How To Tell A Joke

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

There’s been an awful lot of time spent this past week fulminating over the comedic stylings of progressive quasi-celebrities who have stepped out of bounds with their particular brand of humor. As a person who spent the better part of his single adult life earning a living as a professional stand-up comic, I have watched these episodes unfold with a macabre fascination as first Kathy Griffin and then Bill Maher marched triumphantly onstage and then kept right on going into the orchestra pit.

For those who may have missed these episodes they went a little something like this-

How funny is that? I mean she can barely keep a straight face.

Mr. Maher in the middle of a take down of a republican Senator from Nebraska responded to his comment about helping with a corn harvest by stating that he was ‘a house nigger’ before falling all over himself in an attempt to explain his joke.

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Let me state unequivocally that I may well be the last man on earth to try and get a laugh out of, though I frequently laugh aloud. It is just that having spent more than a decade in the clubs I have long become jaded to the imprecations of comics who assure those who fail to laugh that they simply “didn’t get it”. A sense of humor is a very personal thing and unlike humans not all jokes are equal. Men love the Three Stooges, women do not. Some people find profanity to be the height of sophistication while others are repulsed.

Prop comics are looked down upon more than any other group- okay, maybe ventriloquists- and message comics, those who consider themselves quasi-philosophers and artists find niche careers with limited audiences. The really good comics, the ones who “kill” in comedy parlance understand the audience dynamic and the use of both language and physical movement in order to bring their ideas to life in the minds of those who watch them. Jokes are constructions of words and concepts that have a fundamental basis in reality. In the words of Homer Simpson, it’s funny ’cause it’s true.

Sure there are character types who use a persona to motivate laughter, Emo Phillips, Judy Tenuta, Tape Face are but a few that exemplify this strata and they do well with it. Neither of the comics we are talking about fit these genres. Kathy Griffin’s poor imitation of Carrot Top with her bloody Trump head was a departure from her normal shtick, i.e. mocking White heterosexual Christians as dimwitted troglodytes to her SWPL crowds. She claimed in her poorly advised presser a few days after her denouement, that all she ever wanted to do was to make people laugh. I laughed when she said that, but I don’t think that was her intention.

Hey Kathy, why the long face?

A joke, in its simplest form, is a revelation of something the audience already knows. If it is done well they never see the punch line coming. There are tricks in how to set up and deliver one that are every bit as mechanical as repairing a carburetor or shingling a roof. There is a right way and a wrong way and the proof is in the reaction. The joke I just wrote has all the elements of a joke; Kathy is sad, also known as wearing a long face. Kathy has a long face. Hence, a joke.

For her to claim that her prop act with the bloody Trump head is a joke is fine if there is indeed something funny in it. Throughout this entire episode we have heard all about how it was a joke that fell flat, but no one has asked what the joke was supposed to be. I don’t think that was her intention at all, but rather it was a political statement that was meant to be lauded by the majority that elected Hillary Clinton as President if only there wasn’t a Constitution. What happened was the natural result of playing to the back of the room, an inside joke for the cool kids that didn’t make the other comics laugh either.

As I pointed out in an earlier piece you can tell a lot about a comic by the kinds of friends they make in comedy. It is a cut throat business where working without a net is the norm. The ones who have the chops to stay at it, to play the hell gigs and strip clubs for forty bucks and a basket of cheese fries and to develop their act over the course of years based on their ability to deliver solid sets night after night from one end of the country to the other earn a respect not unlike soldiers who have been through combat. Has anyone seen any of these comics come to her defense?

Where’s Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer when you really need them? Quiet as church mice, for once. Kathy has a reputation for being difficult to work with, for being unpleasant and catty and for causing strife and discord wherever she appears, not because she’s a female comic, but because she is a female who got where she is in spite of her lack of comedic talent and who has used her connections to climb the celebrity ladder over the backs of far more talented comics, most of whom are the very White men she claims have kept her down. I found that tearful excuse the funniest of all because of all the talent agencies and all the talent agents in the world she picked the Whitest one in Hollywood. Ditto her agent. Keeping her down, one TV appearance at a time.

Bill Maher’s faux pas was of a very different nature. For a White man to use the word nigger on national TV in anything other than a remake of Huckleberry Finn would be, for anyone else, a career ending slip of the tongue. Look at Paula Deen or Michael Richards, both of whom were forced to grovel at the feet of an imaginary body of the faceless offended only to have the celebrity status torn from their cash stained fingers. But not Bill Maher.

In fact if you Google his name all you will read are mainstream media apologias of what he meant. And this is why I contend that what he said was in fact a joke, because it was true. A house nigger, for those who were born after the advent of “the N-word” was a derisive sobriquet made popular by Malcolm X and used to describe a slave who mistakenly thought of themselves as one of the family in their Master’s house. What more apt description could Mr. Maher have used to define himself? If ever there were someone who has sold out his birthright for a mess of pottage, it is that effete, baby fingered snob and the reaction of the establishment is all the proof you’d ever need. He gets a pass because he props up the narrative nightly for the rubes in flyover country and by saying it he revealed a seminal truth and the audience- unlike Kathy Griffin’s- laughs out loud.

I walked away from that career for a lot of reasons; to raise a family, to get off the road, to escape the rising tide of political correctness that made real comedy almost impossible to perform and I haven’t missed it at all. I have watched as old friends have either OD’ed from the isolation and alienation of the countless hours alone or dropped out all together. A few of the very best have transformed their careers into film and television and a very small number have stuck with it out of a deep and abiding love for the trade they have poured their lives into and found a way to navigate the currents of a profoundly course and humorless culture. If ever there were a time when some real comedy filled with truth was needed, it would be now. Perhaps as the cycle of our cultural history pivots on the wheel of time we will once more find something to laugh about that doesn’t enrage, doesn’t offend, and doesn’t cause rifts in the body politic.

And just because I am not immune to criticism, feel free to rip me a new one when you watch this clip from a 1992 appearance on An Evening At The Improv, recorded in Los Angeles when I had been doing comedy for just over three years.

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June 5, 2017 3:16 pm

Nice commentary, HSF. I will watch the clip later with my husband and we’ll decide if it is as good as your syrup.

Edit: It reminds us of Brian Regan a bit…

June 5, 2017 3:18 pm

Not bad at all. Maybe even good, LOL.

Speaking as someone who has never appeared on a stage or in front of a camera — as one who lacks all desire to do so, not that it would matter as I have no ability to perform in any way, as well . . . .

I applaud anyone with the stamina and guts to go up there and do that !

So, well done for sure. Btw, as an aside, for people like me — life presents many arenas where one IS FORCED to get up and perform some idiotic thing or another ( or worse, sing ) — in K-12 public school or as part of a team-building exercises at work, etc. I am mortified in such a setting, and I am finally grown up enough to say, “NFW, you sunsabitches ! I have my rights !” – – and even walk out of the situation if necessary.

I wish I had known that in grade school and junior high.


June 5, 2017 3:29 pm

How old are you HSF?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
June 5, 2017 3:39 pm

Outstandingly funny, didn’t really read the article, just watched the clip. Marianne loved the argument bit. Did you and lieutenant Uhura, well, you know…

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 5, 2017 3:42 pm

Not sure whose timing is best, Mike’s for posting the QOTD about women, or yours and Jim’s for posting this piece with the video attached. It all went together like peas and carrots…

BTW – that was pretty funny and without any obscenities. Nicely done!

  Francis Marion
June 5, 2017 8:52 pm

I agree. Don’t see that much these days either.

Not nearly as funny as the Kathy griffin clip though, that shit was hilarious. Her alligator tears cracked me up. For once in her life, she actually made people laugh…

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
June 5, 2017 3:45 pm

Some “comics” don’t understand the difference between how to tell a joke and how to be a joke.

June 5, 2017 3:51 pm

Very clean, polished and professional routine. Kudos. I hope the pratfalls have not caught up to you.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
June 5, 2017 4:08 pm

Boring article. Bad writing. Didn’t watch the clip.

  Mr Darcy
June 5, 2017 4:14 pm

Now when you say bad writing are you referring to grammatical errors? I have no fucking idea how a period works other than when I’m sent for pads! Is it important?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Mr Darcy
June 5, 2017 4:15 pm

Poor writing.

Tom S.
Tom S.
  hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2017 4:41 pm

Sick Burn, HSF

  hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2017 5:04 pm

I disagree, you write pretty good.

  Mr Darcy
June 5, 2017 6:54 pm

Mr Darcy cannot compose a complete sentence. He made three attempts, and failed each time.

The first attempt has no verb.
The second attempt has no noun.
Third attempt again lacks a (pro)noun.

Hell, Mr Darcy, your writing really sucks. And you are a moron to boot.

I thought the writing was just fine. I found parts of the clip to be quite funny. I found Mr Darcy to be an asshole.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2017 10:19 pm

D’arsey sounds like an asshole

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
June 6, 2017 11:14 pm

For some reason, I read those two comments and these guys came to mind. Not sure why??

  Mr Darcy
June 6, 2017 2:00 pm

now, that, was funny.

June 5, 2017 4:38 pm

HSF why did you not go into acting?

June 5, 2017 6:55 pm

You saw him, right? I mean, hello!

June 5, 2017 4:40 pm

Makes your point nicely. Great bit. Thanks.

Tom S.
Tom S.
June 5, 2017 4:41 pm

Excellent article, HSF. It’s interesting that all of the things you said about stand-up, both here and in other articles, line up perfectly with what I was told by my dear friend/neighbor/kids soccer coach, who was in that line of work for many years. In fact, the things you said (including your description of Brian Regan) made me think for just an instant that you and he were one in the same, but he is across the street from me in NC, and definitely not sugaring up in New England.

I for one, am glad you’re out of that nasty business and writing here. Your stories have given me a lot of pleasure and food for thought. Thank You.

  Tom S.
June 5, 2017 4:49 pm

Tom, what the fucks wrong with you? You goofy bastard! You’re glad he’s out of that nasty business? What HSF does for a living is no concern of yours. You act like he was sucking dicks for a living. You get pleasure from his writing? You sick fuck

June 5, 2017 6:57 pm

Sensetti – now you see what we are up against. Some cretins around here do not get sarcasm unless you put at the end of any sarcastic post.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
June 5, 2017 4:42 pm

The amazing thing is: I REMEMBER this! The argument bit has stuck in my head all these years.
BTW, I guess they’re right. HSF really is a MORAN.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Capn Mike
June 5, 2017 6:31 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2017 4:50 pm


That was funny! Loved the 30 word rewind. I’m pretty critical of mediocre comedians and greatly respect the very good ones. Standing up there with nothing but a mike. No distortion, no wah-wah pedal, no echo to mask what you’re doing. Also, no smoke, strobe lights or backup singers shaking their ass.

  Iska Waran
June 5, 2017 11:56 pm

Should have had a wah-wah pedal. This is America, you know.

Friendly Aquaponics, Inc.
Friendly Aquaponics, Inc.
June 5, 2017 4:55 pm

Awww…you got to hang out with Lt. Uhura! And it looks as though a fine time was had by all.

Thanks for sharing.

PS Still waiting for my lowest grade maple syrup….is it coming? Extreme Pavlovian reaction, as I type!

  Friendly Aquaponics, Inc.
June 5, 2017 5:05 pm

Admin, WTF, what a bunch of effeminate bastards hanging on to the burning platform.

June 5, 2017 6:59 pm

Sensetti – it is ok to just call them pussies.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Friendly Aquaponics, Inc.
June 5, 2017 5:20 pm

Have not forgotten you, still shipping the last of the orders this week- you wanted the end run dark, dark and there was precious little, but it has your name on it.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 6, 2017 4:21 pm

Just skipping in line here Mr.
Okay…your take on comedy today = excellent, and well
put together and well written (per usual).

And the comedy bit? Fantastic!! Mr and me laughed
and laughed. Plus, you are drop dead gorgeous.
Lucky wife, lucky children. And the syrup that you made?
Dreamy good. We love it, and we love you.

June 5, 2017 5:08 pm

We knew HSF was smart and very humorous, but then we find out he’s also handsome. A trifecta of excellence.

Sausage is always a little less tasty when you know how it is made.

June 5, 2017 7:00 pm

You must have watched a different video than me. I will give you smart and humorous, though.

June 5, 2017 8:35 pm

Yeah, I couldn’t get through the white privilege.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 5, 2017 10:26 pm

If I ever told a guy he was handsome (I wouldn’t), I would not follow up that statement with a comment about sausage.

If you really have to tell a guy that he’s cute, try leading with: Who’s your stylist, HF? OMG, you really MUST tell me where you get your nails done.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
June 5, 2017 5:13 pm

That was a good article and a nice routine. I agree with the others, who said you remind them of Brian Regan. I wonder what you think of a comedian like George Carlin? He was no doubt successful at the trade, but also used it for political and cultural critiques. I am not sure he meant the following routine ( to be political, but I think it is. If the US rekindled its interest in baseball and the things it symbolizes, perhaps it has a chance. If it continues its fascination with football, there ain’t no stopping the 4th turning.

June 5, 2017 5:20 pm

It was OK . Not bad but Nothing special .Your sniper experience in the Army would be more interesting but you won’t respond so why ask.Right ?
I think you are trying to be like Indent Service who pretends to ignore me but you can’t.The silent treatment never works on me.So play your game like Indent but remember I only
Only charge 50 dollars for my psychological services.I know it’s to late to save you but I’m still here!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2017 6:23 pm

You’re right BB. It was my first TV appearance, I was nervous as hell, still a little green and the material was so-so. Three years later I was Campus Comedian of the Year (if that’s not ironic given my future history, nothing is) and by the time I got out in 2000 I was a solid national headliner. I put it here because it may be the only clip of me out there- this was before youtube and I didn’t want anyone to think that I was trash talking someone without having the experience to back it up. A lot of folks criticize without really knowing what they’re talking about and that isn’t the case. FWIW did you see how poorly Nichelle Nichols performed with her hosting duties? And that’s with twenty years experience in Hollywood and a teleprompter. It’s much harder than it looks.

When I went through my own Paula Deen moment in ’03 I learned that if people are going to judge you based on what strangers say about your life in order to promote their particular agenda, then the only defense is to tell people the truth about your own life experience and then let them decide for themselves where you are coming from. I have tried to make an example of myself so that other people won’t necessarily have to repeat the mistakes I’ve made and if it means posting a mediocre comedy set for the record, I can live with that too. Like Uncola wrote in his Digital Noose piece, sooner or later everything you’ve ever done will be known, so why not do an end run around that possibility and just put it out there for everyone to see/read in your own voice? I’d rather tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may than to try and dodge responsibility for my own words and actions. It won’t change the past, but it might help someone else out and it lets me feel like I’m living an honorable life. So embarrassing myself intentionally saves me from having someone else do it for me to serve their own agenda.

I hope that was a sufficient response, sorry if I have overlooked other questions in the past, it certainly wasn’t intentional.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2017 11:13 pm

You certainly have nothing to be embarrassed about; you had the room with you and your physical action was excellent. Most people have no idea what it takes to even get that kind of national exposure and measure up to it.

June 5, 2017 5:22 pm

By the way . Anderson is a transsexualism it

June 5, 2017 5:52 pm

“Anderson” is me. I sometimes use the wife’s computer. It defaults to “Anderson”. Fuck you.

June 6, 2017 12:00 am


June 6, 2017 1:16 am


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 6, 2017 12:12 am
  EL Coyote
June 6, 2017 6:26 pm

You son-of-a-bitch. At least I owned up to it. It’s good to have humour on-par with HSF though. Or at least close.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 6, 2017 11:42 pm

Who are you replying to , Mr Anderson?

June 5, 2017 5:24 pm

Amy Shumer has said that this Zach Galifianakis joke is her favorite of all time:

“I confess, I’ve used the term Sandnigger. But I wasn’t speaking about anyone from the Middle East. No, what I said was ‘get off the sand, nigger…volleyball is a white man’s game.'”

It’s funny and fairly well-layered and of course, harmless. He’ll never use it again, because he likes his incredibly well-paid, goofy, ridiculously unfunny roles in ridiculous movies. Shumer would never again admit to liking the joke for the same reasons.

Maher calling himself a House Nigger is probably one of the wittiest things he’s ever said (not a high bar in any case) and harmless as well but, of course, he has to back track and “grovel at the feet of an imaginary body of the faceless offended.”

Jesus, how fucking silly has this shit-show become?

hunson abedeer
hunson abedeer
June 5, 2017 5:33 pm

Hot damn! HSF was the David Byrne of standup! Pretty funny stuff, dood.

I’ve been a veteran of the comedy wars too, but in a somewhat different station. People sometimes told me I should go into standup, but I just thought the life was too damn hard (as HSF very accurately describes.) It’s a tough row to hoe.

But applause, man, you had the instinct to kill, and more importantly (like Mr. Kinison, famously), the will to commit.

[Remarks on the relationship to the meaningless K. Griffin nonsense maybe to appear later. Meantime, Ramzpaul has somegood stuff about it.]

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 5, 2017 5:39 pm

The new inmate sat down to lunch in the mess hall in the prison. A few grumbles as expected, but one old graybeard smiled and sat down next to him. After a few minutes of quiet elapsed, an inmate halfway across the room stood up and shouted, “eighty-four!” and sat back down.
The place exploded in howls of laughter, inmates were rolling on the floor cackling, and collapsing on the tables holding their sides.
The new guy, unimpressed, watched order slowly return. After another short break, a different inmate stood up and shouted, “Twenty-five!”. Again, hilarity ensued for about three minutes, and after a slow recovery quiet returned.
The new guy nudged the greybeard who’d smiled at him, and said in a whisper, “What is this? What is going on here?”
The greybeard explained, “Most of us in here are lifers. We all came with our own stock of jokes, which we told and retold to each other over the years. A decade back, somebody got the idea of assigning each joke a number – that way you wouldn’t have to spend all that time telling the whole joke over and over. When someone calls out a number, we go over the joke in our minds, and when we reach the punch line, we laugh.”
The newcomer asked, “Can I try it?” “Sure, go ahead”.
The new guy stood up and shouted, “seventeen!”. Dead silence ensued; not a giggle.
Embarrassed, the new guy sat back down and nudged the oldster. “What went wrong? Is number seventeen just not a funny joke?” “Not at all, old number seventeen is a comedy classic”.
“Why didn’t anyone laugh then?” “I guess some people just don’t know how to tell a joke”.

June 5, 2017 5:40 pm

I thought your essay above was eloquent as hell. I started laughing at “orchestra pit”. Because of your previous writings on your past life as a comedian, I seem to have more of an appreciation for the mechanics involved. It was fascinating to see these manifested in the video clip. From the sniper/cosmo introduction; to your clean-cut appearance; to how you used specific language, intonation, and cadence in the delivery of your jokes. Men and women of different races and ages were all laughing. Hell, I was laughing. That was some funny stuff. Not easy. If practice makes perfect, it must only apply to those possessing intelligence AND common sense. Kathy Griffin need not apply. You were wise to forgo fame and fortune for the life you have now. Not many would have made the same choice. I appreciate the perspectives you provide. Many thanks, Hardscrabble.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
June 5, 2017 5:41 pm

hsf….not critical, just trying to help in your future writing:
‘navigate the currents of a profoundly course and humorless”

——> coarse

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  kokoda - the most deplorable
June 5, 2017 5:54 pm

Got it.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2017 10:28 pm

THX not TX

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
June 5, 2017 11:10 pm

I think HSF was telling Kokoda that the answer is to be found in Texas.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
June 5, 2017 11:27 pm

Or Koko is from Texas, the land of steers and queers.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  EL Coyote
June 6, 2017 6:48 am

I misspelled that too?

Early onset.

June 5, 2017 6:30 pm

I so enjoyed watching you perform, and I chuckled all the way through. I like your pacing – a fresh quip was offered while the audience was still laughing at the previous one, which I assume was your intent.

Stand up comedians have to be the bravest entertainers, along with tightrope walkers.

June 5, 2017 7:06 pm

Thanks HSF.

My favorite comedian was Bob Newhart (not the TV series but his routines). I loved his stories. I thought Bill Cosby ( may he rot in hell) was funny, too, with his routines.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2017 11:12 pm

Cosby – “The Belt” from To My Brother, Russell.

June 5, 2017 7:22 pm

It seems like most of the comics now are trying to be Jon Stewart. Same jokes and going after the same audience. Clones just aren’t funny. And is it just me or has Colbert gotten terribly shrill these days (or was when I quit watching last year)? He always has been but it seems much worse.

June 5, 2017 8:30 pm

Ho Lee Cows (and chickens and pigs), but does hsf look like Tom Cruise in his Top Gun days? Campus comedian of the year – you would not get through 3 lines today at a college venue without getting the Coulter or Milo treatment. Just wondering, who are your current favorite comedians today? (might stop by for some eggs soon before my internment in Boston).

Bijan Hosseini
Bijan Hosseini
June 5, 2017 9:26 pm

She’s red on the he’d like a dick on a dog.

Red on the noodle like a dick on a poodle.

That’s all I got…..Sorry red heads.

DaBirds (The day the music died...)
DaBirds (The day the music died...)
June 5, 2017 10:39 pm

HSF, funny bit.
Made more so since I just got the “we need to talk” pre-emptive nuclear strike warning.
Been practicing though…
You’re right.
I know.
I’m sorry.
I’m gonna nail it this time!!

June 5, 2017 10:58 pm

Excellent set, HSF. Too bad the audio is down in the mud, but I remember watching this back then. Your videos, my airchecks from the air personality days. It’s all mechanical but it can’t look or sound like that.

ursel doran
ursel doran
June 5, 2017 11:04 pm

I was wondering where the most eloquent prose on the farm and environs was coming from, so THANKS MUCH for sharing this clip, and I mean the most eloquent bit very sincerely.
Robin Williams, for sure one of the greatest, had some bits on the process in here

Old Dog
Old Dog
June 6, 2017 1:06 am

Funny video, I laughed out loud. It’s nice to see people who are good at what they are doing.

Maybe you could set up a stage at the farmer’s market just to stay with it.

Thanks for sharing.

June 7, 2017 12:36 pm

HSF- Thanks for the laughs, I find your point regarding our deteriorating national sense of humor to be accurate and alarming. I had a good belly laugh last friday and it felt great, afterwords realizing the overly extended time frame since the last.