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September 20, 2017 10:54 am

Central banks are a lawless cartel until they meet the law of gravity.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 20, 2017 12:34 pm

You mean when criminals are suspended by The Law of Gravity (like when the Central Bankers applied The Law of Gravity to that other Hussein criminal)?

September 20, 2017 1:56 pm

This time is different. It will be worse, much worse.

September 20, 2017 2:18 pm

We’re going to end up with one world central bank that controls all banking and finance worldwide.

Whether it will come about as a result of a massive global banking crash with all the people of the world demanding rescue from it or by simple assimilation into one because it offers something to everyone that they want is unknown, I could see it happening either way.

Maybe a combination of both, some because they want to be part of it and all it has to offer and some because of collapses in different places leaving them in desperation and in need of rescue.

I think it will come about rather rapidly once it starts, and the time is not that far in the future.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
September 20, 2017 3:01 pm

Seriously, you all have it wrong.

When a con artist is rolling in the dough, who is at fault? Him or his marks? You only get conned if you ASK FOR IT.

I’ll aver that I didn’t ask for this, either. I am debt free. I have been debt free for a long time. I didn’t let my kids borrow for college and I hated to see them sign mortgages for houses (but that’s Plan A, you can’t avoid it.)

My point is that Central Banks EXIST because our neighbors have wanted to live beyond their means for a very, very long time. England has had a central bank for CENTURIES. Central banking is a feature of a society not satisfied to live within its means. Once people clamor to be CONNED, con artists show up.

Same for FIAT money. Same for this truly insane 36 year period when Congress could spend without taxing and consumers could consume without working. Tens of millions of good-paying jobs opened up in industries whose existence depends on VAST BORROWING, the issuance of trillions and trillions of IOU’s that there’s no way on Earth can be paid over the long haul.

We’re a society addicted to thinking we can have our cake and eat it too. It’s like people go to a farm, eat the hogs, the cows, the breeder stock, the horses, the dogs, the seed corn….all the while issuing IOU’s to the farmer, and everyone holding those IOU’s thinks “GEE, I’M RICH! Look at all the ‘money’ I have.”

We ate the cake, and shipped out the ovens. HOW ON EARTH will tomorrow’s cake be produced, when we ATE THE DAMN FLOUR and SHIPPED OUT THE DAMN OVENS?

This is what the era of Central Banking + Fiat money + A secular bond market rally equal.

Purest, collective insanity.

  Barnum Bailey
September 20, 2017 6:41 pm

“England has had a central bank for CENTURIES.”

if england has had a central bank 4 centuries and it is just unraveling in the last 50-60 years,is it central banking or the growing lack of self discipline and self restraint among the public,politicians,and central bankers,or is it something else–

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
September 21, 2017 9:40 am

I see your point and agree. We’re always taught to focus on symptoms, and ignore what’s really going on beneath the surface. As I said, central banks are a symptom, not a cause. They are amplifiers of the Madness of Crowds, that is all.

They don’t spike the punch bowl. The “revelers” do that themselves. Central bankers are called in to deliver METHAMPHETAMINE (credit) when the revelers begin to run low on energy but want the party to continue beyond reason, logic or health.

Con artists only show up when the marks ask them to.

September 20, 2017 3:14 pm
Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
September 20, 2017 3:36 pm

TOO IRONIC and FUNNY for words. The ad preceding your vid is AARP.


September 20, 2017 8:12 pm

The house of cards needs to be about 1 mile tall (at least). They have, after all, been building it since 1913, with massive construction projects beginning in 1934 under Roosevelt and 1971 following Nixon’s final destruction of the gold standard “limitation” to house of cards expansionism.