Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The answer to the question in the title of this article is that Russiagate was created by CIA director John Brennan.The CIA started what is called Russiagate in order to prevent Trump from being able to normalize relations with Russia. The CIA and the military/security complex need an enemy in order to justify their huge budgets and unaccountable power. Russia has been assigned that role. The Democrats joined in as a way of attacking Trump. They hoped to have him tarnished as cooperating with Russia to steal the presidential election from Hillary and to have him impeached. I don’t think the Democrats have considered the consequence of further worsening the relations between the US and Russia.

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Public Russia bashing pre-dates Trump. It has been going on privately in neoconservative circles for years, but appeared publicly during the Obama regime when Russia blocked Washington’s plans to invade Syria and to bomb Iran.

Russia bashing became more intense when Washington’s coup in Ukraine failed to deliver Crimea. Washington had intended for the new Ukrainian regime to evict the Russians from their naval base on the Black Sea. This goal was frustrated when Crimea voted to rejoin Russia.

The neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony requires the principal goal of US foreign policy to be to prevent the rise of other countries that can serve as a restraint on US unilateralism. This is the main basis for the hostility of US foreign policy toward Russia, and of course there also is the material interests of the military/security complex.

Russia bashing is much larger than merely Russiagate. The danger lies in Washington convincing Russia that Washington is planning a surprise attack on Russia. With US and NATO bases on Russia’s borders, efforts to arm Ukraine and to include Ukraine and Georgia in NATO provide more evidence that Washington is surrounding Russia for attack. There is nothing more reckless and irresponsible than convincing a nuclear power that you are going to attack.

Washington is fully aware that there was no Russian interference in the presidential election or in the state elections. The military/security complex, the neoconservatives, and the Democratic Party are merely using the accusations to serve their own agendas.

These selfish agendas are a dire threat to life on earth.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 4, 2017 9:57 am

Brennan is a Muslim. Brennan has Obama’s passport records and those of Obama’s mother altered. Brennan started Russiagate.

I don’t trust Pompeo either.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Iska Waran
October 4, 2017 10:21 am

You can add war monger McCain to the list of turds in the way of peace with Russia or anyone else.

larry morris
larry morris
October 4, 2017 10:44 am

evert dem is nuts and don’t care about anything they all like OBUMASS most of common sense people hated that SOB after 10 yrs in army we are led down the road of mud leading no where I’m not good at putting crap on paper but I know when some ones is trying to screw me and the Dems are doing it commie cucksuckers.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 4, 2017 3:02 pm

Brennan is an outright traitor who voted for CPUSA candidate Gus Hall (!) in the 1976 election and is proud of it. He could not cut the mustard as a CIA overseas operations officer so he was relegated to a cubicle where he worked as an analyst his entire career – he has a burning resentment of real CIA operations officers because of this (the CIA´s analytical side is called the DI, or Directorate of Intelligence; they sit around Langley and read intelligence reports, newspapers and books, thereby producing intelligence reports for “The Intel Community” – these slugs love to pretend that they are CIA operations officers and deliberately try to misrepresent themselves to a gullible public). Brennan managed to get himself assigned to a key Middle East post as the chief some years back – he almost destroyed that particular office with his total incompetence. He is a fanatical liberal Democrat who instituted dangerous, weird and stupid policies at the Agency. His fingerprints are all over the insane “Russiagate” canard.

October 5, 2017 12:44 am

I still think tRump needs to fly to Russia and hold a fully televised “summit” with Putin right on the airport tarmac in from of god and everybody and sign a fucking treaty of cooperation to defeat the evil fucking globalists. Then he needs to fly home and wait one week then fire every single flapping cockholster from any of our alphabet soup “intelligence” agencies that had one, even slightly negative thing to say about it then ban them for life from ever working for the govt again in any capacity. I wouldn’t allow one single member of the US Press to attend the event either.

Oh yeah, he should give Snowden a full pardon and immunity for life as a parting shot then arrive home with Snowden on Air Farce One. SURPRISE BITCHES!