Five Bible Truths For All People (even atheists) To Live By To Make America Great Again

My message to atheists, agnostics, doubters, and folks of other faiths; Truth is truth, regardless of where it is found. Although this piece quotes the Christian Bible, please stay open to the concepts. St. Augustine said, — “Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”  Loosen your mind to the possibilities presented here. Be a hungry lion, devouring truth until your soul is satisfied.

Everyone knows about Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address … 272 words, delivered in under three minutes.

Edward Everett also spoke that day at Gettysburg — 13,581 words, delivered in two hours.  No one remembers it at all … even though it was full of beautiful language and logic and, among other worthy topics, addressed the hypocritical nature of slavery in a free country. It’s a wonderfully informative summary of the Civil War up to that point (of course, from the North’s point of view). Terrific read, if you have the time.  Full text here. But, again, it is remembered only for being unmemorable.

Great sermons are exactly like Lincoln’s speech: Short! No one ever left a church service thinking, “Man, I wish that sermon was longer!“. Therefore, I shall follow Abe’s formula, and keep the sermonizing of each truth to about 300 words.  The fact is, each of these five verses of truth presented here are also so simple, yet elegant, that they hardly require any sermonizing at all. Truth defends itself.

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I have know these verses my entire adult life. Meditated on them. Lived them — as even now in the Autumn of my life, where much of my faith has withered, and The Last Remaining Life clings precariously. Actually, I can’t think of a good reason why anyone should listen to me.

Except that God once even spoke to a human by way of a jackass (Numbers 22:28)!  That means I qualify. I will reveal what I believe is God’s message, not mine, to the best of my ability — imperfect as that may be.

NOTE: I will write using Jesus’ voice. This will be done in a similar manner as recorded in Revelation 2-3. There, in the letters to the seven churches Jesus offers praise (but not always), and condemnations (but not always), and the rewards that come to those “who have ears“.  Just to be clear, it is what I believe Jesus would post on the internet today … but, I did not actually hear His voice. My hotline to God has been disconnected.

1)– Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” —- Proverbs 22:6

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”—- Lenin

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“I commend you for obeying my command to ‘be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth’.

But, I have this against you; I have commanded YOU to train up your children, the apple of my eye. Why, then, did you relinquish your responsibility to those (you call them ‘government schools’) who only desire to corrupt your children’s minds, to turn them into robots incapable of receiving my gift of free will? Why do let the whores of your age (you call it ‘television’) enter into your homes day and night to fill the minds (your Learned Ones call this ‘brainwashing’) of my precious Little Ones? These whoreish creatures, with their unimaginable filth and endless lies, who turn children away from Me, all the while polluting the hearts of my Little Ones with the god of this age (you call it ‘consumerism’).

I rained down fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah for far less. Why, then, do you think you will escape my wrath? Did I not warn you that those who corrupt my Little Ones, that it would be better for them to place a millstone around their necks, and drown themselves? My Cup Of Anger will be made known to you as your land (you call it ‘America’) is swept into the dustbin of history, as so many unrighteous nations have been before yours. The wheels of my indignation are already rolling towards the end of your Days of Iniquity. Mene mene tekel upharsim!

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the people. My servant David sang; — “Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” So, it shall be for you, my beloved. Raise your children well, and I will heap goodness, milk and honey, and healing upon your land for generations to come”


2)– “I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.” —– Amos 5:21-24

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“In olden days I gave you sacred assemblies and their feasts to be proclaimed at anointed times. But, believing that my death and resurrection freed you from the old ways, you pursued your own imaginations, and appointed yourselves new feasts.

You imagine I was born on December 25th, and then appoint a fat man as The Giver of gifts. Oh, you perverters of truth! On that day you irreverently call Xmas, will you practice true religion; plead the cause of the widow, seek justice for the oppressed, take in the orphan, or feed the hungry? No, you will instead revel in the exchange of wealth, drink strong drink to excess, and partake of gluttony, — falsely believing you are honoring the King of Kings!. Woe, woe to you!  Your own prosperity, and the prosperity throughout your land, is but an illusion. Today your barns are full, but tomorrow The Wind comes. Do not cry out in that day of the Terrible Storm, for I have this against you: you have a form of Godliness, but you deny the power thereof.

Let him who has ears hear  Wisdom from above. Think not that you sin against me! You sin against man. Turn from the foolishness of your outward worship. Do not worry about the speck in your brother’s eye. First, take out the log from yours. Leave your gifts and fake worship at the altar. Because, for peace and prosperity to come to your land you must first make peace with your brother.  Do you not yet know that if you just seek my face and turn from your wicked ways, that the desire of my heart is to heal your land?”


3) “Where there is no vision, the people perish. “ —- Prov 29:18

“I have much against you, oh King of Babylon! You have make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of your fornications. That Terrible Day is coming when you will cease to exist in but one hour, and great will be your fall.

Woe, woe, unto you for the vision you have made only for yourselves. You inscribe ‘In God We Trust’ on your Mammon yet, your thoughts are not My thoughts. You have taken the sons of the land and made them serve with your chariots and horses. You have taken away the plows to make of them weapons of war. Your flying machines rain down terror from above upon innocents. You take the wealth of the people … the best fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to your paramours, officials, and attendants. You take the best of the cattle and donkeys for your own use. So great is your theft, you force their women to work in the fields.

As it was when I condemned the Pharisees to their faces, so it is with you today; you load people down with many rules and laws and burdens which they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help. You imprison those whom you fear, more than all other nations. You make slaves of everyone. Depart from Me! I once knew you, but no longer.

Let him who has ears hear my vision for you, my people. RISE UP!! You cannot both drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, and hope to be a great nation. NOW is the time for you to throw off the yoke of those who enslave you! Let him who has no sword, purchase one. Let him who has one sword, purchase two. No longer will I chastise you for cutting off the ear of Malchus. Remember my words when I walked among you; ‘that from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force’. RISE UP, this day, for I long to set you free. What you do, do so quickly. Amen.


4)– “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” — Luke 16:13

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“To my deplorable brethren, blessed are you for I know how hard you labor to provide for your family. You struggle to pay for your homes, save for your children’s education, put food on the table, and pay for a multitude of other things due to what the Prince of This World calls an economy. His way even forces you to support those who will not work … an abomination of abominations to your Father in heaven.  Endure your trials and tribulations with the peace I give you that passes all understanding, for I tell you this; – it will not be so in the next world.

But, I have this against you who have taken it upon yourselves to shepherd my flock.. You Preachers use my warning against serving two masters to browbeat the salt of the earth. You lie unto them saying ‘the other master is money!’. Then you heap burning coals of guilt upon their heads, always making them feel inadequate and ashamed, sinners who are never quite good enough, … and in so doing you prod them into filling your collection coffers with silver and gold beyond measure. You vipers and snakes! You have neglected your greater calling to comfort my people.

Let him who has ears hear. The other master is Caesar (you call it The State). Heed my warnings! Caesar will imprison political dissenters, exterminate undesirables, confiscate property, devalue your currency, buy favors, suppress thought, and his Agents in Blue won’t hesitate to kill you. Beware, this creature from the swamp does this to you while masquerading as an Angel Of Light who is here ‘just to help you’.

Blessed are you if you heed my words to my Apostles: give to Caesar ONLY what is his, and no more. Give him his coin, never your soul. The day is coming, for you live in evil times, when Caesar demands from you more than you can give, when Caesar demands you break the laws of your conscience. Blessings beyond measure will be yours if you answer as Peter did: ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.’ Upon the character of such men, a great nation is built.”


5)  “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” —- Prov 3:7

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” —- Matthew 6:21

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” —- Proverbs 4:23

It is widely accepted as fact that we are what we eat (and, also, what we eat, ate!).

We all buy into the saying about computers; ‘garbage in, garbage out’.

We talk great care to put the right kind of gas in our car, because the wrong gas can ruin the engine.

Oh, that we would take similar care in what we put in our minds!

“My people, gold there is, and rubies  in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel. I commend you on the great achievements of your mind since I ascended to my Father. You split atoms and go to the moon.

But I hold this against you; you are ever learning, yet never coming to the truth. Your doctors can replace hearts, but can’t fix the condition of the heart; made of stone instead of flesh, proud and perverse. Your heart is as haughty as the ax that raises itself above the person who swings it, or the saw which boasts against the one using it, or the clay which boasts to the potter ‘you made me not!’.

I tell you this great truth: your heart is the fountain from which flows rivers of thoughts, words, and deeds. You talk to me through your mind, but I commune with you through your heart. Have you kept silent long enough to listen?

Your Learned Ones have filled your minds with noise like a resounding gong and empty cymbal, but no music comes forth.  Positive thinking! Visualizing! Dr. Phil! Believing them, you imagine yourselves winning the Decathlon in next year’s Olympics. My children, their lies will only cause you great disappointment on your way to ruin. Hearken unto my instruction, for few can bear this truth; — you cannot change yourselves! It is as I said to my disciple Matthew; “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”

What is a nation except a land with borders where people live? Many of you believe I can save your nation. I can do no such thing! Nations don’t need my blessings … people do.

Let those with ears hear. I desire to give you new hearts made of flesh,  so that you may become new creatures possessing a new spirit. Let this newness overtake millions of you, my children, and your nation will become great, slowly then all at once.

Test me and see if I am right. That when you overcome your destructive habits, the addictions which imprison you, the hate which consumes – that it is in that moment when the rise of the oceans begins to slow, the planet begins to heal, crimes end, wars cease, the lame dance, the deaf hear, the blind see again, and Liberty is proclaimed throughout the land.

Let it all begin with you. I’m waiting …”

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 3, 2017 7:53 am

The Catholic church cured me of any religiosity a long time ago but there are undeniable golden nuggets within. Thanks for posting.

December 3, 2017 8:14 am

The Catholic church is a satanic sect. They are fucking loaded and control the governments. A friend of mine was abused by a satanic sodomite Catholic priest and he got compensation and a letter of apology from the minister president of Schleswig Holstein, Germany Torsten Albig. I saw the letter with my own eyes. Just goes to show that the satanic church control the Federal Mafia here in Germany. So the taxpayer pays for the sins of the Catholic church.
A banker in Brugge told me that their biggest client was a catholic monastry.
Hail Mary – Hail Satan. The pope is a new world order pope – preaches social justice – but his church is fucking loaded with unbelievable riches – biggest landowner in Europe!. Fat balding cunt. About time Satan took him away.

Don’t say I haven’t warned you all. Hail Mary – Hail Satan
The whore of Babylon is the God of the Catholics.

December 3, 2017 9:13 am

Yeah I’ve considered it. My article was full of hate for the catholic church. A bit unfair since most big organised churches are also of the devil – especially ALL belonging to NWO World Council of Churches. Well, just maybe I should seek out a catholic priest and say my three Hail Mary’s just like the IRA did after they bombed civilians – and the catholic priest will forgive me. Mind you I’ll keep my back to the wall – that’s for sure!
Scuse the bad lingo – was brought up in Sarf East London – and it’s part of our culture innit!
Mind you some of bravest people in the world use such language- my old friend Green Leader – I do hope God forgave the navigator for taking His name in vain – but this is the best conversation I have ever heard in my life. F***in’ beautiful!

Wishing all here and especially Stucky a peaceful and relaxed 1st Advent Sunday.

December 3, 2017 10:37 am
December 3, 2017 10:58 am

Rob is a bit of knob.
He ain’t too bright
and watches Sponge Bob

December 3, 2017 1:55 pm

But at least Rob doesn’t post long videos of Green leader…but then he isn’t my friend. Perhaps he means more to fish than he does to me. My point in that great sage’s commentary is more in support of Stucky and in mocking fish’s video, but clearly neither fish nor Stucky were able to understand. That makes it my fault. Sorry.

Still, Stucky is right, I find absolutely no truths in any “Revealed Truth” books and it does not matter who wrote them or to whom they were supposed to have been revealed. If y’all are willing to ascribe truth to one book then it is difficult for me to see how you can disparage someone else’s book. After all, every book came from the same alleged “one” god and several of them just flat out copy from the others. Both christians and muslims import whole sections of the torah – which to be fair, actually came first.

December 3, 2017 2:51 pm

Bob the knob says “Both christians and muslims import whole sections of the torah – which to be fair, actually came first”.

Well since Judaism and Islam reject Jesus Christ it is certain from the Word of God that those who adhere to such religions suffer from this destiny:

Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemies.

December 3, 2017 3:10 pm

HAHAHAHAHA. Nice one fish.

December 3, 2017 3:55 pm

Thought you’d like this song sponge Rob.

Gotta love those English Electric Canberras from the fifties, just imagine what he could have done with a TSR2 baby!
RIP Ian Smith and Green Leader

December 4, 2017 7:15 am

Wow….not exactly biblically accurate but definitely gets the point across! Who wouldn’t search for the truth to find the path to salvation?!
Many forget the verse “straight is the way and narrow the gate…few will find this path.”
And “not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Even Satan believes…”
But we know his doom…

December 4, 2017 12:03 pm

OK Stucky, first let me reiterate that I was supporting your article in my comments above. I don’t have to agree with you or to believe what you believe to support your right to state your beliefs eloquently and I do feel that is what you did. It was my intention to suggest that perhaps fish was unkind in his response.

Having said that, let me put forth the proposition that none of the statements you make above are truths, and they certainly don’t have to come from a divinity. In fact, I am pretty sure that there are direct contradictions for each of your contended truths although I have no doubt that you have taken them from the divinely inspired bible.

#1. No, there are virtually an unlimited number of children raised up in one way who chose their own paths. I did it. My parents hated colored people. I do not. You did it, I am sure. In fact, I would argue that a civilization of automatons who all acted the way they were supposed to is the utopian dream of a demented mine. I do know that I wouldn’t want to live there.

#2. No, in fact I am not sure that you could even successfully argue that you are responsible for what is put into your mind. But for sure, what has been put into your mind, be it by yourself or by others, is not the thing that creates your life path. It is what your mind makes beyond what is put into it that matters…To my way of thinking anyway. But all of that aside, how can you claim that a divine being has put any of the crap that we all carry around in our minds in there?

#3. No. It just is not. The vast majority of humans live day by day with no greater vision of their future than to plan on the source of the next meal. Even you and I spend an inordinate amount of our waking hours on eating or the planning for eating. If you want to really talk about the virtue of vision, or goals you need look no further than say Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao to find people who had vision, goals, and a huge following and how well did that go.

#4. No, it is not true. All of us struggle with divided loyalties all day long. It is the dogged adherence to loyalty that produces crystal nights and seal team six. hundreds of millions of lives have been sacrificed on the alter of loyalty and it is only those who question loyalty and demand something better to be loyal to who nudge this fragile system of humanity ever forward. Loyalty is the sugar in the gas tank of civilization. It tasted sweet when it was poured in but it doesn’t make the engine work better. Divided loyalties improve things while submission to dogma produces muslim extremists.

Wow. See. I really did like your article even though I didn’t agree with it.

December 5, 2017 4:10 pm


I was in the Catholic Church as an altar boy along with my brothers. I saw TOTALLY UNCHRISTLIKE behaviour coming from all the priests that I got to know well in three different parishes. I used to ask them at different times what was their doctrine and as I was a young guy they were only too willing to tell me their candid views. NONE OF THEM HAD THE SAME ANSWERS ON DOCTRINE!!!! Also a few were pedophiles who were shuttled around from church to church to avoid dealing with the fallout from their criminal and disgusting behaviour. I wanted to be a priest when I was a new altar boy but by age 16 that was stomped out of me and instead I went in the opposite direction. I was lawless and attempted suicide and was always in trouble until I hit age 26 when after a night of again contemplating killing myself I happened to meet a Christian man who hired me to work in sales for him. I went through two weeks training and when I finished that I stayed with his beautiful grandparents who both were incredibly knowledgeable TRUE Christians. They answered from the Bible most of the difficult questions I had and after the two weeks with them I asked my dear Lord And Saviour to save this most miserable wretch of a man and by faith I accepted His free gift forever!!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His Grace and faithfulness to us sinners.
No one can be saved in the Catholic Church… BY CATHOLIC DOCTRINE!!! The doctrine is from devils and one of the chief devils is resident at Rome right now! Definitely an anti-Christ!
THAT IS NOT TO SAY that a Catholic cannot be saved only that one CANNOT BE SAVED by following their doctrine. Jesus (only and all) is THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Only through Him AND NOTHING ELSE can one be saved from hell into heaven. It’s a free gift for anyone that really wants it. Good works that mean anything AT ALL… ARE ACCEPTED AND EXPECTED BY GOD…AFTER SALVATION HAPPENS!!! Good works and the so called “balanced” scale of good works expecting that to impress God leads to Hell… where it should lead! There will be no braggers in heaven as ALL GLORY WILL GO TO JESUS AS IT SHOULD!!

December 5, 2017 4:40 pm

I am sorry that you had such negative experiences with the Catholic Church. My prayers are with you…
However, please do not taint “all” Catholics with professing “evil”…
I agree with you that much of what passes for Catholic “teachings” today is outright rubbish and not doctrinal in nature.
There are those of us Catholics who do not subscribe to the negative changes that were promulgated by the “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” –a high-level hijacking of the Catholic faith by both jewish and Protestant interests. However, there are still old-line Catholic institutions that do not subscribe to the Vatican II Ecumenical Council “changes”…
It might interest you to know that the Catholic bishops, cardinals, and priests who are homosexual child predators sprang out of the liberalization of the Catholic church in the 1960s. One has to wonder how many of today’s high-ranking Catholic Church officials are part of this “lavender lobby”. The sad part is, that this homosexual child predator cabal ran the American Catholic seminary system for decades, keeping out promising (heterosexual) candidates for the priesthood so they could get their fellow homosexual predator “buddies” in to the priesthood. The Catholic Church was poisoned by this evil, but will prevail against this evil.
Please look up the “Society of St. Pius X” (SSPX), a true old-line pre-Vatican II Catholic institution with parishes all around the country…

December 5, 2017 11:05 pm

Thank you for your reply. Just so you will know my great great grand uncle founded a certain university in my province. He was a Catholic Bishop and a memorial to him is outside one of the buildings. All my immediate family and relatives were/are strong Catholics even if they criticize the hell out of it. But most don’t believe the bible. I’m now 65 years old and have “seen it all”, as they say. I’m simply saying that Jesus+ anything whether it be Mary, sacraments, stations of the cross or ANYTHING added to 1Cor15, 1-4. Is trying to throw works into the mix of salvation of the soul to Heaven. I know there are “saved” people in the Catholic Church but it is a rare thing as most believe in Catholic doctrine and feel that “oh I’m not perfect but God loves me and I try to follow the commandments as best I can and I think my good works will outweigh my bad.” Absolutely wrong! Jesus alone and His finished work on the cross and one’s faith in that, In Him and through Him is the only way to get and keep eternal salvation. Only one priest through 40 years of talking to them have ever said they agreed with that. All others have said in various ways…”oh well no-one can know if they are indeed going to heaven but you should be ok if you are baptized into the RC church God will know you and let you in but maybe a thousand years in purgatory but if people light enough candles your time can be reduced. That or anything like it are devils doctrines and absolutely untrue and unbiblical. Jesus FINISHED work on the cross and our total belief in that finished work is the only way. God’s GRACE through FAITH…period… nothing else. Trusting in any kind of works or baptism or anything else besides ONLY Christ is hopeless. A free gift cannot be partly paid for by us in any way big or small. If it is not accepted by Faith IN HIS FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS it is dead faith and not acceptable to God. As it says in the Bible if there is anything else added to the “salvation” gift it makes Christ’s sacrifice in vain!
Just saying what I know and what I have experienced over my 65 years of living and 38 years of studying it all out. Lord bless!

December 3, 2017 6:30 pm

“From this day forward all generations will call me blessed.” MARY in the Gospel of Luke….

Guy White
Guy White
December 3, 2017 9:39 am

There are churches other than the Roman Catholics, beyond the Catholics.

old white guy
old white guy
December 5, 2017 9:30 am

I decided many years ago that if it isn’t of Christ I can’t follow it.

December 5, 2017 9:53 am

@CCRider FYI. It’s not about about you.

Great food for thought Stuck. You still da’ man.

December 3, 2017 8:39 am

Excellent article, but the commenters’ “Catholic bashing” has to go…

The “beginning of the end” of Catholicism was sealed with the infiltration of the Catholic Church “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” of the 1960s by Jews and Protestants.
Much Catholic ritual was discarded, as well as the promotion of the absolution of the Jews for Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death, despite vitriolic Jewish hatred of Jesus Christ which exists to this day. The fact is, the Jews DID get the Romans to crucify Jesus Christ and DID accept full responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. As is the case today, they got others (Pontius Pilate) do do their “dirty work” for them…
Abandoning the use of Latin in the Mass destroyed its “universality”. Previous to Vatican II, one could attend Mass anywhere in the Roman Catholic world and understand the meaning of the Mass.
Prohibition of the celebration of the Tridentine Mass (except by special ecclesiastical permission) pushed many Catholics away from the new “Modern Mass” and the New Church, in general…It took a brave Cardinal Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X to “push back” against Vatican II and re-legitimize the celebration of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass and other Catholic rites.
In pre-Vatican II times, the priest (celebrant of the Mass) was considered to be a part of the congregation, and a representative of the people.
By turning the priest around to face the congregation, the priest was no longer a representative, but an “actor”, diminishing his status and importance.
One area where the Catholic Church could improve itself involves celibacy, which is NOT Church “dogma” or doctrine. Celibacy was put in place during the middle ages in order to keep Church property from being inherited by family and relatives of priests and bishops. Celibacy was based on purely financial considerations–nothing more. It is interesting to note that Episcopal (Anglican) priests who convert to Catholicism can bring their families with them to the Church while Roman Catholic priests are denied marriage.
It was a grave mistake by the Church to de-legitimize celebration of pre-Vatican II principles.

As to homosexual pedophilia in the Catholic church, here is “food for thought”:

Free Republic

Pedophilia Only a Catholic Sin?
August 14th, 2009 | Kevin Roeten

Pedophilia Only a Catholic Sin?

It turns out pedophilia is an incorrect term, and Catholics aren’t responsible for most of it.

Shockingly, AP breaks out of their typical liberal mold and reports Insurance companies shed light on extent of sex abuse in Protestant churches, that sexual abuse of minors has been rampant. But in their statement, they indirectly say members of the Catholic Church are not the majority abusers.

AP discusses the raw numbers from three companies that insure the majority of protestant churches in America (Church Mutual, Guide One, and Brotherhood Mutual), and typically receive 260 reports/yr of people under 18 being sexually abused. Compare that with ~228 credible accusations/yr against Catholic clerics since 1950 (documented abuse records).

Together with that information, it is known that the Catholic Church greatly outnumbers any specific Protestant denomination, and the data for Protestant churches is available only for the last seven years. Ever since the first sexual abuse cases had been reported, Catholics have had requirements: 1) police background check done on all volunteers–including priests, 2) a second person be present at all religious functions, and 3) all personnel involved with minors must take routine checks with “Protecting God’s Children”.

Without a doubt, sexual abuse of a minor is one of the most despicable crimes and sins that man can perpetrate. But predators seem to thrive in an atmosphere where the base congregation is one of the most trusted organizations that exist.

Philip Jenkins, in his 1996 book Pedophiles and Priests, [[link edited for length]], looked at the problem objectively and dispassionately. Jenkins (who is not Catholic) found that true pedophilia is extremely rare, and perhaps more common among Protestant clergy, and is even more common among married laymen.

He found that in most sexual abuse cases (under the age of consent), the behavior is actually a variety of homosexuality. This sexual attraction with very young men that combine the charm of boyishness with sexual maturity is actually called ephebophilia. Pedophilia is really a psychiatric term meaning sexual interest in children below the age of puberty.’


‘The worst sex crimes against children is in the Jewish communities and protestant churches’
Tomasi was not reserved with criticism either and citing data published by the daily Christian Science Monitor, which was founded a hundred years ago by the Christian Science Church, said that the Catholic Church cleaned its house, Jutarnji List writes.
According to their figures the majority of the US child abuse cases happens in the Protestant churches and Jewish communities, says Tomasi.’


A Penn State historian, Philip Jenkins, has done an in depth research of pedophilia and sexual abuse among the clergy and has come up with some rather eye opening facts. It seems that while 1.7 percent of Catholic clergy have been guilty of pedophilia (or sexual abuse particularly of boys), a whopping TEN percent of Protestant ministers have been found guilty of pedophilia!

This is all the more interesting, notes Jenkins, since there has been NO media term “Pastor Pedophilia” coined at all!

Jenkins theorizes that the media, proving the ‘point’ of the ‘necessity’ of sexual promiscuity, overemphasizes any instance of pedophilia found among the Catholic clergy since it can use this to criticize the entire idea of celibacy. But it is interesting that the NON Celibate Protestant ministers have a MUCH GREATER problem with it than the celibate Catholic priests!

Protestant pastor pedophilia is not within the frame of our ‘social constructionists’ as Jenkins calls the media:

“In the 1980’s, [Pastor] Leyva had abused perhaps one hundred boys in several Southern states, but few of us ever learned of it. Leyva had the distinction of being a Pentecostal minister and was, therefore, not within the ‘frame’ of those who were busy constructing reality. The same is true of the three brothers, all Baptist ministers, who were charged with child molestation in the 1990’s; the public learned little about this highly unusual series of cases because it was not deemed worthy of dissemination by those fixated on Catholic scandals.” [1].

Those without sin…cast the first stone…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 3, 2017 12:56 pm

I think they’re funny – sitting on a branch while they’re sawing it off and thinking that the branch is the “real” tree.

December 4, 2017 6:29 pm

This is all in line with communist infiltration of the catholic church a few decades ago. the so called catholic spring that hitlery spoke about in the leaked emails has already happened…The powers that be rely on the fact that most people can’t see beyond the headlines.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2017 8:44 am

2)– “I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.” —– Amos 5:21-24

Really? That made number 2 and nothing at all from Ecclesiastes?


  hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2017 9:39 am

Just between you and me, HSF, I noticed this gem tucked away in there and since God’s requirement for all that is “past” (known to James Joyce as the Present being the Sum Total of the Whole Past) got overlooked completely, when both of us along with others were promoting Solomon’s discussion of Time.

Did you notice this tucked away in there?

“My people, gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel. I commend you on the great achievements of your mind since I ascended to my Father. You split atoms and go to the moon.”

It continues, but interesting phraseology?

Since reading a few articles linked in comments here over the past year, I have come to accept the idea that it is more than possible that we could somehow be not unlike the Who Species in Horton’s Whoville Galaxy found on a clump of something in a field of countless other clumps. Perhaps we did not go to the moon, at least not the one we thought about as the moon.

I find it an interesting piece and am a bit disturbed by how well Stucky does the Lord’s voice, but all in all, I will hold comments for further musing.

December 3, 2017 10:44 am

I hear ya. Am trying to go there regarding my own long long feelings and memories.

December 3, 2017 10:55 am

Good job Stuck. Works like this is what really keeps me here.

December 3, 2017 11:29 am

Stucky I appreciate the (unusual ?) spirit of humility that characterizes your post. I don’t want it to degenerate into a Catholic vs. everybody else argument. In the long history of Christianity, many different groups have committed grievous errors. My boys and I are studying the Puritans right now, and a fairly objective view of them could give the Catholics some serious competition on destructive practices visited upon their adherents.

Despite the failures of Christianity, God keeps working his way through his followers, including Catholics, and history. Perhaps what was most needed to help found a new nation like America were the stern, righteous Puritans, who were more disciplined than we consider healthy from our “enlightened” view.

I like all the verses you picked, and your commentary was insightful, and I appreciate your efforts. I’m with HSF on the feasts issue. God clearly approves of parties, if all the commanded feast days in the OT are any guide. Celebrating his days in a corrupt way is the problem. I will go ahead and enjoy my Christmas tree. Yes, yes, I know it has pagan roots. The thing about symbols is, they are completely arbitrary.

I like Streams in the Desert, too. It’s especially good for when trials abound. Oswald Cahmbers’ “My Utmost for His Highest” is my go-to. I read it over and over and always find some new nuggets of truth. Another great one of his is “A Place of Help,” but it may be hard to find. Currently I am enjoying his book “The Psychology of Redemption.”

December 6, 2017 1:50 pm

Totally agree with loathing the Santa thing. Both me and my wife feel the exact same way:-)

December 3, 2017 5:08 pm

Great post here, and I love the method used, of the Lord speaking to the reader. Your selections were just fine, IMO. There are just SO MANY to be found, practiced, and lived by, and of course all whose submittals weren’t used might be a tad disappointed.
But how you creatively expanded on the Scripture verses you listed was the achievement, in my opinion. Excellent.
I will look at your fave DD, and will reco one to you: “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young.
Same delivery method of the day’s message, with a couple Bible verses as reference for each day’s “quite time” alone w/ our Lord, in reflection. Highly recommended.
Man, when I first came on here, I saw some of what you’ve written in the past, and thought to myself…Be careful, or THAT one will rip me a new one in short order.
But the more I read from you, the more I appreciate your talents. I too, can use words like a drunken sailor at times, and use humor at some other target’s expense. Also IMHO, criticism of others is hypocritical to anyone who is sensitive to it, and regular New Testament readers know how much Christ loathed and chastised the hypocrits of His day. So, any time I get the urge to bitch about someone’s actions or perceived ignorance, I try to ask myself if I’ve ever done what they’re doing that I find so offensive. More often than not, I have done similar or worse. We all have.
One last thought. One of my mentors from a Unity church I attended when I took time off from Catholocism, taught me this: “Sin” is an archery term, that means to miss the mark. So in Biblical context, I interpret that as when I sin, I usually can recognize it as falling short of the way Christ instructed us think and behave, and that we ALL have flaws, so I need to be less judgmental or harsh when evaluating others.
Peace be with you, my brother. God Bless.

December 4, 2017 12:47 am

I have never heard a sermon on 1 John 3:4 , “Sin is the transgression of the Law.”

They always come up with “ missing the mark. “ because they get to define the “mark” according to their own belief system.

[imgcomment image&sp=c8030c8b3c2d1cb936d8c8580cced9c3[/img]

December 4, 2017 3:02 am

You mean Fucking, Stucky?
comment image

Actually I’m not too sure but they make a beer , and it is a light beer, a sort of pale ale, and the word for light or pale is “hell” in German. Nice name for a beer eh?

December 4, 2017 8:23 am

Hey. I mentioned my fave daily devotional, “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. Here’s a sample entry from December 1st. Again, as if the Lord is speaking to the reader…

“I love you with an everlasting Love, which flows out from the depths of eternity. Before you were born, I knew you. Ponder the awesome mystery of a Love that encompasses you from before birth to beyond the grave.
Modern man has lost the perspective of eternity. To distract himself from the gaping jaws of death, he engages in ceaseless activity and amusement. The practice of being still in My Presence is almost a lost art, yet it is this very stillness that enables you to experience My eternal Love. You need the certainty of My loving Presence in order to weather the storms of life. During times of severe testing, even the best theology can fail you if it isn’t accompanied by experiential knowledge of Me. The ultimate protection against sinking during life’s storms is devoting time to develop your friendship with Me.”
Jeremiah 31: 3
Lamentations 3: 22-26

On the heels of that, I gave ‘yote a thumbs up for his version of Gettysburg / TBP.
And on his comments Re: ‘don’t need this shit anymore’, I can relate…my best friend put it this way: At our age, we don’t need the drama. Avoid the negative, & focus / find something positive to dwell on.
Good Day!
~ LaGeR

December 3, 2017 11:19 am

Maggie, reading the book “Dark Moon…” should set you straight on the moon. Then if you still want to know about the moon, “Who built the moon” is a good read.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2017 1:02 pm

It isn’t butt hurt I’m feeling, just perplexity. I thought you has already set the parameters in the last post. I must have missed the change of plans.

And FWIW you consistently turn out some of the most thought provoking posts on TBP. I think I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating.

Oh, and last night my oldest son was facing what I would call an existential crisis (deep thoughts regarding death and where do we go, etc) so I counselled him as best I could and one of the passages you posted (Matthew 6:21) was one I shared with him, so there’s that too…


December 3, 2017 6:40 pm

You quoted my favorite: Matthew 6:19

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 3, 2017 9:25 am

Excellent post! The topics are needed at the forefront of Christians living but are at the back burner of most sermons.

Concerning withering faith, as a 50’s ish man (well, closer to 60’s) I can see how a youngster in the faith is constantly battling against the youthful lusts. As age enters the picture, temptations of the flesh lessen and the struggle for a the truth takes over. As one becomes wiser in their old age, lusts no longer dominate and the struggle to remain unjaded in an age of hypocrisy takes over. As one sees behind the curtain of religion, it begins to feel like I’m in this thing alone; and that’s where faith begins to wither. II Timothy shows how Paul struggled with this, as so many brothers and even churches abandoned him.
So hold on to the things that are important to you, that you wrote
about and “save others” while taking courage; I don’t think faith withers but maybe goes dormant for a while. Keep your eyes on the spring!

December 3, 2017 9:32 am

I thoroughly enjoyed the piece, thank you.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 3, 2017 9:51 am

Are there two Stuckeys? I like this one.

  rhs jr
December 3, 2017 9:57 am

Shhhhh. It is the Dark Secret of TBP. Stucky has another personality stashed deep inside not unlike Hulk to Banner whose persona is a lumberjack looking giant of a man with shaggy reddish hair and beard over an enormous red flannel shirt. He seems impressive, but he’s really a giant teddy bear.

This is serious, scholarly Stucky, who refuses to acknowledge the garbage his alter-ego sometimes spews.

And that is the most shit stirring I plan to do today, my friend.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 3, 2017 10:19 am

It’s the truth though. I’ve been reading Stucky’s posts for years and if you pay close enough attention you will see that underneath the veneer of occassional crassness there is a guy with a sense of wonder and humility before God who is trying pretty hard to understand why things are the way they are. I’ve always enjoyed reading that Stucky and miss it when it’s absent. On the other hand if he wasn’t a crude jackass from time to time I guess I’d miss that too 🙂

  Francis Marion
December 3, 2017 10:48 am

Is why we love both Bruce Banner and the Hulk. It is our recognition of the duality of man. So, Stucky is one side of a dual-natured STM from TBP and crude jackass Stucky is the flip side.

  rhs jr
December 3, 2017 10:18 am

me too!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 3, 2017 9:54 am

“Except that God once even spoke to a human by way of a jackass (Numbers 22:28)! That means I qualify.”


I think you are too critical of yourself at times (even if you can be a jackass). When I read between the lines of what you have penned here I see a guy who is more deeply concerned with his fellow man and what God thinks of the mess that we have created than he sometimes lets on about here on this board.

Over the years I’ve learned to look for and listen for God’s voice (truth?) and to recognize it no matter where it comes from. It appears in the strangest places sometimes and almost always carries an important lesson or message for me that is rarely flattering or easy to digest. I’m convinced that is why many people turn away from religion and why churches fall apart/degrade. Most people do not want to confront the reality of their own nature. It doesn’t feel good.

If they’d just give it a chance they’d find that the truth, as uncomfortable as it is, will bring peace with it in the long run.

Thanks for writing.

Steve C.
Steve C.
December 3, 2017 10:54 am

Stucky – I usually only make casual comments on your posts involving religion. I consider it a very personal thing and I want everyone to be free to believe whatever gives him or her comfort.

Like you, I was raised as a Catholic, but have long since abandoned it.

In the years that have passed, I have pretty much decided that spirituality and even morality is something that comes from within myself. If I can’t find it there where else would I expect to find it?

To that end, I don’t depend on the Bible, the Koran, or any other doctrine of organized religions for guidance.

The concept of Deism allows me to celebrate the greatness of the Lord and I follow the moral codes that I have assigned to myself in order to respect and worship him.

I don’t need a church. The Lord is everywhere.

I don’t need the priest craft to tell me what to think and do. I accept that I am responsible for all that I believe and the life that I live.

Works for me.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

December 3, 2017 11:38 am

yo “Kimmy boy”, I respectfully submit for your consideration, a list of first and most essential targets for your missile program: City of London, the “VatiCON”, United SNAKES Corp Sodom-on-the-Potomac D[e]C[eit] gov rats and legisTRAITORS, NYC/Wall St/PRIVATELY-held [NOT]Federal[NO]Reserve fiat currency changers, Tel Aviv, SFO/LA area and Riyadh. That wouldn’t get all the turd-pond bottom breeders/feeders and int’l financial [D]elites/PTBs (Psychopaths That Bugger), but it would be a damn good start and a serious walk-up call to the remainder. To the minority of the still righteous “living” in or near said, I strongly advise you to MOVE to inland, elevated, RURAL locations . . . . soooooon! Get GATHERed, GUNned, GARDENed, PROVISIONed and . . . S-I-M-P-L-I-F-I-E-D! The “Blessings from the Beginning” are revealed and thereby accessible to the faithfully repentING/REDEEMed/GATHERing RemnantS, fulfilled in daily fellowship of collaborative PRODUCTIVE enterprise and the opportunity to assist/gather other repentING in greater need. And as such . . . relieved, humbled and thankful for sight of One’s salvation BEFORE having – unknowingly – “run out One’s clock”.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 5:03 pm

[Ass]wholy1, many years later, it will be different players on the verge of war. What will you change with your brilliant advice?

  EL Coyote
December 4, 2017 7:35 am

DUNNO! But, . . . As a FIRST-year “boomer” (’46) when the violent mass blood letting and carnage was replaced with ejaculate during mass divine co-minglings of [returning war vet] Man to [waiting] wo[mb]Man; now at 71+, after experiencing war “up close and personal” in ‘Nam followed by a couple of years of int’l careening – pretty-much ripped to the tits 24/7, culminating in 5 years at BangKwang, Thailand’s notorious maximum security prison, I am now increasingly mollified daily by the thought of being “a little closer to Home”. Considering the “State” of absolutely blatant and pervasive “official” criminality, corp-owned media propaganda, corp/gov-controlled lib-turd academic cry-bullies, AI killer drones/robots, cyber and space weaponry, brain chips, etc, I hope the “almighty Author/Lord” has already “checked me out” – as Jim Morrison was purported to have once not-so-eloquently stated, ” . . . before the whole sh*t-house goes up in flames”, and the radioactive ash begins to settle. Now, as a [daily] repentING and therefore REDEEMed reprobate, it is [continuously] incumbent upon me to both “give Notice” and humbly seek the forgiveness of each and every other very special and unique Man/wo[mb]Man, created in the image of said “Author” and manifested IN to this world, but . . . NOT OF it.

Tom S.
Tom S.
December 3, 2017 11:40 am

Great post, though I have to agree with HSF about the absence of anything from Ecclesiastes.

Overall though it reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once about 30 years back which said:


December 3, 2017 11:50 am

Season’s Greetings!
This is my first comment on the site.
Thank you all for the articles. It is articles like this one and the concept of cyclical history that have brought hope to my otherwise increasingly melancholy and cynical outlook.

I recently completed the Fourth Turning. I have many thoughts and questions, which I will start to share as appropriate.

Gen-Xer entering mid-life

December 3, 2017 1:34 pm

Con is for conservative. Now much more of a radical, anarcho-capitalist libertarian student of Rothbard.

December 4, 2017 12:01 pm

I hate to be the one to tell you but libertarianism is probably a con job because it violates the natural world in its failure to recognize the concept of a people with time-tested traditions, a history, a distinct genotype, language and religion. Most libertarians, and there are now many types which creates a lot of confusion, propose open borders which of course would lead to the destruction of western civilization. Hans-Hermann Hoppe is an exception although I would call him a small-c conservative with a libertarian bent which of course characterized most traditional conservatives of the past. A true conservative, not the fake big-C or establishment (non-) Conservatives, are those who want to conserve the best of their civilization and the European people who built this civilization. Some of the best descriptions of a true conservative can be found in books such as “A Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot” by Russell Kirk. I am not sure about Murray Rothbard, but I suspect that he has very cleverly proposed an ideology, libertarianism, which has as its goal the destruction of Christian Western Civilization. I haven’t done enough research to confirm this yet…but am digging into Rothbard, Hyek , Mises and other leaders of the libertarian movement. It is interesting and a bit disconcerting how many are Jews.

December 3, 2017 12:06 pm

Steve c ,..He who trust in his own heart is a fool ..Prov .28 :26.
Especially​ if he is trusting his own heart for spiritual guidance.
Stucky ,this was one of your best . Nothing I could disagree with.You know the Bible so well but have trouble keeping your faith energized ?I think that’s a problem for most of us
At times.The pain , suffering and death all around us doesn’t help. The media is the most powerful mind shaping tool in this world . Unfortunately this world system is controlled by a hostile elite . Maybe best just to take a break from the news and other ” shit ” on TV .That helps to clear my mind.

December 3, 2017 12:13 pm

Hell did indeed freeze over. Another perfectly reasonable comment from BB.

bigfoot left town
bigfoot left town
December 3, 2017 1:32 pm

Here we are speaking of God Almighty in this land of tits and asses and erectile dysfunction advertisements while admiring Lincoln the tyrant whose greatness in killing and wounding millions cannot be underestimated. But he was a Christian. Good to remember that Christians have killed more people than any other group, so the great man showed his devotion — to himself as so many of the powerful do. 9000 wars and still counting as one warrior society attacks another, often both Christian, but let’s not forget that God supports war so it must be alright and we can head off into heaven knowing we have done good works when our breasts swell with military and patriotic fervor as we listen to the Song of War at our sporting events while trotting out old men in uniforms decorated with medals, hard won.

I know a priest. He’s a pedophile. A bunch of us wrote letters and made phone calls to the local bishop. Nada. We had piles of evidence and witnesses. Children. The guy even had a website of the kind you can imagine the sick deviants would love and embrace. He’s still up there on Sundays offering the wisdom of the Lord.

Abraham said there is only one god. Up to then, people believed in many gods to the extent that an arrow shot would not hit the heart of the enemy unless a god willed it. But Abraham said, one god and that one god does not control you. You are free, Abraham said, to do what you will.

In her book, The Discovery of Freedom, Rose Wilder Lane wrote this: “As water judges a swimmer’s rightness in swimming, God judges a man’s rightness in living.”

A swimmer can thrash about, not use the water and drown, or he can use it to support himself and even to use the resistance of the water to move ahead and without which he would be lost. God does not need to do anything. It is us who has to do something. We either live rightly or not. It is in our own self-interest to live with integrity as life demands. No church needed. Just look at what you are and do the right thing, every time. This is virtue. You don’t know what the right thing is, so you look to somebody to tell you what is right? You are the one thrashing about in the water that is your life and you are drowning all the while you are asking God and whomever to save you. Only you can do that.

i forget
i forget
  bigfoot left town
December 3, 2017 4:57 pm

Lawyer Lincoln was a christian-baiter. Forced conscription brought up the rear. Or vice versa.

And extolling the virtues of short attention spans then oughta’ transfer to now too, eh? But no, most everything was better in days we did not live. Sure they were.


  bigfoot left town
December 4, 2017 2:11 am

Your last paragraph says it all. “I am – The Way – The Truth – The Life” is another way of saying it!

December 3, 2017 2:04 pm

Sure the Gettysburg Address was short and memorable and sermons like that only summarize great truths from the much longer writings in the Bible. It is the longer writings that change the world. You get what you put in. The GA is memorable only for its brevity and not much else. Atlas Shrugged moved me more. But the author of this article does write like God. Impressive.

December 3, 2017 2:18 pm

I hate to admit this but sometimes when I go to church I learn the most from the children’s sermon.

December 4, 2017 8:51 am

The only thing I got out of years going to church, was a priest once referenced “Lord of the Rings” which I checked out and loved. Also IF the bible is the word of God, then God has created many writers that are better than him/her/it.

December 3, 2017 2:20 pm

If not the best, one of the best sermons in my lifetime and by way of the internet. And I mean that sincerely Stucky.

A good sermon will touch the heart and like me, leave some to feel it was particularly directed at them which is why I was a little uncomfortable personally when you touched on God speaking to a human through an ass. The sermon was short and meaningful and extremely well done in your own way tapping the ocean of biblical knowledge that cannot be wasted. Who is to say that God would not use a unconventional method to send the word through a very unconventional messenger?

We are all here for our purpose to impart information, let it be useful and insightful. This is why I have asked many times when will you preach the gospel, today you have delivered a wonderful interpretation of God’s word. Home training of the children is so lacking in America today, coupled with low expectation how are we not surprised that they cling to socialism as they mature. America is a mess…..period. We need a good Sunday Sermon and a return to decency.

Thanks for all of your effort to save the heathens including me.

December 3, 2017 2:40 pm

I said that hell froze over.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 3, 2017 10:27 pm

Nice post BL. I’ll second that.

December 3, 2017 2:26 pm

Western civilization was built on christian valves. Now that many of those valves are no longer followed by the people our civilization is breaking down. Many people are killing love for one another and even family with their hearts. These is less and less natural affection being expressed.

People are purposely becoming stupid. The media and commercial outlets are the megaphone for promoting stupid. People don’t seem to mind. Look at most people on their expensive I-phones just taking in garbage rather than something that educates.

The corporation have done the most damage to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love Christ taught because everything is decided by the profit motive. There was a time when business started out by putting service to the customer first. It was thought that good service would eventually bring profits. The Corporations have put the cart before the horse. This is why we are seeing a breakdown in our civilization. We are at the end of an epoch “2500 years” Expect to see a rapid increase of the breakdown and chaos. No one has the vision to get us out of this. It is obvious and in our face. It is just that so many are so far into self love, vanity, and pride that that cannot see the writing on the wall. The weeping & wailing and gnashing of teeth is going the be intense. It has already started but the news does not want people to know how bad it is. It is getting bad.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 3, 2017 2:53 pm

◄ 1 John 5:19 ►

New International Version
“We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

◄ Ephesians 6:12 ►

New International Version
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Those are the quotes that I live by, in addition to this:

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God- Thomas Jefferson

And this:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful individuals can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.- Margaret Mead

A Faux Press Reports Houthi Missiles Parts Have Iranian Origin – Andrea Iravani

A Faux Press Reports Houthi Missiles Parts Have Iranian Origin

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
December 3, 2017 4:26 pm

OP sounded much like John Doe here:

Just sayin’.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 4:59 pm

Get rid of the other one, the bitch. – Stucky the prophet.

The boss tells me, ‘Speaking not as boss but human to human, she is difficult to deal with, I know’.
I say, ‘I think I have it figured out, I simply won’t speak to her anymore’.
‘We’re too old for this shit’, he says.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 9:27 pm

Sorry, Stuck, in all honesty, I have dwelled far too long on YoBo’s “Art” article. You used to read National Geographic, you know the score. Anyway, I will read this article after dinner. It may be really late for you but my mind works better after midnight.

December 3, 2017 5:13 pm

I will have you know I have season tickets to the alliteration follies.

December 3, 2017 5:58 pm

Imo this is the best article you’ve written.
Thanks for taking the time.

December 3, 2017 6:09 pm

That deserves a 1000 thumbs up. From one wanker to another I’d like to thank you for the sage advice.

Saluting you with my free hand,


December 3, 2017 6:53 pm

Stucky, I read your piece then parsed my way thru the comments then read the post again. I have to say of all the things you have written this is the post for me that is most profound. I could write much but tonight I am having a beer, or three, and enjoying life.

Their’s is one thought that struck me most.

Hearts made of stone instead of flesh.

One could write a song about that.

December 3, 2017 8:50 pm


While I’ve recognized your intellectual strengths, I never saw your spiritual ones until tonight. (You have played the role of that jackass very well! LOL!!) As a Christian, I loudly applaud this effort!!

The hypocrisies of this devil’s world are extreme and the corruptions of them affect us all. I too fear that extreme judgement may be nigh!

I’m merely an auditor of these courses in higher thought derived from HSF, you, Jim Q., and others, but can only express my appreciation for you all, knowing I can never achieve the “degrees” you all have already.


December 3, 2017 9:50 pm

Congrats Stuck, the flock seemed to enjoy your sermon. Maybe there could be a reversal of the electronic world to become the instrument of goodness and less the tool of devil’s minions.

We have the right/duty to turn away from the constant drone of materialism and self gratification. We can’t stop TPTB from sending hardships our way but if the good people band together in word and in thought, we may save the country and ourselves. How is that for positive thinking? Truthfully, the thing I disliked about TBP from day one was the attitude that it is a done deal, that the American experiment was over. WE can make America great again by rejecting the evil that has consumed every aspect of our lives.

At least you are making an effort in that direction.

December 3, 2017 9:54 pm

Excellent article.
Have you ever seen the Christmas tree in the Bible?
Jeremiah 10:1-5 Hear the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel. Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not…
Looks like a Christmas tree to me. (Satire on idolatry)
As for me and my family, we use a Festivus pole.
Great writing. Keep up the good work.

December 3, 2017 10:37 pm


I will catch hell for telling this but upon really thinking about that exact verse from Jeremiah, I decided that it was time to get to the bottom of the whole Christmas tree tradition. Seems that felling a tree and adorning it with silver and gold is a pagan practice from ancient Babylon. A certain tribe has encouraged the tree and gift giving to line their pockets each year and assures them of riches.

I like gifts as well as anyone but do you really need the pagan tree? The overdone spectacle we go through each year makes me feel anything but warm and fuzzy, so therefore there has been no tree at the Lever household for at least 20 years. People tend to get really upset when I tell them we don’t have a Christmas tree.

Funny that they see me as a heathen when in truth THEY are the ones who are joining in a heathen pagan practice.

December 3, 2017 11:20 pm

Different un

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 10:44 pm

“even now in the Autumn of my life, where much of my faith has withered,… My hotline to God has been disconnected.”

Thanksgiving and Prayer
…In every prayer for all of you, I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
December 4, 2017 1:20 pm

That confession above is still as touching today as it was last night. That the USA’s hotline to God has been disconnected is disheartening. With the remnant of our faith waning, our winter of discontent looms large like a negro’s heart of darkness, a Zionist’s gaping maw, or a Neo-Nazi’s boot crashing down upon the face of Laura Aguilar.

Her name recalls America; the laurel tree’s symbols are honor and victory, Aguilar means Eagle-like.
Indeed, Laura is the face of Lady Liberty, mixed race, overweight, with breasts the nations of the world eagerly suckled. She lay upon the Rock on the day of her birth. But now, she is dyslexic, she could not read the writing on the wall; you have been weighed and found glutton.

At the sound of the trumpets, the Canucks will invade and love-bomb the USA into submission, bringing LGBTQABCDEFG… In the south, the Mexican horde invades, cleaning, plumbing, carwashing and even raping, pillaging and killing for a few dollars more.

  EL Coyote
December 5, 2017 12:46 pm

Did you fall in love with the fat lady in the desert?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 5, 2017 1:37 pm

I was looking for that Salvador Dali’ painting with the woman constructed of various bulky objects, her zaftig figure is still female and arouses the child who is looking, a play stick in his hand. I haven’t seen that painting in forever, yet I recall it like a particularly vivid dream.

Could a skinny lizard of a white woman make the same impact? There was a report of a woman; actually, she is the one reporting that she was taking some nude pics like these in the desert and for some reason, the marines on the base found it necessary to conduct training exercises in the helo right above the area where she was photographing herself. But – she is white and skinny – did she make the cover of the Rolling Stone? No.

Sometimes I recall a pose of Laura’s and laugh at her daring. Other times I think of her laying there on the rocks beside the languid pool and wonder if she is a modern Lillian Gish or the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty fable.

C’mon, Maggie, it isn’t like she doesn’t represent some wordy article here, fascinating for its subject matter yet overblown and self-conscious. The images obsessively running through one’s mind like 100 memes, convincing nobody but indelible nonetheless.

Like our own authors here, she doesn’t show her features. We are never teased, on the contrary, too much is exposed; here a tit looking like a fat manatee, there an ass looking like a wall breaking down. Then, in summary, we see a fat torso; the entire argument of the author summed up, shoulders to buttocks, for your consideration. Great TBP articles have the same unforgettable effect on the mind of readers.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 10:51 pm

You reminded me of a conversation I had with the boss as we were leaving work. We stood there alone in the parking lot. He seemed to be in no hurry and after the brief talk about his new truck, he asked how things were going. I said that my ex-wife told me how a guy our age fell out of a tree and broke his shoulder. He got a clot and he died the next day.

The boss said, funny you mention that. He told me of two incidents where just like that, his mother in law croaked. Then he told me of his ex, how she almost flew the coop. Thinking about the thin thread that we cling on to, he concluded, we’re too old for this shit (dealing with the crazy woman).

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 11:08 pm

I thought about my little one, he’s sick with flu and the stuff that he goes through with that. I prayed for him. Thanking God for the time I had him right here. But he had to go and I had to let him go. With time he will forget the fun we had together and he will go on with his life but I shall not forget my little one.

Stuck, when you convert, turn from your crooked path, the lord receives you and nurtures you and nurses you back to health. Then he lets you go because you want to go. But he waits for you everyday to hear from you. He never forgets you, ever.

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?”

  EL Coyote
December 5, 2017 12:47 pm

I was wondering if you get to see your grandbaby regularly. I am thinking… not. Am sorry.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 3, 2017 11:32 pm

You always come back, Mr. Stucky. Your foundation is the truth, your steps are shaky when you find you are not on solid ground. You clearly have a purpose here:

Four months and several years ago the Admin brought forth, upon the interwebs, a new blogsite, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all voices should be treated equal.
Now we are engaged in a great war of words, testing whether this blogsite, or any blogsite so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met here on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it, as a final resting place for those who here gave their time that this blog might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But in a larger sense, we can not dedicate we can not consecrate we can not hallow this blog. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The lurkers will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the commentators and authors, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored big dogs we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these STM’s shall not have written in vain; that this blog shall have a new burst of donations; and that this correspondence of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the interwebs.

December 5, 2017 12:49 pm

I said that when EC bends over, his intellect starts to show.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  EL Coyote
December 4, 2017 3:33 am

Inspirational! A rare thing that a great speech can have such an impact on the things we face today, as it did when first written (with a few minor tweaks).

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 4, 2017 12:05 am

I enjoyed the compilation. Your article got a little political there towards the end, I doubt Jesus would incite a revolution. But you put together a fine message, I was touched by certain passages, the way you connected them to our current condition. Whether the universe is expanding or not, we definitely have gotten a couple of light years farther away from heaven.

PS Maggie is the only one kicking against the pricks, can’t she see that alliterating while white is no way to start a rap career?

  EL Coyote
December 5, 2017 7:28 am

Did you ever stumble across one of my vimeos linked wherein I was tickling ivories?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 5, 2017 12:53 pm

No. Sorry Magita. Please submit as an article so I won’t miss it. I love piano music as much as accordion!

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 4, 2017 3:39 am

You might want to drop that idea of an article supporting the teaching of Santa on other liberal web sites, as they would be the only ones who could embrace the teaching of a fairytale to prepare their children to transition into the adult version of the fairytale; otherwise known as the loving, embracing arms of big government as Big Brother. Good night.

December 4, 2017 2:42 pm

don’t mess with santa claus–is nothing sacred on this site?

December 5, 2017 8:47 am

Sacred? Santa is Satan with the letters rearranged, brought to you by da joos to undermine the religious meaning of the holiday.

December 5, 2017 1:15 am

Hi Stucky
I didn’t have time to review comments today, so didn’t see this, so sorry for delayed response.

I like your creative concept and I am pleased for the invitation.

Right now I am really under the gun time wise – homeschooling, substituting, and now I have been asked to teach a life skills class to a group of young men at a drug rehab facility. I am trying to get the course outline written and they are waiting on me, so I just don’t have the time to do justice to your project. (I think this is what Jesus meant when he said he would give his followers an abundant life.). Anyway, I bet someone else would be happy to take it on, at least I hope so.

It has been great reading the variety of positive responses to your article. Carry on.

December 5, 2017 7:39 am

Perhaps everyone who might be tempted by such a challenge is concerned about which Stucky they might end up debating. Also, the “handshake” before the debate is problematic for germophobes.

December 5, 2017 7:50 am

I would have enjoyed seeing the discussion. It isn’t the sort of thing I do. I am one of those people who believes that if I have something to say, I can present multiple points about a topic without having to let someone debate my ideas on my own page. Now, Stucky is a fair-minded [opinionated lout] guy who is not likely to try to dominate the discussion with his own reasoned [narrow-minded bigotry] efforts to opine. Perhaps you (Gayle) and he could do the back and forth after the first of the year. I would love to Edit/Splice it for you. THEN.

December 4, 2017 3:59 am

I got home late, after a long drive, and decide to hit TBP before hitting the rack and I get rewarded with this absolute gem by Stucky. Thank you.

Like you, Stucky, I often consider the possibility of whether or not I have what the Apostle Paul labeled “shipwrecked” faith. Let us both hope that the feeling is just sea-sickness from being in the midst of the storm. The (often) profane “venting” that we do here here on TBP is a cathartic release for many of us. I suppose we all need to remember “moderation”.

You have a sharp mind and a discerning spirit. A rare combination. I would say EC does too. A great read to end a very long day for me. Thanks again.

December 4, 2017 4:50 am

Im not qualified to talk about religion, I have not studied it nearly enough. The ONLY reason I ever started commenting about it was it seemed to me that Christians were being bullied around here.
My sincerest apologies to anyone Ive offended !!

December 5, 2017 7:42 am

Barney! Never apologize for offending anyone here on TBP. That is the second rule of TBP. Never admit you apologized for offending anyone on TBP. That is the first rule of TBP.

December 4, 2017 11:17 am

Moving and powerful, Stucky. I would have read ten truths as I think would most TPBers.
It drives to the heart of our current afflictions as a society. The financial and social statistics, the institutional and infrastructural decay are symptoms. It is a cultural sickness to be sure that is at it’s heart, fed to ludicrous proportions by technology, but is spiritual decay at even a lower level?
Either way (we’re on our own (for the Atheist and the Deist) or God and Satan are engaged in Spiritual Warfare (what awake Christian could doubt it at this point) the struggle in which we are embroiled is irrational in nature and therefore cannot be won by rational means–ie. voting the right people into office, rewriting the tax code, hell, even ending the fed. Ultimately, it is the hearts and minds and perhaps spirits of the masses that must change. How will that happen? Here both the Christian, the Atheist and the Deist would agree…we must suffer and through suffering begin to see, once again, what truly matters and what is illusory.

December 4, 2017 11:30 am

DRUD- Your 9 month old will need far more guidance in this crazy world than past generations. I’m really glad I had mine raised 30 years ago. This should be a fun Christmas at your house. 🙂

December 4, 2017 11:36 am

16 months old now, BL….tempus fugit.

December 4, 2017 11:31 am

100!!!!!!!! Bitchez….

December 5, 2017 7:29 am

Don’t think I am not making note of this.

How is that for some really clever alliteration combined with double and triple negatives AND a little double entendre tossed in for good measure.

Do not think I am not making note of this. Interesting that the first NOT implies the THIRD.

Edit: I decided NOT everyone has a liking for the rhythm of words, so I will come back and spell it out for [dumbasses] those who are more practical than lyrical. The final, implied triple negative: Do NOT think I am NOT making NOTE of this because I am NOT. Note, of course, is the double entendre, which implies itself. Get it Me Hoe?

Now, if wip or stuckenheimer are reading this, I am working on something. Here’s a tidbit: I am Eve, standing at the tree facing the Serpent. [Stucky, my hair is long enough to wrap around my boobs and drape prudishly around my hips like a dress and I’m standing behind a giant Pyrenese who guards me. Stay on point.] My thoughts as Eve are these: My mate was formed of dust, water and breath. I was formed of his bone to be his helpmeet and companion. But God and man are companions, walking now in discussion about the beasts of the field. Why does God, being of Divine Origin seem unable to provide Eve companionship? Why must she seek the Serpent?

Or has the Serpent sought Eve? What does your child do when you have forbidden them from entering a chest/desk/closet and you go out for the evening? Do you think Eve wandered over to that Forbidden Knowledge Tree often enough that the serpent knew where to find her?

Did Eve seek knowledge for knowledge’s sake? Is she the FIRST Academician who presented the FIRST Theory to Man? Hey, Adam. The Serpent here claims this fruit will make us able to tell what is good and what is evil. I am all in for being able to judge other people against a standard.

Or, did Eve just want to be a better companion and helpmeet to Adam because she needed to KNOW. While Adam at least had a heads-up in the whole dust, water and breath of life business, Eve literally got plucked from his ribcage as an afterthought.

December 5, 2017 8:40 am

Maggie- That sounds like a shitfest in the making, do it. The women haters will come at you with both barrels.

December 5, 2017 9:58 am

Actually, the teaser may be more provocative than the research leads me. I have come upon a new way of thinking about the duality of man.

Through Eve’s eyes.

December 4, 2017 12:29 pm

“St. Augustine said, — “Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” Loosen your mind to the possibilities presented here. Be a hungry lion, devouring truth until your soul is satisfied.”

Stucky, I can only repeat the accolades here. Thank you for your work and words.

My landlady in Karamürsel had the last name of Büyükaslan. Big Lion. Turks had to take on modern names after Attaturk. She chose one with power to the meaning.
And of course there is Aslan of C. S. Lewis’s fame.

Aslan (/ˈæsˌlæn/ or /ˈæzˌlæn/) is the main character in C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia series. He is “the Great Lion” of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and his role in Narnia is developed throughout the remaining books. He is also the only character to appear in all seven books of the series. Aslan is Turkish for “lion”.[2][3] Lewis often capitalises the word lion in reference to Aslan, since he represents Jesus Christ.[3] wiki

You sir, are one big lion.

Josh Stern
Josh Stern
December 4, 2017 1:35 pm

Here’s a different take on your title
Perhaps from DeenaStryker

or the other one

December 4, 2017 1:53 pm

I can’t believe I’m going to wade into this kumbaya moment. Smartly I’ve waited until day two. There’s nothing as heart-warming as Christians congratulating each other for finding God. One might think God was lost. In my experience Christians are more likely to throw the first stone. Beware the testosterone pumped Christian with the over-developed throwing arm. The stones carried in the pocket are mingled with favorite bible verses. A conceal and carry Christian thing. Whip out the bible verse first. Baffle them with words. If that doesn’t work, start throwing stones. Ain’t it funny how kinder and gentler TBP get when the Christians come out to play wearing their play clothes. Maybe a QOTD is in order. Religious hate vs. secular hate. Righteously Right vs. Just plain stupid. God vs. Hanlon’s razor. Does it not make anyone else have a moment of wonder that all our presidential candidates claim to know God? Where does God go after election day? Maybe I just get all testy and sarcastic because I hear Christians throwing around answers, but none dare ask the hard questions. Some say you can spot a Christian by the way they walk, leaning to one side and all. No animals were abused, no fingers given or curse words were used during the writing of this response. It’s still morning here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 4, 2017 2:03 pm

Wilberforce, they claim to know God to reassure you that they are Christian oriented. Still, this is a secular country. I read somewhere that theocracies are not a good place to live. They will chop your head off and kill you over an offense to their honor.

December 4, 2017 7:32 pm

Didn’t see your reply. See below.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 4, 2017 11:39 pm

You should see how assholey they’d be if they weren’t Christians!

December 4, 2017 2:37 pm

I ask the hard questions all the time. I’m not a big Bible thumper or churchy Christian but in my heart I believe this country can only survive if the people go back to decency. Stucky’s sermon was outstanding and we need the kind of conversation that has gone on for the last two days (even for the atheists).

Please try to embrace what is being done here or find another thread if this bothers you.

December 4, 2017 3:09 pm

Dude you can’t even address me without dissing my handle. Change is coming BL and it likely won’t be the change you want. Decency? Love God or fuck you? What kind of decency passes your test BL? I fully understand that this forum, me shooting words at you and you shooting them back solves absolutely nothing. What are the tough questions? Well today they deal with honesty and perverts and child abusers. Yesterday the questions were about liars and war mongers and still more fucking perverts. So BL, would you vote for a child abuser rather than a Democrat? Would you let your daughter spend the night with our President? Should we let the cities burn? Should we make America great for old white men again? What happens if the revolution is started by the left? Will you hold back, let them liberal fucks be cannon fodder? When the blood had dried in the street will you suddenly use the word, we? Don’t hit me with slurs BL, dig deep, search your Christian soul and tell me what you think.

December 4, 2017 3:21 pm

Penforce- I came right back after the first post and called you proper. I’m a douche, but I can change ……if I have to. See my comment to you below.

I don’t vote …..period. America should be great for all , what do you have stuck in your craw Pen?

December 4, 2017 2:40 pm

Great advice, Stuck. Really. But it seems scripture has instilled within me a sense of obligation to all of my misguided downvoters:

And the Lord’s bondservant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition.

– 2 Timothy 2:24, 25

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 4, 2017 2:55 pm

Seriously PenForce, I have the scars and bruises to prove that I challenge the subject matter daily and I don’t hand out blow jobs when the religious threads come around. Just this time, wade on into to this return to the positive side……..the water is fine and there comes a time(like now) when we have to admit that the devil is “winning”. Help us turn things around.

Whatta Ya Say?

December 4, 2017 3:10 pm

Stucky the preacher. Hmmmm I find that amusing.

melvin keeney
melvin keeney
December 4, 2017 3:14 pm

Well as a long time lurker this is a first post. You stirred something within me. I was sent as a child to the Baptist Church and mom said it was important but she never went.Her life experience left her in doubt of a benevolent supernatural intervening being. So I went and read as much as possible. Things didn’t really add up for me. Why no book of Jesus? You would think a message of this import would have been written down by the messenger not friends 30 some years after his death. The Ten Commandments were written in stone I read but this not so much. Word of mouth will do? I do believe there are common sense rules to live by: When faced with a decision ask yourself what is the right thing to do? That is hard enough to answer sometimes. Try to be a decent human being.

  melvin keeney
December 5, 2017 9:43 am

Melvin… don’t forget about the second notarized set Moses was provided, since he got mad about the gold cow and broke the first tablets.

December 4, 2017 3:24 pm

Just this time? So don’t ask the uncomfortable stuff when Jesus is in the room? Fuck me. I thought Jesus was here to lead the fight and throw the fucking money changers into the street. If you claim that I’ll invoke God’s name in the trenches, then maybe Jesus should take his turn walking point.

i forget
i forget
December 4, 2017 6:50 pm

The walkin’ dude\s.

Civilization, bringing it down. Good. Bad. Depends™. On what civilization denotes. In most adult diaper minds, tho, it depends on what civilization con•notes. Word magic. Esp the mortar between the lines. Or the dried dung in the seams.

I got caught up on “Black Sails” recently. It’s supposedly a prequel to “Treasure Island.” And it revises the victor written history of piracy. Dunno if the revision is accurate, but it isn’t wholly implausible or unlikely.

There is a cadre of pirates bent upon bringing down civilization. By which they mean colonialism, including the force-proselytizing Christian arm of it, in the new world, with its overt & covert enslavement of people. They make war on the empires. Britain. Spain. France. Portugal. Whichever, whenever, equal opportunity opprobrium. Anti-hero heroes, iow.

Near the end Calico Jack Rackham is taken to task by a feminine mind mover & shaker of Nassau town for his part in the naiveté of such a pursuit. She tells him that bigger, stronger, smarter, better men have tried it for 10,000 years. And never failed to fail. That civilization cannot be taken down from the outside in.

But it can’t be taken down from the inside out, as implied, either.

Because civilization is a groupself-serving borg banal veneer over the jungle. It’s the Ikea furniture of ideas. The clashes of civilizations are this pressboard & paste vs that pressboard & paste.

December 4, 2017 7:56 pm

This is my parable. Does the Devil deserve justice? Forty-five years ago, the Devil, introduced the evil fluid known as Roundup. Devil Corporation Monsanto said it was safe, swore to the almighty that it’s product was pure and righteous. The Godly knew in their heart of hearts that the Devil was a liar and his Devil fluid would foul the souls of both men and babes. Forty-five years of struggle. The righteous slaved to show the world the evil side of Monsanto. The pious and the holy and the righteous lied, spread false rumors and stories to fight the Devil. We will use the Devil’s own tools to defeat him they said. Forty-years they slaved to prove their truth. Their truth was a lie. Say it again. There truth was a lie? The righteous gave away their souls, became the Devil that they railed against. For what you ask? To be right? This same story plays out over and over again. It matters little whether Christian or Jew or atheist, people hook their wagons onto untruths and ride those untruths. What becomes of you when you are full, when all that you believe is untrue? Can you ask for forgiveness then? Can we start over and believe new and improved untruths? In the early eighties, ground water, the large aquifers of water below us were all in danger of contamination by farm chemicals. Atrazine and Lasso (Alachlor) made by Monsanto, were the worst. But there were many others. The threat was real but rapid changes in weed control, including using Roundup stopped the use of these older chemicals and their contamination. Roundup the saint? Saints and Sinners all in one Jug.

December 5, 2017 12:16 pm

Just flat out poor communication. The story was supposed warn of the perils of throwing stones for God. Believing in things that are not true. Becoming the sinner by persecuting the innocent. The perceived sinner actually being a saint. The Devil being innocent this time. Tried and failed. Should have written in three acts and brought milk and cookies, I guess.

December 5, 2017 9:47 am

Roundup rendered the weedkillers it replaced OBSOLETE.