Question of the Weekend

I know a lot of folks on here are anti-voting. Now that Trump has been president for a few months, did the vote make a difference?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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I. Naugtrump
I. Naugtrump
May 13, 2017 7:41 am

What vote? The election?

Hell yeah. All shit’s broke loose.

Head for the hills.

(Oh yeah, most of the readers here are survivalists…. I said nothing!)

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
May 13, 2017 7:43 am

Yes, it made a difference – that establishment bitch Hillary didn’t get elected.

May 13, 2017 7:53 am

Hell yes Trump being elected has made a big difference.We got a conservative supreme Court Justice who will protect our second amendment.Trump has overturned most of Obama’s orders.He has put the coal mining industry back in business and eventually Trump will build some type of wall across the southern border.Trump is not perfect but so much better than Clinton or any other Democrat.

May 13, 2017 9:09 am

He better build the wall. He does not care about the Washington establishment, and he purposely tweaks the media as well.

May 13, 2017 1:15 pm

How in the fuck is he going build a wall if the congress critters don’t allocate money for it? Should he just do what Obama would do and just do it with mystery money?

Both sides would go nuts over that, even though it was fine 6 months ago.

MN Steel
MN Steel
May 13, 2017 10:04 pm

Take a look at
and see what equipment and materiel this ratfuck of a government is selling out from under our feet, plus all the other .gov liquidators, and tell me there is a need for BILLIONS of FRNs to be debt-printed to get a fucking wall.

Think, there would be need to transport the equipment/supplies, maintenance, and operators’ food/lodging (surplus tents)/pay and not much else.

Badda-bing badda-boom.

May 13, 2017 8:07 am

The steady tromp towards apocalypse has not been hindered

May 13, 2017 12:07 pm

But at least Hillbitch isn’t the Grand Marshall of the parade.

Not Sure
Not Sure
May 13, 2017 8:53 am

The choice now appears to have been either suicide by coronation with Hillary, or Trump’s quantum politics of opposing positions occupying the same space at the same time. Yes, we have a conservative bench in the highest court of the land, but this is little consolation if we are being drawn into unjustifiable wars that will only spill Americans blood but generate great profits for the military industrial complex.
My vote at the time was the right choice, but moving forward not sure if my future vote will have any significance, seeing now how entrenched the deep state is; maybe the only real benefit to me in Trumps election was to see how truly screwed we are.

May 13, 2017 9:50 am

As a committed and proud non voter I can eagerly agree that not having to hear that witch’s voice for 4 years is certainly a reason to want to vote-multiply. But that guilty pleasure is largely an exercise in futility. You do get some marginal gain- the supreme court (it helps here to forget that the government only gets bigger and nastier despite the SC ‘make-up’ going back decades) and a better enforcement of boarder security (although don’t bet the farm on the wall) and other second tier concerns. But the major concerns; war and finance are untouchable and none of our business-according to our duly elected overlords. Note that if there’s a war or a greater depression neither the wall nor the supreme court ‘make-up’ will be worth a second thought.

I’ve come to believe Larken Rose is correct when he identifies the belief in gov’t to be a religion. Call up most any of his lectures for an explanation. That makes voting a sacrament to the church of Force. Reminds me of when I was a Catholic-a looooong time ago and prepped for my sacraments with some priest who I was lucky enough not to get raped by. May you voters have the same good fortune.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 13, 2017 11:50 am

He pulled us out of TPP three (I think) days after his inauguration. We never really knew what was in that dog’s breakfast, but they weren’t keeping it secret because it was so fantastic for Americans.

May 13, 2017 12:07 pm

I didn’t so much vote for Donald Trump, I voted against Hilary Clinton. I had no intention of voting up until the day of the election, but my disdain for Clinton was so consuming that I just couldn’t, in good conscience, not vote against her. The only other politician I can think of, who has ever come close to my dislike for Clinton, is Michigan’s current Governor, Rick Snyder. He only comes close, however, and depending on who the Democrats run, I still may not vote against him. If he even has the gall to run again. (Barack Obama comes in third, btw, of all time disliked). Does voting matter? I don’t think it does as a difference maker. From a purely personal and conscientious standpoint, however, and as it pertained to this election, it mattered greatly. I’m glad I voted, I’m glad Clinton lost, and I dont regret it.

May 13, 2017 1:53 pm

A Muslim is running for the Dem nomination for Michigan governor-

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 13, 2017 2:59 pm

I don’t understand the question. Did the vote make a difference?
On surface it did because Trump was elected.
Maybe it didn’t because the winner was pre-selected, who knows?

Why did you include Comey’s pic along with Trump and Bill? Comey wasn’t running for office.

Modern politics has supplemented or even replaced the Roman bread and circus distractions.
The new Rome has its own agenda; world domination. The citizens are not consulted on this and their only duty is to approve of one of the bought and paid for candidates.

If the oligarchs quit the pretense, they would adopt the Mexican system; a uniparty with a pre-selected candidate. This is similar to the British monarchy, they roll out the prince to public adulation and he is installed as king.

May 13, 2017 3:43 pm

Sorry BB, that’s just window dressing to sedate the restless natives enough to finish the takeover. What good is the supreme court if there is nothing left to supreme over? Overturn the Mandate? I still have to go to the SS office and grovel by proving I have VA and private supplementle insurance to avoid being docked 1500 per year.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 13, 2017 11:38 pm


May 13, 2017 3:58 pm

Jeff Sessions is busy writing creative new ways to arrest people by decree. This is no different than a 1930’s Latin revolution where 1 month later the elite are back out in public and still in charge. We got to choose between candidate A or B of the bankers party.
You Trumpsters knew he was a snake when you picked him up.

May 13, 2017 7:30 pm

In the first part of my life I voted without really paying attention to all political bullshit. In the next part of my life I voted while paying very close attention to all the political bullshit. Recently I cancelled my voter registration vowing to never vote again. I never listened to a single tRump speech or Hitlary speech. I didn’t vote in 2016.

End result? I’ve been getting fucked everyday since birth. I’ll continue to get fucked everyday until I die. I liked the first half better because by not paying attention I had more time to spend enjoying myself. The second half was worse for the opposite reason. I’m grateful for the education I sought out during the second half and maybe I used that info to position myself better in this rigged system but I wish I had that time back.

I didn’t expect anything useful out of tRump before he took office. I’m not impressed by tRump so far and don’t expect to be impressed by him going forward but I’ll reserve final judgement until we see how liberal his SC picks turn out to be. Apart from that?……Meh.