Working Toward Tripartite Racial Disunity: Maybe Not a Really Great Idea

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Regarding Latinos not as citizens but as internal enemies of America is an idea pushed not just by many racialist websites (e.g., Vdare).but also by Donald Trump. The outlook is particularly characteristic of something called the Alt-Right, a substantial if loosely defined group who are horrified at the thought of racial amalgamation. Hostility intensifies as one moves farther along the right wing to where the feathers end and giddy space begins.

It is perhaps worth noting that the accounts of Mexico in the anti-immigrationist literature bear little or no resemblance to the Mexico I have lived in for fifteen years. The streets are not strewn with garbage, it is not legal to screw little girls of twelve years, guns for home defense are not illegal, and Mexican school children behave like everybody else’s. The racialist sites often do not check facts, do not correct false claims when notified of them, and not infrequently simply lie. Many of the leaders seem never to have been to Mexico, speak Spanish, or have the foggiest notions of the world below the Rio Bravo.

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The President agrees with them. He is openly hostile to some 43 million American citizens. He has placed Mexico itself among “our enemies,” His “Mexicans are rapists” assertion resonated among Latinos much as Hillary’s Deplorables among Americans. How smart is this?

Not very. In fact it is wrong, dangerous, stupid, and threatens disastrous consequences.

Let’s take a quick look at some numbers. Census figures show 57 million Latinos in the US,. Perhaps 12 millions of them being illegal. Trump promised to get rid of the illegals in two years, which would require deporting 500,000 a month for 24 months. He is way behind. He could also deport 125,000 a month for eight years. Do you see anything resembling this? If he deports 10,000 a month for eight years, it will come to a bit under a million–less than two percent of the Latino population,

In short, the number of Latinos is not going to change much whatever Trump does. There will be at least fifty million in the country regardless of anyone’s politics. Trump will deport enough to keep tension high but not enough to make a statistically noticeable difference. Most of the Latinos are, and more will be, American citizens. Treat them as internal enemies and they will likely become such–wouldn’t you?–with grievous results lasting for generations. This would suit the Alt-Right fine, but be ruinous for America.

There arise hard questions and curious situations. For example, the Left and businessmen do not want illegals expelled, businessmen because they like cheap labor that cannot organize, and the Left for the votes and because many think deportation cruel. The anti-immigrant people do not want to grant amnesty. This makes the illegals an underclass of twelve million unable to start businesses, go to college, or get good jobs. Brilliant. Exactly what the country needs. Further, the people who complain that the illegals are badly schooled want to deny education to undocumented children. This would produce a large number of irremediably unemployable illiterates. What a swell idea.

Add Trump. He too quite obviously loathes Mexico and Mexicans, probably because he failed in a couple of crooked real-estate deals here. He is supposed to be the President of all Americans. He is not. When he plays to his base by attacking something like seventeen percent of the citizenry, he is doing the country no favor.

Permitting mass immigration, like importing slaves, was a bad idea, but it was done. The time to stop immigration is when it begins. When numbers reach a vague tipping point, it becomes irreversible. This has long since happened. Note that it was an inside job. Patriotic American businessmen have encouraged immigration, Congress has condoned it as have both political parties and Presidents–except Obama, who did everything he could to encourage it. The problem is home-grown and self-inflicted.

The future? Many fear that Latinos won’t assimilate, the Alt-Right that they will. The desire of the latter, often explicitly stated, is for racial purity of European stock, and Mexican girls are alarmingly attractive. While racial purity is in bad odor currently, it is actually a very good idea–if you can get it. No diversity, no racial strife, riots, burning cities, or endless anger over immigration. The white race has been by far the most successful and creative the planet has known. A desire to keep it around makes great sense. Well and good. Fine.

Unfortunately you cannot have both assimilation and racial purity. It is one or the other. If you concern is the well being of America, you want good relations with the newcomers, inevitably leading to intermarriage. If purity is your goal, you want bad relations, and the worse the better. To all appearances, the racialist websites are working toward the latter end. Trump, however intentionally, aids and abets.

A degree of friction between the races cannot be avoided. A small town in Tennessee does not like being descended upon by people of an unfamiliar culture. But the descenders have descended, with the explicit help of the federal government. They will not undescend. When a situation cannot be changed, it must be dealt with. The practical question, for anyone who gives a damn about the country, for anyone who has to live in it or has kids who will, is how to make the best of things as they exist.

Many would say, “Stop the influx and assimilate the ones we have.” It is probably the best approach available. Yet to accept it is to concede the legitimacy of the citizenship of a minimum of  forty-some million Latinos. Racial and ethnic purists cannot bring themselves to do this, so they vituperate and vituperate. The constructive value is not clear. What do they expect to achieve?

How to assimilate Latinos? A good question, grist for another column. Everywhere I have been–LA, San Fran, Houston, San Antonio, Chicago, New York City, and Washington, DC–the problem has seemed to be solving itself. Mexicans worked as cashiers, bus drivers, waiters, and secretaries, and spoke English. But LA is not Wheeling, and California is not Arizona.

A statistic that will hearten assimilationists and revolt genetic purists is that (if Pew is to be believed) the rate of intermarriage between white and brown is twenty-six percent, higher among the second generation than the first, and higher between the well educated than the less so. For what it’s worth, Latinos who speak unaccented American English cease to seem very Latino.

Working against assimilation is that different cultures inevitably experience friction, that most of the immigrants are poor, poorly educated, young, and male, that assimilation works less well with populations large and dense enough be self-isolating, such as we see in black ghettos, and that the white-nationalists do all they can to cause antagonism.

Working toward successful assimilation is that Mexicans are Christian, heavily European in their roots, live in amity with a million American expats in Mexico, and as a race are demonstrably able to run modern cities universities, and such. Unlike blacks and Muslims, they do not see whites and Christians as mortal enemies. Much depends on keeping things this way.

But one thing I believe to be sure: Constantly attacking forty million American citizens as stupid, dirty, disease-ridden, criminal, given to rape and all the rest, will not make for domestic tranquility.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 20, 2017 2:46 pm

“It is perhaps worth noting that the accounts of Mexico in the anti-immigrationist literature bear little or no resemblance to the Mexico I have lived in for fifteen years. The streets are not strewn with garbage, it is not legal to screw little girls of twelve years, guns for home defense are not illegal, and Mexican school children behave like everybody else’s.”

The why are they here, Fred?

[imgcomment image[/img]

When you are an American expatriate living of of the taxpayer tit you can probably live in some of the better neighborhoods of Mexico, Fred. You can shack up with women more than half your age and feel like you’ve earned it with your rapier wit and that it isn’t really an economic decision for the future abuela to have to fetch your Kino red and make your tortillas so she doesn’t have to cross the border with a backpack full of sticky bud to deliver to the cartels in El Norte.

One half of Mexico lives below the poverty line and that’s by Mexico’s standard, and that’s after factoring in the one third of their population living in the USA.

Sounds like a real success story, Fred.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 20, 2017 10:36 pm

It’s only in the past 25 years that a majority of Mexicans gained access to potable water.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 20, 2017 11:08 pm

“and as a race are demonstrably able to run modern cities universities, and such.” Ever hear of Pemex, Fred?

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 21, 2017 7:52 am

Admittedly Pemex has its issues, but it is state owned; that is to be expected. Check out this private institution: ; not too shabby.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 21, 2017 8:55 am

I got this link v the Drudge this morning.
The 20 yr old had her organs donated/after
death from a cocktail at the swim up bar.
Apparently “druggings” in ETOH are not
uncommon…the main story, and other people’s
experience may have you thinking twice about
having a vacation in Mexico.

July 20, 2017 3:08 pm

Speaking of Trump, Fred claims that his “Mexicans are rapists” assertion resonated among Latinos….

I don’t recall Trump saying that Mexicans are rapists per se. What he did say was:
“Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

He did not say that all Mexicans are rapists, nor did he imply that. He simply stated that we get rapists from Mexico and South America, and he is correct. Just look at the growth of MS-13 in this country. Under Obama in 2015-16, acting ICE Director Homan released into our cities over 200 illegal aliens convicted of murder, rape and other violent crimes.

I don’t believe Trump hates Mexicans. What he hated I believe, was a president that refused to protect our southern border and that encouraged illegal immigration and lack of immigration enforcement. If that bothers Fred, then too bad. Fred seems like one of those so many globalists who believe that the U.S. should have open borders and allow for unfettered immigration. Of course, his Mexico should have borders and strict immigration policies.

Some folks here in the U.S. believe in LEGAL immigration, and that if you are here illegally then you have broken our laws. What is so hard to see about that. It is not a system where if you make it across the border then you get to stay forever.

Fred complains that deportation is cruel and failure to give illegals amnesty creates an underclass. First, why is deportation cruel? Because it splits up families? Guess what? If I break the laws of this country and become incarcerated then I am separated from my family. Illegal immigrants don’t get special advantages over citizens. Second, to believe that you can sneak into the U.S. and then DEMAND amnesty is foolishness. Illegal immigrants are not owed anything by the U.S. government.

I care little about racial purity as it pertains to Whites and Hispanics. I really have nothing at all against law-abiding, legal Hispanics that played by our rules to come here to make a better life, and have assimilated into our society.. Hell, I don’t give a damn if they wave their Mexican flags (as long as it’s on Cinco de Mayo). Seriously, I believe that Fred is wrong about Trump, and the tone of his article sounds like incitement and frankly, more plain old Trump resistance.

July 21, 2017 12:15 am

I say you did a fine job outlining your argument
and writing skillfully and with the right amount
of passion. Perfect…you get a solid A!
Who would not agree with you…? You are honest/
no rancor.

July 21, 2017 8:48 am

Thank you, Suzanna.

July 20, 2017 3:09 pm

“Regarding Latinos not as citizens but as internal enemies of America is an idea pushed not just by many racialist websites (e.g., Vdare).but also by Donald Trump.”

Illegals -from any country- are not citizens and I’ve never heard anything from Trump suggesting American citizens of Mexican or other “Latino” heritage are an internal enemy, much less pushing that idea.

July 20, 2017 3:22 pm

Um you do realize Mexico is ranked top 5 most dangerous countries right?

You also realize our opium epidemic killing hundreds of thousands of Americans is coming directly from mexico?

It doesn’t matter that “some are good people”, millions are here illegally sucking out our welfare, jobs and committing crimes. (Kate’s law anyone?)

So we should just let the demographic replacement happen huh?

If you let the entirety of Mexico into America, all you’re going to get is more Mexico.

July 20, 2017 10:38 pm

And five of the top ten homicide rate nations are also from Central America.

July 21, 2017 12:18 am

Excellent writing!

July 20, 2017 3:22 pm

Fred, you got me thinking, thanks.
It is likely California, Arizona and New Mexico will go back to Mexico.
Texas could stand on it’s own, we will see which way it goes.
The wealth extremes are like a horribly unbalanced chemical reaction and it will be explosive on the path to equilibrium. The whole world is out of balance wealth wise. Likely to get very ugly, soon.
You are right Fred, it is not smart to piss off a family loving Christian neighbor.

July 20, 2017 3:42 pm

Yes, I believe income/wealth inequality is our #1 problem. It creates countless other problems. It’s simply human nature.

Greed, race and religion have killed and killed and killed.

July 20, 2017 4:28 pm

People have killed and killed and killed.

Any excuse will do when they decide to.

July 20, 2017 9:06 pm

WIP – given the extreme stupidity of a majority of people, just what is it they can do to add value so as to deserve good incomes?

Oh, right, you want to take from the productive and give to the parasites.

July 20, 2017 3:29 pm

“This makes the illegals an underclass of twelve million unable to start businesses, go to college, or get good jobs. Brilliant. Exactly what the country needs. Further, the people who complain that the illegals are badly schooled want to deny education to undocumented children. This would produce a large number of irremediably unemployable illiterates. What a swell idea.” What a crock of shit, Fred. No. We want them to go home. They don’t belong here. We’re tired of supporting them and their kids, Fred. Got it? Stop with the bullshit.

July 20, 2017 9:12 pm

Star – a lot of folks do not seem to understand the term “illegal”, inclding Fred.

July 20, 2017 10:41 pm

I’m hearing that borders are a white supremacy legacy. Marxist swill rules the public discourse. Trapped, no where to go.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 21, 2017 1:50 pm

“A degree of friction between the races cannot be avoided. A small town in Tennessee does not like being descended upon by people of an unfamiliar culture. But the descenders have descended, with the explicit help of the federal government. They will not undescend. ”
Then they are likely to die, probably from starvation or even worse but faster ways, when the EBT cards fail and the currency Crunches. Why are you wishing for these invaders to die in horrible ways, Fred?

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 20, 2017 3:53 pm

I have real good friends Carlos, Santiago, Migel, Gorge etc. But some Mexicans robbed my house clean while I was briefly overseas in the USAF. A neighbor saw them and thought they were some of my friends. I want those guys arrested and sent to Fred’s neighborhood.

July 20, 2017 4:20 pm

Quit the simpering, hedging around it Fred. You call people “racialists” just have the balls to say what you really mean…. “You’re all a bunch of racists!!!!” Not like anyone who wants to defend their culture and country hasn’t heard it hundreds of times already………..

July 20, 2017 5:00 pm

Now that the democrats have destroyed black America they need new voters to keep their power….that is what the illegal cohort and their family members are for and nothing else…..

Why do you think they are fighting so hard to destroy the Trump presidency? Everything they stand for is con game….from civil rights to the environment. If you are not on a budget line then you do not exist…… it.

July 20, 2017 5:07 pm

USA – “hey, there’s a leech on my arm!”

Fred Reed – “You’ll never be able to get rid of all the leeches – there are too many of them. just let that one leech on your arm stay. It might start a business. And working toward assimilation with that leech is the Christian thing to do. The only difference between you and that leech is your skin color.”

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 5:17 pm

This issue is really simple as far as I am concerned. The libertarian thing to do is to permit the open flow of anyone who wishes to come or go, but there can be no free ride. Eliminate welfare and I am all for an open door policy. This is unlikely to happen, but neither is a wall.

I know this means little other than being a personal experience, but I have been to Mexico City twice. I felt much safer there than I do when I visit customers in Chester, North Philly, Trenton, Newark, Albany, and Baltimore. There are certainly some shitty areas and it wasn’t the wisest decision to build one of the largest cities (3 x larger than NYC) in the world on a former lake bed of sand (hence ensuring that the city grows out rather than up). But it is a wicked interesting place.

In any event, I am glad I got the chance to visit. My cursory observation of the country was that it seems like a people split between two opposing objectives: becoming an industrial first world power house like the US versus remaining loyal to their traditional tribal culture and customs. It causes constant friction which leads to an inability to accomplish either. Corruption is rampant in Mexico, but the same is true here too. It is just that we cloak our corruption under the rule of law. They have not reached that level of shamelessness I guess. As for the “legality” of immigration, who cares? 90% of the laws on the books in the US should not exist. You will have to appeal to something more than arbitrary prohibitions and licenses.

Maybe it is naive, but I find it difficult to get too hopped up about the topic of immigration. What percentage of the economy is supporting illegal aliens? I am sure it pales in comparison to SS, medicare, medicaid, the military industrial complex and banker bail out via money creation. Let’s focus on the real vampire squids.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 7:22 pm

What we SHOULD do is send our vibrant Baltimore citizens South to Mexico. See how they like it.

July 21, 2017 12:38 am

Consider that if both Mexico and the USA kept
easily “crossable” borders with an ID required
and no welfare for these back and forth visitors?
I would prefer welfare to be for those that are
disabled and actually unable to work for their
food and shelter…those that are alone and without
family to live with. As it stands now, it exists
for anyone crying poor and single women with
a bunch of kids (income source) and no man.

I do realize these practices are part of our culture
now, and bitching about it is only venting.
Sometimes it feels as though the bulk of our
entire population(s) are scamming or skimming
from one end of the income inequality to another.
The big skim/scams of course exist among
the international players and their millions of
foot soldiers. There is no consolation in any of it.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 21, 2017 8:41 am

“Sometimes it feels as though the bulk of our
entire population(s) are scamming or skimming
from one end of the income inequality to another.
The big skim/scams of course exist among
the international players and their millions of
foot soldiers.” I would have to agree. Stealing and fraud became institutionalized and acceptable at some point.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 9:15 pm

Mercy – moron. No borders? No control over your nation’s culture? No control over keeping criminals out?

You sir are a fuckwit.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 10:53 pm

I said there should be the liberty to move freely with no free lunch (i.e. welfare). What exactly is wrong with that? Did your ancestors immigrate to the US? Should they have been refused passage? The Mexicans are Christians in case you were unaware (as a result of Spanish Conquistadors) That is a somewhat similar culture. I said nothing about criminals so have no idea WTF you are talking about there? It is probably time for you to play with a kangaroo or two — to blow off some steam.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 11:01 pm

— “I said there should be the liberty to move freely…”

This would remove any form of state organized protection of property. They can’t protect your land border from someone freely moving onto it if they can’t protect the wider border. There would be no way to define the terms and boundaries.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 11:31 pm

“This would remove any form of state organized protection of property.” That would be correct. Why is state organized protection required? Why can not an individual or a group of individuals voluntarily agree to protect their own property? I am not interested in “they”, which is really nothing more than a figment of our imagination. I am interested in particular people who own stuff and who make contracts to protect it. I reject the idea of the “state” qua “state”. The idea is nothing more than a fabricated metaphysical entity used to justify things that are otherwise immoral (like stealing and killing.) It has no place among a group of civilized people.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 11:48 pm

— “Why can not an individual or a group of individuals voluntarily agree to protect their own property?”

That’s the foundation of a government. When your individual or group of individuals finds themselves being threatened by a larger group that would eradicate you on your own… and you and your group chooses to form an alliance with a neighboring town in that you may have differences with, but otherwise prefer each other over the invader… you’ve now formed a county. That county becomes a state, that state becomes a nation, etc.

You will wind up right back here.

I’m not arguing that the mega-states are good… I’m simply pointing out that you’ll be trading one group of people attempting to use force to assert/take from you for another… that has no accountability. You’re simply requesting a return to tribalism which is neither good nor bad, but it’s simply a return to tribes.

— “The idea is nothing more than a fabricated metaphysical entity used to justify things that are otherwise immoral (like stealing and killing.) It has no place among a group of civilized people.”

You have a group of people defending your property. At some point your group will have to come up with a set of rules to define acceptable behavior otherwise there will be consequences. This will include things like restraining a person who is threatening the group, removing property that you do not feel is rightfully theirs even if they do, expulsion from the group into harm, or potentially outright “defense” that they think is unjust but you think is just.

You aren’t prepared to manage and lead the “beast-men”… nor are you actually being serious about what it takes to survive and the sort of behaviors you will personally have to engage in, in order to survive against people who have no interest in sharing your concept of “civilized” and who consider an entirely different set of tactics perfectly viable even if you consider them “immoral”.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 21, 2017 8:05 am

The foundation of government is decidedly not voluntary action. It is the claim of a monopoly on the legalized use of coercive and violent force. That is the aspect I reject. In order for government to be valid, there must be consent of the governed. That does not mean consent of slightly over half of the population. It means unanimous consent. Government is otherwise invalid to those who do not consent. There are a ton of people over at who can explain this stuff much better than I can. It is not the rules and agreed upon standards that I object to but the involuntary nature of its application. In the end I am not sure tribalism is any worse than empire. It is certainly less destructive. As for being prepared to manage and lead the “beast men”, you may be right. I have no idea if I have the internal constitution to take a life in order to save mine or another. But that does not change the fact that it is morally questionable to abrogate a person’s autonomy without their consent (assuming no foul behavior is involved.)

July 22, 2017 1:36 am
July 22, 2017 9:54 am

I don’t even have to hunt back one week and I’ve been able to find multiple stories documenting the wonderful world of Mexico.

July 20, 2017 5:32 pm

Only 12 million illegals?
Some of his points are legit but when a person making an argument does not tell the truth either by lying,fudging facts,leaving out facts,etc.,their whole argument often collapses if they are dealing with neutral,perceptive people.

Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom
July 20, 2017 5:32 pm

It seems more than disingenuous that some guy who is old and lives in Mexico with his cadre of poor Mestizo hos is telling us not to upset his apple cart. Gee too bad Drop Dead Fred. Its says volumes that this old jarhead lives in Mexico as he plays up how great they are. Yeah, that seems plausible.
What are the odds that some guy living in Mexico may not care about America anymore? Like 1000%? Yeah sure man. Let the Aztecs show you how welcoming they are, when your tequila and cigaretto pension don’t get sent outta the American Borders anymore.

July 20, 2017 5:34 pm

I want something simple from thinkers like Fred. I want a number. I want a number that specifies the point at which America has taken in enough illegally entering foreigners to repay the rest of the world for our wealth and former “greatest” status. That’s really what this is about, isn’t it? Just how many million would it take? How many million to equalize the USA with Mexico, for example? Fred’s brain, which is much better than mine, could calculate this I think.

The refusal to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants always undergirds these arguments. Trump has always made the distinction, but that has escaped Fred’s perceptions. Fear not, Fred. From what I understand, there is funding for only 28 miles of the big, beautiful wall at present.

July 20, 2017 8:31 pm

“Fred’s brain, which is much better than mine,” I see no evidence of that at all, Gayle.

July 20, 2017 8:58 pm

Thank you.
Fred can write a great piece, but he sure missed it today.
I don’t know if he’s more worried about economics or racial purity or enemies in our midst.

July 20, 2017 9:05 pm

Sometimes I think he just likes to wind up the gringos and watch the fireworks.

MN Steel
MN Steel
July 20, 2017 5:51 pm


Could you give me the definition of ILLEGAL?!?

Could you also tell me why they come here, when their homeland is a bastion of civility and the modern-day version of the Garden of Eden?


If they’re too chickenshit to fix the problems in their own countries, I sure as shit don’t want them fucking up mine.

And you can stay in your fucking paradise when we get this clusterfuck straightened out, ‘cuz you’re on the list, bro.

July 20, 2017 6:13 pm

Mr Reed. I respect and enjoy most of what you write, but not this.

You made a choice to live in Latin America, and if it has worked out well for you….great for you, but you made a choice. I do not choose to live in Latin America. If I had, I would have moved to Latin America. I do not wish for Latin America to move to me.

I don’t care how many there are here already. Make all employment and all forms of assistance and welfare dependent on an E-Verify type system. Watch them leave.

I don’t hate Latinos. Many of them work very hard and we need that productivity, but they can do it legally. Respecting borders and law is the difference between respect and resentment.

Diversity + proximity + hard times = war.
The future of unchecked immigration in the US is balkanization.

July 20, 2017 7:27 pm

There are always winners and losers, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

July 20, 2017 8:24 pm

Fred, that was a terrible article. I think you wrote about some imagined fantasy and not about the truth and the facts. Wanting law breaking illegal immigrants deported has nothing to do with them being hispanic. It has to do with them breaking the law. I have not heard a peep out of anyone upset at legal citizens who happen to be hispanic, but you somehow conclude they are treated as internal enemies? There is no logical explanation for your leap there. I only skimmed the article, because it seemed so full of holes that there was no reason to give it the time it would take for a thorough read.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 20, 2017 8:36 pm

Fred’s been heavy into the Padre Kino this week. Put it down & step away from the bottle Fred.

July 20, 2017 8:49 pm

To be fair, for the defense & the counter-punch to Reed’s jabs, there’s La Razza & La Conquista, hardly proponents of peaceful integration.

July 20, 2017 10:18 pm

Why should they integrate when the Amerikan political establishment invites the world into the US and know that is the ticket to hold power perpetually?

July 20, 2017 9:28 pm

I’m a 6th-generation Californian, raised in the Central San Joaquin Valley, in a small farm town that was fairly Mexican even back in the 70s, when I entered my teens. I know Mexicans, as they were my neighbors, my classmates, my teammates, my coworkers, and I’ve dated a girl of Mexican descent (and some Mexican girls are A-OK). For the first 35 years of my life, nearly everywhere I went, there were Mexicans. I know Mexicans.

They are NOT Americans. The neighborhoods are loud, crime-ridden, and dirty. They have very little interest in education or peace and quiet, or refraining from violence after the slightest imagined provocation, and are often rather tribal. Or ganglike, if you prefer.

I left my birthright, all my many cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, the land I knew so well, because raising a family amongst the crime, lousy schools, societal aggression, and general filth of a growing Mexican population was something to which I couldn’t subject my then-young children. They don’t know their grandmother as well as I did mine, but they’ve never been beaten up at school or heard a strange man make obscene requests at a grocery store or had their house burgled or been awakened at 2:00am by ranchero music or heard gunfire on New Year’s Eve.

A few years ago, when my kids were around 13 and 9, I took them to visit my family and they remarked how everyone there seemed either stupid or stupified. The Mexicans are stupid, and the whites are stupified, keeping their heads down while they navigate the hell in which they live.

I’ve been away from California for 22 years now, in a pasture a whiter shade of green, and I love Whitopia. My daughter is an RN, recently married to a good guy with a business degree and a good job. My son goes to his job every day, open carries a 1911 (he’s young and wants to make a statement, but he does this with friends and won’t yet conceal like his dad, but he does visit the range more than I), visits an old folks’ home on behalf of his regularly attended church, and verbally spars with libtards to the point where they can’t even.

I have a Fred Reed book and have been reading him for years. America with Mexicans isn’t America; it’s California, which is a foreign land.

Eff Eww, Fred Reed. And yeah, I’ll die for it, when pressed.

July 20, 2017 9:40 pm

I just drove 450 miles through the Central Valley of California. I have driven that route dozens of times over the years. The new wrinkle is that except for sports and religious stations, most of the radio is in Spanish and playing Mexican music. Maybe all the Anglos are on Spotify, Prodigy, and Sirius XM.

July 20, 2017 10:29 pm

I mean Pandora.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 10:59 pm

Generalize much?

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 11:07 pm

Trivialize much?

The aggregate behavior of demographics have an incredibly powerful gravity that is dangerous to turn a blind eye to in the zealot fetish for the idealized exception.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 11:39 pm

There is no zealot fetish for an idealized exception. It is absurd to rope an entire group or race of people under an umbrella that only applies to some.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 20, 2017 11:52 pm

— “It is absurd to rope an entire group or race of people under an umbrella that only applies to some.”

Every business that depends on observing and predicting demographic behavior in order to generate a profit demonstrates you are flat out wrong.

There is a difference between being “generally true” and “always true”… and you are the sort who wants to throw out the value of “generally true” because it’s not “always true”.

It is absurd to treat the individual as anything but an individual… however it is NOT absurd to be honest about the general results you will get with extremely high reliability get when you aggregate groups of people with common genetics and backgrounds.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 21, 2017 8:18 am

Fair enough; I do not dispute this comment. My apologies for the lack of clarity in expressing my point. There is certainly merit to a general observation. I was just trying to point out the dangers of making individual judgements based on generalizations alone. But you clearly get that.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 21, 2017 9:47 am

Question for you guys-approximately how large is the % of the population of a group that fits the generalization or stereotype of that group b4 one stops making individual judgments?

July 21, 2017 7:02 pm

This has been occurring for nearly a generation now, and no American should have to apologize. Period. No nation on this GD planet is more tolerant and inviting. Fcking sick to death of the Fifth Column. Let’s round them up and either render them for their moisture content or offer them to the Islamists as a burnt offering.

MN Steel
MN Steel
  Mercy Otis Warren
July 21, 2017 7:00 am


People outside your group are generalized, stereotyped if you wish.

People within your group are treated as individuals.

It is a survival mechanism allowed to everybody but whites.

But then, perhaps you are not white, which is the group here. If that is the case, you’re welcome, for the correction.

If you are, you best move south with Fred, change your views (it happens with age and education, if higher than room-temp IQ), or be ready to have your ass booted out.

July 20, 2017 10:14 pm

Is this a piece from The Onion?

July 20, 2017 10:18 pm

Nah, tequila comes from agave.

July 20, 2017 10:37 pm


July 20, 2017 10:22 pm

Fred is right. Mexico is such a great countr the gringos are stampeding to the border to get in. Come on Fred! You have a right to our opinion but don’t insult our intelligence.

July 20, 2017 10:39 pm

you so right cliffie-why do you think trump is building the wall–to keep our smart people here so we do not have too much brain drain–

The Romulan
The Romulan
July 20, 2017 10:53 pm

What part of “illegal” does Fred not get? Oh, but the FEELS. Let the poor brown-eyed babies in with their desperate mommies.

They’ll do the jobs Americans won’t do. If the pay is high enough, Americans will do it. They won’t take a shit job with shit conditions unless desperate.

School is for Americans, not “undocumented.” They’re not “undocumented” by the way, a cutesy term that somehow implies that they just forgot to get their papers in order. They’re ILLEGAL and they’re CRIMINALS in coming here to steal jobs and I don’t give 1,000 you-know-whats if they pay taxes. THEY DON’T BELONG HERE!!!! Deport them all. No matter how sad the left-behind children look.

Now legal immigration, properly vetted, is fine, from anywhere. It’s not the brown to which I object, but the vermin who think being clever enough to get across our border should entitle them to stay.

Fuck ’em.

  The Romulan
July 21, 2017 4:15 am

I agree. Except their “left-behind” children need to go back with their illegal parents. Anchor babies should not be considered citizens. The sooner this is clarified, the better.

July 20, 2017 11:07 pm
Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 21, 2017 8:31 am

I love Fred Reed. This time, though, I have to comment. I fully understand share Fred’s affection for Latin America (though, although he may not realize it, Mexico is a very special case in Latin America). I have lived and worked in Latin America for over 30 years. My wife is from South America. I have visited every Latin American country and I enjoyed them all. Fred is right about Mexico – up to a point. That point is this. The country where he lives is ruled with an iron fist by cynical, corrupt bastards, most of them of European descent. Most Mexicans are fine people and middle class and above Mexicans are pretty much like us (except for their historical grudge against the U.S., of course). That said, every Latin country contains a large population of low IQ, uneducated, criminally-inclined “chusma” (I use a Colombian word that means, more or less, “scum”). These folks are almost invariably a result of indiscriminate race-mixing among the lowest class. The Spanish Empire generated a huge number of literal bastards and this underclass is one of the results. You see the MS-13 freaks with their tattoos? Well there you go. Ditto for the Mexican gangs. Naturally the Mexican upper class (and other normal Mexicans) are eager to dump this human garbage on us. Do you think a Mexican, Colombian or Salvadoran businessman is going to exert himself to keep them in his won country, so they can break into his house and steal his car? The truth is that they are amazed that we are so stupid, weak and naïve as to allow them in. Want to blame somebody for this filth swirling around our country? Blame the idiot church ladies in places like Wisconsin and Minnesota who think they are doing good by encouraging this. I hate these do-gooders with all my being. So, Fred is right and wrong. The warmth and hospitality of our southern neighbors has blinded him to some ugly truths.

  Southern Sage
July 21, 2017 6:58 pm


July 21, 2017 3:46 pm

Fred didn’t mention La Raza, the anti-White subversive Mexican supremacist organization operating in America? Odd.

Or Mecha, the anti-White Marxist Mexican student organization in America? Very unexpected.

Or Aztlan, their anti-White plan to retake the American southwest? Strange.

Or The Plan of San Diego, their obviously anti-White plan to genocide the White people? A plan they have actually attempted to carry out in the past? Weird.

Anyone that does not view Mexicans, ‘citizens’ or not, as domestic enemies, is brutally ignorant.

Unlike the Mexicans, we aren’t even planning to genocide our enemies. We just want to deport them to Mexico – which will save them the effort of creating a second Mexico, and save those of us that might survive their intended plans from having to endure living in it.

The world does not need two Mexicos – and even one Fred Reed is obviously too many of those.

July 21, 2017 6:55 pm

Most excellent commentary.