The Servile State

Guest Post by The Zman

A century ago, Hilaire Belloc wrote in the The Servile State¹ that attempts to reform capitalism will lead to an economy in which the state dictates that certain people will work for others, who likewise must take care of them. Belloc called this the servile state. This is different from early arrangements in which slaves and serfs were the backbone of the economy. In those arrangements, the owner has a choice to not own slaves. It is also different from capitalism, in which everyone is politically free by law.

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Belloc was a man of his age so he viewed economics through the goggles of socialism and the newly emergent industrial capitalism. In The Servile State, he was searching for an alternative to the destruction of liberty necessary with socialism and the instability inherent to capitalism. The former results in an inequality of political power, while the latter results in an inequality of material wealth. Eventually, a small number of people rule over the masses, who begin to resent their rulers, seeing them as tyrants.

What Belloc argued is that socialism is inevitably the state dictating to property holders how they can dispose of their property. The state does this either through direct ownership, or through legal requirements for the ownership and use of property. Political freedom is determined by the degree of freedom one has with regards his labor and the results of his labor.. Therefore, socialism must restrict the political liberty of citizens to the same degree that it controls property and labor of the citizens.

Capitalism puts ownership and control of property in the hands of the people. In pure capitalism or what we now call libertarianism, individuals not only control their labor and the results of their labor, they are politically free. In theory, men either labor for their own use or agree to labor for others. The state’s only purpose is to enforce contracts as all of the dealings between citizens is consensual and formalized in a contract. The appeal of capitalism, pure capitalism, is the allure of pure political freedom.

By the time Belloc was writing, it was clear that pure capitalism would inevitably result in the concentration of wealth. A small class of property owners would come to posses the bulk of the nation’s wealth. That means a class of people who were free and a class of people who were not free, because they could not own and control their own labor. This led to social instability and eventually violence. Belloc argued that attempts to reform capitalism through state action would result in something he called the Servile State.

Reforms to capitalism are always through the law. The state places limits on how the owners of property may use their property. This then leads to a negotiation between the state, which has the monopoly of force, and the property class, which has a monopoly of capital. The result is a system in which the state seeks to protect those without property by placing requirement in the capital owners. In return, the state require the masses to labor for the property class, under conditions set by the state.

The result is that the business is forced to hire people it may not wish to hire, but the state also dictates to labor how and when they can sell their labor. Put another way, the poor are forced to serve the rich, but the rich are forced to be generous to the poor, looking out for their welfare. It is a social contract enforced at the barrel of a gun. It has the inequality of capitalism and the lack of political liberty inherent in socialism. The Servile State is the worst elements of both economic systems.

Belloc could not see what was coming in the post-war era and he certainly had no idea what was coming with the technological revolution and the explosion of neo-liberal globalism. He was prescient, however, with regards to how English economic systems would evolve over time. Look around at the modern world and you see the world he described as the inevitable result of “reformed capitalism.” Today, employers hire whole teams of people who makes sure the rich and powerful follow the rules.

What’s been missing in the technological age is the other half of the equation. As the West de-industrialized, the enforcement of labor laws have fallen away. Masses of helot labor brought over from Asia into Silicon Valley, for example, worked under agreements they struck with the business owners. Tech companies love open borders as it gives them a loophole to avoid some of the constraints of the Servile State. The same is true at the unskilled end, where companies rely upon masses of labor from Latin America.

This is an untenable situation in its own right, but the coming automation of the American economy will result in an evolution of the Servile State. The Universal Basic Income is nothing more than a modern implementation of the sort of infringements on political liberty Belloc described a century ago. Property holders will be forced to care for the dispossessed and, inevitably, the state will put behavior rules on the dispossessed. The UBI will come with rules requiring the recipients to act a certain way.

You get a glimpse of this in the efforts to control political speech on-line. Social media companies get exceptions to anti-trust laws, permitting them to run monopolies. In exchange, they are tasked with policing dissent on behalf of the state. The users get “free access” to platforms like Faceberg and Twitter, just as long as they agree to the terms of service and accept discipline when they post subversive things. Imagine this system applied to the universal basic income or to access to your self-driving car.

Belloc’s alternative was something he and Chesterton called distributism. Some have argued that their economic ideas were proto-fascism, but that’s debatable. What Belloc argued for was the inverse of the Servile State. Instead of a strong central state, political authority would be distributed and diffused throughout society, while wealth concentration would be constrained locally though ad hoc arrangements and cultural institutions. The goal is to maximize liberty, while minimizing inequality.

Whether or not this is possible in the modern age is debatable. Belloc and Chesterton argued that this was the natural arrangement of Europe. They also argued that it required a strong and energetic Christian tradition. That ship has sailed in the West, but maybe it does not matter. There’s no getting around the fact that neo-liberalism may be economically stable, but it is wildly unstable culturally. The experience of Europe thus far suggests it is suicidal. How to address it may lie with globalism’s last critics.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
July 9, 2017 3:25 pm

If you think Democrats will treat the UBIers and the Workers any different than they treat the current FSA and the Taxpayers, then TPTB should give you the Nobel Prize for The Most Gullible Useful Idiot.

  rhs jr
July 10, 2017 9:25 am

With such a massive amount of the US population growing increasingly unemployable due to lack of education, skills and the rise of the robot worker , it’s only a matter of time before UBI becomes reality. Of course their will be strings, but as we know with EBT because of shear volume of abuse , the conditions will most likely be unenforceable. It’s a brave new world indeed.

i forget
i forget
July 9, 2017 6:10 pm

Movement, “instability,” is good. It’s constipation, not capital moving freely, that’s backed up the material wealth. Mercantilism, fascism, whatever you want to call it – organized criminals wielding their covering camouflage – the state – to enrich themselves via economic rent extractions. Don’t set aside what’s been done to capital\currency, either. TBTF isn’t capitalism. Neither is who you know, who’s on your quid pro quo payroll in DC. Eventually? C’mon. It was omnipresently immediately. Followed by metastasis & tumors all over the volk hauling these Babbits around in wagons. Ha. Volkswagen Babbits.

Freedom of\from religion\politicians would be great, & works well in various fictions & fairy tales. But not at all with real people in busybody en masse mode.

Gunbarrel contracts, like shotgun weddings, are antisocial. Reform is crony is not capitalism. My 1st job outside parents home I was a “helot” – it was between me & employer. Cash. Less than the prevailing color of law – economics blind\indifferent – minimum wage. Both parties made their own deal & prospered. Many years later I had ideas about bringing Singaporeans into my business. Not to scrimp the labor costs, but because the one I had hired outworked all but one Caucasian – who was of German extraction. Borders are bs. Borders subsidize shitty locals. Borders increase the supplantaion of shitty locals with beyond borders, & with robots.

Saw Bourdain in LA just last night (his tv show on CNN). Point was reiterated that the economy will crater if trumpy & associated idiots follow thru with their mad jingoism. Those Mexicans, among many others, are the mortar that holds much together. “Managed” economies are fiefdom & serfdom & dumb, dumb, dumb. And by dumb I mean dishonest. And gutless.

There are no monopolies without states coloring laws to minimize of eradicate competition – offers that can’t be refused. Always. Every where & when.

Distributors are fine. EI & magnetos are fine. 3rd parties dictating which\when\where\how many are disastrous. If authoritarian 3’rds are involved, liberty maximization is not the goal. Inequality tweaking by 3rds is always just pretense.

Criticism of the globe, home to all, is absurd. I am pro—globe. Anything else is pro-snowflake globe, is a deathwish, for others first, for the wisherwashers too, ultimately, which might mean the posterity so much mewling & mulcting makes trope of.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  i forget
July 10, 2017 2:05 pm

“Borders are bs.” They are when idiots, criminals and the incompetent can just walk across them. Switzerland has borders; Hungary and Poland have borders. The US currently has no borders, and desperately needs them.
I think you are trying to say something like “Hard-working people can be found in all races and nations, and you want those people to come to your nation to work and improve your society”. THAT I can agree with; I can get along with hard-working, socially-compatible people from any background. But I would rather live near stable, competent people than “refugees”, and if borders (enforced) would keep “refugees” away then let’s have borders.
I would rather live near rednecks (most will leave you alone) than Islamics of any capability. I would rather live near the Amish (good people) than anyone of the FSA / EBT crowd. I would rather live near Mormons than East Coast atheist SJWs; and the time is coming when we will be forced to choose who lives near us, probably at gunpoint. Trouble is coming, thanks to those whose ideology blinds them to reality.

i forget
i forget
  james the deplorable wanderer
July 10, 2017 2:49 pm

James, this is reality: idiots, criminals & incompetence are in the mix & distribution. Always. Forever, Everywhere. Borders have nothing to do with it – except to the extent that they promulgate & subsidize same.

Every kind & type is on both sides of all “borders.” Borders are arbitrary, born of the sword, die the same way…if only they would die, or could be killed. No. They just squirm around, like the snakes that draw them. No need to point how they do it over there; it’s the same everywhere. It’s the same in *prisons* – heavily bordered borders within borders.

I am saying that. But more than that. I am saying liberty is not a safe space. And that authoritarian control freak cowards create even less safe spaces. I don’t give a shite who comes, or goes. Nor do I want to be tagged & bagged every step of every journey by interlocked border arbiters.

Trespass is trespass. Any other aspect of the trespasser is irrelevant. *Any.* It doesn’t matter if the trespasser looks like me – identical twin even – or nothing like me. I’ve lived all over. Including rough places. And was ready, to my own extent, for whatever came. “Because it ain’t all waitin’ on me. That’s vanity” (Cormac McCarthy) – liberty, or no.

Druthers have nuthin’ to do with reality. As for my druthers where to live: further, & further away from populous densities. People in groups border insanity at all times, & when shtf they disregard borders entirely. But trespass in both conditions is epidemic.

The only borders that are real, & that matter, are the ones emerging out of those inherent inalienables people talk about, & then, mostly, disregard.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  i forget
July 10, 2017 5:13 pm

Really? You’d do away with borders?
In maintaining a coherent, prosperous, free society the inhabitants thereof must be free to make choices: who will I consider part of my society, who is not, and what do we do when we meet? This is the truth underlying “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Making a common defense with like-minded individuals is MUCH easier when you can DEFINE, DELINEATE and DEFEND an area to be defended.
Modern liberals disregard this: to them, because we share the same species, no distinction can be made among us. Nothing is farther from reality.
If a gang of MS-13 bandits comes to my neighborhood, I should be free to expel them. But the STATE claims a monopoly on the use of force; they don’t like it when you infringe on their territory. But with modern liberals (mostly) in charge of the State, no enforcement is being made to protect the citizens from the non-citizens.
” I don’t give a shite who comes, or goes.” Great. I’ll send the next bunch of SJWs I see to your place. THEY care what you THINK, and will try to enforce their thinking on YOU. You would probably consider them “authoritarian control freak cowards “, and so would I. So here it is: if you cannot create a place where you can be safe, how long will you last?
I tend to agree with you, mostly; but if you cannot defend your community, you will not be able to keep one. We had a nation, before the socialists, communists, feminists and special interest groups decided to take power by destroying the family, creating sectarian division among groups, and killing the common culture. You may be able to defend yourself, although modern sniper rifles make that really challenging; if you cannot see the man shooting at you, how do you preserve your life?
“I’ve lived all over. Including rough places. And was ready, to my own extent, for whatever came.” Great. Do you / have you ever loved any body? Will you protect them, or expect the women and children to do it all for themselves? When someone or some group of folks who do not share your identity comes along and wants to kill you, what will you do?

i forget
i forget
  james the deplorable wanderer
July 11, 2017 6:19 pm

James…What? Political\war borders conflate coherent, prosperous, free ? Really? Where?* When? How (with a straight face)? My society? Must be a very loose definition of society. I’m no personal possessor of such a thing. I also know plenty of folks use that term, “society,” as fulcrum in their claims of possession of me. Think it might be a better sounding euphemism for slavery?

Your life, your orbit, your property, who you do & don’t associate with – all bona fide choices for you to make. All of those as regards anybody else? Not your, or anybody else’s, choices to make. The fact that 3rd parties making just about all choices is the norm – via might – doesn’t alchemize all that copper-jacketed lead into gold.

The golden rule so-called is at best gold leaf. Thinner than paper thin stuff. At worst – & far more common – it’s just a color. Like all those other, more official•magical, laws are.

‘Do unto others as you would have others do unto you’ says the masochist to the sadist & various assorted sundry others chime in “works for me.” Except that it doesn’t work. Because it’s a lie. Because your prerogatives – including sado-masochistic predilections, etc, if any – stop at my property lines. Absent an invitation, crossing my property lines is trespass.

Property is legitimate borders. And political war borders are magical delegitimation of property – by the “conquerors” that stole it. Nothing more.

Make common defense, if that’s important to you, to whatever extent you can, given the above. Disregard the above, exceed your prerogatives, then you are engaged in common offense, not defense. This is the distinction that can be made among us in reality.

Any trespassers that come onto your property, or other’s property in your neighborhood, expel at will, in whatever way you deem fit.

State *claims* are another way of saying color of law. Those magic words…that enforce enslavement, in all its particulars, of “citizens.” Self(property) defense is illegal in many places, frowned upon with serious repercussions in many more, & has been for a lonnnng time.

Which is all merely to say you don’t have property. You are property. GI Joe is the conscripted property on the hot side of the omnipresent war, & GI citizen is the same on the cold side.

Minority Report was an entertaining movie, but there’s no such thing as pre-crime. No harm, no foul. Trespass is the line between harm & foul. That the state & trespass are synonyms gives no one leave to emulate – or invoke – the state. Doing so might even qualify as worshipping a false idol. Not that any of them ain’t false.

So, no, you’ll send nobody to my property. Not your prerogative. Exceeding that prerogative would make you the head of a threatening poisonous snake.

I don’t know how long I will last in any event. What I do know is that death, or the fear of it, doesn’t gin me up any special privileges or dispensations. And it doesn’t gin them up for anybody else, either. And that even the longest individual lives aren’t all that long.

As for “community” if that means, or includes, holding a piece of ground, I won’t do that. Not against anything I deem to be, or to become, superior overwhelming force. But that’s just me factoring lessons learned in previous scrapes. Stick & move. Butterflies & bees a la Ali. The Swamp Fox. Guerilla. Etc.

And nation is but an implanted notion, from back in those whippersnapper days when the rote was being engraved. That goes for common culture, too: a myth. & propaganda. Bernay’s sauce. I’ve seen 50 different variations on might makes right – “cultures” – in my own life. History will show anybody that cares to look 100’s more, right here in this “nation.”

Me, & “mine” (figure of speech) – that part of community – are mobile. Not fixed, rooted. The worst scrapes I’ve ever been in had to do with defending “mine.” A lot of those, mobility was constrained. Had to stand. Had to stay. Definitely went into my thinking about the importance of being able to move.

Common riff-raff won’t be aiming sniper rifles at me. But the even commoner, costumed, riff-raff that would bring such to bear would appreciate my making it easier for them by rooting in place.

The way I came up, women & children had to pull weight. Including when it came to scrapes. Pinch points show & tell who’s who. Important info to have. As it either confirms or denies eligibility to be in the caravan.

Nobody shares my identity. It’s indivisible. Same as every other individual’s is. What we share is time. And space. Anybody that wants to take those times & spaces, in any sort of ultimate way, will have to. Take them. As in molon labe. And it’ll go however it goes. That’s life. Que sera, sera. (Lots has been taken, will continue to be taken, in myriad penultimate ways.)

You might be interested in “The Denial of Death” (Ernest Becker), “The Worm at the Core” (Solomon & Greenberg), the documentary film “Flight from Death” (based upon Becker’s, & inheritors Solomon’s & Greenberg’s work).

* ♪♫♪ my jungle tis of thee, sweet land of fibbery•glibbery•cog dissery, of thee I sing sing….

Doris is ok, but I lean more toward Sly:

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  i forget
July 12, 2017 6:18 pm

If you are part of a “caravan”, are you sure YOU never trespass? Never mind, we agree more than we disagree, and the banding together as a survival method works more often than not, among the like-minded. Walled cities may yet make a comeback, when enough residents die at intruders’ hands.
If you and your Gypsy band find this workable, more power to you. And I do not conflate “society” with “state”; I am not part of any group that willingly imports Islamics, for example. And I would consider suing any US group that does.
Carry on.

i forget
i forget
  james the deplorable wanderer
July 13, 2017 2:26 pm

Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid really did take off for Bolivia when their RR prey became predator, sic’d the super posse on them. It took screenwriter Goldman forever to sell his movie script because it contained that factoid. The formula that sells, he kept getting told, is the hero\s, or anti-hero\s, stands & fights. Hollywood wanted him to rewrite that part. He refused, & eventually, the movie got made. (And eventually, Butch & Sundance got shot to pieces. Same as\place as Che Guevara did. Wherever you go, there you are. Looks like they needed super posses to be close by.)

There are unexamined scripts & rules that people over-tend to default to. Defaults are comfort zones, settings, reflexes. And those keep people coloring inside the lines. Hunkering down is one of those. A lot of times, tho, counterintuitive is correct. There really are no rules. Rules are just habituations.

Walled cities were iffy even back in the day. Nowadays, no question, they are push-button sitting ducks & barreled fish. Nagasaki & Hiroshima were, effectively, walled cities. Vaporizing those wasn’t even necessary. But they could, so they did. Safety in numbers? What sounds better, shtf context, massed infantry, or small teams? Farming, or hunter-gathering?

West of the Mississippi (not to mention the rest of the globe) has a lot of wide open spaces. Most of it is claimed\controlled by you know who. Most of it is completely devoid of people, all the time. Lost in space can be a good thing. Nice & quiet out there.

July 9, 2017 6:51 pm

The major problem is that an all powerful State makes rent seeking behavior highly profitable, but economically beneficial behavior unprofitable…

February 19, 2020 10:30 am

jew bloomberg is a prime example of someone who supports the “servile state”. Regulating the size of soft-drinks, etc. is proof of his desire to lord it over everyone else…