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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 19, 2017 10:34 am

Ain’t that the truth. Not sure where we’re at anymore. Somewhere mixed between the two. I guess it depends on wether you are a liberal or not.

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 19, 2017 11:15 am

Sounds a bit like Morpheus explaining to Neo that most people don’t want to be unplugged from the matrix, from their servitude to the system.

Three types of people really:

The first that wants to rule over others, to stand as lord and master over other sentient beings. They are driven by ‘Libido Dominandi’ – The lust to dominate.

The second group are those that want to ‘be’ dominated, to be told what to do and what to think.

The third group doesn’t want either of the first two and prefer to be left alone to do as they please so long as they don’t interfere or restrict the rights of others.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas