Uncola Questions A, B, C, & D: The Trumpening Effect

In the past few weeks we have witnessed many of Trump’s sworn enemies, at the very least, taking some heat in the media or their business/careers, and in the extreme, completely collapsing in Harvey Weinstein fashion.

Let us count ten of the ways:

1.) Al Franken – Sex

2.) George Takei – Sex

3.) Kathy Griffin – Jobless in USA

4.)  Bill Clinton – Sex – Four more accusers

5.) Hillary Clinton – Uranium One – (Also, possibly Obama and Robert Mueller?)

6.) Hillary Clinton & the DNC –  Russian Dossier

7.) Glen Trush – the Nasty New York Times White House Correspondent –  Sex

8.) Kevin Spacey – Who, in 2016, labeled Trump a diseaseSex

9.) The NFL – Empty Seats

10.)  Hollywood – 2 dozen sex-crime cases & 2017 Box-Office free-fall



A.)  Is the above just a sign of the times and to be expected during a Fourth Turning crisis?


B.)  Is it part of the ongoing Deplorable Movement?


C.)  Is it due to the political machinations of President Donald Trump behind the scenes?


D.) Is it due to something else?


If you could select A, B, C, and/or D along with your reasoning…, yeah…, that would be great:


Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 20, 2017 7:17 pm

A Yes
B Yes
C Yes
D Probably

You know, the one thing I can take solace in going into this fourth turning is that I will get to look all of our liberal friends and neighbors in the face as everything spirals into the shitter and say, with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow, “Told ya!”

My ammo is gonna be worth a fortune, too.

What was the question?

  Francis Marion
November 20, 2017 10:16 pm

‘I will get to look all of our liberal friends and neighbors in the face as everything spirals into the shitter and say, with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow, “Told ya!” ‘
I’m sure that will work out marvelously for you and your family.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 20, 2017 10:30 pm

I think we’ll be ok. I just play a smug jerk on the internet. I’m a nice guy in real life. Honest, just ask me.

  Francis Marion
November 21, 2017 12:54 am

“I will get to look all of our liberal friends and neighbors in the face as everything spirals into the shitter and say, with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow, “Told ya!” ”

Shit! I won’t even get to do that as I’ll be pointing and laughing at them so hard I won’t be able to speak.

November 20, 2017 7:22 pm

A.) Is the above just a sign of the times and to be expected during a Fourth Turning crisis?

It’s probably not *just* that.

B.) Is it part of the ongoing Deplorable Movement?

I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of /pol. Those guys are awesome, though.

C.) Is it due to the political machinations of President Donald Trump behind the scenes?

That would be pretty funny.

D.) Is it due to something else?

What makes you ask?

The trivial crap that has come out so far is just the tip of the pervberg, especially in Hollywood and the Beltway. If there aren’t lynchings by the end, I’ll be amazed.

November 20, 2017 7:32 pm

PervBerg. Priceless.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 20, 2017 7:43 pm

I saw yes to A, B, and C, particularly C. I think Trump is behind most of this, and the real reason that TPTB were so dead set against him had nothing to do with policy and everything to do with fear that their crimes and corruption would be exposed by Trump. I’ve written seven or eight articles along those lines, most recently “The Rout Is On”.

The Rout Is On, by Robert Gore

Trump is winning this grubby game.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  Robert Gore
November 20, 2017 7:57 pm

just for info Robert: correct word is ‘rout’
route = like route 66; path

on your side !

Robert Gore
Robert Gore

Yeah, when I first put up the title I had “route.” It was subsequently corrected but the link didn’t change. Thanks for pointing it out though. Mistakes are the bane of a blogger’s existence (and trolls).

  Robert Gore
November 20, 2017 8:04 pm

@ RG – you actually crossed my mind when I was assembling this post earlier. I recall you speculating in one of your articles something to the effect of Team Trump cleaning house at the FBI Headquarters when Comey was fired while he (Comey) was out of town. I wonder if Trump beat Team Mueller to the punch? Now some are saying Trump flipped Mueller and is using him to go after Team Clinton vis-à-vis a kind of plea deal for Mueller.

I also recall Scott Adams prognosticating that, by the end of the year, Trump would appear much more competent than he did in the early months of his presidency.

The Art of the Deal? 6-level chess? Or, is there something else going on? Pass the popcorn.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 20, 2017 9:32 pm

My main hypothesis has been that Trump’s primary motivation is power, and he’s damn good at acquiring and using it. I think Hillary and Bill are toast, but beyond that no predictions can be made. Getting the Clintons energizes Trump’s base like nothing else would, and totally demoralizes the opposition. However, Trump is a Machiavellian, so I don’t know how many other high profile prosecutions there will be. Probably James Comey. However, if you’ve got dirt on people like Shumer and other powers that be, they will be far more useful to Trump in their current positions than they would be in a prison somewhere.

  Robert Gore
November 21, 2017 11:19 am

Gutting the Clintons would energize the base…

There, fify

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 20, 2017 8:01 pm

Jeanine Pirro got charged for going 119 mph in upstate NY.

Read the other day that she was at WH and tore into Sessions for not assigning a Special Prosecutor for Hillary.

Seem to recall that Trump ,made a statement earlier this year about going after pedophiles – maybe we are witnessing some results of this behind the scenes action.


Well if you take down Weinstein and Spacey, then we’ll take out Roy Moore. OK then, I’m going after Franken. Oh yeah? You want to play it that way? Fine. Pirro rides the Michael Hasting’s express.

Hey, ya never know. More popcorn, please. This is better than the movies Harveywood is spurting out nowadays.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 20, 2017 8:15 pm

Every day is an adventure… winning!

  Francis Marion
November 20, 2017 10:31 pm

I hope Trump is playing 6 dimensional chess.

November 20, 2017 8:17 pm

A) yes; it is a sign of the times, which some want to call a Fourth Turning, but which I prefer to call a truth movement. A return to the light.

B) Trick question, the Deplorables are part of the truth movement, and the truth movement is part of the Deplorables, so this is really chicken and egg.

C) Yes, but only in that Trump is insisting upon a return to law and order and I’m hoping that message is drilled into the thick skulls of the FBI everyday (and perhap a well deserved PUBLIC flogging of Jeff Sessions).

D) I think the fingerprints of the Almighty are all over this, the evil one ran rampant in the last administration (which is becoming undeniable to all, try as hard as the Democrats may) and many of us have prayed for justice and truth, and I believe the Lord has heard us.

November 20, 2017 10:43 pm

Boy do I hope you are correct.

November 20, 2017 8:49 pm

I think there is a lot more to this 4th turning stuff than meets the eye, little fish. I suspect the crazies are about to be loosed upon the world. Even old Charlie Manson himself had to go along to get ready for the big show.

November 20, 2017 9:09 pm

Trump surely knows how the game is played. Any 70 year-old billionaire who cut his teeth in the brutal world of NYC would.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
November 20, 2017 9:48 pm

It has everything to do with a fourth turning.
If someone had the right to place a disparaging sign on the city limits of your front lawn that you couldn`t take down, what is the proper response by you? Add a shit load of signs to infiltrate and diffuse the original. This is all I see happening in this latest gropefest.
What this has to do with the fourth turning is how blatantly it displays the sheer girth of inanities that the general public has been inundated with.
Meanwhile….all global currencies are backed by who can kick the next countries ass and that is all.
Politics, Hollywood, Trumps tweets et al…WTF has any of this to do with getting a paycheck sufficient enough to feed your family?
Liberty. Heard that word bandied about lately? With all things digitized, how much liberty does anyone suppose they have? We are being shafted in all ways and we`re concerned with what Jack did to Jill.
We are soft and being highly distracted while something completely “unexpected” begins its gestation period.

  Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
November 20, 2017 10:07 pm

Mr. Two,

We all know the Titanic already hit the iceberg. We’re just trying to delay the sinking. Get off your high horse.

November 20, 2017 11:30 pm

A) Doubtful. A 4th Turning happens regardless of the current morality and social mores. What is going to be interesting to watch in the next few years is what happens as the Old Guard Sleazeballs retire and the NextGen Sleazeballs enter the arena. It’s harder and harder to keep those closeted skeletons from rattling about with the Internet in full bloom now…

B) It might be, but if it is, then my guess would be Bannon behind it, if there is something other than just Hollywood, DC and Big Corporate revenge being exacted in a sort of “Sex-Abused Lemmings” way. It could be construed as Deplorables, but the income brackets are all over for the revenge bunch. And we Deplorables don’t have the connections and resources to make any of this happen.

C) More likely Bannon or some subtle group…

D) Perhaps Hollywood and DC and the Megacorps are tossing out chaff – meaning these sex harassment and abuse things getting revealed in order to prevent the real pedophile madness from getting outed. Although after years of watching Joe Biden pet little girls on stage, how unbelievable is it, really? How many young congressional pages have done very well keeping their mouths shut?

Personally, I am on the lookout for ‘nailgun accidents’ and such involving former employees and ‘acquaintances’ of high level pervs. The fact that the Podesta Bros insanely match the police drawings but were never even brought in speaks volumes, because you or I would have been cuffed and whisked away to be sweated for weeks, if not convicted outright by media. We got a Catholic Cardinal, one of the Pope’s best buds, under investigation. But it will take video to make any of this stick, and it has to be dumped into the MSM news – so it may take a while for the pedo pot to boil over.

When looking at things like this, I tend to apply the old Hanlon Razor…

November 21, 2017 9:53 am

“Perhaps Hollywood and DC and the Megacorps are tossing out chaff”

Yes. It could be something like that, or even psyops for a future accusation against Trump. If Team Trump is behind it, the revelations will continue right through Hill & Bill. If it is the elites cleaning house, than it could land on Trump in some way. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Ben Dare
Ben Dare
November 21, 2017 2:15 pm

Rush Limbaugh says the Democrats are cleaning house for 2020. If he is right then it is like taking the specs from their own eyes to clear the way for 2020 vision.

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
November 21, 2017 12:52 am

Debt, Derivatives, Debasement, Dope Laws, Degeneracy, Dissipation, Disgrace, Depravity, and Decline are the result of Democracy, the Deep State, Do-Gooders, and their Disciples. A new era is coming as this one passes and it will be grounded by cryptocurrencies and tokens, along with Discriminatory Cultures. Prepare for the inevitable by giving quits to the idea that national political action can ever solve problems but only make them grow so large they cannot be solved except through the rough and tumble of a chaotic breakdown of a corrupt and wasteful nation state.

November 21, 2017 7:51 am

E: All of the above.

Reality, as we once knew it, is crumbling before our eyes.

What is real? What is an illusion? Don’t touch your dial. (((They))) are in control.

November 21, 2017 9:59 am

(((Aliens)))? No, that’s not it. (((Wiccans))). It must be the (((Wiccan’s))) cleansing the earth. That’s it.

November 21, 2017 8:45 am

Jesus warned us that we will be judged by the same standards we use to judge others.

This is a warning against the hypocrisy of using double standards and, by implication, a commandment to live up to the standards you profess others should live up to.

It’s simple to see this in action if you just open your eyes and look, what you put forth into the world is what you get back from it.

What you are getting now is what you have put out in the past returning to you (many people like to call that Karma, but they usually do so to condemn others with it instead of to point out how it works and how to change. I just call it the law of life.).

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 21, 2017 9:02 am

Lots of yes, but I have been trained to be pessimistic over following the Trump administration. I’m getting dizzy watching the pendulum swinging back and forth. I see a lot of good happening with the possible “flipping” of Muller, but know also that the Clinton/Obama cabal won’t go quietly into the jail cell without a few more surprises in store; I’m expecting a scorched earth event to overshadow whatever good is coming out of the backfired Russian collusion/Uranium One/Pedo round up currently taking place. One things for sure, we have lost our ability to steer the nation as a people. We are relegated to sitting back to watch the events unfold as the government is now beholden to special interests and the mega corporations that rule over us. Until this changes, whatever victories the Trump Administration secures, it will be hard to join in the celebration.

November 21, 2017 9:33 am

I think it is definitely linked to Trump. He grabbed america by the pussy. A million screaming liberals are so enraged that Trump tried to stand in the way of their “rape america” plan, and it made them scream rape. Ironic actually. They want 3rd world migrant rapists to flood into the country, and yet they cant handle the emasculated pervs in hollywood and elsewhere? Nothing about libs makes sense.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 21, 2017 9:44 am

When President comes into office there are a lot of tools for him to work with that were left on the bench by the previous occupant. Dossiers, FBI files, data mines, covert assets, etc. Not everyone is on board with the ‘ride America into the ground and gang rape it’s corpse’ policies of the last administration. There may even be some patriots hiding in the cubby holes of government who are more than happy to share what they know.

And with the layers of plausible deniability that have been constructed around that office, how hard would it be for him to simply flip the switch on the reputation shredding devices and sit back and watch the shit-show?

The Fourth Turning is a natural event and so it’s coinciding with these political maneuvers may blur the lines between correlation and causation, but upheavals gonna upheave.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 21, 2017 2:54 pm

It would be simple. As long as it is HIM flipping the switches. It all depends upon who’s in charge of the switch flipper.


November 21, 2017 10:44 am


A.) Is the above just a sign of the times and to be expected during a Fourth Turning crisis?
B.) Is it part of the ongoing Deplorable Movement?
Does the Morning Bring Light?
C.) Is it due to the political machinations of President Donald Trump behind the scenes?
I would say…

URANIUMGATE Explodes: The White Hats Are About To Indict The Black Hats

D.) Is it due to something else?
Maybe the Aliens have arrived…. finally!

If you could select A, B, C, and/or D along with your reasoning…, yeah…, that would be great:

There does seem to be the faint waft of napalm blowing across the bay this morning. Out curling last night again.. Whatta a difference a year makes. Folks these days ain’t singing the praises of Cankles.

Might they know that the sands are shifting… One can hope..

Last November, most of my fellow curling and drinking buddies where still licking there wounds from the Democrat defeat. Since I supported Trump they were taking runs at me for his improbable victory.

Nowadays though even these guys, most of whom are firmly NeverTrumpers know the score.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bonus Questions….

1) What is the score in the game?
2) How many ends have been played?
3) Who has the hammer?

November 22, 2017 7:11 am

“In the past few weeks we have witnessed many of Trump’s sworn enemies, at the very least, taking some heat….”

Mai temere Roma il serpente se ne sta attorcigliato a Napoli

(See Also: Matthew 10:36)

November 22, 2017 9:10 am

Well color me pink, if the above is what a fourth turning resembles I am happier than a pig in shit. Crazy thing is that would mean the democrats and elitist have been in charge ruling shit for 20 to 80 years. If the deplorable she are the gas for the turning then I like fourth turnings…..