“Finding Madeleine” | Over the Rainbow, Chapter 7

Over the Rainbow, Chapter 7

“Ritualistic abuse refers to organised abuse that is structured in a ceremo-nial fashion, often incorporating religious or mythological iconography (McFadyen et al. 1993). The ritualistic activity is typically structured by ‘deviant scriptualism’, in which abusive groups parody traditional religious symbols and ritual practices (Kent 1993a, 1993b). The majority of cases of ritualistic abuse involve female victims and facilitation by parents (Creighton 1993, Gallagher 1996)….”

Michael Salter, “Organised Sexual Abuse”

“A substantial minority of DID patients report sadistic, exploitive, and coercive abuse at the hands of organized groups.”

James A. Chu, “Guidelines for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder in Adults, ird Revision”

“I am glad that I do not have any children.”

Anna Freud

WARNING: This chapter concerns sexual and ritual abuse, a hallmark of elite pedophiles and networks. Portions of this chapter could be traumatic to some and might trigger those who have experienced such abuse. Consider skipping this chapter if you are susceptible to an adverse reaction.

REPEATED SHOCK, PHYSICAL trauma, isolation, emotional and sexual abuse are hallmarks of trauma-based conditioning. Trauma-based conditioning produces a permanent state of psychic disassociation in its victims. Disassociation refers to “splitting” the mind into multiple personalities and identities. It is the most severe manifestation of PTSD.

After the original “self” is shattered the minds of those subjected to trauma-based torture assemble new personalities with the fragments. e new “selves” are called “alters”. The alters can be wholly unaware of the others, and none may retain a conscious memory of the original self.

At nearly four years of age, Madeleine Mccann was a prime candidate for trauma-based conditioning. Her brain and sense of self were still developing. She was also cute as a button with blond hair, green eyes, and a lovely smile. And she has that right eye coloboma. That awed right eye and her green eye color evoke the “Eye of Horus” that would make her a prize of inestimable value among the elite ritualistic networks. These are the networks that practice trauma-based conditioning for which a covered, awed, or occluded right eye is a powerful ritualistic symbol.


Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet. The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts. The name Wadjet is derived from “wadj” meaning “green”, hence “the green one”, and was known to the Greeks and Romans as “uraeus” from the Egyptian “iaret” meaning “risen one” from the image of a cobra rising up in protection. Wadjet was one of the earliest of Egyptian deities who later became associated with other goddesses such as Bast Sekhmet, Mut and Hathor. She was the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt and the major Delta shrine the “per-nu” was under her protection. Hathor is also depicted with this eye… The Wedjat “was intended to protect the pharaoh in the afterlife” and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Middle-Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel. Source: Wikipedia.

Should Madeleine have fallen into the grasp of one of these networks she would have suffered greatly. Paradoxically, there’s a good chance she’s still alive, although she would lack any memory of her family and of a spirited little girl named Madeleine.

Kim Noble might not have had a chance to know it, but she’s almost certainly a victim of trauma-based conditioning. Kim could be among a very few who went over the rainbow and made it back.


Kim Noble

Kim has “dis-associative identity disorder” (DID), formerly called Multiple Personality Syndrome. Kim is the name she has as a single living body.

There’s twenty or so alters living inside Kim’s mind. Each alter has a different name and a distinct personality. When one alter is active the others are dormant. Some of the alters don’t know about the others. Some alters know the others as separate people and write notes to them.

Kim bears all the hallmarks of an adult survivor of trauma-based conditioning inflicted when she was a young child. But no one knows for sure. That part of Kim is gone.

“…Kim herself has no memory of being abused as a child; she has been protected over the years by her alters.

‘I’ve been told I was abused and to me at this moment in time, it’s too much. It goes in one ear and out the other. It’s no good retraumatising me and telling me something I don’t want to know – in any case, there would be a switch.’

Kim has good reason to fear learning about her past as it’s possible that if she acquires too much information she won’t be able to cope and will ‘disappear’. It’s happened twice before.”

A few years after the Independent article featuring Kim was published, the Daily Mail featured an intriguing profile of her.

The Daily Mail’s profile contains a single paragraph about Kim’s childhood. One unattributed sentence identifies her parents by name and location. That paragraph and that sentence speak volumes to us. They speak about Kim’s parent’s reaction to her when she was a child, but her parents weren’t interviewed. The sentence is written as an unattributed anecdote. No one who knew Kim as a child or as a teen is interviewed.

“When Kim was a child growing up in Croydon, South London, life was confusing and frightening as she was constantly switching between different personalities. Her parents James and Dorothy Noble, who worked in the computer industry, seemed to have largely ignored her bizarre behaviour, putting it down to naughtiness. But when Kim hit puberty, other far more disturbed alter egos starting making regular appearances — such as Rebecca, who was suicidal, Sonia, who was anorexic, and Judy the bulemic teenager who binged on shredded paper. Kim was first referred to a psychiatrist at 14, and spent much of her late teens in various homes for ‘troubled’ teenagers until she was mistakenly diagnosed with schizophrenia in her early 20s.”

The foregoing paragraph leaves the impression that Kim’s DID arose spontaneously, and that her parents were inattentive computer nerds who mostly ignored her or were oblivious. Some unspecified person “referred” Kim to a psychiatrist at age 14.

It all seems very odd and impersonal; something’s off. Something’s missing. It’s as if there’s something we’re not supposed to know.

Like who “split” Kim.

“DID is the most extreme form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and is the result of the child’s desperate attempt to survive and adapt to an overwhelmingly confusing and cruel world. DID is a normal child’s reaction to an abnormal environment and, as such, is a normal and common reaction to ritual abuse. I have seen ritual abuse victims who do not have DID (they do have other forms of repression and dissociation), but I have never seen a person with DID who has not been subjected to severe abuse.” – Lynette Danylchuk.

That leaves little doubt as to what Kim endured.

One of Kim’s alters is “Ria”.

Ria, and some of the other alters create paintings portraying their abuse and trauma. Some of Kim’s alters began painting in 2004. Some of their paintings are shockingly graphic and disturbing. You don’t want to see them. You will never be able to un-see them.

Some of Kim’s alters paintings were displayed at Comet Ping Pong shortly after it opened in 2006. Comet Ping Pong is a funky neighborhood pizza restaurant in a tony upper Northwest Washington, DC neighborhood. Together with the Smithman images and some suggestive emails, Comet and its owner became part of the bizarre PizzaGate story in the closing weeks of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

Kim gives us courage. Kim went over the rainbow. Somehow, she made it back. She made a life for HerSelves. She even has a young daughter.

Kim was someone’s prize when she was a child. Eventually, when they were done with her, they let her go.

Link to home page of Kim Noble’s website. WARNING: there are extremely disturbing and graphic images on the “Virtual Gallery” page at Kim Noble’s website. Avoid clicking on the “Virtual Gallery” link at Kim Noble’s website if you are easily triggered or sensitive to graphic depictions of abuse. The home page does not contain disturbing images or content.

You can visit us at our home, Finding Madeleine.

In the book “Finding Madeleine” we resolve the mysterious disappearance of 3-year old Madeleine Mccann who went missing in Portugal 10 years ago. “Finding Madeleine” is also being serialized here on TBP.

“Finding Madeleine” is also available at the Apple I-Tunes store and other popular online booksellers.

“Finding Madeleine” provides everything necessary for a legitimate investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance. It also establishes the inability of the British government and the unwillingness of the Portuguese government to do so.

Please refer to the full version of “Finding Madeleine” for complete citations, sources, evidence and images.

You can refer to Madeleine’s Fund for information on the phony”Find Madeleine” campaign and for the comic book version of Madeleine Mccann’s disappearance. Refer to the British press coverage of Madeleine Mccann’s disappearance for the soap opera version.

Refer to former Portuguese Inspector Goncalo Amaral’s book, “The Truth of the Lie” (English language version) in which he nailed the hoax behind Madeleine’s disappearance but failed to recognize the nefarious involvement of the British government that conspired to deliver Madeleine to a protected elite pedophile or network such as likely occurred with Kim Noble as discussed in this Chapter.

Author: Centinel

Just a guy from the neighborhood.

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June 27, 2017 11:16 pm

We will never know.