The Church of Modern Lunacy

Guest Post by The Zman

I have a passing interest in the Church of England and its American variation, the Episcopal Church. An old friend is in the church so I get some first hand descriptions of what it is like to be in a dying institution. That’s the only way to describe the Episcopal Church. Attendance declines every year as old members die off and new members never materialize. Go into an Episcopal service and you can’t help but notice that most everyone is a senior. The actuarial tables are the church’s greatest enemy.

Of course, church attendance has always skewed a little older. Young people tend not to be attracted to the faith, even if their parents regularly attend services. As people get older, have families and begin to sink roots, they get more involved in their faith and attend services regularly. That’s the trouble with the mainline Protestant religions. The young are not coming back once they start having families. That means their children are not raised in the faith. As a result, these churches are now in a death spiral.

The story is familiar to anyone who has been paying attention. These churches made the decision to chase the latest social fads in the 70’s and 80’s, hoping to make themselves more appealing to the young. The only thing they did was make themselves less attractive to people interested in being part of a traditional Christian sect. It was not just in the pews, but in the clergy as well. Those feeling the call found that the church in which they were raised was not interested in defending and maintaining the faith.

The result is the clergy slowly radicalized. First came the women and then the feminist women. Soon they invited in the homosexuals and the clergy started looking like the faculty of a liberal arts college. That’s when the pews started to empty out. Why bother going to church, when you can get the same liberal lecture from television? That’s what started the decline in church attendance. Instead of offering a shelter from the storm, they decided to chase an over-served market – radical Progressives.

Talking to my friend, he tells me that there are elements within the Episcopal Church that know what must be done to save the church. The trouble is they are outgunned and out maneuvered by the radicals. That’s the thing. The conservatives make it a priority to serve the church and serve God, while the radicals are always scheming to advance the radical agenda. The conservatives are constantly outmaneuvered because they are not playing the political games. They end up getting marginalized, despite having numbers.

Of course, young people seeking to join the clergy are confronted by a politicized bureaucracy full of homosexuals and social justice warriors, who are mainly interested in advancing their own agenda within the church. Like the old commie radicals of yesteryear, the current radicals use struggle sessions and purity tests to boil off those who would challenge their agenda. Imagine you’re a young priest and you are told you now have to celebrate a special mass for the transgendered.

The General Synod of the Church of England has voted to ‘welcome transgender people’ by considering preparing a church service as a way to “mark a person’s gender transition”.
The official church of the United Kingdom voted four to one in favour amongst the Clergy and more than two to one amongst the Laity (members who are not Clergy) at the four-day Synod, the motion reading:

“That this Synod, recognising the need for transgender people to be welcomed and affirmed in their parish church, call on the House of Bishops to consider whether some nationally commended liturgical materials might be prepared to mark a person’s gender transition.”

Vicar of Lancaster Priory Church, Chris Newlands, posed the motion to the Synod, saying he would speak on behalf of transgender people as the church’s Synod has none.

He said: “We need to be aware of the impact that our actions – be them welcome or rejection – have on the members of the trans community.

“I hope that we can make a powerful statement that we believe trans people are cherished and loved by God, who created them.”

The BBC reports that, “Such a service would not be a second baptism, however, as the Church’s teaching is that humans are made in the image of God – transcending gender – and baptism takes place only once.”

Archbishop of York Dr. John Sentamu said there was a need for vicars “to welcome and affirm, in their parish, transgender people”, adding that the “theology has to be done” by the House of Bishops and “can be done very quickly”.

Notice the feminine language. They want to “welcome and affirm” trannies into their churches. I’d like these guys to point to the passage in the Bible that covers men who like to play dress up or people so mentally unbalanced they believe their sex organs are imaginary. Ministering to the mentally ill has a place in a church, but that’s not what they are saying. They want to make mutilating people a sacrament. Imagine being forced to embrace this sort of madness. It is no wonder the sane clergy are leaving.

Of course, it’s also why the pews are empty. It’s another reminder that Progressives must be treated like rage zombies or highly contagious disease carriers. Once you let one into your organization, it will set about bringing in more of its kind. In this case, it was women in the clergy, then feminists, then homosexuals. They have reached the point where few inside the church care at all about the faith. It’s all about the latest Progressive fads and how they can outrage the remaining members of their congregations.


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July 15, 2017 8:33 am

The Apostasy of the Church, the following of unsound doctrine instead of God’s word, is a part of the last day prophecies we should expect to see increase as the season of the end progresses.

The Church will soon be dominated by those calling themselves Christians but who are not.

Most of them will not even know they have followed and embraced false teaching and prefer hearing those things they want to hear than what God has told them.

Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
July 15, 2017 9:03 am

I was weaned on the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate Mass. Even as a teen in the 60s I remember feeling awkward (post Vatican II) as if the Church hierarchy had decided to take a solemn ceremony and turn it into a hootenanny.

  Unreconstructed Southerner
July 15, 2017 9:23 pm

I stopped attending Catholic Mass almost 50 years ago for that very reason. Any institution that abandons nearly 2,000 years of tradition in favor of ‘contemporary values’ is no longer worthy of support.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 15, 2017 10:01 am

I’m seeing a bigger picture here, it would appear that one can look at progressivism as a cancer, that once it attaches it self to a religion, government, social group or environmental organization, the outcome is always the same; death of the host.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Not Sure
July 15, 2017 1:24 pm

Exactly. Attaches, or infiltrates, it’s purposeful, insidious, & incremental. The death of a 1000 cuts.

July 15, 2017 11:22 am

Now more reason for Anglicans to abandon their parish churches, which will then be converted to mosques.

July 15, 2017 1:13 pm

Mainline churches are not and have not been Christian for 40 years. They are at best a group of well meaning apostates being used by secular humanist Marxists. They are communists in sheep’s clothing who do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 15, 2017 1:13 pm

My word, that thread about SRS makes me mildly ill. We are supposed to applaud this? These people are clearly mentally ill, suffering the consequences of appalling decisions, and incapable of enjoying any kind of normal life (not that they were normal to begin with) and fated to endure pain and inconvenience for the rest of their lives!

July 15, 2017 1:24 pm

The Episcopal church I used to go to started taking Obama money to help resettle refugees. They aren’t resettling Christian refugees, mind you. They are resettling the muslims who have been killing Christians. The church has done everything but take down the crosses. They are hanging up the ‘art’ of the African refugees they cater to. So now, this christian church’s walls are full of this african voodoo art. People aren’t leaving the church, they are running from it.

July 15, 2017 1:30 pm

Good read. The Episcopal Church in our neighborhood, an upper middle class one, openly promotes gays, transsexuals and other crap in the name of diversity. The attendance has dropped dramatically and what is supposed to be the largest congregation in the diocese (several thousand) in reality maybe has a few hundred that attend, mostly oldsters. The weirdo yuppie couple across the street (Hilary supporters) quit the Catholic Church and joined so their daughter could experience “woman priests”. It struck me that they put political correctness in front of what they were actually worshipping. You literally cannot make this stuff up.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 15, 2017 3:24 pm

God gave David Wilkerson a Vision in 1972 and David foretold all this perversion and much more in his book “The Vision”. He said the mainline churches will be taken over by TPTB, become perverted agents of government and persecute True Christians. He said people will establish spirit filled home churches, people will become less denominational; then economic and natural disasters will bring survivors pouring back to God who will pour out His Spirit and miracles on them . If the 21Aug2017 eclipse triggers a natural disaster, then “You are there.”

  rhs jr
July 15, 2017 4:34 pm

Why the hell would an eclipse trigger a natural disaster? You are aware that eclipses occur pretty regularly at locations all over the Earth right? Just one *plausible* reason will suffice.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 16, 2017 9:16 pm

True but I believe it has been about 99 years since a Solar Eclipse (Sun-Moon-Earth) has hit so any hot spots ready to blow in one pass across the USA. The logic is that the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun will combine (in a direct line) to lift the Continental Plate slightly off the Pacific Plate about 10:30 AM PDT enough to allow them to thrust east/west; it will then tug on the Yellowstone magma and Caldera’s plug about 11:30AM MDT; it will tug on the New Madrid Fault about 1:15 PM CDT; and the Charleston Seismic Zone about 2:45 PM EDT. At the same times along the same line through the center of the Earth, centrifugal force will be pushing the Earth’s opposite crust outward (ie, upward). Hopefully nothing happens but if it does, it will be a Darwin Event for the unprepared low IQs.

  rhs jr
July 16, 2017 10:15 pm

I’m not even going to begin to argue with that load of BS. You seem far too intelligent to believe in it from the comments you make on other topics except for perhaps confronting that murder of kneegrows a month or so back. Maybe you’re beginning to lose your mental faculties?

If Yellowstone blows it’s going to be several times larger than Krakatoa and it’s unlikely that modern human life will continue unaffected in the entire northern hemisphere at all. ‘Murica’s breadbasket will be buried under meters of ash. An ash cloud will encircle the northern hemisphere at minimum halting most agriculture. Krakatoa is estimated to have dropped earth’s temp by more than one degree over all causing a mini ice age in Europe. Yellowstone will be a Darwin or near Darwin event even if you are prepared.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 17, 2017 12:41 pm

Maybe you are right and I am losing it but the moon causes the tides (and the Sun to a lesser degree) and their gravitational pulls are also on the crust and magma; if their combined pull (focused along a straight line connecting the centers of masses) during the eclipse is enough to trigger a big earthquake or eruption, then like you say, it could be very bad; a come to Jesus event indirectly prophesied by Mark Taylor, David Wilkerson, Elder Paisio, etc and that ain’t no BS. I want to be right with God, have some dust masks, canned food, water, fuel, not be in a large building or by the sea, etc. Pray it doesn’t happen but be prepared and that would also help cover you for war, Martial Law, asteroids, drought, famine, plague, the coming Ice Age, etc.

  rhs jr
July 17, 2017 3:48 pm

Don’t forget a supply of air filters for your cars….better yet a couple of K&N air filters for each car. Volcanic ash will ruin an engine. Better hope you don’t get more than a few inches of ash. Much more than that it life gets very hard. Be sure to get it off your roof before it gets wet too. It gets very heavy and Florida roofs aren’t made to support heavy loads.

July 15, 2017 3:10 pm

From the title I thought this was going to be about our CONgress.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 17, 2017 5:59 pm

OK, I hope you get the last laugh Ol’buddy.

July 15, 2017 4:41 pm

Their mission is to put asses in the seats…preferably asses that can donate cash, bonds, real estate and other value carrying commodities…….