We Must Declare Independence


As Independence Day comes around again we should spend a few moments between barbecue and fireworks to think about the meaning of independence. The colonists who rebelled against the British Crown were, among other things, unhappy about taxation. Yet, as economist Gary North points out, the total burden of British imperial taxation was about one-to-two percent of national income.

Some 241 years later, Washington claims more of our money as its own than King George could have ever imagined. What do we get in this bargain? We get a federal government larger and more oppressive than before 1776, a government that increasingly views us as the enemy.

Think about NSA surveillance. As we have learned from brave whistleblowers like William Binney and Edward Snowden, the US intelligence community is not protecting us from foreigners who seek to destroy our way of life. The US intelligence community is itself destroying our way of life. Literally every one of our electronic communications is captured and stored in vast computer networks. Perhaps they will be used against “dissidents” in the future who question government tyranny.

We have no privacy in our computers or our phones. If the government wants to see what we are doing at any time, it simply switches on our phone camera or computer camera – or our “smart” television. Yet today we continue to hear, “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

In a recent interview on our Liberty Report, Edward Snowden made the excellent point that, “saying that you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.”

Think about the TSA. The freedom to travel is fundamental, and our Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures is the law of the land. But if you dare to exercise that right by purchasing an air ticket, you are treated like a Guantanamo Bay detainee. Don’t dare question as the TSA agents commit acts that would be crimes were they done by anyone else. Yet so many Americans still believe this is what it takes to be “safe.”

Think about the military industrial complex. The US government spends more on its military empire than much of the rest of the world combined. Our so-called mortal enemy Russia spends ten cents to every dollar we spend on weapons of war. Yet we are told we must spend more! Imagine the amazing peaceful scientific discoveries that might be made were so many researchers and scientists not on the government payroll designing new ways to end life on earth.

Think about the Fed. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 the US dollar has lost some 98 percent of its value. Is the destruction of our currency not a cruel form of tyranny, hitting hardest those who can least afford it?

I think it’s time for us to declare our independence from an oppressive government that seeks to control our money and our lives in ways unimaginable to those who rebelled against the British Crown in 1776. Our revolution is peaceful, and it concentrates on winning hearts and minds one at a time. But it marches on. We must reclaim the spirit of independence every day and every night and intensify the struggle against those who seek to impose tyranny upon us.

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July 3, 2017 2:39 pm

Amen! Notice how politicians never utter the L word. LIBERTY!

David Shumaker
David Shumaker
July 3, 2017 3:08 pm

You can declare anything you want, but I’m willing to bet the debts will increase and the decline will continue. Better off on spending your time prepping.

July 3, 2017 3:34 pm

What July 4th is really about,as per TomWoods.com
June 30, 2017

Independence Day is coming up, and I wonder how many people really get why it matters.

In school, we were told this: “No taxation without representation.”


The real principles were more like the following.

(1) No legislation without representation.

The colonists insisted that they could be governed only by the colonial legislatures. This is the principle of self-government.

This is why a Supreme Court ordering localities around is anti-American in the truest sense. It operates according to the opposite principle from the one the American colonists stood for.

(2) Contrary to the modern Western view of the state that it must be considered one and indivisible, the colonists believed that a smaller unit may withdraw from a larger one.

(3) The colonists’ view of the (unwritten) British constitution was that Parliament could legislate only in those areas that had traditionally been within the purview of the British government. Customary practice was the test of constitutionality. The Parliament’s view, on the other hand, was in effect that the will and act of Parliament sufficed to make its measures constitutional.

So the colonists insisted on strict construction, if you will, while the British held to more of a “living, breathing” view of the Constitution. Sound familiar?

So let’s recap: local self-government, secession, and strict construction. Not exactly the themes you learned in school.

Of course, had you listened to our Liberty Classroom course on the American Revolution during your commute, you would have conquered the educational malpractice we all suffered from as youngsters….

July 4, 2017 1:36 am

“There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free” – Goethe

Read the book: _ALBION & ZION UNITED_, by Veronika Kuzniar. After reading THAT book, you’ll completely comprehend how it happened, that “Jews” took control over the so-called “British” Empire, and thereby HIJACKED the entirety of Western Civilization, including ALL its primary institutions. Today, WE ARE ~ ALL ~ DEBT-SLAVES TO THOSE PREDOMINANTLY “JEW”-ISH FINANCIER AND MERCHANT FAMILIES ~ FORMERLY BEHIND KING GEORGE III ~ THAT HAVE ~ ALWAYS ~ BEEN BEHIND THE WESTERN FINANCIAL SYSTEM, starting with the establishment of the Bank of England (est. 1694), but picking up steam with the establishment of the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” on Dec. 23, 1913. What exactly is “JEW” Paul WARBURG, a descendant of a 16th Century! Venetian “Del Banco” family (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warburg_family) doing, co-creating the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” in AMERICA in 1913!? America is owned by foreign “Jew”-ish PLUTOCRATS. MAYBE THAT IS WHY AMERICANS ARE SEEING LIBERTY IN DECLINE? It’s called the TECHNOCRATIC “Jew” World Order.