Free Speech Returns To Its Birthplace To Be Laid To Rest in Berkeley

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter; Authored by Jon Hall

Berkeley, California is no stranger to headlines. Since the beginning of the year, protests have ignited in the city; with Anti-fascist (or “Antifa“) forces and free speech advocates – oftentimes Trump supporters – clashing. The integrity of Jesse Arreguin, Berkeley city mayor, has been called into question as well. Arreguin has been outed as supporting radical leftist groupBAMN, on his Facebook page.

Arreguin was also allegedly under FBI investigation for ordering police to stand down during a protest-turned-riot in February. If Arreguin has actual ties to radicalized BAMN and told police to stand down during incendiary riots, he has no right to govern Berkeley, the once-home to the freedom of speech movement.

Berkeley’s recent demonstrations couldn’t have come at a worse time.

In Texas, massive tragedy and loss racks Houston from Tropical Storm Harvey; catastrophic flooding and destruction of property has taken place and it isn’t even over yet. Yet, in California, Antifa came out in droves to protest and speak out against… what, exactly? We’re all aware of Antifa’s shtick by now; fascism bad, Nazis bad – no hate, no bigotry! but if Antifa were real champions of progress, wouldn’t they have been in Houston, helping the crisis-stricken citizens stranded by monumental flooding?

Furthermore, the demonstrators in Berkeley were overwhelmingly Antifa and leftist in number. The free speech, Trump-supporting crowd made the right call in staying away. The chaos and violence can now only be attributed to Antifa – and no one else.

Berkeley was overrun by a group of masked thugs who attacked the small number of counter-protesters who did show up. Antifa harassed and attacked people based solely on their opinions and views, which is political terrorism, to further their chaotic, anti-Trump agenda. Adding onto that, a Patriot Prayer scheduled to take place on Saturday under the shadow of the Golden Gate bridge – led by Joey Gibson, a Japanese American – was cancelled due to anonymous threats online.

Gibson feared that…

“…civic leaders and law enforcement would fail to protect them.”

After the violence in Berkeley on Sunday, it’s obvious Gibson made the right call, but that’s entirely besides the point. In San Francisco, less than a half-hour away from Berkeley, freedom of speech was extinguishedThis is how it begins. A Japanese American had his free speech stifled and no one seems to find issue with it… on the cancellation of the event, Mayor Ed Lee said:

“If people want to have the stage in San Francisco, they better have a message that contributes to people’s lives rather than find ways to hurt them. That’s why certain voices found it very difficult to have their voices heard today.”

Protester Bianca Harris claimed:

“San Francisco as a whole, we are a liberal city and this is not a place for hate or any sort of bigotry of any kind. I think it’s a really powerful message that we’re sending to people who come here to try to spew messages of hate that it’s just not welcome in this city.”

But simply, a Patriot Prayer led by a Japanese American doesn’t have anything to do with spewing hate or hurting anyone; it just doesn’t align with the hyper-liberal scene of California. Unable to speak or espouse his views, Gibson was oppressed by tolerant leftists, having his most American right alienated and stomped on…

…but if Gibson hadn’t canceled his event, it surely would have led to more of what happened in Berkeley this week…

Not only were Trump supporters attacked, journalists were too! The one common thing you can see across these videos is the stunning lack of police presence; endangering life and emboldening the massive amounts of Antifa protesters roaming the streets. It’s certainly not a good look to wear, attacking people of different opinion and journalists reporting news, but Antifa has decided to wear it proudly like a badge of honor – which it may very well be to them.

When even the shamelessly liberal Washington Post reports Antifa attacked peaceful right-wing demonstrators, that tells you how bad it really was. Antifa’s actions were so belligerent and toxic on Sunday that even the mainstream media can’t ignore it. 

Antifa came to Berkeley en masse to cause violence; not demonstrate a message, unless it was a message of chaos and anarchy…

…though, with a chant like “No Trump, no wall, no USA at all“, it kind of seems like Antifa’s agenda is chaos and anarchy. In their plight to fight fascism and bigotry at any cost, Antifa have become the fascists themselves. People of different ideology were beaten with pipes and doused with urine; reporters and journalists were attacked. A Patriot Prayer led by a Japanese American was shut down and labeled “hateful” and “hurtful”. What world are we living in that this is acceptable?

Freedom of speech and expression isn’t in the beginning stages of being dismantled, it’s already well on its way to extinction. It’s ironic that free speech is assailed and attacked in Berkeley, the home to the original freedom of speech movement. The place that gave birth to a passionate, lively movement is also where it seems it will die.

In lieu of free expression and discourse, it seems we’re content to substitute our first amendment with priority to feelings and not aggrieving anyone; whereas free speech is a sign of a healthy and thriving society, the dismantling of it is the sign of one that’s terminally ill.

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August 30, 2017 11:09 am

animal farm rules, it’s not terrorism when they do it.

August 30, 2017 11:39 am

Free Speech means you are free to say anything that isn’t forbidden.

Those who control what is forbidden control what is said.

August 30, 2017 12:07 pm

Actually, Joey Gibson’s right to free speech was not officially suppressed. He wisely canceled the event in the interest of safety for attendees.

I believe what Antifa is itching for is gunfire from some Deplorable at one of these events. They push and push for it. They are after chaos and societal breakdown. The restraint shown by the right is amazing to me, but I assume there is broad understanding of the counter productivity of satisfying the lust for CW II.

It is thrilling to see some pushback finally forming. Tolerating and excusing the tactics of the George Soros army is going to be over soon, partly because citizens are not going to put up with police standing down to these thugs much longer. The mayor of Berkely and his ilk are evil people.

August 30, 2017 12:22 pm

I remember a recent event where they were chanting, “our street, our street”, when A dude in a car plowed into the bunch. Is restraint coming to an end?

August 30, 2017 1:56 pm

Mario Savio’s “Free Speech” movement at Berzerkley was never free speech. Any non-leftist would-be speaker was protested against. Any non-leftist speaker was shouted down.

The only difference between then and now is that there is more physical violence now.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 30, 2017 4:21 pm

Remember police and law enforcement generally have no responsibility to keep you safe or protect you from anything in most cases . Granted it depends on the local charter or contract as to the limit or level of responsibility or accountability , still most cases the police are minutes away when seconds count .
Another point to ponder , these police are leftist by nature regardless if they are aware of it or not . Their livelihood benefits and retirement are directly related to how much wealth can be justifiably extracted or confiscated from private individuals . That seems to be about as leftist socialist as it gets . So does that make police unions branches of the National Socialist Party ?
Since most people on the right are for smaller less intrusive government wouldn’t police support the opposition ?

August 30, 2017 4:30 pm

AntiFA are communists, you retarded propagandist. How the fuck can you write an article, essentially about AntiFA, and completely avoid the fact they they are literally communists, with an ‘interesting’ (but-totally-coincidental) history that is also completely ignored?

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2017 8:48 pm
August 30, 2017 4:31 pm

Arreguin has little to fear from an FBI investigation. Sessions Keystone Cops and Obama holdovers will accomplish nothing. Mark this prediction down and get back to me before the next presidential election. It is bad enough that these clowns are corrupt incompetents but them trying to tell me that they are principled constitutional conservatives really pisses me off.

August 30, 2017 4:33 pm

The police are not obligated to protect you or your rights. We are ultimately responsible for our own safety.

August 30, 2017 8:50 pm

How long are they going to allow these scum to wear maskes in mobs so as to be able to commit crime with impunity?