A Special Prosecutor for Criminal Leaks

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Who is the real threat to the national security?

Is it President Trump who shared with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov the intelligence that ISIS was developing laptop bombs to put aboard airliners?

Or is it The Washington Post that ferreted out and published this code-word intelligence, and splashed the details on its front page, alerting the world, and ISIS, to what we knew.

President Trump has the authority to declassify security secrets. And in sharing that intel with the Russians, who have had airliners taken down by bombs, he was trying to restore a relationship.

On fighting Islamist terror, we and the Russians agree.

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Five years ago, Russia alerted us that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become a violent radical Islamist. That was a year and a half before Tsarnaev carried out the Boston Marathon bombing.

But upon what authority did The Washington Post reveal code-word intelligence secrets? Where in the Constitution or U.S. law did the Post get the right to reveal state secrets every U.S. citizen is duty bound to protect?

The source of this top secret laptop-bomb leak that the Post published had to be someone in the intel community who was violating an oath that he had sworn to protect U.S. secrets, and committing a felony by leaking that secret.

Those who leaked this to hurt Trump, and those who published this in the belief it would hurt Trump, sees themselves as the “Resistance” — like the French Resistance to Vichy in World War II.

And they seemingly see themselves as above the laws that bind the rest of us.

“Can Donald Trump Be Trusted With State Secrets?” asked the headline on the editorial in The New York Times.

One wonders: Are these people oblivious to their own past?

In 1971, The New York Times published a hoard of secret documents from the Kennedy-Johnson years on Vietnam. Editors spent months arranging them to convince the public it had been lied into a war that the Times itself had supported, but had turned against.

Purpose of publication: Damage and discredit the war effort, now that Richard Nixon was commander in chief. This was tantamount to treason in wartime.

When Nixon went to the Supreme Court to halt publication of the Pentagon Papers until we could review them to ensure that sources and methods were not being compromised, the White House was castigated for failing to understand the First Amendment.

And for colluding with the thieves that stole them, and for publishing the secret documents, the Times won a Pulitzer.

Forty years ago, the Post also won a Pulitzer — for Watergate.

The indispensable source of its stories was FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt, who repeatedly violated his oath and broke the law by leaking the contents of confidential FBI interviews and grand jury testimony.

Felt, “Deep Throat,” was a serial felon. He could have spent 10 years in a federal penitentiary had his identity been revealed. But to protect him from being prosecuted and sent to prison, and to protect themselves from the public knowing their scoops were handed to them by a corrupt FBI agent, the Post kept Felt’s identity secret for 30 years. Yet, their motto is “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

Which brings us to the point.

The adversary press asserts in its actions a right to collude with and shelter disloyal and dishonorable officials who violate our laws by leaking secrets that they are sworn to protect.

Why do these officials become criminals, and why do the mainstream media protect them?

Because this seedy bargain is the best way to advance their common interests.

The media get the stolen goods to damage Trump. Anti-Trump officials get their egos massaged, their agendas advanced and their identities protected.

This is the corrupt bargain the Beltway press has on offer.

For the media, bringing down Trump is also good for business. TV ratings of anti-Trump media are soaring. The “failing New York Times” has seen a surge in circulation. The Pulitzers are beckoning.

And bringing down a president is exhilarating. As Ben Bradlee reportedly said during the Iran-Contra scandal that was wounding President Reagan, “We haven’t had this much fun since Watergate.”

When Nixon was brought down, North Vietnam launched a spring offensive that overran the South, and led to concentration camps and mass executions of our allies, South Vietnamese boat people perishing by the thousands in the South China Sea, and a holocaust in Cambodia.

When Trump gets home from his trip, he should direct Justice to establish an office inside the FBI to investigate all illegal leaks since his election and all security leaks that are de facto felonies, and name a special prosecutor to head up the investigation.

Then he should order that prosecutor to determine if any Trump associates, picked up by normal security surveillance, were unmasked, and had their names and conversations spread through the intel community, on the orders of Susan Rice and Barack Obama, to seed the bureaucracy to sabotage the Trump presidency before it began.

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kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
May 23, 2017 7:17 am

“On fighting Islamist terror, we and the Russians agree.”

Does Mr. Buchanan believe what he writes?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  kokoda - the most deplorable
May 23, 2017 9:23 am

I don’t know who gave that a thumbs down. That “we agree” crap was the the first thing that jumped out of Buchanan’s piece. We’re arming the Saudis and their princelings are funding isis. Raimondo’s article yesterday linked to the Israeli general saying they don’t want isis defeated.

  kokoda - the most deplorable
May 23, 2017 8:05 pm

Ko, apparently he does. It’s easy to see him go off the rails in his reasoning when he swallows some meme from the news media and follows it into what turns out to be delusional reasoning. I think that Pat reasons well, linearly, but without discernment for the truth or absence of truth in the “facts” he gets from TV sources.

If a linear thinker accepts a false premise such as the nonsensical FBI report about Tsarnaev’s radical connections, then, before he knows it, he goes on to swallow the Boston Beanpot Bomb fairy tale.

Also, the way Pat clings to the GOP like a battered wife after they have repeatedly bruised him in public shows that he believes some things that are obviously not so. A pretty good thinker named John Trudell used to give these long, rambling talks that contained some real golden truths.

He said that belief is a con that you run on yourself. I think he was right. A belief is something that some people cling to despite lack of evidence of its truth and even in the face of evidence that it couldn’t be true. Belief is usually based on feelings. Liberals love to say that they feel that this or that is such and such. There’s nobody more delusional than a liberal, but there are plenty of others who delude themselves into false beliefs, and those beliefs are based on feelings, just like the delusions that liberals nurture in their minds.

I usually say “I think” instead of “I believe”. If I think then I’m open to evidence that I’m wrong. If I believe, I’ll resist looking at evidence that proves me wrong because I’ve got all these feelings invested in my belief. If I ain’t ready to see where my thinking is wrong, I’ll fuck around there and do something retarded and won’t learn shit from the mistake I make.

Anyway, that’s what I think about it. Here’s something John Trudell said once:

John Trudell: … “The Great Lie is that it is ‘civilization’. It’s not civilized, it has been literally the most bloodthirsty brutalizing system ever imposed upon this planet. That is NOT civilization that’s “the great lie.” … The great lie is that it represents ‘CIVILIZATION.’ That’s the great lie, or if it does represent civilization and it’s truly what civilization is; then the great lie is that civilization is good for us.”

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
May 23, 2017 8:06 am

For the intellectually challenged, answer the below questions:

What country created ISIS?

What country, (besides AS, UAE, and Qatar), supplied weapons and money and intelligence to ISIS?

What country repeatedly stated they were fighting ISIS but were actually using ISIS as a proxy army to take down Assad?

What country in modern history is the biggest killer of innocents (directly or indirtectly)across the planet?

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
  kokoda - the most deplorable
May 23, 2017 11:14 am

Grrrr…..my AS should be SA (Saudi Arabia)

May 23, 2017 8:08 am

What do you mean Kokoda?
The Russians have been hit a lot more then we have by radical Mohammedans.I believe that they realize there can be no long term accommodation of these people.
They might deal with the devil when necessary but ultimately they cannot be trusted until both the culture and religion are reformed,which isn’t likely in our lifetimes.

edit-you posted the 2nd comment while i was typing-i thought you were referencing russia,not us–

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
May 23, 2017 8:41 am

Buchanan states that the US and Russia agree on fighting Islamist terror.

That is either a lie or blatant stupidity. The US was the creator and biggest supporter of ISIS.

It wasn’t until Russia entered Syria in late 2015 that ISIS started taking big hits in body count and money loss (from reduction of oil deliveries to Turkey).

THUS – Russia was killing ISIS and US was supporting ISIS. Is that agreement??????????

May 23, 2017 8:14 am

Here’s where we also need a special prosecutor.
People on who work on Capitol Hill are openly wondering whether Democratic members of Congress are being blackmailed by those Muslim computer maintenance contractors who were suspended a few months ago.


May 23, 2017 8:35 am

If we need a special prosecutor for anything, it’s Seth Rich.

There was an actual, genuine crime committed there and an obvious effort to avoid finding out who did it.

Bu no one seems to call for that, preferring to concentrate on unfounded rumors and unsupportable claims from anonymous sources without even naming a crime that was committed instead.

July 27, 2017 1:51 pm

I believe there are dots to connect with the Seth Rich murder, Wasserman-Schulz’s claim to ownership of the laptop now held by Capitol police, and the Awan brothers. Being the mammoth stinking pile that it all is we can count on the MSM to try to avoid it at all costs. Unintended consequences of Trump beating Queen Hillary starting to rear their puss heads. All of them, DWS, Podesta, Brazile etc. knew that their shenanigans would never see the light of day under the Clinton regime.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 23, 2017 9:59 am

It seems like Buchanan isn’t up to speed. He talks about WaPo and NYT ferreting things out. In some cases with Trump, they’ve just been making shit up. That crap about Rosenstein threatening to quit is just one example of many.

May 23, 2017 11:13 am

Going back in time to the beginning leftist intellectuals decided it was ‘unfair’ for the United States to be the sole possessor of the atomic bomb so they leaked its design to the Soviet Union. The Soviets having achieved atomic parity with the US allowed Kim il Sung to run amok on the Korean peninsula.

Leftist Jews having never gotten over the exposure and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for atomic espionage have made treason their stock in trade ever since and by virtue of their numbers in the MSM have subverted it into an instrument of subversion too.

July 27, 2017 1:33 pm

I like how your graphic shows trump as a 30 year old strong guy when in reality he is a 71 years old Alzheimer’s poster child. Also insulting the ex president with the word lynch below his face is the nearest thing to KKK i’ve seen all month. You are a prick and a hate mongering baiter who should be at fox news where you can summarily be ignored!comment image&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F164944405078392995%2F&docid=yPIrDHln5nZ97M&tbnid=yNAIowDt-gQ7mM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjazaXc-qnVAhVslVQKHZNUCrw4ZBAzCDUoLjAu..i&w=236&h=236&itg=1&client=opera&bih=1100&biw=1920&q=FOX%20News%20mems&ved=0ahUKEwjazaXc-qnVAhVslVQKHZNUCrw4ZBAzCDUoLjAu&iact=mrc&uact=8