In Part One and Part Two of this article I detailed the decades of propaganda, false flags, and misinformation campaigns used by the Deep State to gain power and control over the U.S. government. When war or a financial crisis is necessary to keep the profits flowing, events will be steered to such an outcome. With the latest financial plundering operation running out of steam, the Deep State is pushing the world toward global conflict.

If at first you don’t succeed with a false flag gas attack, try try again. Knowing a vast swath of the American populace is incapable of critical thinking or able to discern between fake news and factual events, the Deep State and their media lackeys unquestioningly promoted the story of children being killed by a sarin gas attack by Assad. The photos of rescue workers helping victims without gloves immediately invalidated the narrative, as the rescue workers would be dead if they handled sarin gas victims without protective gear.

The faux journalists, pretending to be neutral observers, did not question this blatant lie. They did not ponder why Assad would commit such an idiotic atrocity when he was clearly in control of the battlefield and on the verge of defeating his American funded rebel enemies.

The Deep State masters of manipulation had been flogging the Russiagate story to such a degree, a large portion of the population actually believed Putin hacked the election and got Trump elected. Despite not one iota of proof or evidence, they had successfully used their propaganda mainstream media machine to keep Trump on the ropes. Putin’s unwavering support for Assad and success in defeating the ISIS/Al Qaeda/American rebel forces made the Deep State even more desperate.

With Trump’s domestic agenda stalled, this false flag gas attack offered him the opportunity to look tough and distance himself from Russia. He took the bait and launched the 59 missiles into Syria, doing virtually no damage to anything vital to Syria’s war effort. They were launching planes to attack rebels from that base the next day.

The invisible government players achieved victory once again, as it only took three months to turn the non-interventionist candidate into the next war loving president. The overwhelming cheers from liberal and conservative media outlets were deafening. McCain, Graham, Schumer, Pelosi and all the usual neo-con suspects were ecstatic. Trump’s poll ratings jumped. The majority of the non-thinking public applauded the tough guy act.

It went so well, Trump was convinced by his trigger happy military leadership to use the Mother of All Bombs on some underground tunnels in the middle of bumfuk Afghanistan. It was all captured on film so it could be played over and over on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the rest of Deep State network TV. The corporate media dutifully provided casualty counts even though they had no way of verifying anything they reported. This was essentially a propaganda film to pump up the spirits of the heavily indebted, iGadget addicted, clueless masses.

Trump is seeing how easy it is to wage war around the globe, make threatening gestures, order his fleets into attack position, place a $1 billion missile defense system in another country at our cost, and generally act as if he is playing a giant game of Risk, like he did as a rich kid. Everything looks like a nail when all you have is a hammer. It’s much easier being a foreign interventionist and pleasing the Deep State, than draining the swamp and going to war against the status quo like he promised during the campaign.

Filling your cabinet with status quo insiders is not a recipe for success. His first two military parlays played so well, he decided it was time to teach the crazed midget lunatic in North Korea who’s boss. Trump ordered carrier groups to sail towards North Korea. He’s been test firing ICBM rockets as a warning. He’s been threatening China unless they do something to get the height challenged dictator under control. The propaganda machine has been trying to strike fear into the hearts of Americans with bullshit storylines about him nuking the U.S.

Kim Jong Un is a certifiable nutjob. He’s been running the third world country as dictator for the last five years. He’s a blustering fool who constantly threatens, with no actions to back up the threats. Half his missile launches blow up shortly after launch. If he even has a nuke, he has no means of delivering it effectively. The drivel about him hitting the U.S. with a nuke is laughable, but the deceitful neo-cons act as if he could do it.

The mainstream media unquestioningly reports the threat to the western U.S. The Deep State would love to provoke a war with North Korea. They have no concern for the millions of South Koreans who would become the latest collateral damage of the imperialist American Empire. War means profits. Maybe a clash with the Chinese over the South China Sea islands could be arranged. Placing missiles on the border of Russia and conducting NATO war games certainly isn’t provocative.

“They were conquerors, and for that you want only brute force–nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.”Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The United States is not in danger of being attacked by North Korea, Syria, Iran or a bunch of cave dwellers in Afghanistan. Russia and China are not threatening our vital interests. We spend more on the military than the next seven countries combined, but the narrative sold to the gullible public is how our military has been gutted and needs hundreds of billions more funding. When the cost of past wars and the surveillance state expenditures are included, the U.S. spends in excess of $1 trillion per year.

We have been an imperial power since World War II and have been intervening in other countries’ affairs since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Policing the world is expensive for the citizens, but enriching to those doing the policing and supplying the police. Without a central bank printing press and man-made inflation, American presidents and their Deep State backers couldn’t oppress countries throughout the world with the threat of instantaneous annihilation or invade without a declaration of war – as mandated by the Constitution.

“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”Ron Paul, End the Fed

America’s imperial empire may be more technologically advanced and larger than previous empires, but there is nothing special or new about imperialism. The policy of wielding influence and power through the use of military and economic force by empires over smaller weaker countries has been played out through the centuries. Whether it was the Roman, Dutch, Ottoman, or British empires, they all declined and fell due to military overreach, civic decay, and economic decline.

When I step back and try to analyze our current situation I come to the conclusion our current policies and budget priorities are pure madness. But I feel like the crazy uncle at the family reunion who is shunned and ignored when I bring up the blatantly obvious facts regarding our fiscal situation.

Congress just passed a spending bill extension which cuts nothing and increases military spending. The House just passed an Obamacare replacement bill that won’t cut your premiums or copays, and will keep insurance conglomerates, hospital corporations and corporate drug company cartels in charge of your healthcare.

It is business as usual in the imperialistic capital of Washington DC, and the madness will continue until the teetering empire collapses under the massive weight of debt and overreach. Trump is no Tea Party Republican. He’s a big spending, big tax cut, big military, pretend fiscal conservative without the guts to touch entitlement spending or war expenditures – the two budget areas driving the country towards bankruptcy.

“As many frustrated Americans who have joined the Tea Party realize, we cannot stand against big government at home while supporting it abroad. We cannot talk about fiscal responsibility while spending trillions on occupying and bullying the rest of the world. We cannot talk about the budget deficit and spiraling domestic spending without looking at the costs of maintaining an American empire of more than 700 military bases in more than 120 foreign countries. We cannot pat ourselves on the back for cutting a few thousand dollars from a nature preserve or an inner-city swimming pool at home while turning a blind eye to a Pentagon budget that nearly equals those of the rest of the world combined.” –  Ron Paul

Trump’s recent conversion into a warmongering neo-con, policing the world with his cruise missiles, MOABs, carrier fleets, and boots on the ground remind me of Apocalypse Now, one of my favorite movies about imperialism and madness. Francis Ford Coppola’s brilliant movie was a modern day updating of Joseph Conrad’s classic novel Heart of Darkness.

Both the movie and the novel address the evil nature of imperialism, the brutality inflicted on innocent people in the name of spreading democracy, and ultimately driving good men to madness as they attempt to rationalize their allegiance to an imperialist empire bent on profit through the committing atrocities in the name of progress. Rational moral men cannot carry out the orders of sociopathic politicians and generals without ultimately losing their minds.

King Leopold of Belgium formed “The Company” to strip the Congo of its natural resources while enslaving and killing millions from 1880 until 1900. The leaders of imperialist nations practice hypocrisy on a grand scale. While they justify their imperialism with rhetoric about democracy, fighting evil, and doing God’s work, reality is the opposite of the propaganda peddled by the imperialist emperors of evil.

The Kurtz character in the novel and the movie is a brilliant man, selected by his imperial masters for great things and a future at the top of the “Company” food chain. While the men running the show at the top describe their invasion and subjugation of foreign peoples as a benevolent project of civilization, people like Kurtz, who are tasked with the dirty work of suppression and extermination through the use of violence and intimidation, are driven mad in the process.

The young men who do the fighting and killing on the front lines of this so called War on Terror must eventually come to realize they are waging war on behalf of evil men who have lied to them and the American public. Assenting to obvious mistruths and propaganda is essentially co-operating with and enabling evil. When citizens fail to hold their leaders accountable for blatant lies, false narratives, and despicable propaganda storylines, they become evil themselves.

They lie to themselves in order to go along with the crowd and appear normal. By remaining silent as the State operates without constraints, a humiliated populace loses its will to resist evil deeds done in their name. A society of impotent, passive, normalcy bias racked people is easy to control and manipulate. Appearing normal in a world gone mad is not a sign of true normalcy, but a sign of madness and abnormalcy.

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.

They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” –  Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

If Huxley considered American society to be inhabited by millions of abnormally normal people in the 1950’s, I can only imagine what he would think of our deviant, irrational, utterly mad civilization today. In this profoundly abnormal society my views are considered absurd and the ravings of a chicken little. How could I question $1 trillion annual budget deficits? How could I point out the unsustainability of a system with $20 trillion of debt and $200 trillion of unfunded entitlement liabilities?

How could I be outraged by a private bank controlling our currency, debasing its purchasing power by 96% over 104 years, and working on behalf of Wall Street rather than Main Street? How could I question spending $1 trillion per year on military adventurism and policing the world when we are already $20 trillion in debt? Is it too much to ask if we send men to die for a cause, that the cause not be false?

“To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!” – H.L. Mencken

How could I not trust my government to run our healthcare system after seeing how well they run the Veterans Administration, Medicare and Social Security? Why would I not believe politicians of both parties who have lied to me for decades and are completely in the pockets of wealthy special interests? Why shouldn’t I support mega-corporations who have shipped millions of American jobs to foreign slave labor camps, while utilizing lobbyists to game our purposely complex tax system?

It’s crazy talk for me to point out how Wall Street bankers committed the largest control fraud in world history and were rewarded with a $700 billion taxpayer bailout, free money from the Fed, larger market shares, record bonuses, no prosecutions, and now control of the White House from the inside. How could I possibly support “traitors” like Snowden and Assange for revealing the contempt for the Constitution displayed by our government keepers as they illegally conduct surveillance operations against every citizen in the nation? Am I mad for asking these questions?

Kurtz symbolizes the imperialism of empires enforced through the ruthless application of power, craven terror, economic retribution, armed intimidation and military attack. As the empire grows in power, degenerates morally, becomes more corrupt, and develops an overwhelming level of arrogance and hubris, decline and fall are inevitable. Madness and imperialism go hand in hand.

Absolute power with no fear of reprisal from citizens or a free press, combined with man’s fundamental fallibility, lead to uncontrolled dangerous decision making. We are witnessing the perilous effects of imperial hubris as Trump and his arrogant advisors provoke conflict in multiple hotspots across the globe with nuclear armed nations. Imperialists are always sure their malevolent machinations will end in victory. They never consider the potential unintended consequences of their actions, like global war, nuclear annihilation, millions of casualties, or the fall of their empire.

The same arrogance displayed by central bankers, government apparatchiks, crooked politicians, and Wall Street shysters as the 2008 financial catastrophe approached is being displayed today by Trump, his surveillance state cronies, and the neo-cons now running the show in the White House. They believe their “brilliant” strategy, tactics, and propaganda campaign will surely result in success, as their opponents/victims are weaker and not as skilled in diplomatic manipulation and military aptitude.

The Deep State players, who now seem to have gained control over Trump, have no sense of morality, no shame in their blatant hypocrisy, no hesitation in sending men to their deaths based on a fabricated cause, no compunction in lying to the American public, and no guilt while shredding the U.S. Constitution. The object of power is power to these traitorous men.

Many Americans viewed the presidential election as a choice between the lesser of two evils, or the least bad choice. As Trump has broken promises, filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs cronies, failed to drain the swamp, proven ineffective in legislating, and has now been captured by the neo-con warmongers, the best argument for his presidency has been “at least he’s not Clinton”. That is true. The Supreme Court won’t go further left, taxes won’t go up, the EPA won’t regulate industries out of existence, illegal immigration will be reduced and ridiculous social justice bullshit won’t be pushed down our throats by the Feds.

But let’s face the facts. This is nothing but tinkering around the edges of a bloated government bureaucracy, controlled by powerful men in smoke filled rooms, who have absolutely no interest in changing anything that would impact their financial interests in a negative way. They are doing everything in their power to keep the status quo in place.

The American Empire has been waging war virtually non-stop since the creation of the Creature from Jekyll Island (aka Federal Reserve) in 1913. After World War II, as the size of the empire grew to heights never seen in world history, the level of hypocrisy, propaganda, maliciousness, immorality, and hubris has grown exponentially. The madness of the men running this colonial empire is concealed through the moral ambiguity and faux patriotism utilized to confuse and mislead a willfully ignorant populace who long ago relinquished their citizenship responsibilities to men they have never seen and never voted for.

How can we judge the actions of these men to be evil when all societal moral standards and social values have been abandoned?  Is there such thing as insanity in a world that has already gone insane? The American Empire is slithering along the edge of a straight razor. Only real judgement enforced by alarmed critical thinking armed citizens can defeat the Deep State at this point.

“I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That’s my dream; that’s my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor… and surviving.” – Kurtz – Apocalypse Now

“If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment! Because it’s judgment that defeats us.”- Kurtz – Apocalypse Now

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
May 10, 2017 7:19 am

I agree with your conclusion , after reading all 3 parts it has become more obvious what must be done . Too bad any who participate in such an action necessary to return our nation to “A Constitutional Democratic Republic of Independent States” will be wiped out like a bug on the windshield . By the very people that bound themselves by a sacred oath to protect and defend the Constitution and The Republic from all enimies foreign and domestic . I have seen the enemy and he is us “POGO” !
To destroy the circle jerk that is Washington DC is a monumental task and would require losing everything !
The tune of WALL STREET TO K-STREET TO CAPITOL STREET being played is to well protected and far to many people are dependent on its status quo . The badge wearing uniformed parasites protecting the bureaucratic parasites are well entrenched and dependent on the plunder of the common citizen using the ” Just doing my job ” excuse will be supported at nuasiem . They will all be tagged heros as they kill us . Then when it’s too late the fools will realize the producers of wealth in this country were ground up and cast aside and when we fought back they killed us and now they themselves have only each other’s parasitical practices to perform on each other . Cannabilism at its finest ! As for our aged politicians , look to your own families those in their late 70’s & 80’s they are generally respected and looked after and maintain most of their independence but we all have experienced the point where Pop POP can no longer handle the remote control let alone the car ! Now how old is Fienstien McCain Pelosi Schumer ….?

May 10, 2017 1:59 pm

” I sure wish Stuck would come back and kick some ass.” — Admin (in Part II of this series)

So do I. I ain’t left the premises fer good. I’ll be baaack (said in my best Terminator voice).

But, I ain’t able. Yet.

Everything that could go wrong with the move … did. Total. Fucking. Nightmare. Ms Freud and I almost split over it. And that doesn’t even cover the personal shit. Mom’s open leg would just isn’t healing … in fact, another wound formed spontaneously nearby. She speaks of suicide daily. Dad might be losing is mind. He has difficulty remembering short term stuff … like, he can’t remember what the fuck he did yesterday. I mean … ANY of it.

Speaking of which …. question to Hardscrabble Farmer …. did you send the syrup to my parent’s house? (BIG mistake on my part, requesting that.) Dad always gets the mail … and he says he “can’t remember” anything about a package. If so, just please tell me the cost and where to send the check. Please.

Anyway. I can’t believe the disgusting shit going on this country. Especially with Trump. I can’t believe I voted for that Orange Turdmeister …. especially after that article I wrote about voting being an UN-Christian thing to do … and that whomever you vote for is nothing but a vote for your own demise (an article I firmly believe in) ….. yet, I voted anyway. Fucken’ dumshit. Me.

Disgust leads to hate. And I hate just about everything in and about this country. Not kidding. In fact, I’m running out of things to hate. I’m discovering that when one runs out of things to hate, well, you start hating yourself. Really. The circle of life completed.

A lot of my old pals here (not you fucken Newbies) are getting waaay to many thumbs down on their commentary … especially Llpoh, El Coyote, and even Admin. Fuck all you cockloving cumstains of humanity!! I especially hate YOU chickenshits. The Holy Spirit is filling my Cup Of Wrath towards you and there will be hell to pay when I recover from my mental and physical ailments. I see dead people.

I ain’t left yet.

I’ll be back. When I’m able. Don’t know when. Maybe when I have something fucken interesting to say which, right now, seems as remote as bb’s knowledge of the bible. So, pray for me in the hour of my need.

The One.
The Only.
Herr Stucky the Magnificent.

Until then …….

May 10, 2017 2:03 pm

Hi Stuck – get back soon. The TBP swamp needs draining. Hope all goes well for your family. Moves are very stressful, and no one needs health issues your mom and dad are going through. All the best.

May 10, 2017 2:07 pm

Hang in there, Stuck. Wish I had some words of wisdom for you.

Come to Texas, and we’ll drink some ice cold Shiner Bock.

We can have TBP Get Together, Part Deaux, Texas Edition.

May 10, 2017 2:11 pm

I’d only vote for the person I believe in and trust implicitly. Me.

May 10, 2017 7:03 pm

Stucky- Soooooo glad you are coming back !!! Loopey needs another big dog to police this place up, whack jobs are running amuck.

Prayers for you and your parents.

May 10, 2017 10:12 pm

Look at this shit. The cows are gathering to be fed. See Stucky?

May 10, 2017 7:44 pm

When I read your post the theme song from Kotter has been rattling around in my head since. So Welcome back Stucky. Hope the shitstorm abates for you soon. We need you! There is a marathon newbie that responds to his own comments multiple times. Llpoh, fleabaggs, Bl, El Coyote, and others have not slowed him down. (He is worse than BB for misquoting scriptures.)

May 10, 2017 11:35 pm

I have been sacrificing rabbits during the full moon asking that the Great Lepus Elohim in the sky watch over and keep you.

I don’t know if you know anyone who trades in essential oils, but the combination of Clove Oil, Cinnamon Bark Oil (find that one given to Moses to protect from plagues), Rosemary Oil and some good Lemon Oil in equal measures have really helped heal some nasty cuts, scratches and bites for me. You can buy the high dollar stuff or find a good herbalist who knows what he, ahem or she, being ME, are doing. I actually distill some of my own herbs now. I’m getting pretty talented out there in them hills. Right now I’m living the high life in the Columbia burbs of the DC sprawl.

We miss you Stuckmeister. The shitfests are lame without you.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 10, 2017 11:58 pm

Wow; even when it looked like the comments section on this particular article had completely gone to shit, in reality — it was quite instructive. While I am sure Mr. Quinn could aptly expound on the Platoon/Moby Dick theme that I suggested earlier, it actually played out right here in the comments section.

L4S was clearly the Ahab/Berenger figure of the group and in all likelihood personified the quote:“If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment! Because it’s judgment that defeats us.”- Kurtz – Apocalypse Now . When I first read this, it struck me as contradictory. For how could someone be both moral and willing to kill without feeling? I thought it absurd and still think its absurd but I get his point. L4S is a man in that division. This is someone with unmitigated resolve (right or wrong); a megalomaniac like Ahab/Berenger if you will.

And then there is Flea. He is a genuinely empathetic and suffering soul with a searching mind. He may have believed in the cause in the beginning but eventually saw through the BS and tried to establish a new paradigm — instilling a new form of hope maybe (DeFoe/Starbuck).

Both seek their disciples. But the heretic must be crushed by Ahab/Berenger/ L4S.

There is something both admirable and grotesque about someone unequivocally committed to their cause. It is admirable because it is the trait that leads to victory and a kind of sainthood. It is grotesque because of the price that must be paid — by someone; by the broken minds; by the broken bodies and by the broken spirits; by those with a conscience. It is grotesque because it is certain — even in light of the empirically uncertain evidence all around us. In a bizarre way, I admire L4S’s commitment but in the same breath I am horrified by the way he could treat a genuine soul like Flea.

I bet if we all went to Hardscrabble’s farm for a day or two and labored and talked together, there would be no way we would treat each other like this. I hope we would focus on the possibility; the renewal; the new calves; the blooming irises and tiger lilies, but then again maybe we would peck each others eyes out. I don’t know.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 11, 2017 12:26 am

I recognized early on the way the “characters” on TBP organize into almost archetypal characters. I think Admin has a natural magnet for weirdo commenters.

Sigh… still miss our anti-hero Stucky though.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 11, 2017 1:27 am

Mercy – do not worry about old Flea. He can handle a dipstick like Lassie without breaking a sweat. Lassie will go home to his kennel shortly, with Flea bites all over his mangy hide.

May 11, 2017 1:30 pm

If he keeps it up I’ll have to take a number and get in line, by then he won’t even feel my 6″.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 11, 2017 8:18 am

Mercy, a few years ago when I first stuck my big toe in the comment section here and got a few shitballs lobbed my way, I mistakenly assumed the vitriol was toxic between some of the regulars. (I’d lurked for a while and knew who the regulars seemed to be, but didn’t grasp the underlying common ground shared by Admin’s little “crew.”)

I went into the old articles with the largest comment threads, read them while my ego healed and discovered the subplots that make TBP a very special blogspot. Quinn has inadvertently, perhaps, created something akin to genius by truly encouraging and standing by the axiom that all ideas have value unless they are targeting anyone’s kids (a value I also applaud). By allowing people to say outrageous and sometimes stupid things without automatically deleting or banning, the blog becomes a true forum for free exchange of ideas where stupid ideas can become informed and even the most learned and intellectual souls might find some room to accept a new point of view.

However, once upon a time, there was a rumor that Admin was a shock jock of sorts according to at least one idiot that got a genuine TBP shit-session aimed at him.

I’m sure a little Unjerfish and a couple of Robs remembers that one. I guess that is when I finally realized that EC wasn’t All THAT Bad since he liked nice music and that bb was easily ignored when noncoherent, which isn’t all the time. I steer clear of Billy, who I mistakenly named when I meant to slander another character who is long gone. [Billy may very well be dangerous, in my opinion.] Billah’s Wife is an interesting amalgamation of trailer trash and content analyst who coined the descriptive Hardscramble and whose meanness to me was misplaced. The spooks and the folks down under are among Those Who Must Not Be Named.

I probably have learned more here about life (by reading and thinking about the topics here and the comments made by those who are very much joined together in this place to make some sense of this world) than anywhere else over the last few years.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 12, 2017 12:02 am

The shock jock story was an invention of a very weird dude who made his entrance like L4S.

Billy is not scary at all, he’s a sort of young Will Geer, pony-tail and all but without the gay. He’s a disabled vet. Has a screwed back due to jumping off airplanes. Suffers with tremendous pain you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. He may have spouted off a bit; he loved to argue like a true sophist. If he perused the Stormer sites, he had the decency to leave the shit there instead of copying and posting it here like a fucking asshole. So, no, Billy is not dangerous.

BW is mean in a silly way. Billy took the brunt of the attacks. You and HF were a sideshow, even Stucky got tapped a time or two. If you find it offensive, you are taking your online persona too seriously.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 11, 2017 1:10 pm

Very poetic but I don’t deserve such nice words. I’m only doing this and only bring up Nam when I think someone needs to hear it and am willing to take my lumps when I get out of line.
I wish I were a Genuine soul but I’m just keeping a promise I made to God when I crawled out from under the rock I was hiding under in a place called Pitiful and Incomprhensible Demoralization. These are Bankers wars we are engaging in not noble wars to defend our family.
If I even thought for a moment that ELFORSHITS was sincere I never would have said a word. Don’t you know how to spot a sociopath when you see one?

Mercy otis Warren
Mercy otis Warren
May 11, 2017 2:46 pm

Well, none of us are always genuine, but trying to keep a promise is. Sadly I think you are generally right on the wars. But as we are all wayward sons (in one way or another), we can only but carry on right?:

May 11, 2017 7:35 am

Great imagery to describe a smelly dog.

[imgcomment image[/img]

And your right they don’t last.

May 13, 2017 8:27 am

…and give it to someone else. So very kind of you Natalie.

May 13, 2017 9:23 am

Hey Natalie, If they could hack the IRS and enter a zero under tax payments due, that would be nice but something tells me that is not the case.