“Finding Madeleine” | Over the Rainbow, Chapter 7

Over the Rainbow, Chapter 7

“Ritualistic abuse refers to organised abuse that is structured in a ceremo-nial fashion, often incorporating religious or mythological iconography (McFadyen et al. 1993). The ritualistic activity is typically structured by ‘deviant scriptualism’, in which abusive groups parody traditional religious symbols and ritual practices (Kent 1993a, 1993b). The majority of cases of ritualistic abuse involve female victims and facilitation by parents (Creighton 1993, Gallagher 1996)….”

Michael Salter, “Organised Sexual Abuse”

“A substantial minority of DID patients report sadistic, exploitive, and coercive abuse at the hands of organized groups.”

James A. Chu, “Guidelines for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder in Adults, ird Revision”

“I am glad that I do not have any children.”

Anna Freud

WARNING: This chapter concerns sexual and ritual abuse, a hallmark of elite pedophiles and networks. Portions of this chapter could be traumatic to some and might trigger those who have experienced such abuse. Consider skipping this chapter if you are susceptible to an adverse reaction.

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