In Part One and Part Two of this article I detailed the decades of propaganda, false flags, and misinformation campaigns used by the Deep State to gain power and control over the U.S. government. When war or a financial crisis is necessary to keep the profits flowing, events will be steered to such an outcome. With the latest financial plundering operation running out of steam, the Deep State is pushing the world toward global conflict.

If at first you don’t succeed with a false flag gas attack, try try again. Knowing a vast swath of the American populace is incapable of critical thinking or able to discern between fake news and factual events, the Deep State and their media lackeys unquestioningly promoted the story of children being killed by a sarin gas attack by Assad. The photos of rescue workers helping victims without gloves immediately invalidated the narrative, as the rescue workers would be dead if they handled sarin gas victims without protective gear.

The faux journalists, pretending to be neutral observers, did not question this blatant lie. They did not ponder why Assad would commit such an idiotic atrocity when he was clearly in control of the battlefield and on the verge of defeating his American funded rebel enemies.

The Deep State masters of manipulation had been flogging the Russiagate story to such a degree, a large portion of the population actually believed Putin hacked the election and got Trump elected. Despite not one iota of proof or evidence, they had successfully used their propaganda mainstream media machine to keep Trump on the ropes. Putin’s unwavering support for Assad and success in defeating the ISIS/Al Qaeda/American rebel forces made the Deep State even more desperate.

With Trump’s domestic agenda stalled, this false flag gas attack offered him the opportunity to look tough and distance himself from Russia. He took the bait and launched the 59 missiles into Syria, doing virtually no damage to anything vital to Syria’s war effort. They were launching planes to attack rebels from that base the next day.

The invisible government players achieved victory once again, as it only took three months to turn the non-interventionist candidate into the next war loving president. The overwhelming cheers from liberal and conservative media outlets were deafening. McCain, Graham, Schumer, Pelosi and all the usual neo-con suspects were ecstatic. Trump’s poll ratings jumped. The majority of the non-thinking public applauded the tough guy act.

It went so well, Trump was convinced by his trigger happy military leadership to use the Mother of All Bombs on some underground tunnels in the middle of bumfuk Afghanistan. It was all captured on film so it could be played over and over on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the rest of Deep State network TV. The corporate media dutifully provided casualty counts even though they had no way of verifying anything they reported. This was essentially a propaganda film to pump up the spirits of the heavily indebted, iGadget addicted, clueless masses.

Trump is seeing how easy it is to wage war around the globe, make threatening gestures, order his fleets into attack position, place a $1 billion missile defense system in another country at our cost, and generally act as if he is playing a giant game of Risk, like he did as a rich kid. Everything looks like a nail when all you have is a hammer. It’s much easier being a foreign interventionist and pleasing the Deep State, than draining the swamp and going to war against the status quo like he promised during the campaign.

Filling your cabinet with status quo insiders is not a recipe for success. His first two military parlays played so well, he decided it was time to teach the crazed midget lunatic in North Korea who’s boss. Trump ordered carrier groups to sail towards North Korea. He’s been test firing ICBM rockets as a warning. He’s been threatening China unless they do something to get the height challenged dictator under control. The propaganda machine has been trying to strike fear into the hearts of Americans with bullshit storylines about him nuking the U.S.

Kim Jong Un is a certifiable nutjob. He’s been running the third world country as dictator for the last five years. He’s a blustering fool who constantly threatens, with no actions to back up the threats. Half his missile launches blow up shortly after launch. If he even has a nuke, he has no means of delivering it effectively. The drivel about him hitting the U.S. with a nuke is laughable, but the deceitful neo-cons act as if he could do it.

The mainstream media unquestioningly reports the threat to the western U.S. The Deep State would love to provoke a war with North Korea. They have no concern for the millions of South Koreans who would become the latest collateral damage of the imperialist American Empire. War means profits. Maybe a clash with the Chinese over the South China Sea islands could be arranged. Placing missiles on the border of Russia and conducting NATO war games certainly isn’t provocative.

“They were conquerors, and for that you want only brute force–nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.”Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The United States is not in danger of being attacked by North Korea, Syria, Iran or a bunch of cave dwellers in Afghanistan. Russia and China are not threatening our vital interests. We spend more on the military than the next seven countries combined, but the narrative sold to the gullible public is how our military has been gutted and needs hundreds of billions more funding. When the cost of past wars and the surveillance state expenditures are included, the U.S. spends in excess of $1 trillion per year.

We have been an imperial power since World War II and have been intervening in other countries’ affairs since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Policing the world is expensive for the citizens, but enriching to those doing the policing and supplying the police. Without a central bank printing press and man-made inflation, American presidents and their Deep State backers couldn’t oppress countries throughout the world with the threat of instantaneous annihilation or invade without a declaration of war – as mandated by the Constitution.

“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”Ron Paul, End the Fed

America’s imperial empire may be more technologically advanced and larger than previous empires, but there is nothing special or new about imperialism. The policy of wielding influence and power through the use of military and economic force by empires over smaller weaker countries has been played out through the centuries. Whether it was the Roman, Dutch, Ottoman, or British empires, they all declined and fell due to military overreach, civic decay, and economic decline.

When I step back and try to analyze our current situation I come to the conclusion our current policies and budget priorities are pure madness. But I feel like the crazy uncle at the family reunion who is shunned and ignored when I bring up the blatantly obvious facts regarding our fiscal situation.

Congress just passed a spending bill extension which cuts nothing and increases military spending. The House just passed an Obamacare replacement bill that won’t cut your premiums or copays, and will keep insurance conglomerates, hospital corporations and corporate drug company cartels in charge of your healthcare.

It is business as usual in the imperialistic capital of Washington DC, and the madness will continue until the teetering empire collapses under the massive weight of debt and overreach. Trump is no Tea Party Republican. He’s a big spending, big tax cut, big military, pretend fiscal conservative without the guts to touch entitlement spending or war expenditures – the two budget areas driving the country towards bankruptcy.

“As many frustrated Americans who have joined the Tea Party realize, we cannot stand against big government at home while supporting it abroad. We cannot talk about fiscal responsibility while spending trillions on occupying and bullying the rest of the world. We cannot talk about the budget deficit and spiraling domestic spending without looking at the costs of maintaining an American empire of more than 700 military bases in more than 120 foreign countries. We cannot pat ourselves on the back for cutting a few thousand dollars from a nature preserve or an inner-city swimming pool at home while turning a blind eye to a Pentagon budget that nearly equals those of the rest of the world combined.” –  Ron Paul

Trump’s recent conversion into a warmongering neo-con, policing the world with his cruise missiles, MOABs, carrier fleets, and boots on the ground remind me of Apocalypse Now, one of my favorite movies about imperialism and madness. Francis Ford Coppola’s brilliant movie was a modern day updating of Joseph Conrad’s classic novel Heart of Darkness.

Both the movie and the novel address the evil nature of imperialism, the brutality inflicted on innocent people in the name of spreading democracy, and ultimately driving good men to madness as they attempt to rationalize their allegiance to an imperialist empire bent on profit through the committing atrocities in the name of progress. Rational moral men cannot carry out the orders of sociopathic politicians and generals without ultimately losing their minds.

King Leopold of Belgium formed “The Company” to strip the Congo of its natural resources while enslaving and killing millions from 1880 until 1900. The leaders of imperialist nations practice hypocrisy on a grand scale. While they justify their imperialism with rhetoric about democracy, fighting evil, and doing God’s work, reality is the opposite of the propaganda peddled by the imperialist emperors of evil.

The Kurtz character in the novel and the movie is a brilliant man, selected by his imperial masters for great things and a future at the top of the “Company” food chain. While the men running the show at the top describe their invasion and subjugation of foreign peoples as a benevolent project of civilization, people like Kurtz, who are tasked with the dirty work of suppression and extermination through the use of violence and intimidation, are driven mad in the process.

The young men who do the fighting and killing on the front lines of this so called War on Terror must eventually come to realize they are waging war on behalf of evil men who have lied to them and the American public. Assenting to obvious mistruths and propaganda is essentially co-operating with and enabling evil. When citizens fail to hold their leaders accountable for blatant lies, false narratives, and despicable propaganda storylines, they become evil themselves.

They lie to themselves in order to go along with the crowd and appear normal. By remaining silent as the State operates without constraints, a humiliated populace loses its will to resist evil deeds done in their name. A society of impotent, passive, normalcy bias racked people is easy to control and manipulate. Appearing normal in a world gone mad is not a sign of true normalcy, but a sign of madness and abnormalcy.

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.

They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” –  Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

If Huxley considered American society to be inhabited by millions of abnormally normal people in the 1950’s, I can only imagine what he would think of our deviant, irrational, utterly mad civilization today. In this profoundly abnormal society my views are considered absurd and the ravings of a chicken little. How could I question $1 trillion annual budget deficits? How could I point out the unsustainability of a system with $20 trillion of debt and $200 trillion of unfunded entitlement liabilities?

How could I be outraged by a private bank controlling our currency, debasing its purchasing power by 96% over 104 years, and working on behalf of Wall Street rather than Main Street? How could I question spending $1 trillion per year on military adventurism and policing the world when we are already $20 trillion in debt? Is it too much to ask if we send men to die for a cause, that the cause not be false?

“To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!” – H.L. Mencken

How could I not trust my government to run our healthcare system after seeing how well they run the Veterans Administration, Medicare and Social Security? Why would I not believe politicians of both parties who have lied to me for decades and are completely in the pockets of wealthy special interests? Why shouldn’t I support mega-corporations who have shipped millions of American jobs to foreign slave labor camps, while utilizing lobbyists to game our purposely complex tax system?

It’s crazy talk for me to point out how Wall Street bankers committed the largest control fraud in world history and were rewarded with a $700 billion taxpayer bailout, free money from the Fed, larger market shares, record bonuses, no prosecutions, and now control of the White House from the inside. How could I possibly support “traitors” like Snowden and Assange for revealing the contempt for the Constitution displayed by our government keepers as they illegally conduct surveillance operations against every citizen in the nation? Am I mad for asking these questions?

Kurtz symbolizes the imperialism of empires enforced through the ruthless application of power, craven terror, economic retribution, armed intimidation and military attack. As the empire grows in power, degenerates morally, becomes more corrupt, and develops an overwhelming level of arrogance and hubris, decline and fall are inevitable. Madness and imperialism go hand in hand.

Absolute power with no fear of reprisal from citizens or a free press, combined with man’s fundamental fallibility, lead to uncontrolled dangerous decision making. We are witnessing the perilous effects of imperial hubris as Trump and his arrogant advisors provoke conflict in multiple hotspots across the globe with nuclear armed nations. Imperialists are always sure their malevolent machinations will end in victory. They never consider the potential unintended consequences of their actions, like global war, nuclear annihilation, millions of casualties, or the fall of their empire.

The same arrogance displayed by central bankers, government apparatchiks, crooked politicians, and Wall Street shysters as the 2008 financial catastrophe approached is being displayed today by Trump, his surveillance state cronies, and the neo-cons now running the show in the White House. They believe their “brilliant” strategy, tactics, and propaganda campaign will surely result in success, as their opponents/victims are weaker and not as skilled in diplomatic manipulation and military aptitude.

The Deep State players, who now seem to have gained control over Trump, have no sense of morality, no shame in their blatant hypocrisy, no hesitation in sending men to their deaths based on a fabricated cause, no compunction in lying to the American public, and no guilt while shredding the U.S. Constitution. The object of power is power to these traitorous men.

Many Americans viewed the presidential election as a choice between the lesser of two evils, or the least bad choice. As Trump has broken promises, filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs cronies, failed to drain the swamp, proven ineffective in legislating, and has now been captured by the neo-con warmongers, the best argument for his presidency has been “at least he’s not Clinton”. That is true. The Supreme Court won’t go further left, taxes won’t go up, the EPA won’t regulate industries out of existence, illegal immigration will be reduced and ridiculous social justice bullshit won’t be pushed down our throats by the Feds.

But let’s face the facts. This is nothing but tinkering around the edges of a bloated government bureaucracy, controlled by powerful men in smoke filled rooms, who have absolutely no interest in changing anything that would impact their financial interests in a negative way. They are doing everything in their power to keep the status quo in place.

The American Empire has been waging war virtually non-stop since the creation of the Creature from Jekyll Island (aka Federal Reserve) in 1913. After World War II, as the size of the empire grew to heights never seen in world history, the level of hypocrisy, propaganda, maliciousness, immorality, and hubris has grown exponentially. The madness of the men running this colonial empire is concealed through the moral ambiguity and faux patriotism utilized to confuse and mislead a willfully ignorant populace who long ago relinquished their citizenship responsibilities to men they have never seen and never voted for.

How can we judge the actions of these men to be evil when all societal moral standards and social values have been abandoned?  Is there such thing as insanity in a world that has already gone insane? The American Empire is slithering along the edge of a straight razor. Only real judgement enforced by alarmed critical thinking armed citizens can defeat the Deep State at this point.

“I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That’s my dream; that’s my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor… and surviving.” – Kurtz – Apocalypse Now

“If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment! Because it’s judgment that defeats us.”- Kurtz – Apocalypse Now

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May 7, 2017 5:46 pm

Profoundly sad and disheartening. So much so that I can not honestly take any comfort from being a long time committed non-voter. I refuse to play the vote illusion game because I don’t think it matters. So, by definition neither does abstaining. “They” invented democracy for a reason and are going to call the shots regardless of any conceivable action we could take. Que sera, sera. So we all will wait in quiet desperation doing what we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones until the sun comes out once more. And it will.

Howard Skillington
Howard Skillington
May 7, 2017 10:21 pm

And why will the sun come back out?

  Howard Skillington
May 8, 2017 8:04 am

Because mankind has been on the ascendancy for thousands of years.
Because government, in the final analysis, is but a wart on the wheel of progress.
Because that’s a healthy way of dealing with adversity.

May 9, 2017 6:39 pm

On the contrary. Man has been in a Fallen state since the fateful day Adam and Eve met Satan in the garden of Eden. We’ve been on a steady trajectory of decline and decay since that moment when we earned the ignominy of that choice.

Governments are the primary symptom of that Fall from Grace! Read a Bible, for Christ’s sake! It’s not just theology and philosophy…it’s unadulterated HISTORY!

You speak of adversity, and yet you seem utterly ignorant of The Adversary. Satan is the author of all lies…and the FATHER OF IT!

“You may serve the Devil, or you may serve The Lord…but YOU WILL SERVE”

Please don’t be deceived by human politics. Greater stakes are at wager here…to wit, your immortal soul.

May 9, 2017 9:19 pm

L4S I’ll leave the biblical interpretations to you without comment. But to imagine that human advances in living standards and sciences is irrelevant is absurd. Tell me what time period you would rather be living in right now. Tell me when times were so grand that you’d rather live without air conditioning or modern plumbing. Tell me when you’d rather face some devastating disease like cancer or heart disease other than with modern medicine now at your disposal. We all live with creature comforts now that the very richest of people a century ago couldn’t have dreamed of. Mankind continues to elevate its physical well being. It’s now our task to elevate it’s moral well being and spiritual well being as you wish.

May 9, 2017 10:30 pm

Brother this conversation is, of its own gravity, going to migrate to religion.

Science itself has become a religion in direct opposition to Christianity. And it is a religion of lies and deceit.

All the facts point to a manipulation and falsification of data by the”pier reviewed” scientific community.

Climate “science” is only the most obvious lie. Mann’s “hockey stick” graph was a total political fabrication created to forward a political agenda.

NASA is top loaded with ignorant buffoons who haven’t the first idea how the universe came into being, the nature of planetary bodies and comets, or why they’re wrong about the “expanding universe” and how they’ve misinterpreted the infrared dipole shift phenomenon.

In short, everything you’ve been told up to this point has been a lie (and in point of fact, “science”, in its current incarnation, is a State sponsored religion in direct violation of the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution) and I’m sorry you’re so invested in it.

The medical field is equally misinforming you. Visit Steve Quayle dot com and click on the topic of “dead scientists”. Most of the entries are about assassinated holistic doctors.

The truth is you’ll find more useful information about any given subject important and relevant to your life in The Holy Bible than you will in the average scientific journal. These people have a vested financial interest in keeping you ignorant of the truth. If you knew the truth, their livelihoods would be in serious jeopardy! Have you ever wondered about the veracity of carbon dating? It is totally at odds with what the Bible tells us. But of the two of them, who has the higher accuracy rating? By all provable standards, the Bible has been 100% accurate in as far as humanity is able to verify, and yet people STILL want to seek after a vain thing and believe PROVEN LIARS. You can’t be logically objective (“scientific”) and reconcile that. And even THAT phenomenon is explained thoroughly in the biblical text.

You may classify me as a Luddite, but the truth is that we wouldn’t be here if our lives depended on what we think we know today! Our species GOT here because we proved to be survivors that had NO NEED of all the shit they’re pushing on us today! Think about it.

And you may have fantasies of transhumanism or travel among the stars. Read your Bible and you’ll discover that these things are either expressly forbidden, (transhumanism, enacted by the Fallen angels, which resulted in the Flood of Noah) or implied to be forbidden by virtue of physics (space…the 2nd heaven, is a DEATH ZONE completely hostile to human inhabitance…for well reasoned Divine decision. It is the current domain of Satan and his most powerful minions).

So, while I respect your DESIRE to skirt the theological issues, it is simply not logically practical to do so. Truth will not allow it.

May 10, 2017 8:15 am

Well said!

David Krenshaw
David Krenshaw
May 11, 2017 2:03 pm

L4S, read the Bible for YOUR sake — not Christ’s

May 11, 2017 7:51 pm

L4S, since I started reading my Bible and praying consistently my life has gotten back on track. I have peace and contentment again. I’m not afraid of or confused by what I see and what’s coming. To me that’s what life should be about and I can’t do it alone. It’s not possible. Jesus rules and the wisdom of the ancients is as valid as ever. My advice to everyone is to get your affairs in order. Make your peace with the almighty. Repent of your sins and accept Jesus into your heart. I’m not kidding. Don’t wait until the doors to the ark have been shut. One they’re closed that’s it. They’re closed![imgcomment image[/img]

Christian Pasquariello
Christian Pasquariello
May 13, 2017 6:16 am

The Son most certainly will come back. The sooner the better if you ask me.

Excellent post btw.

May 12, 2017 11:28 am

you could at least vote libertarian.

May 9, 2017 10:50 am


May 10, 2017 2:46 pm

Maybe–inadvertently he may accelerate it toward a breaking point. If we have a genuine collapse or reset which invalidates the numerical, computer concept of “money” or “wealth” then we may yet see that disparity absolutely reversed.
The farmer, owner of livestock or skilled tradesmen may once again be the “wealthy” ones as they would hold the basic commodities, land or skills necessary to survive and trudge onward….

Miles Long
Miles Long
May 7, 2017 6:39 pm

Welcome to the Crazy Uncle (& Grandpa) Club. Sometimes I wonder how many of us there really are, it’s not like we all wear armbands or T-shirts or anything. It’s likely a bigger club than their big club, but without the strings of power to pull.

  Miles Long
May 9, 2017 6:53 pm

No words. Just a thumb up.

May 7, 2017 6:46 pm

Outstanding epic part3 Jim. Truth and not just a statement of ” alternative facts”.

Only complaint I have is not about you but myself. Everytime I write something that I think is good I read one of your or FM’s or HF’s features and I can not get myself to send it your way. My clumsy word prose can not stand next to this skill without inviting ridicule.

Mostly from myself.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 8, 2017 8:44 pm

Jimski, I’m ordinarily nuanced, I hope I can get my meaning across.
If you know anything about guys, we love to look at poon, we don’t care if it’s exquisite or it looks like a blown out tire, we don’t judge, we just check it out.

Similarly, we appreciate not half bad writing. If we were to put it on a scale, anon and bb would be the blown out tire and HF would be the exquisite variety. We’re happy with anything in between. You play coy like that and we are going to get irritated that your holding out on us. I mean, if a girl pulled that shit, ‘no, my pussy isn’t fit to be seen!’ Please, we’ll be the judge of that.

I recall T4C’s (nice ass, by the way) first outing. I told her, meh, and got a ‘FU’ in return. Nobody gets discouraged here. Shit, we can’t even discourage Yo’bo and his remora twin – anon.

So, enough talk, let’s have a look at that nasty literary cooch.

  EL Coyote
May 9, 2017 10:54 am

you have a way with words (and analogies) yourself. 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 9, 2017 11:22 pm

Suzie, I must apologize. I’ve been quite stressed with my grandkid being sick and all. I let myself escape into a flurry of silly comments. My darling boy is doing better according to his follow-up. My god, I stayed up late on Saturday (I took out a lot of stress on poor Yohimbo, ragging him without mercy.) to make sure his mom was giving him his breathing treatment.
She got up around midnight, eyes swollen, she said he only needed Tylenol at that time. She’s a trooper, this is the skinny armed girl who once said her arms got tired wiping her car down after washing it.

  EL Coyote
May 11, 2017 2:34 pm

Sorry to hear, I didn’t know. Misery is a sick child/grandchild and nothing much one can do
to help. We love you EC.
Good luck with your little boy.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
May 9, 2017 9:13 pm


May 9, 2017 6:57 pm

Rhetoric is a learned skill, my friend. Don’t be so quick to give yourself short shrift. Anyone with your level of humility is well worth listening to. The time fast approaches when the meek shall Truly inherit the Earth!

You begin by writing the words from your heart. If your heart be true, your words will be well received.

Kelly the Deplorable
Kelly the Deplorable
May 12, 2017 12:01 pm

As I once heard someone on this very site say, in times like these, “The meek may inherit the earth… but only 6 feet of it.”

The Bold actions of BOLD MEN are the only thing that may help us.

May 7, 2017 7:25 pm

Well it is disheartening and frustrating to watch our republic destroy itself and knowing there’s nothing I can do to stop this insanity.I am glad my Grandfather (Grandparents )and Father has passed on to a better world .They would all be heartbroken to see what has happened to our nation. To them America was always good and decent.A home Worth defending.They never knew the truth about How evil our government and monetary system really is or the true causes of World War Two or Vietnam. ( Both were Veterans) I’m glad they died without knowing .

Big Dick
Big Dick
May 8, 2017 9:36 am

Soon I will join their fate. However I cringe at the world ahead for my Grandchildren. Why? Because while the truth lies in the words of Admin, I likewise have seen and felt the sad truth. The Deep State are a snow flake, that became a snow ball, that became an avalanche. It cannot be halted or stopped in its road to ruin. History tells us where it will end, and we get closer to final destruction daily. It is only a question of when.

  Big Dick
May 8, 2017 4:50 pm

Well said… and the truth that most folks won’t even acknowledge so much less believe is that the Fourth Turning for this cycle is well under way… just like clock work this show is going to go live fire….. I, too, am concerned, deeply concerned for my grandchildren most of all… pray, prep and protect, david.

May 7, 2017 7:30 pm

What a nice article to read while being ferried back from the Eastern Shore where the crab cakes are perfect and no one believes there is any reason to learn how to preserve food other than to be quaint and countrified.

You write for us JIMSKI… I’ll cheer your ideas on. Admin has put up with more than one of my attempts to be funny that fell flat and I’m almost sure your efforts will be well received. Perhaps you will bring the other Nick back… Stuckmeister himself.

May 10, 2017 2:57 pm

Over here on the Western Shore ( straight across the Bay from Tilghman Island) we still have quite a few who make their own preserves, grow local beef, sell a hog or half at the farmer’s markets and grow a years worth of healthy veggies in our back yards.
Of course our county council is true conservative–we have nice high commercial building applications, only a mini-shuttle service for public transport and we don’t have a single apartment complex in the entire county.
We drive a mile down the road and buy our crabs, oysters and rockfish from the fishermen when they come to dock——yet less than an hour drive due West you’d hit the DC line.

We are the forgotten peninsula, and if you don’t live here, there’s no reason to visit. If the SHTF ever, we could be completely isolated with just 2 bridges having “unfortunate mishaps.”

May 10, 2017 11:15 pm

She and I took a drive to her old school in Easton last weekend… I am betting we went through your part of town. It is very countrified looking indeed. I agree… those bridges would need a serious mishap in a hurry.

May 11, 2017 7:56 am

On our visit to their home, a story about their “neighbor” who is a stockbroker was told to me: He stopped by one day to visit after a week in NYC and told them how very guilty he felt for making $800,000 the week before. I didn’t say it out loud, but thought he SHOULD feel guilty.

May 10, 2017 11:13 pm

By the way? After sharing a comment on the Stonewall Jackson thread about my friend, I will add here that I made several quarts of Apple Pie in a Jar for my friends and impressed them greatly.

It is a bit better if I have some of HSF’s maple syrup to add, but I’ll have to get home for that.

May 11, 2017 7:47 pm

I’d love to trade some of the fresh strawberry jam my wife made last weekend for some apple pie in a jar –and HSF’s Maple Syrup is great–we had French Toast with eggs from our chickens the first night it arrived and “breakfast for dinner” had a special New Hampshire, amber topping.

PS: Yes, the urban sprawl of Beamers, Volvos and assorted millionaires is hitting us out here also. It is trendy to be “farmy” now. You must have been in the St Michael’s area with all of its cafes, cobblestone walkways with snooty barristas and stores full of Sperry topsiders and $300 sunglasses……..

May 13, 2017 9:12 am

When I visited last year, we took a ride on the family’s boat to see St. Michael’s since we visited on a Holiday weekend and she wanted to avoid traffic. So, yes, my friend took me there for seafood at the shore this visit.

It was good, but to be honest? I know how to steam clams and make an oyster chowder that is top notch for a lot less than $40 a head.

May 7, 2017 7:34 pm

I just turned on the TV to the news and apparently France has voted to destroy itself for real this time.This is truly sad.What has happened to us in the West. It’s almost like a curse from God has come upon us.

May 7, 2017 7:43 pm

Well done Admin. Well written, neither a conservative, liberal, nor libertarian point of view, but a realistic look at where we are as a nation, a society, a people. The title coming from Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ as Kurtz’s dying words: ”The horror!…The horror!”, reverberate through Conrad’s story like a haunting refrain. They force us, as readers, to the great and terrible question: What is the horror? Is it us?

May 7, 2017 8:00 pm

And people wonder why I moved to the land downunder.

At this point, I do not believe the people would allow this to be fixed. 56% of the US population believes healthcare is a right – which means somebody is responsible for providing it to them (other than themselves).

Try slashing the military budget and see the screaming as jobs are lost. Take away the SNAP cards and watch the riots. Eliminate the majority of student loans and see the colleges burn. Trim SS and Medicare and SSDI to sustainable levels and the whales will wheel out on their little battery powered carts in the millions. Slash the bloated public service and the drones will buzz and strike. Raise interest rates to proper levels and watch bankruptcies envelope all the economic classes save the very wealthy.

The issues are now pervasive throughout society. They are so entrenched that nothing will pull the rotted tooth. The people want the can kicked down the road. And so it will be, until it is kicked over the cliff.

And I hopefully will be alive to see it, but far enough away to be only minorly impacted.

It is going to be catastrophic.

Thanks Admin. Great work.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 7, 2017 8:59 pm

Seems to me that once America collapses, Australia will be a nice ripe fruit waiting to be plucked by the Chinese. It’s practically empty and China will have a shitload of single, disgruntled men.

  Iska Waran
May 7, 2017 9:01 pm

Could be. Time will tell. If it comes to that the entire world will be in ashes.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 7, 2017 11:06 pm

If the nukes fly, it’d be better to be in the Southern Hemisphere.

  Iska Waran
May 9, 2017 7:02 pm

…or directly beneath them. But, God has a plan and He’s in charge. May He bless us to persevere and overcome in His Name no matter the circumstances!


May 10, 2017 1:51 am

I pray it comes to you and your first. Who knows? God might fit it into His agenda! Never hurts to ask, right?

  Iska Waran
May 7, 2017 9:24 pm

I think China has it’s eyes on unpopulated and resource rich Siberia. Natural allies Russia and China are not.

May 9, 2017 7:05 pm

There is Biblical precedence for your theory. Book of Isaiah…a book of true prophesy inspired by God.

May 8, 2017 9:34 am

Appalachians would have been much safer. How’s your Mandarin coming?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Mark Leininger
Mark Leininger
May 9, 2017 12:00 am

Germany used to be like that too. Now look at them.

May 9, 2017 7:05 pm

That’s the plan!

May 8, 2017 10:53 am

For all the negative publicity Mexico gets it is a great and inexpensive place to live. (Not along the border)

May 9, 2017 7:07 pm

…if you don’t mind living under the tyranny of the various drug cartels…enforced by the Mexican Government. Oh, and let’s not forget that in a 1000 years you’ll NEVER be allowed to OWN property in Mexico because you weren’t BORN there…or own guns legally.

Yeah. GREAT place to move to! Who cares if your loved ones end up in a 50 gallon drum of acid, right? It’s not like it’d ever happen to you.

May 10, 2017 1:54 am

That explains volumes. NOW I understand why you’re the Godless cuck you are!

May 7, 2017 8:14 pm

It’s not like we have not been warned.

May 7, 2017 8:59 pm

Nice wrap up in a well delivered series. I especially liked the analysis of Kurtz mental state, as it related to those grocery clerks that sent an errand boy to collect a due.
The Red Pill/Blue Pill meme addresses this phenomena clearly visible in our society as well, as well as Crazy Uncle Jim, which perhaps is vernacular that helps us traverse time to an age before now with the same budding insanity and glimpse the vanguard.
Also I would like to take the opportunity to thank you, for not only the great work, which has become iconic, but for the truly open forum, a gift in an age of propaganda. Thank you.
After reading the articles and hundreds of comments here and ZH, I can report your opus has inspired many, and the open dialog that has ensued, represents what is best about our culture. Even the extremes, as the propagandist have no more powerful weapon than censorship and the insidious gag it places on thought. Thanks again.

May 8, 2017 9:37 am

The open forum is what makes TBP unique in all the bloggersphere. But if Loopy and SJW ilk where to have it their way, it would be no more. Thanks for reminding us.

May 9, 2017 7:12 pm

This is a rare jewel indeed! frequent reader, late coming commenter.

Kelly the Deplorable
Kelly the Deplorable
May 12, 2017 12:20 pm

I have to agree. The articles are always excellent & thought-provoking, but the comments & forum provided are what really make this place special. Always such a diversity of opinions, without the maddening SJWs telling us what racists we are.

Admin, thank you for allowing the genius gentlemen, as well as the dumbass douches, to comment without censorship.

And an Excellent finish to an excellent series.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
May 7, 2017 9:00 pm

‘This is the end, My only friend, the end, of our elaborate plans, the end of everything that stands, the end, I’ll never look into your eyes, again”. There’s a good reason the Doors were backdrop music for that movie, based on that book. Like Orwell, they had a sense of what’s coming. DC, Wall St., the Fed, all delusional and mad at this juncture. locked in an echo chamber, only socializing with like minded elite shit for brains. There is no limitless growth in an overpopulated despoiled world. To try and dump 20 trillion in debt on your grandchildren is a criminal act. We can play Empire, big bad motherfucker, but what we really are is a bag lady, pushing a cart full of shit, begging dimes to buy a bottle of Mad Dog. Government is done, beyond useless, so corrupted as to be irrelevant. There is only yourself, family, friends and the social capital of people whose hearts and minds are heading in the right direction

  Dennis Roe
May 10, 2017 5:11 pm

Since you struck a chord with me when you quoted the Doors I thought you might like this red pill. It may shatter some of your illusions and “Rock your World”, however I found it to be a great read.. Enjoy

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the
Birth of the Hippie Generationwe take a stroll down memory lane to a time nearly
four-and-a-half decades ago -a time when America last had uniformed ground troops
fighting a sustained and bloody battle to impose, uhmm, ‘democracy’ on a sovereign nation

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 7, 2017 9:01 pm

Uncle Jim[imgcomment image[/img]

May 7, 2017 9:33 pm

But for all the propaganda, brainwashed peeps, why have not these abused soldiers pursued an attack on the government? Why have these men, however damaged ,not assassinated someone in high places? Why do we not step up to displace all these monsters? Voting has not worked for our generation. I’m surprised there hasn’t been some active, violent resistance. So what do you think, all you commenters? Are we all “not me’s”? Where has the revolutionary spirit gone from this country?

May 7, 2017 9:46 pm

Doug – you believe that you have the right to violently dispute the will of the people? The people in large part want what is on offer.

May 10, 2017 1:46 am

By the law of the jungle, I have a right to do whatever the fuck I want. You have the right to try to stop me. Play that game at your own peril…snowflake princess.

See how that works? It’s called fucking REALITY!!! Get used to it. It’s coming to a town near you…soon. You CAN’T STOP IT! And I hope it falls on you like a ton of fucking bricks…because you’re just the arrogant prick who has it coming, you intellectual Sodomite.

May 8, 2017 2:47 pm

Piss off you arrogant pussy. Go back to Mar 16 My Lai massacre and read my comments and you might know why us abused Vets aren’t doing anything. When you get done go to the nearest asylum and tell those veggies that you want them to do something brave.
I’m crazy Uncle Frankie and out of my 50 or so nieces and nephews only the Jews invite me to gatherings because of my attacks on our govt. I never took a dime of anyones Crazy money or the Meds that come with it so your’e not being yelled at by some welfare freak on mommy’s couch you sorry fuck.

May 9, 2017 11:07 am

we feel your pain. There are heavy rumors that retaliation
teams are out and about with “for death” lists. Pakistan.
The “elite” snipers will be millennials or nothing,
those hopefully not subjected to the 70 some immunization
a grunt gets “to protect” him, and ensure misery and death.

May 9, 2017 7:13 pm

You’re such a cuck!

May 9, 2017 11:26 am

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose” – Janis Joplin

Apparently these folks believe there is still something left worth protecting (not losing). That is a truth every man must evaluate for himself.

May 9, 2017 6:01 pm

L4S – get your quotes right.

That was not Joplin. That was Kris Kristoffersen.

May 9, 2017 6:22 pm

I rest my case…and I did note one instance of a mention of Chris Christopherson in my web search, but my knowledge of 60’s and 70’s rock informs me that the quote is, in point of fact, attributable to Janis Joplin. I own the album she sang it on (original LP).

Thank you for bringing to my attention this apparent discrepancy of original attribute.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 9, 2017 11:37 pm
May 11, 2017 11:58 am


My fuck you’re stupid! Even a dumb fuck knows that Kris Kristofferson wrote that song.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 9, 2017 11:35 pm

Thank you, LLPOH. He said he’s been reading for some time yet he knows not that we covered this some time ago. And the fool has yet to lecture Stucky on bible truth. I was not aware of how lost the NASA bosses are. Guess I wasted my time on shuttle support for nothing.

Plus, dingleballs, you can’t use L4S, that is too big of a handle for your sorry ass. Not to mention it sounds like your filching T4C’s cachet. Try something more appropriate like Gomer Pyle.

  EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 1:35 am

Do I detect the stench of self righteous entitlement? I believe I do, and it’s emanating from that cock holster you call a mouth! Sounds to me like someone’s been licking their own cock so long on this site that they’ve convinced themselves that they own it like an alpha dog. Well…

“I’ve got some bad news for you, Sunshine. Pink isn’t well. He stayed back at the hotel. You’re gonna go on with this surrogate band. Now we’ll find out where these fans really stand! So you … thought you… might like to… go to the show…to feel the warmth, that inner confusion…that space cadet glow?”

Good luck with that, Beta butt-muncher. The lights are up and you’re on with a cold mic! Your little echo chamber is due for an implosion.

May 11, 2017 4:31 pm

It was Kris Kristoferson who wrote that song, not Joplin

May 7, 2017 9:51 pm


Some of us have tried and slammed right up against the immovable force of a military industrial complex supplying our spineless politicians with all the perks necessary to make sure we are all guarded by a system that will never allow one act of defiance to go unpunished.

In other words, the revolutionary spirit is squashed by the fear instilled in us every time another unarmed citizen gets killed by an overeager cop or when a business is run into the ground by a lawsuit that is so frivolous we can’t believe it made it into court, much less is taken seriously by anyone supposedly able to read the law or when our children are told to ignore all the values and morals taught them by parents.

Outrage doesn’t last long when you realize it faces true evil that holds the reins of power.

May 9, 2017 9:16 pm

What a chilling sentence: “Outrage doesn’t last long when you realize it faces true evil that holds the reins of power.” I think you nailed it, Maggie.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 9, 2017 11:45 pm

There is nothing new under the sun and even quotes have been said before. The word courage reminds me of a similar word in Spanish: coraje.

Cervantes mentions this word many times when describing Don Quixote’s fury. It is this definition of the word ‘coraje’ that my grandpa used when he said “donde hay temor, no hay coraje” – where there is fear, there is no anger (fury).

  EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 1:22 am

Your grandpa was a fool and an idiot. At least I know you come by it honest!

May 11, 2017 12:02 am

…at least I know.. whatta maroon. You don’t know EC and your comment was gratuitous.

Time for a name change for LS4. He who lacks horsepower in that worn Slant Six.

[imgcomment image[/img]

  EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 11:19 pm

Quotes are easy to create, EC. It is the content of the quote’s character that gives it meaning.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 11, 2017 11:45 pm

I have a dream that my created quotes will one day be judged by the content of their character.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 7, 2017 10:00 pm

Writing trilogies like these is why I send you money, Admin (and not to any other websites).

Yes, watching insanity leads one to become insane also. However, by shining light on the madness, you show newbies and the otherwise uneducated populace what the true state of affairs is in this nation.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 7, 2017 10:08 pm

When by far the most dangerous place to be in our country is in a mother’s womb…what else needs to be said about the condition of our society. We are akin to water…forever seeking the lowest point possible! You either understand this or you don’t, because it can’t be explained. thanks

May 8, 2017 2:48 pm


May 7, 2017 10:13 pm


If you can lay it out for the world to see, well then others can do it. The truth shall set you free.

Wish you had tied the banks like GS and others in the swamp to the Fed as they are shareholders and the whole shootin’ match is Rothschild owned. You know, the same family that just bought the French presidency for Macron.

The reason we won’t see the other big time writers call this out for what it is , is because they too are in the club. Until more people understand the ((club)), nothing will change.

May 8, 2017 1:54 pm

Preach BL!

Bravo Admin!

Great article!

Kick ((them)) in the BALLZ!

ursel doran
ursel doran
May 8, 2017 12:56 am

Congrats and kudos for the most excellent series. Some of the best documentation of the insanity ever.
This new book on the same subject is another well done piece for distribution.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  ursel doran
May 8, 2017 9:47 am


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Big Dick
May 9, 2017 11:47 pm

Wow, Big Dick has a special word for his big dick – maleware. That truly is what you might call a cock-block.

  ursel doran
May 8, 2017 12:22 pm

Is this OK?

  ursel doran
May 9, 2017 11:24 am

ursel, I read the new preface for translations.
Thanks for the reference.

May 8, 2017 1:13 am

Admin; The so-called turning of Trump isn’t really that. His reversals of late confirm my original theory of what he was all about. Started in the Repub debates. He was a quiet member of the Clinton-Obama mafia; Deep State figure heads. His purpose in running was to thwart any possibility of one of the R candidates from winning. If not chosen, he could form a third party run, like Perot/Nader and dilute the anti-Dem vote.
But he won !! Shocker. Who knew there was that much antipathy boiling beneath the surface to the Dem/Deeps ? So ride it out, have the stage fun, Mr. Big Shot, and then raise the “Jolly Roger”, albeit slowly. Remarkable ; we’re phuqed.

And to all TBP’ers. There is no escaping this inevitable wave ; the fourth turning. It’s as big as any asteroid. Find a safe place, stock the food and essentials, and watch the greatest horror movie of you life !!

May 8, 2017 5:00 pm

“And to all TBP’ers. There is no escaping this inevitable wave ; the fourth turning. It’s as big as any asteroid. Find a safe place, stock the food and essentials, and watch the greatest horror movie of you life !!”


May 8, 2017 8:12 am

One editorial comment: “His first two military parlays played so well, he decided it was time to teach the crazed midget lunatic in North Korea whose boss.”

This should say who’s instead of whose…a contraction of who is.

sionnach liath
sionnach liath
May 8, 2017 8:40 am

“As they turned to the car Holmes pointed back to the moonlit sea and shook a thoughtful head. ‘There’s and east wind coming, Watson.’
“I think not, Holmes. It is very warm.”
“Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There’s an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But its God’s own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.”

  sionnach liath
May 8, 2017 8:57 am

‘There’s and east wind coming, Watson.’

There’s AN east wind.

the editor

Not Sure
Not Sure
May 8, 2017 8:54 am

We are all reaching the “we are copulated” moment. It happened in 2008 and then more clearly in 2012 and now, 100 days after the last election of 2016. It’s one thing to realize ” the horror, the horror” with your dying breath and quite another to wake up to it, knowing your life is still ahead of you.

I think many are seeing the little dictator crying wolf one too many times and starting to think he is full of sh*t, but will the manipulators of fake news allow their meme to be exposed as false? No, someone will light the firecracker and we will all begin the ride of our lives.

May 8, 2017 9:04 am

Great job, Admin. Kudos, to you for having the balls to speak the truth . So many worry about risking their position in the pecking order by acknowledging reality, but see no problem in risking the life and security of friends, neighbors family and themselves by remaining silent .

May 8, 2017 10:48 am

I wonder if Peterson will be allowed to speak freely now that his popularity is growing. Attempts to shut him up have thus far failed.

May 9, 2017 11:55 am

I read the new preface for translations.
Thanks for the reference.

May 9, 2017 12:05 pm

Thanks for your courage, and your TBF.

Many great comments for sure, but my favorite is
Llpoh @ 8:47. You know what you wrote Mr.

Admin said,
“Assenting to obvious mistruths and propaganda is essentially co-operating with and enabling evil. When citizens fail to hold their leaders accountable for blatant lies, false narratives, and despicable propaganda storylines, they become evil themselves”

Truer for those that actively collude of course. Remember
CIA/FBI quote by W. Casey in 1985. We are intended to
believe the endless lies. Some people still believe them,
and thus, talk about the drapes.


May 9, 2017 1:00 pm

Suzanna, I think you hit number 100. I saw it was at 99 earlier and thought about EC’s game of popping on to say “100 I win!”

People who buy into the system to profit themselves and/or their careers not only believe the lies, some will even attempt to demand that you renounce your own belief in the truth.

I explained to a friend of my friend here in Mordor on the Potomac that I use natural toothpaste and am careful of my water sources to avoid ingesting fluoride in any form. I only told my preference because my tube of “strange” toothpaste on the countertop prompted a series of questions that I answered honestly. Even my friend was aghast that my poor child was raised fluoride free. Never mind that the 23-year-old man has never had a cavity and has perfect enamel, according to all dentists he’s ever visited. It is the attention to oral hygiene that cares for teeth and NOT the chemicals in the cleanser.

My friend brought me a printed out lecture about the benefits of fluoride to mankind from her co-worker yesterday. I told my friend I didn’t give a shit whether she uses fluoride or not and that made her laugh, so we dropped it.

I am forcing myself to find it funny; otherwise I would get pissed off and send a message back with my friend that would not be nice. But, think about it; wtf?

At one time, I planned to revise a piece I’d written some years ago on why the meanings of words are so profoundly dependent upon language. It was something I stumbled upon when I was tutoring a young German girl who was having great difficulty with a class we were both taking at the University of Oklahoma. She was a brilliant violinist, on music scholarship, and obviously interested to learn the material from American Political Theory class she and I were taking that semester. When I realized that many times my simple (in my mind) explanations for the terms she had great difficulty with were incomprehensible for her, I asked her to explain to me what certain of those words meant to her.

They had no meaning in her native language. She was actually from Heerlen, Holland and spoke that version of Germanic language primarily. She explained that she spoke several languages fluently and translated them in her mind into her native tongue for comprehension. But many of the terms in the Political Science class we found ourselves caused her great confusion. I finally wrote her some word for word answers to questions on those topics for her to memorize (after talking to the professor, who was willing suggest questions he might pose) that served her well enough to ace the tests. It wasn’t a LOT of terms, but it did make me realize how learning is predicated upon having a vocabulary that supports the ability to comprehend meaning.

After doing a bit of work on the article, I abandoned it completely, realizing that my own assessment of the meaning of words was grotesquely obsolete after the intervening decade of political correctness.

May 11, 2017 2:47 pm

I use “special” toothpaste as well. Colgate caused
me various damages.
I drink well water…not sure what is all in that,
but no fluoride anyway.

Peoples beliefs are a part of them/it is who they are.
Others of us do have the ability to learn from data.
I don’t give a shit what toothpaste you use. What else
would you say/do? Plead with your friend?
We need to learn to say we like the taste, and let the
rest go.

May 8, 2017 9:36 am

The stuff you write is more frightening than Steven King. To make it worse it isn’t fiction. Only the wise and tough will come out the other side.

May 9, 2017 7:23 pm

See you on the other side buddy! LOL

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 8, 2017 10:04 am

The final refuge of We The People resides in the Revolutionary Intent of our Founding Fathers.

Our Oppressors are the banks, specifically, the English-based, Criminal Imposter and parasite, the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve”, neither “Federal”, nor possessing ANY “Reserves”.

US law enforcement is no such thing and those, such as Comey, Holder, Lynch and Breuer, take their orders from those, such as former English Finance Minister, George Osborne.

Their behaviors are directly linked to the battlefield deaths of American and British Soldiers.

The “FIAT v Commodity” discussion is an intentional misdirection, red herring and screen to counterfeiting. Presently, there are in excess of 1200 trillion in counterfeit US dollars and counterfeit US securities. Those securities speak to “Mortgage-Backed-Securities” with no “Mortgages” in them.

Article One, Section Eight, paragraph 6, specifically states: “The Congress shall have the power … To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States…”.

Doesn’t get ANY clearer than that.

We The People need ICELAND the foreign criminal bankers that are presently usurping our financial center and well-being, into a prison cell; thereafter, we need to nationalize the banks, strip the bankers of their assets and renounce the phony currency they have unleashed upon the world in our name.

~ Michael Keane 5/8/17

  Michael Keane
May 9, 2017 7:26 pm

Ironically, the wife of my cuck neighbor stepped onto my front porch last month to inform me that the Bible is a pack of lies and the Constitution is a meaningless scrap of paper from a bygone age.

Needless to say, they are no longer welcome on my property!

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 8, 2017 10:19 am

That was an outstanding comparison between and analysis of “Apocalypse Now”, “Heart of Darkness” and the disease of the modern soul.

I would love to see what you could do with “Platoon” as an updated “Moby Dick” and what we learn from the interplay between a true-believing zealot (Berenger/Ahab); a more rational non-believing counterbalance (DeFoe/Starbuck) and their respective quests to win the soul of the naive but interested newby (Sheen/Ishmael).

Thanks for your efforts.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 9, 2017 7:30 pm

Apparently the gift of comparison is not as rare as we previously thought. Well done, and kudos for your brevity. I am impressed. (*NOT sarcasm. Sincere admiration.)

May 8, 2017 10:27 am

Hello, long time reader…first time posting…to all the sane people that point out the truth as Jim has done so well….are you the only crazy uncle/aunt in your circle of family and friends?

May 8, 2017 2:22 pm

Pretty much!!

May 8, 2017 5:04 pm

Ah, yup!!!!!

May 9, 2017 6:59 pm

I make eyes roll.

May 9, 2017 7:32 pm

I’d rather roll face…but that’s just me being me.

May 8, 2017 11:29 am

Nice to see what used to be only spoken on the Left (by Chomsky, Zinn, Foucault, and many others) now being openly espoused by the Right as well. So many Americans still cling to the fantasy that America is a force for good in the world, instead of recognizing that our nation, once so bright with promise, was long ago entirely captured by the forces of darkness. America is now the ruling seat of an empire so evil it appears seriously to be contemplating launching a nuclear war against Russia and China rather than accept its own impending demise.

“Government is done, beyond useless, so corrupted as to be irrelevant.” So if government is irrelevant, we should ignore it in hopes that it’ll go away? Or will we sooner or later find ourselves up against a wall with government soldiers pointing government guns at us? “Find a safe place, stock the food and essentials, and watch the greatest horror movie of you life !!” Sounds like a cop-out. “Dust off our guns and fix it?” Good luck with that.

The problem is that no one knows what the fuck to do. Until someone comes up with an idea that has legs, denial ( as practiced by “liberals,” “conservatives,” “libertarians,” and “democratic socialists”) is as good a strategy for dealing with this fucked-up world as anything else.

A believer in Christ
A believer in Christ
May 8, 2017 6:08 pm

There is nothing we can do but to cry to God for mercy confessing Jesus Christ as The Mighty God who was crucified, buried and rose from the grave to grant sinners eternity with Him !! What is going to happen now is The Great Tribulation described in Revelation. Believe and Call on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

  A believer in Christ
May 8, 2017 8:41 pm

Amen, brother. Just remember that WHILE we remain, we must fight the good fight. These MIC ass munchers MUST be made to pay for their transgressions against humanity in every way possible.

We were put here to oppose Satan. That means warring against his apostles too.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
May 8, 2017 8:41 pm

They aint going away. they’re irrelevant cause they cant actually do anything. I’m no doomsday prepper, I depend on myself and people I know who aren’t full of shit. Any soldier sticking a gun in my face has more in common with me than the fat, rich shitbirds writing his check. Good things are coming from the bottom up. ingenuity and industriousness, the real fuckin America, not the cunts and whores you see on TV.

May 8, 2017 8:47 pm

Phil – bullshit. People know what to do. I know. Admin knows. You know. Almost everyone who posts here knows.

But it will never happen, for many reasons. Why? Because it involves immediate and severe pain. Eliminate welfare. Slash the military. Cut govt by 2/3s. Stop the deficit spending. Fix the banking system. Stop immigration except for specific target folks of high calibre. Put term limits on politicians. Control lobbyists. Crush the educatin unions and fix education. Fix tax law down to a couple of pages down from 17,000. Cut political involvement of courts. Build infrastructure instead of paying welfare. Stop student loans for women’s and Black Studies. Etc.

We may not agree on every aspect of what needs done, but we agree on enough.

But the immediate pain would be severe. So instead, we are going to see an entire collapse and incomprehensible pain later.

May 9, 2017 12:41 pm

I correspond occasionally with a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative who declares himself to be a proud Independent voter, with a capital “I.” Since he farms a couple thousand acres of land in Missouri, where flooding regionally has destroyed hundreds of thousands of (correction here) acres of crops in the ground, I enquired about how great he anticipated the losses to the region and specifically, his own crops.

No worries, he assured me. The government will “take care” of the losses to “us poor farmers.” Fiscally conservative indeed. No pain there.

May 9, 2017 3:02 pm

Right. Out here they rail against welfare bums as they fill their pickup with subsidized red dye diesel.

May 11, 2017 3:09 pm

Long pause while I gave some thought to what you had to say, Llpoh. I think the issues are bigger than what you’re suggesting, and that at least some of the things you advocate as solutions won’t address the real problems. One can imagine that at least the funding cut for black and women’s studies could be passed through a Republican-dominated Congress. In fact, almost anything that pits one segment of the 99% against another can get traction among legislators and lots of attention in the media. But those things don’t have any impact on who holds the actual power in this country or how they exercise it. In fact, by pitting us against each other they further strengthen the control of the Deep State.

But try doing anything that even faintly resembles a challenge to their power. Bernie Sanders’ presidential run, which offered only the mildest of threats to the established order, is an excellent case study of how the Deep State operates that I hope will be substantially researched and documented one day. Sanders’ campaign demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that the will of the voters is only acknowledged if it aligns with the aims of the Deep State. Their candidate managed to secure the nomination despite enormous evidence of systematic electoral fraud, which went completely unreported in the MSM. One statistician, for example, calculated that the odds of Hillary beating the exit polls by the margins she did in the first sixteen states she won were one in 77 billion. Oddly enough, Nate Silver didn’t find the time to pick up on that apparent statistical anomaly.

The assassinations of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King (as well as thousands of less well-known people here and abroad) show the less subtle ways in which those guys behave when they feel the need to do so. But they don’t always go to such extreme measures. Intimidation and non-lethal force can be pretty persuasive, as Maggie’s comments above show.

Knowing what to do is not the same thing as knowing how to do it. We’re not going to be allowed to change anything by voting. Organizing an effective military resistance is unlikely, given the reach and power of the surveillance state. Is there a third alternative? If so, I and doubtless millions of others want to hear about it.

In the meantime, my small contribution is to try, as someone coming out of the Leftist (note: not “liberal”) tradition, to engage with the Right (which I take to include many of the readers and commenters here) to find points of commonality. I’m gratified to see that there are so many.

May 9, 2017 7:39 pm

“…and Darth Sideous became SUCH a powerful Lord of the Sith, that the only thing he feared was…losing his power. Which, of course, he eventually did. You see, he taught his apprentice EVERYTHING he knew, and one night his apprentice killed him in his sleep.” ~ Emperor Palpatine in the seduction of Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

…and yet we learn NOTHING!

May 8, 2017 12:28 pm

I just wanted to add that bunker buster bomb cost the amerikan taxpayer $314,000,000.oo.

May 8, 2017 8:50 pm

Generalmax – that is stupid beyond belief. That bomb cost $170,000. Seriously, don’t you people have a bullshit detector?

May 9, 2017 7:46 pm

Yep. 314 million sounds like an awful lot to pay for a few tons of glorified Semtex. My BS meter is off the scale on that one!

May 8, 2017 12:39 pm

What will the French elections mean moving forward? With the betrayal of Trump, what is to encourage Americans who were disengaged before Trump to get back out in vote again when they see that Trump didn’t do anything he said? Is this just a journey into an inevitable world controlled by big governments and big corporations?

May 9, 2017 7:56 pm

Dude. I KNEW he was a bullshit artist extraordinaire before he ever took the stage. That’s why I didn’t vote this last election and why I’ll never vote again as long as I live. What’s the point?!?

This quote of his has long since been scrubbed from the internet, but here it is as I recall reading it from a William F. Buckley Jr. interview in the 80’s…”If I were ever to run for POTUS, I would run as a Republican. They are the stupidest people on the planet.”

This shit was set up over 30 years ago. We’re all the victims of a (relatively) bloodless coup.

May 8, 2017 1:45 pm

In an otherwise excellent article dealing with propaganda and military over-spending, I take exception to the MIC schill, war-mongering elitist Mencken having a quote of his presented as if he was somehow against those sorts of things: as far as I can tell he wasn’t, he loved the idea of pushing the weak around.

May 8, 2017 2:52 pm

Thanks. You and Robert gore sure pack a wallop. Both of you will be in Gitmo soon but we”ll make sure your commissary cards are always full.
Crazy Uncle Frankie.

May 8, 2017 8:35 pm

Dude! We’ll break them out if we have to! “Truth to power”, but it’s power that drives the Truth. Force when force is needed. Screw the commissary cards. I can feel it coming…and I am SO ready!

May 8, 2017 10:01 pm

Be careful what you wish for. When you find out how hard it is to kill a human and how ugly and messy it is and what it’s like to have he or she beg for mercy and you can’t afford to give it, call me. Whats worse is when you can but won’t give mercy because you stepped over the fine line from defense to meanness because you can get away with it. You take the Evil and the Evil takes you and makes you its Bitch. You’ll do worse things next week to get your mind off this weeks crud.
I can tell by your rah rah bullshit that you’re weak and will curl up and piss yourself or give in to evil because it will seem easier.
Too much of this kind of eagerness to go into what LLPOH described as incomprehensible pain coming. Wish I knew how to post pictures of real war that never gets reported, I’d show you what will happen to your kids if you have any.

May 8, 2017 10:14 pm

Nah. L4S is rarin’ to go kick some ass! He got Jesus on his side, *and* he’s seen Full Metal Jacket 14 times!

May 8, 2017 10:24 pm

I hope he told Jesus.

May 8, 2017 10:42 pm

Roger that.

May 9, 2017 12:53 am

How many people have you killed, snark dog? Yeah. I’m ready. Been ready for a long time. See you in the street when it all goes to hell. You won’t see me, but I’ll see you a mile away.

May 9, 2017 12:49 am

You’re pretty judgmental for someone who knows absolutely nothing about me. Not a good survival trait. You’ve got big internet balls though. glad you could impress yourself!

May 9, 2017 1:28 pm

I can only judge you by the bullshit you post here. How many people have you killed snark dog? Why would I brag about something that still makes me puke you dammed Idiot.
1 tour in the Navy makes you wise to the game? I was there for the 68 Tet offensive, the counter offensive and 2 mini Tets and went crazy. For that I got 2 shitty bronze stars that I couldn’t even wear out of shame inflicted by Hippies and other cowards who Crucified us and let the bankers off free. Now the Hippies are wearing birkenstocks and want to stick their hand out and say thanks for your service. 15 years later I woke up and the Evil had taken me to places I didn’t want to go and do things I didn’t want to do with people I didn’t want to do it with. None of my buddy’s got that chance, they died with a needle in their arm.
So there’s my “Internet Balls”. You pussy if you see me a mile away you better take that shot.

May 9, 2017 5:18 pm

I wouldn’t shoot you, buddy! I’d gouge out your eyes with my thumbs and skull fuck your corpse. Have a nice life!

P.S. I ain’t one of those “turn the other cheek” Christians. I’m one of those “I’ll LITERALLY BEAT the Hell out of you” Christians. We’re not all cast in the same mold.

May 9, 2017 7:43 pm

L4S – then you ain’t no Christian. You are a muslim claiming to be a Christian.

Despite all your bullshit, Christianity is a religion of peace. That is its core. That is why it is so special, so unique. And you cannot even give lipservice to that fact. Nope. You go around spouting about being a warlike Christian. That is not possible.

May 9, 2017 8:27 pm

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion, but I can quote you Scripture from the King James Bible to refute your position. Your relationship with Christ (IF it exists AND you actually CLAIM it) and your understanding of His mission is obviously different than my own.

Fine and dandy. But when you make such a proclamation such as you just did…you put yourself in front of the White Throne Judgment Seat (reserved for the condemned). It is not for you or anyone else to judge someone else’s relationship with God. IF you were a true Christian…you would KNOW THIS FACT.

But this is not a case of “pot meet kettle”. You have placed yourself in jeopardy of eternal damnation by my understanding of Scripture. I do not require an apology, but I suggest you take this to the Lord in humility and prayer for your own sake.

Beyond that, I will forbear to ridicule. I only suggest that the way you view things might be radically different than you imagine them to be. You might want to review the Old Testament and consider that Christ Jesus WAS/IS God incarnate (made flesh), and that He stated that He did NOT come to change the Law. In fact, “not one jot or tittle” would be changed…but fulfilled. “Heaven and Earth may pass away; but my Word shall NOT pass away until ALL be fulfilled.”

God Jesus is not some hippie peacenik that farts cotton candy and unicorns. He is serious as a heart attack and not lightly ignored in His Word or His Position. He will not ignore attacks on His followers…even if they forgive them. And you are me personally. You’re on your own hook for the rest of it.

In closing, a quote from The Last of the Mohicans…

“You are a man of a few virtues, but taken on the whole, I was wrong to have regarded you so highly.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:00 am

Careful, LLPOH, this guy quotes Fenimore Cooper, a guy Twain ridiculed for knowing little about Indians. I guess old Late 4 Supper knows about Indians.

At least I hope he knows more about Indians than he does about the bible. Dumbass doesn’t know the New Testament replaced the OT.

May 9, 2017 8:17 am


Wow! A very profound piece of writing. Thanks for sharing that.

You should post your pictures..

There is, it seems, a grim reckoning on the way. But like you say some folks that have dealt first hand with death are still not eager to see it come. Maybe L4 is ready for what he yearns. Maybe not. Tell will tell and only he will know for sure.

May 9, 2017 8:29 am

I’ll leave you with the following thought from John Stuart Mill,

“War is an ugly thing, but not the UGLIEST of things. The decayed and degraded spirit of one who is unwilling to risk war for any reason whatsoever is FAR uglier.”

And for all those who “assume” I have not seen violent death up close and personal…you’re arrogant, clueless idiots.

The inerrant Word of God teaches us that “for EVERYTHING, there is a season”.

A change in the weather is coming and I intend to be prepared for it. You will do as you please. It makes no difference to me.

May 9, 2017 8:34 am

Never said that and never assumed. Just question your eagerness.

May 9, 2017 9:10 am

I realize that, but as you can see, there are others here who DID say it and DID assume (fleabag in particular). As for “eagerness”…I’m 58 years old and seen a lot of shit in my life. I will admit to a desire for payback against the evil fucks who have destroyed the country I once loved, but that is a personal demon I have to wrestle with alone.

When I stand at the intersection of belief and action, I will not be standing alone. Jesus will be right there with me. I trust His judgment and so am not afraid.

Don’t confuse preparedness with eagerness. I just see the inescapable storm coming. I’ve been watching it build for half a century. You can’t do that and not have some definite feelings and plans made…unless you’re an idiot. An idiot, I am not. I don’t think you are either.

I apologize if I sound adversarial. I’m only trying to set the record straight. You seem like a reasonable person, and I certainly don’t know you well enough to dislike you.

Peace be with you.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:03 am

Gee, I wonder if Admin knows about that season thing. Maybe he could use it in an article. Isn’t that line from a song by the Byrds?

  EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 1:02 am

“Dumbass doesn’t know the New Testament replaced the OT.”

WOW! Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more Biblically illiterate you trot out this gem! What fucking “church” do YOU belong to?

Allow me to FURTHER enlighten you in the literal words of MY Lord and Savior…Christ Jesus…

Matthew 5:

17: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
18: For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

“Verily” – that means “truly”, you shmuck. That is a PROMISE from the living God’s lips to your Satanic ears. Let those with ears hear! And eyes SEE!

May 9, 2017 1:40 pm

Thanks, maybe I will. Been thinking about telling about the real Nam that me and my buddy’s knew instead of the Rambo bullshit. I got 3 years left max and its been in my craw that nobody ever reported the real deal.
Did you know that Rats ended the battle of Ke son. Feeding on the dead bodies they multiplied like crazy. the poor Jarheads (said with affection) were using their C-rats to poisen them. The Plague set in and the Marines were vaccinated but not the NVA. Imagine months on end laying in your smelly hooch shooing rats off your face. those bastards pull your hair and chew your scalp.

May 9, 2017 4:27 pm

Here’s hoping you have less than ONE year left. Douchebags such as yourself should have the courtesy to STFU and die with a little dignity. You whiny little bitch! Ooh! “No one ever had it as bad as I did in all of eternity!”.

Go fuck yourself, you self righteous blowhard.

We on the same frequency now, ass wipe?

May 9, 2017 7:47 pm

L4S – you fucking hypocrite. The Lord reserves vengeance for hmself. You are no more a Christian than Saddam was. You are a bitter old pretend Christian. Many of them around, of course, but you are bringing bitter to a high level indeed.

May 9, 2017 5:10 pm

You know the thing about VietNam vets? ALL the good ones are dead. All that’s left of them now are the 1960’s versions of cucks and snowflakes. The sodomite baby killing, traitors, collaborators, and downright cowards who are only alive today by the sacrifices of REAL men whom they hid behind.

So, remembering killing people make you nauseous, does it? That’s because you did it IMMORALLY (IF you did it at all…which I seriously doubt!)! I can’t remember one incidence that causes me to lose a night’s sleep! I’ve maimed, disfigured and killed bare handed. Up close and personal. Every one of those cocksuckers HAD IT COMING. They’d have done worse to me if I’d allowed it.

I have to laugh every time one of you faggots think I should apologize for the circumstances of my date of birth…all the while waving the flag of liars and murderers in MY face!

You don’t know the meaning of the words “honor” or “sacrifice”. I was there at what is now Reagan International Airport when my father came home from Nam in civilian clothes to avoid having his family witness him being spat upon. My best friend of 40 years is an honorable Nam vet. He’s a vegetable in a nursing home. So don’t tell me or anyone else how great you are. You’re nothing but a piece of shit poser who wants someone to feel sorry for him and give him respect he hasn’t earned.

May 9, 2017 6:39 pm

You found all that in the Bible? Iv’e been reading bibles for 35 years trying to find an out clause for my evil deeds and never saw any on that angry trash in there. Please tell me which translation yours is so I can get to heaven like you.
Never said I had it worse or wanted to be treated special and I wasn’t a coward like your old man, I wore my dress blues home and really did get white hippie spit down the back of my blues. Whats that about your birth date? So you’ve maimed crippled and killed up close and personal and don’t lose any sleep.
You must have teeth in your asshole because no human ever born could spew that much horsehockey out of their mouth in one day.
Hide behind someone? My reward for going nuts was making me a gunner on a plywood coffin going up and down canals and cuts in the Mekong with jungle so dense you couldn’t shoot through it. Being shot at from 30 feet by someone you can’t see. That was the fun part. The hard part was the rest of the stuff war is about. I didn’t bring this up, you did by talking crap on stuff you don’t know a thing about.
You should sue your pastor and psychiatrist for malpractice. They somehow convinced you that you are a Christian and in your right mind.

May 9, 2017 8:44 pm

The cuck ALWAYS claims injury. You play the role well, but my assessment stands. The truth is NOT your friend. You injure yourself by your own admission. What more can I add to your self condemnation? The justified do not fear the light, yet you demure to tell of your own deeds!

You “threaten” to post pictures, yet I see nothing forthcoming. NOR would I grant them credence of truth if you did, for such is easily stolen or fabricated. I tell you truly…if I plucked your eye from your skull it would not be the first occasion for me. In truth, I would not defile myself by skull fucking you, you can chalk THAT up to mere hyperbole. The rest, I assure you, is factual.

I am beyond your ability to injure, by words or by deeds. I am already crucified to this world, a concept I am quite sure is beyond your comprehension. Am I perfect? Yes and no. No to you and yes to Christ. That’s really all that matters to me. What matters to you is obviously your standing among men. More is the pity.

May 9, 2017 7:52 pm

L4S – I call bullshit on everything you have said re your war experience. Everything. You say you are 58. Born in 1959. That would have made you 16 when the war ended, more or less.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

May 9, 2017 9:30 pm

Sue both of your shrinks. You need more help than me. I’m not sure I can get to heaven but I know that.

May 11, 2017 7:21 am


You should do it! That is a story that needs to written down for history. There is lots of help on this site and many hands that have the gift of the pen. If you are stuck there will always be someone to help guide the way.

It’s better to burn out than it is to rust

May 11, 2017 1:27 pm

Thanks, it’s in the process now but it will take some time. It takes too much out of me for a one shot deal. Those rants I did on the March 16 Mi Lai Massacre to two weeks to get out of the system. I”m having doubts about the main picture I want to put with it, Its graphic and not sure it would be appropriate. I can email it to you if you want and tell me what you think.
fleebaggs@gmail. Purely optional to do that but without it the point is lost.
I’m like Phil Butler in that I don’t like to be around today’s nam vets because most are frauds and I don’t do the Welcome Home Brother crap or the thank you crap. I wear the bronze stars on my hat to entrap guilty liberals and have my way with them, pure and simple. My war is about the misery it inflicts on us, our families and the civilians whose only crime was to be in the way. anyway thanks for the encouragement. I was just enough to get me to commit to it.

May 9, 2017 6:04 pm

Nice comment, Fleabags.

May 9, 2017 7:01 pm

You too. That was the best post yet on why it won’t be fixed. Incomprehensible pain is perfect. Used it here already but gave you credit for it.
No hard feelings from our thing, it was a good fight. Didn’t realize I was hijacking his post. How did you get dads family pics? Those guys in the nice fitting suits aren’t my relatives though. We never owned any suits that good. We would steal them off drunks in the alley but only to trade for a bottle.

May 9, 2017 7:38 pm

Flea – you should see the drunken Indian pics from my dad’s side of the family. Sigh.

Our little spat was because we did not know each other. And, well, just because. That is TBP way – fight, make up, fight, attack some other poor newbie, fight some more. I learn lots that way.

Keep posting. You are doing great.

May 9, 2017 9:06 pm

As I said, you’re a couple of intellectual sodomites. Thanks for bearing that out. And to think I almost trusted you as an honest person.

Have you ever even HAD an original thought?

And, no. We WON’T make up. And you’re a moral faggot for ganging up on newcomers with different perspectives. YOU EMBODY EVERYTHING wrong in America today…scum bag!

Ooh! your little thumb weally hurt my feewings! Bwahaha!

May 9, 2017 9:41 pm

Did you even bother casting lots for them before you stole them?


You’ve got some balls lecturing people on morality. You’re a moral degenerate and an intellectual midget.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:10 am

Late 4 Sodomy, that is called self-deprecation. Dang, your stupid. You know how we know? Your trying to hard to impress folks who have seen real talent, you ain’t got it, bonehead. Shit, you are making anon look like a fucking author.

May 9, 2017 9:29 pm

Don’t quite know how the email replies get posted here, but this in response to a comment directed at me by the intellectual sodomite known as Llpoh:

You call BS because you have taken the decision to be an adversarial cocksucker instead of an objective observer. I never laid claim to being a Vietnam war veteran…an OBVIOUS fact you very conveniently and WILLFULLY ignored!

It’s been a while since I followed these threads, but it’s coming back to me now that you two are intellectual butt buddies…sodomites of the soul, as it were…the soul being the seat of intellect and emotion.

Between the two of you, you don’t have the mental dynamite to blow your own noses…in addition to being Biblicaly illiterate.

LOL! I bet it shocks you to hear a professing Christian talk to you in your own vulgar vernacular! Your shocked dismay only points out your own poverty of understanding!

“always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth” describes you perfectly! Timothy had your number 2000 years ago!

Do keep up the dialog. It will serve as an imprimatur for the uninitiated, and I will enjoy schooling and shaming you both. This is what I was put on this Earth to do!

Let the mass education begin.

May 9, 2017 9:50 pm

Loser4S – (probably a 4f military tho) – school me? You hypocrite. You are not Christian. Jesus would disown you for what you say purportedly in His name.

You are no Christian. You are embarrassing yourself to proclaim such. You are a Muslim. Don’t you have a nine year old to molest somewhere?

May 10, 2017 12:04 am

Make your case, son of perdition. Let the trial begin. The Accuser stands even now before the Throne of God making claims against you and I. Jesus is my Advocate and I remain unafraid. You will do as your Master commands, and I hear the call of MY shepherd! As it was written, so shall it be.

Even so, Lord, come quickly!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:14 am

Lubed 4 Seduction, that verse you quoted is talking about dumb women. Dang your dumb.

  EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:30 am

Which verse would that be exactly? If that sounds like a test question…it is.
Chapter and verse, if you please, and then we can debate your twisted interpretation of it.

May 8, 2017 5:41 pm

Brilliant article, keep them coming.
link below has some info

May 8, 2017 8:36 pm


May 8, 2017 7:12 pm

Well done, this one I like best. I think I will watch the movie again. The time to rise will be coming soon. This is one of your best IMHO. Looking forward to part four. I liked the moral dilemma of eliminating the HORROR to better carry the duty of war. Excellent!!

The Retard
The Retard
May 8, 2017 7:20 pm

I don’t get it? Do you want the negro sodomite back in, or worse Hillaryous? Do you want to be surrounded by your enemies or do you want to surround them?

Isn’t this why we put the “white in shining armor” in? Put America FIRST instead of LAST???

May 8, 2017 8:29 pm

ANY man calling himself an “American Patriot” should be hit in the head with a brick!

I was born here, and have lived here all my life. I served ONE tour in the U.S. Navy and saw what the deal was.

The USA, as currently extant, is an EVIL ENTITY! Anyone claiming loyalty to EVIL IS evil!

I swear allegiance to ONE King…Jesus.

He ISN’T a cuck, He isn’t a snowflake. He IS a Warrior and a Conqueror…and the ONLY One worthy of my allegiance.

You Godless idiots clinging to American “patriotism” had best Wake the F up!

Time is short.

May 9, 2017 1:08 pm

The Central Banking (global controlled economy) is the BEAST SYSTEM!! Our labor, pledged at birth by our unwitting and all too-trusting parents as collateral towards the unpayable debt created through the MONEY CHANGERS having stolen our ability to print a debt-free currency backed by something other than “faith” is this BEAST SYSTEM!

The SCARLOT HARLOT is “America” the Goddess Columbia
“With her the kings of the earth
committed adultery and the inhabitants
of the earth were intoxicated with the
wine of her adulteries” (17:2)

“The beast and the ten horns you saw
will hate the prostitute. They will bring
her to ruin and leave her naked; they
will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.
Much weeping and gnashing of teeth yet to come in North America!

May 9, 2017 5:29 pm

Cover yourself in the blood of The Lamb, brother, that the Angel of Death might pass you by…and remember that the time will be shortened for the righteousness of the saints…lest no flesh survive.

Peace be upon you!

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
May 8, 2017 9:55 pm

The people who were quietly pissed off at Obama’s antics and voted for Trump as a big F you to the establishment are going to develop a different attitude towards Trump’s betrayal. Something on the order of “gonna get you sucka”.

  Steady Steve
May 9, 2017 6:52 am

I don’t know about that, Steve. What I’m seeing within my own family is a dogged clinging to the irrational belief that “they made the right decision”. Total denial and cognitive dissonance. I get metaphorically sent to the wood shed every time I point this stuff out…which is very often.

Sadly, (and apparently) there are a whole lot of people out there who just refuse to wake up.

May 9, 2017 8:29 am

Same way for me at Family reunions and social gatherings.

Folks want to talk about colour of drapes rather than be caught looking thru the windows.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 9, 2017 8:53 am

Well, Jesus told us that he did not come to bring peace but to bring a sword. “I will set at variance a father from his son and a mother against her daughter, and your enemies shall be of your own household”.

This is the cross we must carry. Just remember that the truth is its own defense…and that you’re not as alone as you may feel.

Best wishes.

May 9, 2017 10:01 pm

The sword was a metaphor, dipshit. Not a real sword. He was a man of peace. For a man claiming to be able to school,others, L4S sure is an ignoramus.

May 9, 2017 11:47 pm

Does setting a family at war against itself sound like a metaphor to you?

Was it a metaphor when He used a knotted rope to beat the shit out of the money changers in His Father’s Temple?

Was it a metaphor when He stood on Mt. Hermon (the very spot on which Satan was cast down) and proclaimed that the gates of Hell would not prevail against Him?

Was it a “metaphor” when He instructed his disciples that the time had come when they that did not among them own a sword (the assault weapon of that Age) should go and sell their coat and BUY one?!? The Bible tells us that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Why, then, did Jesus instruct his most trusted messengers to sell their most useful possessions to BUY swords? Weren’t they supposed to walk by faith?
WHY WOULD JESUS HAVE DONE SUCH A THING?!? A thing which you seem to categorize as abhorrent? MAYBE Jesus knew something YOU don’t. MAYBE sometimes the appropriate response to evil IS to cut the head off the snake in self defense!

But,hey…what did Jesus know, right?

Who’s the dipshit now, dipshit?

Being technically right while being morally and spiritually wrong is a major fail.

You fail…massively. You have no Earthly clue who Jesus actually IS! And more is the pity.

May 9, 2017 9:35 pm

This just in! Trump FIRES COMEY!!! OK, first WTF took him so long? And 2nd, how does this play into the globalist agenda? And why? It’s going to take a while to figure out the dynamics of this bombshell, but it definitely signals SOMETHING.

  Steady Steve
May 9, 2017 1:14 pm

Steady Steve,

Think what will happen once Trump is impeached. Yes, IT WILL HAPPEN before his lone term expires!

Then, how many of his fanatic followers who have drunk the MAGA-Kool-aide will “rise up!” and do their “patriotic” duty to REVOLT; all based off of their inaccurate understanding of how our world, government and economy actually works!
You think these scuffles in Berkeley are something! Just wait until the impeachment deliberations begin in earnest!

May 9, 2017 5:37 pm

They aren’t going to impeach him…or assassinate him. They are going to scapegoat him. They need him alive and in the “appearance” of control in order to blame him for all the filthy shit they’re ready to unleash on an unsuspecting world. That’s the ONLY way they can pin all this shit on “the Right”. And pin it they will!

…unless he’s the AntiChrist, in which case he’ll lie dead in the street from a mortal head wound for 3 days and then rise again. In that case, we’ve got even less time than I thought.

Time will tell.

May 8, 2017 10:26 pm

Such comments from our former soldiers should be properly regarded. I would however refrain from encouraging anyone I care for from joining the military now. I do have a nephew in now, and pray for him every day. God’s will be done.

May 8, 2017 10:34 pm

Right. I told my youngest nephews I would take them to Canada rather than see them fight a bankers war that they don’t even intend to win.

May 9, 2017 8:45 am

Good luck with that. The truth is that when war has been thrust upon you, you find yourself without a great many choices…and all the choices which remain are abhorrent.

I frequently ask myself, “what if the powers of the world sponsored a war and no one showed up?”. The sad truth is that in ALL of human history, no one has turned down the invitation yet.

You’d better make peace with the fact that no matter WHERE you run, it’s still going to end up on your doorstep. There’s no escaping the inescapable.

May 10, 2017 12:49 am

Bwahaha!!! The intrepid and daring-do Vietnam veteran, wracked by feelings of guilt and patriotism to the point he claims he can’t speak about his personal tribulations is advocating his own progeny and relatives flee to CANADA!!! The VERY “CRIME” which he undoubtedly would have sworn to kill someone else over because he was “forced” to serve himself!

Oh Sweet Jesus! You just HAVE to love the irony here!


May 11, 2017 8:49 pm


May 8, 2017 10:31 pm

Btw, I’ve been reading here for four years, just started commenting.

May 9, 2017 8:36 am

Stick around Cab!

May 9, 2017 8:19 am

I spent 7 years in the army, 6 of them in cold war Germany. I have 2 sons aged 16 and 20. I will send them to Canada or cripple them, rather than let them fight a war that is not based on obtaining LIBERTY and FREDOM as the Founding Fathers and GOD intended.
With out a firm belief in Salvation through Jesus and a belief in the Bible all is Vanity.

May 9, 2017 12:30 pm

Jim said, “Appearing normal in a world gone mad is not a sign of true normalcy, but a sign of madness and abnormalcy.”
Reminds me of Wonderland!
[imgcomment image[/img]

You don’t live in America for any length of time without developing a little bit of MADNESS!

May 9, 2017 12:33 pm

Admin has used this quote many times to describe the mad mad world we in the U.S. live in!

“When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat.” George Carlin

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 9, 2017 2:18 pm

Admin, This article at The Saker deserves its own post: (IMO)

Christian Pasquariello
Christian Pasquariello
May 9, 2017 2:55 pm

“The American Empire has been waging war virtually non-stop since the creation of the Creature from Jekyll Island (aka Federal Reserve) in 1913. After World War II, as the size of the empire grew to heights never seen in world history, the level of hypocrisy, propaganda, maliciousness, immorality, and hubris has grown exponentially. The madness of the men running this colonial empire is concealed through the moral ambiguity and faux patriotism utilized to confuse and mislead a willfully ignorant populace who long ago relinquished their citizenship responsibilities to men they have never seen and never voted for.”

Well said.

May 9, 2017 4:48 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 9, 2017 5:46 pm

I keep trying to link to an article at The Saker but it’s not working. Fucken CIA. It’s about HR 1644 that has passed the house but not (yet) the senate. Very interesting.

  Iska Waran
May 9, 2017 6:08 pm

Dude. If linking isn’t working for you, just type out the URL instead. We’re all smart enough to copy/paste into our search browser, and we’d like to see the source and details! Thanks for your input and interest!

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 9, 2017 9:01 pm

Admin, did you get my USPS money order?

May 9, 2017 9:52 pm

Hey Llpoh and Teabaggs!

If you fucking cowards are going to talk shit, and you actually imagine you can justify it…why do you hide your reply buttons? Cowardly craven shitbags are you both. Come out and fight like men you pussies!

May 9, 2017 10:04 pm

T4S – you are a moron. Comments cascade under the original, so not all comments have reply buttons. Want to reply to this, hit the reply on your original post if one does not show up here.

About time for you to wash, kneel, and face Mecca isn’t it?

May 9, 2017 11:13 pm

Wrong, mental Lilliputian. I’m the proud owner of an IST degree and am intimately familiar with forum cascades…as well as having been the admin and owner of a half dozen web sites. WordPress is basic 101 shit, and it doesn’t function as you describe it. Which means that YOU and/or Teabagg have moderator level access and are hiding that fact from the public.

Your deceitful Nature becomes more obvious to me with every post.

But let’s address your bullshit claim that I claimed to be a Vietnam war vet, shall we?

Did I, or did I NOT, say that I MET MY FATHER with my family (mother ans sister) at the airport as he returned from service in Vietnam in civilian clothes to avoid being spat upon?

Your math skills are fine (or close to it. I was born in 60, not 59, dick head). It’s your reading comprehension skills and general douche-baggery that I find appalling and distressing.

And moving right along…I think you mentioned taking issue with my Christianity. Why don’t we get DEEP down into that topic, since you’re a self identified “authority” on the subject? You go right ahead and cite all the biblical precedent you know to support that theory. Once you supply the ammunition, I’ll systematically hoist you on your own petard, everyone will gain valuable education, and I’ll have my satisfaction and vindication.

So to you, son of Satan, I say…proceed boldly…IF you have the balls for it!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:22 am

Loose 4 Schlong, did you graduate from Florida Memorial?

  EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 1:08 am

EC– Looking 4 Shithead is off his meds tonight.

May 10, 2017 1:57 am

You really need to do some hard core work on your flaming skills…fluffer. That was just sad.

May 10, 2017 1:29 pm

What the heck are you on, I want some. I went home 15 hours ago and you’ve been here all that time. What we wouldn’t have given for some of that stuff after 2 weeks of no sleep and none in sight. Does the name Jim Jones mean anything to you? You really do need help. I’m serious! All I can say is-

May 10, 2017 12:57 am

Seriously Lassie, why would we do that? Even if we knew how?

May 10, 2017 3:37 am

I have a degree in religion. Good luck arging Biblical interpretations that no scholar supports. Jesus being warlike is just not a truth.

May 10, 2017 3:41 am

Lassie does not even know his own age. If he was born in 1960 he cannot be 58 per his earlier claims.

Man, that is some kinda stupid. And he wants to debate theology with me? Wow. What a monumental waste of my time that would be.

Anyone claiming Christianity is warlike in nature is an imbecile. Or in Lassie’s case, a Muslim.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 10, 2017 12:20 am

LLPOH, May god forgive you for calling Luciferian 4 Satan by T4’s moniker.