Texas Secedes – Sort of

Via Men of the West

By Theophrastus

The American Legion runs a program in many states that allows young people to participate in a mock legislative experience. In Texas, this is known as The Texas Boys State (there is also a group for girls, but it is separate from that for males).  Each summer, a group of boys is brought to the State Capitol in Austin, and they proceed to go through the motions, as if they were state senators or congressmen. They are separated into two “parties:” the Nationalists and the Federalists.

Last year, the Federalists brought forth a bill for Texas to Secede from the United States. It passed in the Senate, but narrowly failed in the House. This year, however, we saw a different result.

That’s right. It passed. 

These young fellows, who are required to have completed their junior year of High School, but still have at least one semester left (so are predominantly seniors with one year of schooling left before graduation), have had the audacity to do something that the true elected officials have not. As the linked article mentions, there have been attempts to introduce such a bill at the State Level for several years, but it never gets anywhere. Sure, some state legislators make noises on occasion, trying to keep the secessionists satiated to some degree, but nothing ever happens.

Leave it to the kids.



Now, perhaps you are thinking that the kids were simply acting like rebellious teens and trying to be funny. In fact, there is some evidence that this played a part in the Boys State’s actions. They seemed to be keen on “doing something that had not been done before.” Still, the group has existed since 1935. If it was simply teen rebellion, why had nothing like this been done in prior years? Why, after 80 years, are we seeing the topic come up?

In that linked article, a University of Texas prof argued “that the secession vote could be viewed as a symptom of a greater problem — a decline in national unity and sense of purpose that transcends race, religion, sexual orientation and other factors.”

Let’s unpack that a little. First, in general, his point is correct. This vote is a symptom of a larger issue – I won’t say problem. In fact, I would suggest that it is symptomatic of a cultural resetting. What has existed for the past several decades is not “normal.” The Prof’s point about “a decline in national unity” speaks to this.

Here, the Prof conflates two different words: nation and country. There is no national disunity, but there is a civic disunity, and it is growing. As we have pointed out before, a nation is a people group, and it is defined by several things, to include race, history, etc. Rather than national disunity, it would appear that there is actually a growing true national unity taking place. People are rediscovering the nation. And they are finding out that we have multiple nations inhabiting our land and participating in our civic processes.

That purpose that the Prof points out is national. During our lifetimes, it seems that the purpose of our country has been to force the extinction of historical nations, and the creation of some fictitious hybrid. That attempt is failing, and we are now living through its death throes. We are witnessing the reemergence of true nations, and this Texas Boys State vote is just one more marker.

The Prof’s final quoted words are important: It seems that, at least for this group of Texas boys, there are no longer sufficient ties to maintain the facade of American Unity. They say as much:

It is the common belief of this Congress and its constituents that our Republic stands to lose in its relationship with the United States… Texas and her peoples formally recognize and thank our neighbor the United States for her grace and mercy upon our Republic in her time of need. However, we cannot in good conscience continue this tie with our former Mother country. For God and Country, The Republic of Texas hereby Declares her Independence.

I would suspect that we will see more such activities to come in future months and years. Where will it all end? I have no idea. I do know that we are experiencing a resurgence in national identity, and the status quo will not survive.


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Hollow man
Hollow man
June 27, 2017 11:19 am

Let’s just do it peaceful. But it needs to be done.

June 27, 2017 11:32 am

Texans are long on talk but short on action. This state also produces the worst politicians in the nation.

June 27, 2017 12:11 pm

I’m 68. I can say this whole thing started with the Viet Nam war protests. This is when commie and Marxist professors got a foot hold in the universities. The administrations were so weak, and stupid (educated but stupid) they have allowed this to build – until where we are today.

Western Civ is bad. We killed the indians, we had slaves, we use too many resources, the list goes on and on. So tell me who else has fueled the industrial revolution, created life saving drugs? And contributed to the wealth of many people in many nations?

These professors moral equivalency rants are really a sophist argument.

Then there were the Democrats that have morphed into leftist / cultural Marxists. They have continued to stir the pot with every kind of fringe group they can find or invent.

So what’s left is us ‘regular’ folk. Who get married, go to work, have kids, and pay taxes. And us ‘regular folk’ want to be left the fuck alone. We don’t want to hear any more bullshit from BLM, or Trannie’s, or Muzzie’s, or illegals who have the balls to demand ‘their rights’. I don’t want to hear about anymore bike lanes either.

That’s why those boys voted for Texas to secede – they don’t want any part the bullshit. Let the whiner’s have their own state(s).

June 27, 2017 2:30 pm

I downed you Dutch.I agree with everything you wrote except the last sentence.
No,don’t let them have their own states.
Turn ’em into productive citizens or boot them out to whoever will take them,let them starve if they won’t work,execute ’em if they turn to crime.
We should not give up one bit of territory.

June 27, 2017 4:00 pm

Look Tampa – they can have their own state(s) They can protest one another, there won’t be anyone to tax, since none of them work. It would be great to see them kill one another. AAMOF we could put it on DirecTV and charge for it. Better than MMA – the Trannies vs BLM.

Bernard Sanderstein
Bernard Sanderstein
June 27, 2017 12:25 pm

It would be worth it to free the rest of us from Cruz and Cornyn.

  Bernard Sanderstein
June 27, 2017 2:33 pm

Hey Bernie,
Shouldn’t you be working on your defense for the loan fraud charges that are coming down soon?

  Bernard Sanderstein
June 27, 2017 2:58 pm

A salient point. Both are trash.

June 27, 2017 12:44 pm

The “red” states and any portion of a “blue” state that agree should declare that they are the “True Blue” United States, hold on to the Constitution & Flag and introduce a bill requiring Citizenship to be demonstrated by a mastery of English, Individual Responsibility, and a loyalty oath sworn on the Bible to defend the Constitution and Country so help me God. Another Bill should declare that the NYC Banks, MSM and all disloyal Reds are banished.

June 27, 2017 3:07 pm

This appears to be related to the widespread sentiment in Texas that the state has the right to secede as granted by the treaty that originally admitted Texas to the union. The legality of that treaty is muddled by the fact that Texas joined the Confederacy and participated in the Civil War on the losing side. Nobody seems to want to dwell on the terms that Texas accepted to be re-admitted to the United States.

At any rate, this is another warning that social and political divisions may well lead to the breakup of many of the large, consolidated countries over the coming years, a la the Soviet Union and the unlamented Yugoslavia. Leading candidates are China, Canada, Russia, India and the US, along with some reshuffling in the Middle East and Africa. We are cursed to live in interesting times.

June 27, 2017 4:16 pm

It is a romantic notion, but ultimately what would happen is that about 100,000 swamp creatures from DC would flood into Texas and bloat it up and snatch up their piece of whatever new currency Texas issued. Within 5 years Texas would be drowing in as much debt as California and Illinois.

Middle-aged mad gnome
Middle-aged mad gnome
June 28, 2017 6:18 am

The actions of these boys is a sentiment. That sentiment is quite common and reflected in the comments. Moving past the sentiment, the break up of the United States will never happen peacefully (i.e. it will involve violence and a lot of death). Thoughtful people will not enjoy that prospect.