The Torquemadas

Guest Post by The Zman

Long ago, it became clear that genetics was going to upend all of the Progressive assertions about human nature. In fact, it was going to challenge the core of Western Liberalism. It’s a little hard to hold onto the idea that “All men are created equal” when you no longer believe in God and science says some men are more equal than others. It’s impossible to maintain the universalism that is the foundation stone of the prevailing orthodoxy, when group differences are clearly rooted in genetics and evolution.

This is, of course, the end of the world. All of the laws and political institutions of the West have been modified to comport with the belief that all humans are the same, regardless of location. Race, ethnicity, even sex, are now considered outmoded notions from a less enlightened era. The reason American Progressives endlessly talk about institutional racism, for example, is it is the only acceptable answer for why blacks perform so poorly compared to other groups. To consider anything else runs counter to accepted dogma.

It’s not just Prog dogma that is under pressure from science. Most of what people in the West believe about human nature is rooted in the idea of free will. It is assumed that people can choose to be good or evil. A drunkard, with help and training, can choose not to drink. Everything about the self-help industry is based on free will. If you work at it and buy his materials, you can be just as successful as Tony Robbins. If you take his class, you can be like Mike Cernovich. The assumption is you can make yourself into anything.

Again, the universal belief in free will and the blank slate is the bedrock of the modern West. You see it in this Joe Rogan podcast with Sargon of Arkkad. Both guys are right-libertarians, or at least that is how Rogan would describe himself. Arkkad calls himself a liberal, but he most likely means it in the British sense, which corresponds to our conservatives. In their back and forth, they both start from the premise that people are free to make of themselves what they will, regardless of their biology.

Whether we like it or not, science is punching big holes in this underlying belief. At the individual level, it is becoming increasingly clear that your general intelligence is a result of your genes. Personality traits are clearly biological. Even without genetics, people had understood this to be true up until fairly recent. Then there are group differences, which have always been out in the open, but made taboo. It is only a matter of time before science  begins to confirm what people have always known about human diversity.

We are on the cusp of an age, not all that dissimilar to the end of the Renaissance when science and philosophy began to challenge the age old assumptions of the West. The Church gets a bad rap for Galileo, but they were not acting without reason. From the perspective of the people in charge, challenges to the prevailing assumptions about the natural world felt like a leap into the void. Maintaining public order is the first duty of an elite. In that age, it felt as if the ground was shifting under their feet.

The difference, and it is a big difference, is we are not experiencing science for the first time and the public is better informed than 400 years ago. In fact, much of what is coming from genetics and the cognitive sciences confirms what our grandparents took for granted about humanity. The expression “the apple does not fall far from the tree” did not become a hearty chestnut by accident. Long before anyone could conceive of the human genome, humans knew that you inherited your physical and mental traits from your parents.

Another big difference is the modern keepers of morality are far less reasonable and more prone to hysteria than the leaders of the Church in the Renaissance. You see it in stories like this one the other day and in efforts like this one. Race mongering is a sacrament of the Cult of Modern Liberalism. Academics are forced to play along with the morality of the one true faith,. Those who refuse are accused of heresy and threatened with internal banishment, which is exactly the point of promulgating the term “scientific racism.”

The point of a movie called “A Dangerous Idea” is to serve as a warning. The term “scientific racism” is a nonsense phrase. It has no meaning in the literal sense, but it carries with it the implication that science is subject to moral scrutiny. It does not matter if the conclusions of your research are accurate, you could still be found guilty of the mortal sin of racism. Accuracy is no defense against the charge of heresy. The PC enforcers may not have an Inquisition, but they have an unlimited supply of Torquemadas.

They also will have a lot of sympathetic minds in the general public. In the current age, racism and antisemitism are at the top of the hierarchy of evil. White people stumble all over themselves to prove they have nothing but love in their heart for all mankind. At least three generations have been programmed to think that the ultimate goal of society is to achieve perfect racial parity, where everyone is equal and in perfect harmony. Demonizing anyone who speaks out against the prevailing moral hierarchy is not going to be difficult.

It is easy to be pessimistic about these things, but history says that reality does eventually carry the day. There’s also the fact that science has greater moral authority with the public than the PC enforcers. Then there is the reality on the ground. The migrant invasion of Europe is teaching the West that it is a good idea to have separate countries for different people. Even so, the people in charge are not going to yield without a fight. We are on the cusp of a long ugly period in the West, as the old beliefs give way to the new.

It will not end well.

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Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
July 18, 2017 10:31 am

From Matt Brundage Publications:

“The Declaration of Independence, which contains the oft-repeated phrase “”…that all men are created equal…”” was written by Thomas Jefferson, who owned about 200 slaves at the time and never set any of them free, even upon his death. “

  Robert (QSLV)
July 18, 2017 11:20 am

When he wrote that he was referring to white men. Black men were considered animals.

July 18, 2017 2:13 pm

…and he was right.

  Robert (QSLV)
July 18, 2017 11:40 am

When did 3/5ths = 1.0 ?

  Robert (QSLV)
July 18, 2017 3:50 pm

He was referring to their standing in the eyes of God. Jefferson never believed that men were born with equal abilities, and neither did anyone else at the time.

July 18, 2017 12:01 pm

I have said this before…my niece, Dad is a surgeon,
house = 7500 sq ft, (not counting the 2 story addition)
told me this: “mix-them all up” in response to some
banal comment, which prompted me to ask, “what?
you want to end the white race? That is what she
came away with after 8+ years in college/physician’s
assistant certification. Now my cousin is no elitist
freak. The couple goes to Africa on medical missions,
and run a food/meal program for the poor out of the
wife’s kitchen. They do this work in concert with the
church and others help out with this of course. The meal program they personally serve food at is once
a week! Okay they are good people.

Many people accept the science of differences between
the races…and the conclusion they come to is that it
their obligation to help the lesser cope.

Me? I am out of Dodge. I worked and went to school
with Blacks. Some were quite decent and smart enough. In college, I joined the “Future Black Nurses
Association” in solidarity with this handful of Black
nursing students. Why would I do that? The blatant
rude catcalls and nasty attitude of some of my fellow
students toward this small Black group. I related to
the ostracism they experienced. I was not born in the
USA. Naturalized citizen. I was mistreated because of
language and cultural differences. I hate that shit.

However, the race baiting today is not about equality.
It is about stirring stuff up, creating division, and inciting violence. Political motives, and a rampant
display of lack of common decency. The people
behind the agitation are using the vulnerable young
(idealists) to stoke this strife.

Not all Blacks have an IQ of 60-80. What may be missing in inherited brain power can be overcome with hard work and study-study-study. (I should
know, lol)

Meanwhile, the lower class Blacks are lost in an abyss
of hopelessness, addictions, and free $ that solves
nothing for them. Forty years of concerted effort to
turn the Blacks into a dedicated Democratic voting
block has backfired for city dwellers. I am not sure
how this will play out when the USA faces it’s fiscal
crashes. But it doesn’t appear a peaceful resolution
can be predicted.
Jews, some, would NEVER marry a non-Jew. It is a
given that to do so dilutes and disrupts the Jewish
gene pool. I have Jewish friends…some ignore this,
but the devout do not.
Same thing for Whites. We need to reclaim our gene
pool. I am not in favor of “mixing it up.” Regardless,
we won’t get past this present programmed mess
between the races by acting like pricks to people
that have lesser overall abilities. I suggest we begin
to diminish the welfare system. Allow Blacks to start
business within their communities and run their own
schools and various institutions. Ditto for all communities actually. We need to “ungrow” all gov and the infernal meddling rule-making bossy freaks
that seek to control our lives. Plus, open carry for everyone. An armed society is a polite society.

Z, you always write the most thought provoking
articles. I am always glad when I see your name
at the top. Thank you for sharing your excellent
brain. Really!

July 18, 2017 1:00 pm

Not all Blacks have an IQ of 60-80. What may be missing in inherited brain power can be overcome with hard work and study-study-study.

Outliers do not matter, and an IQ deficit can never be ‘overcome.’

They need to go back. They are not our responsibility.

i forget
i forget
July 18, 2017 1:36 pm

If outliers “do not matter,” then the inliers matter even less.

Whether one falls near, or far from, the tree, is irrelevant. All wo\men are created equal in terms of their inherent, inalienable rights, prerogatives. Not their abilities, or outcomes, or “overcomings.”

If “they need to go back,” then so do you. Impositions from on high – or from you – are not “responsibility.” Those are trespass.

Trespassers are people who do not know their prerogatives.

  i forget
July 18, 2017 3:51 pm

Pure gibberish…

i forget
i forget
July 19, 2017 10:24 am

Not gibberish. Simple English. Even simpler logic, truth…steadfast avoidance of which guarantees the continuously rolling pyrrhic victories…& the sine waves.

July 18, 2017 4:50 pm

“They need to go back.” I agree with that, except that people who were born in the US, are currently adults, have never been on welfare as adults, speak fluent English, and can show a record of at least seven years of being self-supporting, I think should be allowed to stay and acquire permanent residency or citizenship. Or is that too bleeding-heart liberal?

July 18, 2017 4:06 pm

Wasn’t it revealed in one of Hillary’s emails that were released by Wiki ( or maybe it was one of those on Weiner’s laptop) anyhow, it got little coverage by the MSM of course but she stated, ” it is because blacks, like native Americans and the Romani, are ill-equipped for life in modern society”

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 18, 2017 4:26 pm

People should help those in need but there is a Separation of Welfare and State based on Justice and the 14th Amend (equal under the law); governments cannot unequally take from Whites to unequally give to Blacks. And while giving someone a helping hand pull up is Blessed, it is wrong to do so by putting your foot an a White Male and giving him a shove down.

July 18, 2017 9:26 pm

What happens when science shatters the leftist worldview? It is dismissed as flawed and incorrect, we cant correct for poverty or blah blah blah.

Science will be rejected when it doesnt align with the political and economic goals of the ruling political class.. Today is NO different to any other time in history.