Our Civilization Deserves to Fail

Guest Post by John Hawkins

You don’t wish the worst for people or nations that you care about. You don’t want your friend who’s driving drunk to crash his car. You don’t want your cousin who has unprotected sex with a prostitute to get a STD. You don’t want your kid who’s pointing a realistic- looking toy gun at a police officer to get shot. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

It’s bad when someone you care about plays those stupid games because it can wreck his life and the lives of the people around him. It’s worse when your country is involved because it can hurt all those same people and their children, along with everyone else in the nation.

That’s exactly the situation we’re in here in our country because the truth we all hate to talk about is that America DESERVES to fail.

I don’t want that to happen. After all, this is the greatest country ever on God’s green earth. We have the most incredible military, the most powerful economy and we’ve done so much for the world. Without us, the bad guys would have won WWI, WWII and the Cold War. We’ve been the indispensable nation.

Are we still?

Today, Americans would rather sit out a war, no matter how important, rather than see our soldiers die as they did during WWI. We weren’t able to deal with less than 4,000 deaths in Iraq while we lost more than 13 times that number in WWI. Our industrial production was the decisive factor in the Allied Victory in WWII. Just to give you one example, when the war started, we had 3,000 planes and by the time it was over, we had produced 300,000. Could we do that again? No. Just no. Do we still have the sort of leadership it took to win the Cold War? The jury is still out on that one, but I doubt it. If the Soviet Union was still around today, half our military secrets would be leaked to it through the New York Times while idiots would laud the leakers improving “transparency in government.” Even while Reagan was taking the steps that brought the Soviets down, Hollywood and the Democrat Party were fighting him every step of the way & we’ve gone even further backwards since then.

Along those same lines, Hoover Dam was built in five years. Today, there would be hashing things out with lawyers and environmental rights wackos for that long and it is doubtful that it could be built at all. Remember when we shocked the world by putting a man on the moon in 1969? Well today, we’re no longer capable of going to get the flag we left there. Instead, we’re obsessing over whether men with mental problems who believe they’re women should be treated like real women. There are more educated people than ever before, but fewer people who seem capable of thinking. We’ve gone so far backwards that as the great Thomas Sowell said, “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”

So what are our politicians doing about these issues? Our country owes trillions of dollars it never intends to pay off; Social Security and Medicare are both in the red and unsustainable; our borders are unsecured; basket-case enemy nations have acquired nuclear weapons; thanks to Obama race relations are at their worst point since the sixties and more Americans hate each other over their political views than any time since the Civil War. So what’s Congress working on? Well, here’s the hot new topic that Congress seems to really care about

A number of female House Democrats wore sleeveless clothing on Friday, tweeting in support of “Sleeveless Friday.” The action was part of the push to modernize the House dress code. Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) said, “It’s 2017, and women vote, hold office, + choose their own style. Time to update the House rules to reflect the times!”…Pingree’s comments were aimed at Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who said he would work with the sergeant-at-arms to modernize the dress code that includes requiring men to wear a suit and tie in both the Speaker’s lobby and House chamber.

This sort of trivia is now the rule, not the exception in politics. As America’s problems have gotten bigger and more intractable, our politicians have created phony problems to solve instead of dealing with real issues. They may not care if North Korea can hit America with a nuclear weapon or whether Social Security will still exist in its current form in a decade, but they can talk your ears off about the women’s dress code, civil war statues and the name of the Washington Redskins. Unfortunately, our Congress is a reflection of our culture which prizes celebrity, outrageous behavior, attention whoring and meaningless expressions of how much people claim to care above all other things. There was a time when being a jerk prone to emotional outbursts of nonsense was looked down upon, but today it means you get a reality show at best and a bigger Twitter following at worst.

There are still a lot of good people in this country, but as a nation, we’ve become complacent, decadent and jaded. We’re the trust fund kid living off the money great, great-grandad left us while the family business we don’t understand fails. What we have in America? It’s rare. Historically, there are not a lot of extremely prosperous, free nations that don’t have to fear invasion because of that powerful military. That means we are squandering an inheritance left to us by previous generations of Americans that we may never have again once it’s lost. We foolishly assume it will be this good forever even though we laugh at and impugn many of the ideas, attitudes and principles that were responsible for our success in the first place. America is not on track for a happy ending and as much as I hate to say it, we’re going to richly deserve the pain, misery and disaster our own actions are going to bring down on our heads one day.

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July 15, 2017 7:51 am

Maybe better to call it a force explained by Schumpeter’s law of creative destruction. We need a period where the weeds get pulled. There’s a lot of stupid shit (to quote Legs Dimon) going on in this country. As the federal gov’t continues to suck the life out of the u s everything sickens and atrophy’s. The society is visible rotting before our very eyes. Sophistry has replaced logic. We’re commanded to loathe Russia because they kill innocent people and invade other countries as if this gov’t is anyone to disparage such things. Savings, once a hallmark of sensible financial posture is now discouraged and penalized. The liberal tenets that have proven so disastrous to blacks cannot be logically denied anymore so a new paradigm is put in place: white privilege. That white people (generally speaking) hold true to the old values of hard work, moral strength and honest living is now the cause of societal rot while degenerate, immoral behavior is esteemed and rewarded with free shit. The cure for our whiteness, we’re told, is to import savages from failed cultures because ‘diversity is strength’. Remember in the old Superman comics, Bizarro World where everything is upside down or backwards? We’re there. And there’s only one cure: burn it down and start over.

And this honky says: Bring it on.

Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
July 15, 2017 8:50 am

I doubt there is anything I could add to and certainly nothing I would take away from your comment. Excellent.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 15, 2017 7:55 am

America is not a civilization.

It is an Empire riding on the coattails of Western Civilization.

Different animals.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 15, 2017 8:21 am

Well, since that civilization is heading downhill fast, are you suggesting America is just following it down?

That we should expect more and more of it as the rest of the West leads us down the path of collapsing civilization and nothing can be done to halt it unless we somehow, maybe, break off and become a different civilization independent of any other?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 16, 2017 8:03 am

I was only commenting on the correct definition, not offering a solution.

You can’t begin to understand a problem, much less work out a fix if you don’t even know what the thing is. That’s a big part of our current problem. People don’t even have a functional grasp on the definition of words, much less and understanding of the mechanisms and realities behind complex systems.

And civilizations rise and fall on the health and cohesion of it’s aggregate genetic stock- something that is prohibited from even being discussed in the current political climate. It’s akin to being diagnosed with cancer but being informed by the doctor that we simply cannot discuss the matter, however haircuts are available.

See where that gets you.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 15, 2017 10:20 am

“Americans would rather sit out a war, no matter how important…”

What fucking planet does this guy live on? The neocon half of the GOP and – strangely – the entire democrat party wants us to ignore our last 15 years’ experience, invade Syria to depose Assad and hand the country over to islamists. The quote above should read: “Americans are unwilling to sit out a war, no matter how unimportant or ill-considered…” FIFY

  Iska Waran
July 15, 2017 10:45 am

“I don’t want that to happen. After all, this is the greatest country ever on God’s green earth. We have the most incredible military, the most powerful economy and we’ve done so much for the world. Without us, the bad guys would have won WWI, WWII and the Cold War. We’ve been the indispensable nation.”

What a load of BS….For example, WW1 was fomented by the Anglo-Zionists to bring down the most advanced civilization in history, Germany and Austria, and America’s part in it was a catastrophe…

July 15, 2017 1:34 pm

The bad guys won both world wars.

July 16, 2017 3:24 am
July 16, 2017 8:52 am

Yes, and the Russians ‘won’ the second world war. Not that anyone gives a shit.

  Iska Waran
July 15, 2017 10:58 am

I concur, while some of the authors points are valid the incessant need to invade, destroy, spilling blood and treasure is something I believe most Americans have seen the folly of. This is not something to be looked down upon but rather embraced, the rest of the article I have no contention with. Schadenfreude Mr. Hawkins?

  Iska Waran
July 15, 2017 1:06 pm

Hey john, enough of the ‘we’, okay, dickhead? 25 times is more than enough.

  Iska Waran
July 15, 2017 1:08 pm

Iska Waran makes a very perceptive comment, one of the best offered. I take the issue one step closer to the truth: Americans have been FOMENTING conflict (hoping for war when it suits) for a long, long time, e.g. the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, certainly WW II, Viet Nam, Libya, Ukraine and, now, hoping for the Big One with Russia and China. From the civically-indifferent American public to their pork trough leadership, America has become a disease. Isn’t it ironic that the Yellowstone Caldera might just cauterize it?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 16, 2017 8:09 am

“Americans have been FOMENTING conflict (sic) for a long, long time…”

That’s false. That’s why definitions are so important. The political establishment with the aid of the media class and it’s ethnic/tribal affiliates have been fomenting conflict. Americans have been vehemently AGAINST conflict and whenever that was the case (America First, 1941) they have been accused by that very small group previously mentioned as being cowards, apologists, etc. in order to turn their fellow Americans against the idea of peace.

The masses NEVER foment conflict, they are forced into it in every case.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 16, 2017 9:37 am

The MIC/BANKSTERS foment conflicts, fixed it for you HF. We just agree to pay the bill.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
July 15, 2017 10:39 am

Don’t know who this guy is but he sounds like some neocon who just discovered that there’s no economic foundation left on which the warfare/welfare state can continue to feed in order to maintain the Empire and is stunned and outraged to learn that that which cannot continue will not continue.

  A. R. Wasem
July 15, 2017 10:46 am


July 15, 2017 11:23 am

A “great nation” doesn’t murder and destroy
other countries to steal their resources and pave the
way for other nations to build THEIR pipelines.
A great nation does not use illegal weapons that maim
and pollute vast stretches of the planet.
There are 40 other things a great nation doesn’t do,
but somehow vile entities (gov and corp) collude
to do and continue those. We need change.

July 15, 2017 11:26 am

What needs to happen is Democrat voters need their Independence.

That Independence NEEDS to be granted. The Republican Party should pull out of cities such as Detroit and pull out of the State of Illonois. In other words, a voter should only see the Democrat candidate on the ballot for state wide office. PERIOD.

If you live in the state of Illonoise and don’t like Democrat policies , quit whining and move.

This will save the rest of the country.

July 15, 2017 12:34 pm

This would only work if Democrats would pull out of all Republican states.

July 15, 2017 11:46 am

The good members of congress are the ones I never see on television news and talk shows.

July 15, 2017 12:12 pm

Yapping about Zionists and WW I shows an extreme ignorance of history–and of the various treaties then in existence.

The NeoCons/Deep State people are in control. A couple of thousand rulers wanting war, while some 330 million serfs don’t. (Yeah, we have some brain-washed serfs who have fallen for the propaganda, but odds are that they can be healed. :))

July 15, 2017 1:38 pm

Desertrat says:
July 15, 2017 at 12:12 pm
Yapping about Zionists and WW I shows an extreme ignorance of history–and of the various treaties then in existence.
Blame the people, not the treaties. No treaty forced Austria to declare war on Serbia. Britain was not forced to declare war on Germany. Russia was not forced to mobilize. Nobody forced the Kaiser to accept the idea that Britain could be brought to it’s knees by submarines. The US had no dog in the fight at all.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 15, 2017 1:05 pm

Social Rot is the fatal demonically inspired disease caused by Liberalism; it destroys the most essential White cells and once it’s malignant damage becomes obvious, it has already metastasized to every organ and become so entrenched that it is very hard to reverse the course of the disease and effect a cure. Dr Trump and the New Republicans are trying hard to save America but the sickest patients are a virtual majority and are fighting back hard to not be saved. The Current Prognosis is very poor given the existing ZOG Oligarchs, Bourgeoisie, MSM, Education, Politicians, Bureaucrats and Useless Idiots. The Physicians are calling for Christian Prayers for God’s Omnipotent Help and Saving Grace, least liberal and natural disasters kill us all.

July 15, 2017 4:38 pm

Skimming the comments, I’m glad I stopped reading at “After all, this is the greatest country ever on God’s green earth.”

This tube steak is obviously uninformed and existing on a belly full of propaganda.

July 15, 2017 5:10 pm

I invite everyone to read the 18th chapter of the book of revelation in the new testament. Modern day bible scholars believe that the “New Babylon” described in that chapter is the USA.

And if you read it, the US is destroyed in one instant with fire.

L Murray
L Murray
July 15, 2017 11:22 pm

“deal with less than 4,000 deaths in Iraq while we lost more than 13 times that number in WWI.”
4000. x 13 = 52,000. killed in WW1 per the article, (a lot more actually).
If you google it you’ll find that:
“The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians”
I’d comment about the article further but enough said…:(

  L Murray
July 15, 2017 11:29 pm
  L Murray
July 16, 2017 12:59 am

Sounds like an effective means of population control to me seeing how humanity seems intent on removing all forms of natural selection from western civilization.

July 16, 2017 1:11 am

WW1 and WW2, on into Korea and Vietnam… more or less slaughtered the masculine strong capable men of the West.

They handed control of those nations over to a population tilted much more toward women, men who schemed to avoid war, men destroyed by war, and children of the men who impregnated the women while the men were away at war.

Western nations aren’t the ones having population problems, they are in population decline despite almost all natural selection being removed from their environment.

Nations/regions being propped up artificially by the excess generated by Western nations are having the population problems.