Former Dem. Rep. Corrine Brown Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Stealing From Needy Children

Just picked up this tidbit from Ann Barnhardt’s page.

“Former United States Congresswoman Corrine Brown from the great state of Flarda was sentenced to five years in prison today for setting up a fake childrens’ charity, and then just pocketing all the cash.”

Is there any reason we should believe our CongressCritters have any respect for the law?

“Watch this video and ponder the fact that this sub-literate, barely verbal woman sat in the (former) United States House of Representatives for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS.”

Lata, Go Gata

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Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
December 5, 2017 7:47 pm

Why are we listening to this?

[Reasoning: possibly because this is what is truly important to the electorate.]

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
December 5, 2017 7:52 pm

If they are not stealing money, selling influence, sexually molesting someone then they asking for money to get re-elected. And they keep getting it. Go figure.

December 5, 2017 8:39 pm


December 5, 2017 8:42 pm

Ho Lee Fuck.

1) Now THAT’S a low IQ sub Saharan monkey.
2) Things like congrachulatin gatas is what gets done in the gubamint?

December 5, 2017 8:49 pm

Thats the kind of shit that pisses off EVERYONE in the country except the rubes in their district. They do it because it plays well with the stupid people, of which there are clearly many in that part of Florida(how else would she get elected). They think it brings them some kind of prestige, especially the football fans. Everyone else thinks its a waste of time, except, of course, when THEIR rep is doing it. Pretty pathetic, but such is the state of this country. Keep in mind, this was several years ago. Based on everything I’ve seen in the last few years, its much worse now.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 6, 2017 12:00 am

I couldn’t even watch it after the first 45 seconds.

  Vixen Vic
December 6, 2017 1:06 pm


December 5, 2017 8:51 pm

For all of you that are incredulous over this stupid sheboon sitting in congress that long, just keep in mind, Maxine Waters is AT LEAST that stupid, and is still there. Also, as stupid as she clearly is, she is probably right side of the bell curve for her people. Something to ponder on.

December 5, 2017 9:20 pm

Hence the term, “nigger rich”. Fuck these simians.
But more than that, fuck their white allies and enablers.
These white fucks are your true enemy.

December 5, 2017 9:30 pm

Some things can’t be fixed by voting.

December 5, 2017 9:47 pm

Most things, unfortunately, cannot be fixed by voting.

December 5, 2017 11:14 pm

Nothing can be fixed by voting.

December 5, 2017 9:53 pm

The Clintons’ “charity” makes Brown look like a fucking piker, but we see who is going to jail.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 5, 2017 10:27 pm

You almost have to admire someone for setting up a “charity” and just keeping all the fucking money.

  Iska Waran
December 6, 2017 12:25 pm

“You almost have to admire someone for setting up a “charity” and just keeping all the fucking money.”

Isn’t that what they do anyway? At the very least they keep most of the money, 90%??? How else would they be able to pay those huge salaries?

December 5, 2017 11:00 pm

In the mean time… As John Conyers steps down, his family fights to have his vacant seat, as though it it a position of inheritable title.

I do remember a question posed by a reporter to Conyers:
“Congressman Conyers, what do you think of the upcoming vote about Defence?”
he responds:
“I think it ought to be painted.”

December 6, 2017 12:21 am

Ah, the classic art of rhetoric. How refreshing to here a cogent, finely articulated argument supported by facts. She is truly the William Jennings Bryan of our time. I always thought it tragically comic when emperor Caligula appointed his horse a Roman representative. Our failing empire has eclipsed his arrogant ignorance. We have elected a horse’s ass.

December 6, 2017 10:28 am

537 (throwing in the pres and vice-pres.). And we do it every 4 years.

December 6, 2017 5:32 am

” ….. ponder the fact that this sub-literate, barely verbal woman sat in the (former) United States House of Representatives for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS.”
—- Maggie

I have pondered, a long time before news of this skank ho.

How long has Shitstain McCain been in office? Or, really, most other members of Congress? Once in, it’s practically a lifetime gig, now matter how dumb, evil, or corrupt the person is.

This tells me something about the American voter. Stupid stupid stupid motherfuckers to the max!!! We truly do have the goverment we deserve.

Also, I appreciate the subtitles. Just one question. What language wuz dat?

December 6, 2017 7:38 am

Stuck, dat be Ebonics.
Dey tried to git dat rekunized as a o-fishul language at wuh time.

Agreed, on the stupidity of voters.
They don’t give a damn if the candidate / incumbent is ignorant and unfit to serve…they’re seen as ‘one of us’

Heard it said like this one time: “Whitey been feedin’ at the public service trough for a long time. Now it’s the black peoples turn.”

We ought to limit voter eligibility to having 2 things…
-a valid picture I.D.,
-proof of income taxes paid in the last 4 years. Welfare income taxes deducted excluded.

Sure. That will happen. Riiiiight.


Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 6, 2017 6:02 am

I am to respect these sub species as equal and see no difference . If I deny all the powers of elementary observation then I can otherwise I will be tagged a racist !
As the former head of the Baltimore County school system said in his speach to graduating class : “ When You All Leave Up Outta Here” ??? Thank You Dr Bo Bo dip shit negro . Having experienced working around many blacks in my life far too many experiences have brought me to a conclusion . Most blacks are just imitating real life not capable of total assimilation into a civilized society !

December 6, 2017 6:18 am


A comment reminiscent of H. L. Mencken. Well put

December 6, 2017 7:55 am

Stupid voters no doubt being ushered about by a corrupt system. It is quite surreal to dwell on the idea that the browns, the waters, the feinsteins, the mccains, the grahams, and the mcconnells of the world manage to get reelected seemingly in perpetuity. It makes so little sense that it doesn’t seem actually possible.

December 6, 2017 8:18 am

I believe most of our CongressCritters are this stupid. The others (10% perhaps?) are elitist academician types, theorists who should not be allowed to make decisions about practical matters that affect people’s lives.

December 6, 2017 8:58 am

I like the Barnhardt website, Miss Maggie. …2 things about that source.
She starts off the above article with:
“I’m sick – I thought I was over the hump as the wood glue turned clear over the weekend, but now I can’t stop coughing. This makes sleeping difficult.”
I can relate to that, but never heard of sinus and lung congestion described as ‘wood glue’.
Gross, but kinda funny-accurate.
2. Her website “About” tab was quite interesting, I thought.
-Thanks for sharing.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
December 6, 2017 1:28 pm

“But Trump grabbed females below the belt!”
“But Roy Moore signed a book 40 years ago and that proves he’s a pervert!”
“The Russians did it!!!! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!”

Leftists liberals progressives… all hypocrites, thoroughly selective in their outrage.

As for what she did… deplorable (no sarcasm).

  The Modern Chronicler
December 6, 2017 6:03 pm

Is this woman actually a graduate of the University of Florida?