Question of the Day, June 2

Will the world melt now that we have pulled out of the climate change pact? Who are the real winners and losers? Does anyone on here actually believe in man made global warming? What about the children?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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June 2, 2017 9:09 am

It’s all bullshit. I sit here in Minnesota, where the lake outside my home, was ‘dug’ by a glacier. The ice was 1 mile thick. 12,000 years later – the ice has all melted. How did this happen? Duh, it got warmer, the earth warmed, the climate changed. Some day the climate will change again, and we will have another ice age.

What it’s really about is crippling the economy of western democracies (especially the US). Large corporations were on board with this because added regulations would raise the bar for start-ups, thus preventing competition.

I’ll believe this bullshit when all the politicians and guy’s like Al Gore stop using private jets.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
June 2, 2017 9:45 am

Yep. Whenever I hear someone yammer about global warming I ask them about all the fossils from Alaska’s subtropical forests, which usually shuts them up.

norman franklin
norman franklin
  Crimson Avenger
June 2, 2017 10:00 am

CA, I ask them how many trees they have planted in their lifetime, and how will giving the golden sodomite lord bank fiend moar money make the planet better. I usually get a blank stare or an angry glare, I have yet to find one of these eco crusaders who answers the question.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 2, 2017 4:54 pm

We’re headed for a global cooling period for at least the next 15 years.

Book it, Dano.

June 2, 2017 9:46 am

The Left talks about “Climate change” now to get around the fact that there is no measurable warming for quite a while now (same as with the “new Ice Age of the 70’s that preceded it when they had to switch to “global warming”.

But whenever they talk about “climate change” now they invariably come back to claiming the world is warming even when it isn’t.

Isn’t New York supposed t be underwater by now?

They never address their failed predictions, just ignore their failures and make new predictions as if they never made the failed ones in the first place.

June 2, 2017 10:50 am

I wish NYC and San Fransicko were under water right now.

Miles Long
Miles Long
June 2, 2017 2:12 pm

Be careful what you wish for. The citizens of SF & NYC might move to your town unless the flood was sudden & unexpected.

  Miles Long
June 2, 2017 2:48 pm

In my plan the are also simultaneous asteroid strikes and earthquakes. So they won’t be coming to anyone’s town.

Miles Long
Miles Long
June 2, 2017 6:30 pm

Good planning Dutchman.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
June 2, 2017 11:25 am

Anon…..I understand your point on current warming, but the planet has been warming for 300 years, since the unwinding of the LIA (natural cause).
Further, the planet has been warming fort 23,000 years since the unwinding of the Pleistocene (natural cause), which lasted for 2 1/2 million years.
BTW, we are still in an Ice Age overall – all you have to do is look at the Geologic record.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  kokoda - the most deplorable
June 2, 2017 2:05 pm

The world is warming if you go back and start at 650 million years ago. But it is cooling if you start back 70 million years. But it is warming if you start back 50,000 years. But it is cooling if you start back 8,000 years. But warming if you start back 200 years. But cooling if you start back 83 years ago. But warming if you start back 45 years ago…

So is it warming or cooling? Yes. The answer is “yes”. It is warming or cooling depending on what time period you specify. If someone does not specify a time period they are not talking science, they are just talking smack.

June 2, 2017 9:53 am

I believe that man-made Globull Warming is all BS and a scam but regardless, I am confident of two things: The Earth (and sun) over time will do whatever it is they are going to do and in the meantime, all the alarmists and leftists are having a huge hissy fit….which makes it all entertaining.

June 2, 2017 10:04 am

It’s already melting here in Florida.
I watched about 10 minutes of Trump’s announcement yesterday.He laid it on the line about how anti American the Paris Treaty is/was and how the American economy was to be restricted while basically leaving the economies of other countries alone.
He was the Trump we voted for.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 2, 2017 4:57 pm

Tucker Carlson had the mayor of Miami on last night and he contended there is street flooding due to rising seas. That is NOT the problem in Florida. The overbuilding in Miami has undermined sediment there and the land is SINKING. Plus they are draining the aquifers with the water being pumped out for all the new residents and businesses.

It’s not rising seawater.

June 2, 2017 10:24 am

I do not believe that the redistribution of wealth on a global scale is a solution to any problem other than the promotion of socialism and “one world gov’t”. I do not see how the US being in or out of the accord will have any effect at all on the climate.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
June 2, 2017 10:28 am

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  Das Arschloch
June 2, 2017 3:16 pm

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June 2, 2017 4:47 pm

Fake news Alert-RiNS is not to be believed!
However,you can believe it when I say that alligators have been spotted in the North Atlantic.

June 2, 2017 11:17 am

Someone noted that when Trump talks about building a wall on the southern border, leftists often claim that the border is so long, so many miles that we just can’t control it, yet they have the unmitigated arrogance to believe that we can control our climate – our atmosphere. Liberalism truly is a mental defect.

June 2, 2017 11:20 am

Any globalist policy is a policy I am against. Climate change is a real thing but it is a natural phenomena and is not something we can really do much about. Every one of these pro-climate change politicians and celebrities has a much larger “carbon footprint” then the average person yet they want us to make the changes that they refuse to do.

June 2, 2017 11:56 am

The North Pole melting might be bad news for Polar Bears but it would be good news for Penguins.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
June 2, 2017 1:51 pm

Tell me what Penguins live at the NORTH Pole.

June 2, 2017 12:06 pm

The president of the EU stated that Trump pulling out did not effect that fact that it would still take years for the US to actually pull out of the accord because of the Obama administration’s commitment made before he left office.

The celebration may be short lived.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
June 2, 2017 2:18 pm

Just don’t write the checks.

June 2, 2017 2:22 pm

Umm…the Anon is right, it will take three to four years for the USA to withdraw from the Paris Accord.

June 2, 2017 3:04 pm

Indeed if he simply tries to exit only the Paris Climate Accord then the exit will not be official until 11-4-2020, but because the PCA is an extension of, or is an agreement WITHIN the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, then under Article 25 of the UNFCCC he may exit the entire agenda with a one year notice. Simply put, if Trump exits the UNFCCC today the U.S. will be out of all agreements under that framework by this time next year.

June 2, 2017 6:34 pm

nkit- But will Trump exit the the UNFCCC? We have been mixed up in that crap since the nineties. If Trump would run that bunch of freeloaders out of the country, I might change my mind about him.(AND stop giving the UN money)

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 2, 2017 5:08 pm

Wrong, anon:

“8. Trump can “cancel” America’s part in the agreement as a presidential action. While Obama helped broker the Paris accord and ratified the nation’s adoption of the pact in September 2016, he didn’t submit it to Congress for approval.”

June 2, 2017 12:22 pm

If you shrunk the sun down to the size of a basketball, the earth would be the size of a bb. Do you really think the insignificant nits on this pebble have anything to do with global warming?
It is just a scheme so some banksters can tax the air. They are laughing at the goy so hard they are pissing themselves.

June 3, 2017 10:58 am

If you read the parameters the so-called experts are supposed to use when evaluating man-made climate change, written in their documents, the sun plays no part. They are not to consider it. They are to only consider those things that man does that could affect climate. That’s why their predictions are so wrong and the people are so screwed.

i forget
i forget
June 2, 2017 12:24 pm

Parts of the world are always melting, sliding aways, resolidifying. It’s a pacting & unpacting that predates people. But leave it to pacting people to turn melting & solidifying into cash flows, & to postdate the checks…again, & again, & again. Kiting & fighting.

June 2, 2017 1:16 pm

It doesn’t matter if man made warming is occurring or not. What this debate has pretty much devolved into is, as usual, how much wealth can be extracted from the peasants in general, and how much can be extracted from the USA in particular.

June 2, 2017 2:12 pm

Man is so fucking arrogant that we believe the world exists for us, therefore we can only surmise that we also affect the climate, not only today, the future, but also the past climate before man even learned to avoid butt itch to wipe his ass.

Listening to Nancy Pelosi weekly news rant, all she wants is for Trump to release his tax returns, apparently all the answers to climate change and Russian collusion reside in Trumps tax returns.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
June 2, 2017 2:26 pm

Maybe it shows rent payments for staying at Al Gore’s mansion?

Miles Long
Miles Long
June 2, 2017 2:21 pm

The only measurable thing man-made about climate change is the skewed statistics & so-called settled science. If you dont like CO2 plant more trees, if you dont like warming move north, but keep your hands out of my pocket.

  Miles Long
June 3, 2017 11:01 am

Love your comment, Miles.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 2, 2017 11:20 pm

The Sun and Earth have been cooling since 1998 (Al Gore et all are full of lying shiza)(ref Solar Cycles, the Ulysses satellite etc). The Sun will be at a Grand Solar Minimum within 10 years and Earth in a Mini-Ice Age (note: earthquakes and volcanoes will increase); this winter could rhyme with 1976-77. CO2 has nothing to do with this (between 2.6-2.1 billion years ago, the atmosphere was choking on greenhouse gasses but earth was a snowball). TPTB want 5 billion people ignorant and caught unprepared so they freeze and starve to death.

June 3, 2017 12:02 am

I almost laughed in the face of a trail guide on Mt. Rainier recently when he started going on about the flooding and catastrophe impending and how “climate deniers” (hmm… denying there is climate?) would be the cause of so much destruction. Just flipped the Bozo Bit on him and ignored from then on. Though he was closely tracking atmospheric CO2 parts-per-million like some day trader… up above 410 PPM… just could not let go of the old trope about that being the cause of Big Things instead of a latent effect of things bigger than us.

June 3, 2017 4:00 am

There is no scientific experiment showing how CO2 is physically warming the globe.

The whole concept is not proven until today.

A well known German truther bets
10 000 EUR!