his forearms, picking out sand and gravel that had been blasted into his skin. I felt very ashamed of my cousin on his wedding day, demeaning this fine man for the poverty the family was raised in.

  Idaho Homesteader
March 20, 2017 10:50 pm

Reminds me of the show death note where in the first ark, light-kun is the one who believes his ideology is superior to everyone else’s, and the death note is the mechanism of all the killing which represents money creation and the apple he bites into shows how easy it is for humans to change when presented with the oppurtinity with power or the ability to surpass god. In order for him to

maintain his power, he eventually starts killing the people pursuing his case which
are the investigators. The death god that gave him the book, Ryuk, is a representation of the government, and their indifference to human lives. These people who are america’s future have the same feeling that their ideology is the one that will ameliorate people’s suffering, just like light-kun.

March 20, 2017 6:42 pm


March 21, 2017 11:07 am

indeed, politics and friends don’t mix.

I was talking to a fellow last night, about how some of my friends had been “affected” by this last election, his response was:

these folks live in a mind prison.

March 20, 2017 6:51 pm

Uncola, Thanks for sharing your conversation. I feel that we non-globalists need to compare notes regarding these discussions as we can learn what methods are most effective at de-programing the globalist’s minions.
I had a similar conversation last Sunday with a close friend who I hadn’t been able to have a long meaningful talk over a few beers with in a long time. Though he is intelligent, it was a lot like I would imagine how a conversation with Rachel Maddow would go. (Disclaimer: In no way am I implying that Rachel Maddow is intelligent)
He had a big problem with the nomination of Ben Carson as HUD director because Carson is a Doctor and knows nothing about HUD. I pointed out that we have both worked on HUD construction projects and there is enormous waste. He agreed that HUD was a mess. I pointed out that maybe it is a good idea to put someone in charge of HUD that isn’t entrenched in that system. Maybe a new set of eyeballs connected to a competent brain might be just what HUD needs. My friend then said something about how Trump shouldn’t have put the head of Exxon in charge. I asked who this person was and what he was actually in charge of. My friend couldn’t recall any more information on the subject but he was very upset at the appointment of an “insider”. At this juncture I pointed out that I really didn’t understand my friends gripe with the appointment of an insider because he didn’t like the Carson appointment to HUD for the exact opposite reason.
At one point in the conversation my friend made a comment about how “everybody” is defending (President) Trump. I told him that I see it as the exact opposite. I asked him who he meant by “everybody” and he said “Spicer, Conway and all those assholes.” I laughed and reminded my friend that those people are doing their jobs. I asked who else is defending the president and he didn’t have an answer.
My friend is positive that “Russian hacking” influenced the election. I asked for more specifics as that is a very broad claim. He just repeated that they were trying to influence the election again as if that said all I needed to know. Firstly I pointed out that many countries influence elections and that the US is one of the biggest offenders. I asked my friend if he thought the Russians manipulated the vote count somehow and he did not. My friend tried to vector the conversation to “contact with the Russians”. I asked my friend to assume that Trump was being helped by Russia and to tell me exactly what could have possibly been discussed. My friend had nothing but still felt it was horrible. I asked him what President Trump could possibly be planning with the Russians that would be bad for the US. He had nothing. I just told my friend I feel that the Russians are a better ally than enemy and there is no upside to provoking them as Hillary would have.
As you did in your conversation, I feel that asking questions helps me point out my position better than just citing a counterpoint. I did make it a point to remind my friend that he is listening to the same people who have been against MAGA from day one and that they have been spectacularly wrong about everything. He said “Not everything” so I asked for examples and he went back to Russian hacking. I asked if my friend was familiar with UMBRAGE and the false trail intentionally left by the US spooks to frame Russian or other intelligence agencies (duh, I just assumed this was SOP). He was not aware of UMBRAGE though his version of Occam’s razor still finds it more likely that the Russians hacked something (still couldn’t get a straight answer as to what) than that the CIA was trying to make it look like they did.
One thing I maintained throughout the discussion was my belief that this fight is not a case of Democrats vs. Republicans or conservatives vs. liberals. It is a case of globalists trying to shape the world into something that I am against. I admit that there are legitimate grievances against President Trump. For starters, I’m upset that the military budget is going up. I also made it clear that I voted for Donald Trump because of how badly I saw the globalist mouthpieces try to influence me to not vote for him.
Beer. Beer. Beer.

March 20, 2017 9:27 pm

That’s a lot of beer, Meso. I think I like your plan better.

March 21, 2017 8:29 am

I’m gonna need a shot of whiskey with that beer after reading your post… Thanks for sharing.

And to UnCola, thanks for the post. I’ve friends like this who I mostly avoid talking about politics with because they are so plugged into the CNN MSM matrix that there is no use trying to convince them of anything with facts…. SAD

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
March 21, 2017 9:29 am

Hey Mesomorph! I have yet to find a progressive type person who responded to facts and logic. Sad but true. What seems to happen is this; I tell ’em something factual, something which they can easily research and verify if they are in doubt of. Of course they never check to see whether I am right. Instead they refuse to check and then tell themselves that what I said is just my (mistaken) opinion. Easy deal! All facts refuted by lack of investigation! There must be a name for this particular error in reasoning, but I do not know what it is…

The only thing I have ever seen to have any effect on Progressives is to hit them in their self-image. Progressives absolutely love their self image as ethical, moral, caring individuals. KUMBAYAH! To a Progressive, government is good and big government is better. Why? Because government is the tool which they use to show how good and ethical they are. The nice thing (to them) about using government as a tool is that it seems to cost them nothing. (Of course government ALWAYS costs them, but the cost is not obvious to them.) Anyway, hit ’em in their self-image. They say there ought to be a program to help underprivileged left handed midgets? Tell them, “Yeah, I really agree that those little people have a hard time of it — but ethically, I just CANNOT support a government program that forces people to pay for something like that. I mean, a LOT of people are just getting by, and when you send IRS guys to take their paycheck at the point of a gun… No, I can’t in all morality support something like that. It is WRONG to tax the bread out of poor people’s mouths, even if it is for a good cause. Of course if you want to give your own money for that, that would be wonderful! Are you already donating for that? How much of your income do you give for that? Ten percent? No? Why not? You could afford it. You have new shoes, your car is better than mine! Don’t be a hypocrite!”

No matter what they support, unless they are willing to do it with their own money and their own time, you can find a way of popping their pretentious and false bubble of conceit. Never argue facts, never argue pragmatism, never argue dollars, never argue utility or outcome. Just hit them over and over with why what they are doing is WRONG from an ethical point of view. Everything they propose is based on their running other people’s lives, on taking other people’s property and money, on restricting other people’s range of action, and it always depends on sending men with guns to kill anyone who refuses to do what the Progressives want.

Forget reason, it will bounce off them like .22 bullets off of Superman. Show them that they are mini-tyrants and hypocrites. Kryptonite!

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
March 20, 2017 6:52 pm

Great piece Uncola! I could say the same thing about 1/2 my baseball team members. Ignorance and misdirected hostility are indeed bliss!

March 20, 2017 6:59 pm

Time for a new breakfast club. You should be more selective.
You will be loudly denounced soon, probably as a racist, expect it.
Suggest you be prepared by calling out “Fake American(s),” enjoy the reaction. But keep your hands free, they will get very upset.

March 20, 2017 7:11 pm

I encounter people like your breakfast friends all the time. I can always tell where they get their news and views on current events. I also figure they have low levels of intuitive skill and enhance their comfort zones with denial. I try to control my judgmentalism, but I always conclude they are complete imbeciles for so badly miscalculating the world in which they live. Many of these folks appear to be highly intelligent and contribute positively to society.

The deadly triad of bad education, depraved popular culture, and a dishonest press has fomented the corruption of every institution that sustained the former USA. Western culture, now so thoroughly post- Christian, has no absolute moral framework left by which to compare any ideology or claims for acceptable behavior, and so down the drain we go. Meantime, your ignorant friends and mine love Hillary and hate the dreadful Melania.

The truly scary thing for me is that I am beginning to think there are actually more of them. You are right, they have no interest in the old America, only a devotion to the paradise of the brave new world that awaits. They just need to get Trump and his deplorables out of the way. God help us.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
March 21, 2017 12:25 pm

There may be slightly “more” of “them” than us but they’re very concentrated in just a few States and major urban areas. Avoid those to the extent possible and, if you must live and/or work there be prepared with an effective exit strategy for SHTF Day.

March 20, 2017 7:19 pm

“I said it might have been unconstitutional if ALL Muslims were included in the ban, but they weren’t; only those travelers from a few countries where the populations are overtly hostile to America.”

Nope. The ban was directed at countries SO UNSETTLED that their documents couldn’t be reasonably verified, save for Iran, which can produce any type documents it wants to penetrate US borders. Fuck Iran. It’s getting exactly what it deserves. 100% hostility from the US, which it has exhibited towards our country since 1979.

March 20, 2017 9:07 pm

@ SSS thanks for keeping me honest. During my time here, I have always respected your extensive research of various topics as well as your attention to detail. In fact, many many moons ago, when I was posting under another moniker, you once accused me of being “intellectually lazy”! (I didn’t mind, tho. It only made me want to step up my game)

Although I was, perhaps, technically not correct in my wording above, I felt somewhat justified using that language with my friends (and in the article) because Trump’s Executive Orders were based on Obama’s 2011 EO for 4 countries and another 2015 order which added 3 more countries. When Trump signed his 1st EO for the 7 countries in late January he said it was to protect the nation from terrorism.

Also, Obama’s 2011 (original) EO was in response to the arrest of 2 Iraqis in Kentucky and his 2015 EO was in response to the Islamic attacks in Paris.

In other words, I am not right, but you are not wrong either. 🙂

March 21, 2017 1:35 am

Gee, I wonder the fuck why?

March 21, 2017 3:52 am

Where are you getting your Neo-Con news? Iran is hostile to the U.S. because this country took out their democratically elected leader and thrust a tyrant on them, the shah, an American puppet. Then when they had a revolution to ousted the tyrant, the U.S. got all huffy, and have been that way towards Iran since. The point is, Iran has done nothing to this country. In fact, they haven’t started a war in over 600 years. Yes, they have fought wars, but they haven’t started any. There is no reason for the U.S. to have a hard-on for Iran.

March 21, 2017 12:38 pm

The embassy takeover was a response to US officials giving refuge to the Shah after the overthrow of his dictatorial regime. He never had to stand trial in the country he had ruled and that provoked as much hostility as his installment had.

As usual, the hard feelings are a response to meddling by one US regime after another. The meddling by US “intel” agencies goes on no matter which party has someone in the White House because these agencies don’t serve the interests of the nation. They serve the interests of Wall St. and US corporations.

March 21, 2017 5:10 am

I’m always amused by those that think they know history and yet only care about the last 37 years or so of history regarding Iran. What do you think may have happened to and in Iran before 1979 that gave them such an…attitude and outright hatred of America to where they took a few Americans hostage?? Check the history out for Iran between the end of WWII and 1979 and then come back here and tell us why you think Iran may have “100% hostility from the US, which it has exhibited towards our country since 1979” though I’ll give you a heads up…it has to do with the US setting up the Shah of Iran who was an honest to God dictator (ever heard of one of them?) that killed a few of his countrymen (and women too), profited from their money that he stole and as well probably ripping off a few barrels of oil over those years like those huge oil companies were famous for with the Shah’s blessing, especially at the beginning of the age of oil there in Iran. There’s a great start for you on your quest for some knowledge. Something obviously lacking and an incomplete picture to someone who can only go back in the history of Iran to 1979 because they remember seeing it on the news then. Anyway, to really understand Iran since 1979 you need to know what happened in Iran before 1979 and a lot of Americans especially, either forgot or didn’t know it to begin with…

March 22, 2017 5:30 pm

@SSS Damn you’re still alive. What are you now about 95. To old to golf I know.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
March 20, 2017 7:45 pm

Uncola, I feel your pain. My wife is a deep blue, delusional liberal, as is most of her family. As you discussed, when I bring up “facts” in response to her beliefs, she changes the subject to some other anti-Trump bullshit. I didn’t even vote for Donald (not Hillary either) but I’m accused of being one of “them.”

So while you need to face this massive dose of cognitive dissidence on Saturday mornings, I live my entire home life in a liberal fairy land. Fortunately, the folks I work with are more level-headed and thus not democrats. That helps make work more enjoyable.

  Trapped in Portlandia
March 21, 2017 3:54 am

It’s probably a good idea to marry someone with the same believes and values you have. But if you’re happy, so be it.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Trapped in Portlandia
March 21, 2017 2:10 pm

Sucks to be you Portlandia, but chances are good that this too will pass.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Miles Long
March 21, 2017 5:07 pm

TiP – My God!!!! How can you stand it – unless there are monumental compensating factors I would go absolutely bananas. It’s not just politics – it’s everything else as well. Really, really feel for you as it was bad enough in my last relationship that she was just a “middle-of-the-road” Rep.

  Trapped in Portlandia
March 21, 2017 2:52 pm

Why in the world would you marry a leftist if you aren’t a leftist?

March 20, 2017 7:50 pm

“We had a republic. We couldn’t keep it!”……Unfortunately You Are So Correct!

March 20, 2017 7:51 pm

Well, it’s a good thing your friends never brought up the slew of Goldman Sachs and Rothschild Co. banksters Trump put into his cabinet. Also a good thing they didn’t point out the 38 trademark licenses for hotels, bodyguards, and escort services (yes that kind of escort) issued to Trump and family by the Chinese government recently. Perhaps you were really lucky that your friends were not very well informed.

March 20, 2017 9:20 pm

Dang, Bea! When did you get so…. salty?! Actually, that would have made for a much different conversation for sure. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Save some room for me on that cynicism train. I may join you later.

March 20, 2017 11:20 pm


I’m not salty, just truthy. Sixty days down and forty to go which I tick off gleefully with a sharpy pen on my calendar each day. You will be joining me in due time Un.

How would you justify/explain that “Big Pimpin’ Gig” in China, had they asked?

Edit: And will you blather on after the first one hundred days to wait another one hundred?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 20, 2017 11:59 pm

Uncorrupted, talk about salty, you should see Suzanna’s post on QOTD.

March 20, 2017 7:54 pm

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

The pattern that I have noticed is that liberals base their decisions on emotions. They then use cherry picked “facts” that confirm their preconceived notions. Any facts that are contradictory to their beliefs are considered lies are just wrong. With rare exception, I have that that best policy is to ignore these people. The main problem is when they are in positions of power. I really don’t have a solution for that.

Neil Dunn
Neil Dunn
March 20, 2017 8:08 pm

Reading this was sheer torture which is why I never bother to discuss any political topics with anyone who voted for Obama or Hillary. Congrats if you can.
We have a democracy on its way to oblivion–and how long has it been since the Republic was lost?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 20, 2017 8:09 pm


One day I’ll buy you breakfast. The conversation will be better. I promise.

With regards to borders, you should ask your friends why the southern border is so porous and why the northern border is guarded so closely (they call it the longest undefended border in the world but I guarantee you it is watched VERY closely).

I asked Mrs. Marion this question the other day and it stumped her. I asked her what would happen if I tried sneaking south and she replied that I would either be detained and jailed or shot.

I then asked her why the disparity between the two frontiers?

She said she had never thought of it before. And now she wishes she hadn’t.

The truth is painful I guess.

  Francis Marion
March 20, 2017 9:25 pm

Excellent points, FM. I would be honored to have breakfast with the Canadian Fox one day. Hell, how ’bout lunch and dinner too.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 20, 2017 9:50 pm

I’d say it’s a date but EC will tell us to get a room.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
March 20, 2017 11:56 pm

FM, who am I to judge? By all means, carry on but go easy on the PDA.

March 20, 2017 8:10 pm

+100 General. Liberals believe what they want to be true. Facts are inconveniences to them.

March 20, 2017 8:12 pm

One of man kinds deepest undoings…….the need for approval from their peers. This trumps logic and just about everything else, nothing else matters, for most people.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
March 20, 2017 8:18 pm

How’d you manage to gather together that crew of shit for brain dumbfucks? Brainwashed to renounce their own ancestors, their own heritage. When their easy, undeserved checks stop coming, they’re all fucked. Find some people who actually work for a living to hang out with, or get a dog, you’ll be better off.

March 20, 2017 8:29 pm

“I live my entire home life in a liberal fairy land.”
—-Trapped in Portlandia

My sympathies. Rent lots of Clint Eastwood movies, starting with “The Outlaw Josie Wales.” Ease into his spaghetti westerns. Segway into the Dirty Harry stuff. Doesn’t matter if the little woman gets it or not. You’ll feel better.

TBP’s official unqualified psychiatrist

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 20, 2017 11:54 pm

SSS, with all due respect, I believe you meant segue.

  EL Coyote
March 21, 2017 12:37 am

How dare you question the mighty SSS?

Of course he meant the stupid overpriced two-wheeled scooters.

March 21, 2017 12:44 am

I’m a yuge fan of spaghetti westerns, nothing better for passing time and drowning out the daily insanity of the world.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
March 21, 2017 9:42 am

I think I have mentioned it before, but if you like spaghetti westerns you might like “The Good, the Bad and the Weird”. Imagine a spaghetti western with a Korean cast, taking place in Manchuria during the Japanese occupation of the 1930s — with subtitles. No, really! Good movie… 🙂

  EL Coyote
March 22, 2017 6:11 pm

Actually, EC, SSS is quite accurate with Segway.

I will post a brief article here and try to finish it to post. I’m not sure if my current status is “in” or “out” with the big dogs here (that sort of boy’s club shit is hard to track, even for a good bloodhound like me.) I have been through an amazing few months and have not a LOT of time right now for details, but this little snippet by my old pal EC, of coyote species from another-mother because I would bet anything he is more ferret than coyote.

So, while SSS may have intended the musical pause that does NOT EXIST… segue means to continue without pause.

A musical segue is a really weird term. “Continue without pause” sounds a lot like “why are you telling me to go on” when I wasn’t stopping anyway? I think the better definition, “to continue through a key or timing change in a musical arrangement without pause” is a much more valid definition. Personally, when I segue, I prefer a long, run-on transition through the key change or a loud clattering announcement of changed cadence (as a pianist, I like a little time to show off my trills and multi-octave run… yes, I once upon a time played piano at contests, I have it on video, but NO WAY will you heartless Monkeys ever see it. I was once a Beethoven natural with Moonlight Sonata being the hardest piece I’ve worked on for competition (the whole thing, not just first movement), but was always told I have good hands for Mozart, so now that I’ve retired, I’m working on my arthritis with herbal tinctures and think I might actually play the Alla Turca. (And, yes, I am thinking a license in Colorado to get non-narcotic cannabis oil for the CBD relief to sore muscles and joints would be nice. Sigh, we’ll see.)

I have to go help move rabbit cages. If I manage to edit this to the Segway issue, I’ll submit it myself.

I do not have an engagement ring. When Nick and I got engaged, he gave me a lovely Pecan Baldwin Upright Classic. I still have it, and we just placed it into my piano alcove and am populating my music cabinet with marvelous antique sheet music picked up for pennies at local thrift stores. So, I write a bit now, garden and play the piano. Life is pretty darned good.

Except. Yeah, the freaking Except.

You know that my father was a Prisoner of War during WWII? And that for 3 and 1/2 years he managed to get occasional messages out via an odd contraption the POWs build that could actually transmit a weak signal? Weird talents developed during the Great Depression, when he and his brother would find ways to get the last little bit of power from a battery by winding copper wire around it… OR, learning to use magnification to get heat from a rock. Strange things to know unless you end up in a Japanese hellhole when you are 18.

I’ll try to get back. It seems this is as good a place to start this as any, Jim. I have quite a story to tell and I’m already talking to agents. RINS? Where you at boy?

March 22, 2017 7:14 pm

Maggie- You are killing me , can you share a small tease about the subject of said article or type of personal experience that has projected you into such a tither?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 20, 2017 9:24 pm

Fuck ’em. They’re not worth the trouble. Libtard family members, well, you have to deal with them. These dudes aren’t even respectful enough to you to give you a hearing. If they’re that predisposed to consider you a disingenuous hateful bigot what kind of friends are they? A friend of 36 years just announced he’ll no longer talk to me over my support of Trump. I laughed my ass off. What the fuck is wrong with these people? They’re certifiable.

March 20, 2017 9:34 pm

Something your “friends” should watch.

March 22, 2017 12:28 am

@ ASIG, I am glad you posted this video. On my own site, I embedded it into the Venezuela section of the article. One way or another, I definitely will “trick” my common sensically challenged, breakfast club master debaters into viewing it. Thanks again.

March 23, 2017 12:50 am

You might start by pointing out how Venezuela has come close to achieving the Liberal dream of conversion to renewable resources. 70 percent of their electrical power comes from hydroelectric power plants and their socialist policy provides the citizens with such cheap electrical power it’s practically free, a socialist dream come true. You might ask them if they wish the same were true for the United States, what’s not to like? I have no doubt they will say yes of course. You might then point out to them that there is a problem with most of the “ideal renewable” resources in that they can at times be unreliable, which is the case now in Venezuela. Because of a drought, the ability of Venezuela to produce electricity with hydroelectric has drastically been reduced. The government has been asking the citizens to cut back on electric consumption but no one wants to. Let someone else cut back. So then the government in its wisdom has called on business to close some number of hours a day and even close completely several days a week so as to reduce energy consumption. Just guess what that has done to productivity and wages. Also Power to residences is cut some number of hours a day because the people won’t conserve voluntarily.
So the economy is collapsing and the people are starving, But they have achieved the liberal dream of the switch to cheap renewable energy.

March 20, 2017 9:35 pm

3 Thanksgiving supporting turkeys asking the conspiracy theorist turkey if he knows how priviledged he is.

March 20, 2017 10:01 pm

My wife can’t really communicate with her FB friends since this election. It troubles her because some of her friends go way back, but they’re as ignorant of what’s really going on as your Bfast friends.
So far, I’m excited that President Trump is following through on some of his promises, but I’m real disappointed in Sessions and his desire to take us back to the Reagan years on Cannabis. Somebody needs to clue him in on the war on drugs being lost. Stick a fork in it.
And why hasn’t Hilliary been indicted for the CF?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 20, 2017 10:52 pm

Cannabis is illegal on the federal level, Westy – just like sneaking into the country is illegal. Clarence Thomas was right in his dissent in Gonzales v Raich, but it was a dissenting opinion. The president and his AG are supposed to enforce the law. Don’t be mad at Sessions or Trump about this. Why isn’t Congress changing the law – especially when legal weed is supposedly now so wildly popular?

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 20, 2017 10:19 pm

I am moving away from the National news and discussions as there seems less and less of anything to learn as the battle lines are being drawn. I am drawn to the conversational level now, as this article, for in the personal viewpoints I get a better understanding of where we are and where we are going. Right now, it looks like the resolves are polarizing and I do not see a peaceful resolution. It is sad to me to see the ones who do not appreciate what we have and are so willing to see it destroyed, for a cause they are not even aware of. Keep the faith and fight the good fight. The side that can tolerate others and hold fast to the truth will eventually win the day; if not us then maybe our next generation.

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
March 20, 2017 10:19 pm

ASIG, thanks for the video. All I can say is “Coming soon to a neighborhood near us all”.
Uncola, thanks for the article. Sadly most people I know would fit right in with your breakfast club.
Personally, I’ve given up talking to them. They have their version of truth and their world view. Logic, evidence, and historical facts are not relevant.
Socialism, an idea so great it has to be enforced at gunpoint.
I’d also say hooray for the racist, fear-motivated, close-minded, privileged, conspiracy-oriented, and deplorably conservative Caucasian gun owners.
Not a basket, a thirty round magazine of Deplorables.

“A well-regulated population being necessary to the security of a police state, the right of the Government to keep and destroy arms shall not be infringed.”
Vin Suprynowicz

“Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of 
a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of 
civilization have created. It does not build, it destroys. For destruction is 
the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order 
based on private ownership in the means of production has created.”

— Ludwig von Mises

March 20, 2017 10:42 pm

“+100 General. Liberals believe what they want to be true. Facts are inconveniences to them.”

Uncola, great article, but….how do you stand it?
Stubb has the best response IMO.


March 20, 2017 11:27 pm


Really, really great article. Anecdotal for sure, but your experience is happening all over America, IMHO. So maybe not so anecdotal.

Donald Trump, whom I voted for and still have zero regrets, continues to frustrate me to no end. He is the epitome of the “what the fuck?” factor, and anyone who disagrees with that statement is delusional.

Trump is a head-shaker. All I want him to do is HELP make our nation better. He can’t do that by himself. But he can help.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 20, 2017 11:51 pm

SSS, he is an effective businessman because he’s an asshole. He is an ineffective politician because of the same.

The shadow government is run by the bureaucrats. He has to keep them happy or they will make his life hell.

You can fight your own team or you can quarterback. Maduro decided to fight his team by giving them shortened work weeks and extended furloughs.

Is that what Trump will do, whip out a pistol like Maduro? In that case, it won’t be long before the Congress lays siege to the Oval Office.

  EL Coyote
March 21, 2017 6:57 pm

Now you know how much I respect/enjoy your comments,
however, Trump is less effective (at present) because he is being less
of an asshole. He is trying to appeal to people. Then, if he full bore
went after the pedos, 1/2 the states would be sans their representatives.
Nonetheless, I wish he would. Purge some evil idiots.

March 22, 2017 6:15 pm

I’m working on an article, above, Suzanna. I’ve had some amazing experiences while out doing some real research.

Amazing stuff. I think it will interest you greatly.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 21, 2017 8:03 am

Uncola, great article but I suspect you made it up. I find it difficult to believe there are three white men that stupid in the area where you live. Further, you did not mention vomiting in their faces or shooting them in the kneecaps to focus their minds, which would be the logical result of their idiotic comments.

  Southern Sage
March 21, 2017 8:45 am

I can believe it. We have white “friends” who have the EXACT same hatred and beliefs. And I consider them fairly well educated (although ignorant of history and current geopolitical facts)…

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 21, 2017 8:06 am

Trump is an ineffective politician? Uh, sorry to have to inform you but he is probably the most effective politician in U.S. history. He beat the pantsuit off of Hillary and a gang of RINO’s, despite universal opposition by the press, Wall Street, etc. You mistake Democrat and RINO noise for substance. Trump is setting the narrative and calling the shots. I only wish he were more of an asshole……….

March 21, 2017 8:13 am

What will happen during this 4th Turning? We will know within 7years. I sure hope Flashman is wrong about CW2. Retribution is not a pretty thing.

March 21, 2017 8:54 am

Is “liberal friend” even possible?
And,why waste the time ?

“Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.” Aristotle

March 22, 2017 5:40 pm

Agree, waste of time. Liberal, Dumbass, Democrat, all interchangeable.

March 21, 2017 9:13 am

Holy hell, I would rather sit through a botched root canal every Saturday than spend a single Saturday with these azzhats – I’m all for enjoying good company and while I enjoy a bit of good, lively banter – eff off with spending it with folks like these dolts, good luck with that – you realize trying to have any type of discussion in hopes to change their view even being bombarded with truth and facts with clueless people like them is like arguing with a paraplegic to get up out of his wheelchair and start walking – its unpossible for them to think outside their sandbox

March 21, 2017 9:37 am

I’m member of a similar informal group that consist of old college friends. We are all in our late 30’s/early 40’s and obviously all equally educated. This election was funny as myself and one other went all-in on Trump early on. Late in the primaries a third announced his support for Trump due to…getting raped on health insurance. The two remaining of the group consists of one “moderate liberal” and one non-voter who is 100% apathetic towards all things politics. Our liberal friend stated he was no fan of Hillary but saw her as a “lesser evil” and just cannot understand how anyone would support Trump. When challenged on this he repeated media spin like 100% of his so-called facts came from the New York Times. He’s outnumbered and thankfully keeps his mouth shut. If things were the other way around I’d probably walk.

March 21, 2017 10:44 am

Southern Sage says:

Uncola, great article but I suspect you made it up. I find it difficult to believe there are three white men that stupid in the area where you live.

And McNamys says:

Holy hell, I would rather sit through a botched root canal every Saturday than spend a single Saturday with these azzhats

Although my state went Red in November, the county where my breakfast club takes place is in an urban area and votes overwhelmingly Blue. And, yes, even though I am the author of the virtue signaling (and dystopian) “Jack and Jill’s”, even my imagination could have never envisioned the nightmare conversation as delineated above.

I wrote down my thoughts immediately after our 90-minute breakfast (of which 45 minutes were discussing politics) and just my bare bones outline was over 1,100 words.

Also, I do have many other friends who are more like-minded and see the world in accordance to my own worldview. However, I don’t mind stepping outside of the echo-chamber periodically. I find very illuminating, to say the least.

March 21, 2017 1:27 pm

Also – an addendum regarding Southern Sage’s reference to: “the area where” I “live”. Although my state is rural, recently, national headlines were made regarding some “complications” in the school district of our state’s capital which now has students speaking over 100 different languages.

March 21, 2017 12:08 pm

you call them friends you are a dumb ass.

March 21, 2017 1:58 pm

The only friends I have ever lost were over politics or religion. I will say, though, in EVERY case, they gave up on me. I have never abandoned ANYONE whom I have ever called “friend”.

There was one really good pal of mine who still remains a raging libtard. He is older than me; an aging hippie who fought in Viet Nam and once lived in a commune. During Obama’s first run for president, I sent out the picture of Barry in his full Muslim dress. I actually lost some (female) business associates over it.

My buddy just told me he was going to send me some photos of John McCain in a kilt, and we laughed.

However, this same friend who had always defended me (even at significant social and/or financial risks) did tell me to “fuck off” over Benghazi. He said those who died there knew “what they signed up for” and it was all much ado about nothing. When I told him why I thought he was wrong, he sent me packing and we haven’t spoken since.

Eventually, I would not be surprised if my “breakfast club” excludes me at some point. But they will have to end it. Not me. I never give up. Ever. Besides, I live for this stuff. Someday, I might even die for it, if necessary.

Words will never kill me, but if it DOES ever come to “sticks and stones”…., well…., I will then use different tactics as well:

March 21, 2017 12:26 pm

I truly felt your column had a lot of truth to it that Dems can’t or won’t understand. Most of the Dems that I have met here are just plain stupid. I was invited to play cards with some of the “ladies” in my neighborhood. Before long the cards became a focus of bash Trump and all conservatives. One lady said “We never had terrorist problems until Bush, a republican was elected. I told her this was not true, we had the attack on the USS Cole, an attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon, 2 embassies in Africa attacked, the 1993 Twin Towers attack and the “Blackhawk Down” incidence in Somalia, I never got to finish talking.
She went ballistic, screaming at me that I was not only ignorant but also stupid because I did not know that the Twin Towers attack was in 2001, not 1993 and that “Blackhawk Down” was “just a movie”.
You can’t fix stupid.
I said, thank you for a lovely time and left.

March 21, 2017 1:08 pm

MSM and liberals hate Trump more than they love the truth.

Uncle Max
Uncle Max
March 21, 2017 3:29 pm

Ha ha Jake, funny. MSM and liberals have never loved the truth. There is no empirical “truth” to them (as there is to libertarians or conservatives ). There is their viewpoint; their spin. They emphasize the history that fits their narratives and ignore that which doesn’t. They are shape-shifters and they are furious that they’ve recently lost control of the levers.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
March 21, 2017 1:23 pm


thought I was reading an article by Kunstler

March 21, 2017 1:57 pm

There is a passage in the scriptures that describes the end that we seem to be quickly arriving to. It says that there is a time when the Gentiles (those not Israel) coming to Christ is full. The fact that these sorts of conversations are the norm and not the exception is proof that we have reached a time very close to that.
Get in the boat cause the flood is comin’.