Doug Casey on What Happens After the Next 9/11

Guest Post by Doug Casey

Is a police state in the US possible? Absolutely.

That’s because people are essentially the same the world over, regardless of their culture, religion, race, or what-have-you. A certain percentage of them are sociopaths.

There is a standard distribution of sociopaths across time and space. It’s a function of Pareto’s Law, better known as the 80-20 rule. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. Another 20% are responsible for 80% of the crime. 20% of the population always winds up with 80% of the wealth. And so forth, through all areas of human endeavor. This observation can be represented by a bell-shaped curve—a “standard distribution”—with a small minority at each extreme, but the large majority in the middle. The people who will take us to a police state are sociopaths—criminal personalities who don’t respect the liberty or property of others. And sociopaths gravitate towards government, and eventually come to control it.

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My view is that 80% of human beings are basically decent, get along, go along types. 20% are what you might call potential trouble sources, that can go either way. But then you take 20% of that 20% and you’re dealing with the sociopaths.

When social conditions reach a certain stage these really bad guys come out from under their rocks and take advantage of the situation. We’re seeing that right now in the US, across the political spectrum. Just as we’ve seen in the past in hundreds of places throughout history.

A major tipping point occurred sixteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, with the attacks in New York and Washington. They were disastrous. But not nearly as disastrous as the government’s reaction to them.

Among them the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Anybody that speaks German knows that a reasonable translation of Homeland Security is Geheime Staatspolizei, which is usually abbreviated to Gestapo. Anybody that goes through airline security these days should ask themselves, “Where the hell did they find these people? Didn’t they have jobs before they went to work for this moronic agency?” The answer is that there are people out there who like wearing costumes, are willing to boss, herd, interrogate, and go through the dirty laundry of their fellow citizens. They take their jobs seriously and you better not even look at them sideways. There’s no reason to believe it’s going to get better as they groove into their jobs, and their employer cements itself into place. More likely the trend will accelerate.

Is America currently a police state? Well, let’s see. You can still get in your car and go anywhere, although you might be stopped by the police and you might be detained if your papers aren’t in order. Or the officer thinks you’re not properly respectful. Or you have “too much” cash.

Was there any particular day that Germany became a police state in the 1930s? I’m not sure you can put your finger on any one particular day, even after Hitler was legally and democratically elected. It was a progression, with new laws, new regulations, new taxes every day. While more fear and hysteria were worked up among the populace. Kristallnacht didn’t occur the day after the National Socialists took power.

It’s a case of the frog being put in a kettle of water where the temperature is gradually raised to a boil. That’s what’s occurring in the US. After 9/11, in addition to Homeland Security, we got the Patriot Act, with, among other things, its suspension of habeas corpus. That means that the government can lock anybody up for any reason and not even have to tell them why. Accuse them of being an “enemy combatant”—a neologism that justifies anything, and is robotically and thoughtlessly accepted by Boobus americanus—and anything is possible. Including a trip to a CIA black site in some Third World hellhole. This is something I thought was settled in Western Civilization with the Magna Carta and King John. But we’re going backwards in most areas of personal freedom. And America, of all places, is leading the way—even while falling behind economically.

I don’t know if I can put my finger on exactly when we’re going to go over the edge, but if I was going to guess I would think the real catalyst is going to be the next 9/11-type event. And I don’t doubt it’s going to happen.

How are we any different than the Germans in the 1930s? This was one of the most civilized, best educated countries in Europe and they fell into the abyss. I suppose we’re a bit different. Americans are addicted to welfare, anti-depressant drugs, food, and electronic devices. That should certainly give us a better outcome…

There’s a joke I like to tell. Let me ask you this: Which is the gravest danger? Is it the ignorance, or is it the apathy of the average American today? Stumped? Here’s the answer: I don’t know and I don’t care.

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December 26, 2017 12:23 pm

‘This was one of the most civilized, best educated countries in Europe and they fell into the abyss.’
No, they were thrown into the abyss. By us. For (((them))).
We now pay the price for our stupidity, our dishonesty and for colluding with evil.

December 26, 2017 12:32 pm

Moron. I am currently in a city where 180,000 Jews lived in 1938. Today, it is 5,000. Wonder what happened to them. Oh, right. Most were killed by the Nazis. Some fled. Pre-WW2 Germany threw itself into the abyss, and took many innocents with it.

December 26, 2017 12:48 pm

The notion of personal responsibility seems to have escaped you…

December 26, 2017 4:53 pm

Pyrrhus – who you talking to?

December 26, 2017 1:55 pm

No, most of the jews ended up in Palestine under the zionist planned “transfer agreements”…The actual total number of deaths in the camps was approximately 731,000–NOT “6 million”, according to official International Red Cross figures, which were finally revealed when the Soviet Union collapsed. It is interesting to note that German zionists wanted to make life uncomfortable for jews so that they would more readily emigrate to Palestine. In fact, the “Star of David” armbands that jews were required to wear came at the behest of their zionist leaders, who pushed for German laws requiring their wearing. Let’s not forget that “world jewry” declared WAR on Germany in 1933–Yes, 1933…
Much of what is commonly accepted about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is based on lies, fabrications, and logistical and physical impossibilities. The claim that thousands of bodies were incinerated daily is an impossibility as crematoria can only process one body every one-and-one-half hours–unless Germany had “nuclear crematoria” (lol).
The same questions arise about claims of “gas chambers”–constructed with doors swinging the wrong way, no gas-tight seals or ventilation equipment, and the use of Zyklon B–which was an effective delousing agent–not suitable for use as an execution agent.
These are major reasons why “holocaust ™” denial laws were put in place. The promoters don’t want to see their “cash cow” evaporate by exposing it to sunlight (TRUTH). In the “kangaroo courts” that prosecute “holocaust ™” denial “offenders”, TRUTH is not permitted to be entered into evidence. Sunlight is a good disinfectant, where TRUTH is concerned…It’s a damn shame that sunlight has not reached the claims of so-called “holocaust ™” promoters.

December 26, 2017 4:51 pm

Anarchyst, that is some dumb ass shit right there. A simple search of Israel population will prove it such. Israel my fat ass..

But here is a clue – Israel population in 1946 was 500,000. 1950 it was 1.2 million. Of course, that was not just jews.

Where the fuck are the other several million Jews that disappeared? Are you retarded or what? Even today total population is only around 6 million, 80 years later.

i forget
i forget
December 26, 2017 5:46 pm

Only 3/4mil, not 6? Oh, that’s ok then.

  i forget
December 27, 2017 4:22 am

youstoopidshitmuthafukcretinisticbastidasresumbit.fukUdeadyashitfuk.IwoodntpissonyagutsiffintheywazdryinintheNamSun.Yafukwad. Uouz gots the20/20loongzscope.Vizitdapisstubemoreoffen,itrelasesdatension.
Are the puce biting you’n arse?

December 27, 2017 9:33 am

I see the hasbara trolls are out in force today…lol

i forget
i forget
December 27, 2017 8:28 pm

Nam addled many. Who followed the addled few. War. Grog’s an example of what it’s good for.

December 28, 2017 11:18 am

By the way, Einstein, the Red Cross figures are summaries of German records of numbers killed, not Red Cross estimates of numbers killed. And German records ommit the vast majority of those killed. Wonder why that is? Oh, right. They did not want people to know.

December 28, 2017 1:48 pm

WRONG! Germans were meticulous in their record-keeping. Most of the names at the Yad Vashem holocaust ™ memorial in Israel are of fictional nonexistent “people”…

i forget
i forget
December 28, 2017 2:23 pm

Fictional existent people – now there’s a source of problems.

December 27, 2017 1:16 am

IN RE: moron – So I’m confused, did I taint the pool already?

i forget
i forget
December 26, 2017 5:44 pm

Pre WW1 all concerned threw themselves into the abyss, & the chips fell the way they fell.

Truth is, all those thug hierarchies have always been abyss dwellers. Revering any of them is the province of abyss kissers. All those hole-linguists are what keep the abyssinians going.

December 26, 2017 12:47 pm

Doug Casey lost me with his claim that people “are essentially the same” everywhere. No, they aren’t, as a look at their abilities, cultures and achievements will quickly demonstrate. This egalitarian BS has to stop..It is destroying America and the West…

i forget
i forget
December 26, 2017 5:47 pm

People have been people – “the same” – everywhere I’ve been. I’ve been all over. Egal-vanizing outcomes is a different subject.

  i forget
December 27, 2017 4:25 am


December 26, 2017 1:20 pm

What I see is that Americans stubbornly cling to a belief system that consists mainly of lies. This is true for both the right and left. These are the people who think its horrible that Hillary Clinton isn’t President, or think President Trump is doing a great job. They voted for John McCain instead of Ron Paul. They wish Netanyahu were the President of the US. They think America is an exceptional nation.

There is no reasoning with these people. They deserve only scorn and ridicule.

December 27, 2017 3:05 am

Hey Zara, fuck you

December 28, 2017 12:10 am

Fuck you too. Fuck you twice even. You are an idiot.

December 26, 2017 1:32 pm

We already live in a police state. American “law enforcement” has received training in Israeli police tactics, which borders on abuse. One example is SWAT teams being used for the execution of routine search warrants, quite often the SWAT teams smashing everything in sight, JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN, while terrorizing the occupants, even when they respond to the “wrong address” (It happens much more often than most people realize). The Israeli “command and control” aspect of American law enforcement, demanding immediate compliance, even when conflicting commands are issued by multiple police officers is also a problem, which has led to unnecessary civilian deaths, with the police getting off without punishment–behavior, that if committed by an ordinary citizen would result in his prosecution and incarceration.
The next step in our “police state” will be the enforced disrespect of those who happen to get ensnared in “police state” tactics.
In Israel and the disputed territories, it is routine for Israeli troops and police officers to defecate and urinate on the floors in the homes of those Palestinians who come under their “police state” scrutiny. In fact, many jewish rabbis and rabbinical scholars actually advocate and support the imposition of rape and even murder of Palestinians as they (along with anyone who is not jewish) are not considered to be “fully human”–only “human form” with the status of “livestock”–“to be used for the advantage of jews”–(their words–not mine)….
I guess, “we are all Palestinians, now”…

December 26, 2017 1:38 pm

Exactly right. The Palestinians are our brothers. We live both under occupation by the same evil.

December 26, 2017 2:49 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 26, 2017 5:00 pm

Those Muslims are not my fucking brothers. Neither are the Jews for that matter, but they are a hell of a lot closer kin than the Muslims.

i forget
i forget
December 26, 2017 5:49 pm

We’re all kinte, kunte. “Disown” is just a word. Not magic.

December 26, 2017 6:03 pm

Islam is not just a “religion”, but is an all-encompassing foreign social and political system that governs all aspect of every moslem’s life. As such, NO Constitutional “First Amendment” protections need be afforded this foreign political system and their adherents. In fact, ALL moslems who hold American citizenship should be required to (re)affirm their loyalty to the United States. The same needs to apply to the dual-citizenship zionists that are infecting MY country…

The only way for Islam to “reform itself” is to separate the spiritual aspect of the “religion” from the social and political part. Christianity did just that, hundreds of years ago… It is long overdue for Islam to reform itself–if it can…

Islam is actually an arabicized version of judaism. Both the talmud and the koran have virtually identical passages in which the “supremacy” of each respective group is proclaimed. Both texts declare that non-believers are “less than human” and are to be used for the advantage of each respective cult. You can bet that, if push came to shove, jews WILL align with the muslims as they are of the same cloth.

Add to that, ALL dual-citizenship should be abolished. There is no room in the United States for those who hold “dual-citizenship”. One cannot have split loyalties…split loyalties have contributed to our present situation.

There are approximately 40 or so congresscritters who hold dual-citizenship with Israel. In fact, many of these congresscritters are given all-expenses paid “vacations” to Israel as a “reward” for doing that country’s bidding. There are THOUSANDS of high-level federal “policy wonks” and government employees who also hold dual-citizenship with Israel. It is reasonable to question who they really work for–the USA or Israel.

It was sickening to see our politicians slobber all over themselves to PROVE that they were unconditional supporters of Israel…just who the hell do they work for? Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States…they should renounce their United States citizenship and be deported to Isra

December 26, 2017 3:55 pm

…Another 20% are responsible for 80% of the crime. 20% of the population always winds up with 80% of the wealth.

I wonder how much overlap there is between these two groups?

December 26, 2017 4:55 pm

That Germans just went apeshit one day and started slaughtering Jews is imbecilic. There had to be a logical reason. Jews relocating into Germany following the diaspora has to mean that’s where they felt the most welcomed. Why now the hatred? I think hitler knew the international Jew banksters bankrolled Germany’s defeat in WW1 and wanted payback. And of course the banksters didn’t give a shit that their fellow Jews were getting killed because the 1st requirement to being a successful bankster is a heart as black as coal tar.

Very interesting comments above to consider. One thing for sure; the official version is a bunch of horseshit.

December 26, 2017 5:02 pm

You mean same way there is a logical reason for terrorist bombings and such? Hate is not logical, and any effort to explain it as such will be wasted.

Btw – out of the 6 million Jews killed, only 130k were from Germany. 3 million were from Poland. I am sure all 3 million were all bankers and such, and not Polish peasants.

December 26, 2017 5:24 pm

Most of Poland belonged to Germany until Versailles Treaty

December 27, 2017 2:53 am

Hmmm. The Poles were fighting for independence for a long time. Much of it “belonged” to a lot of folks before 1918.

But here is a clue what was their language? That would be Polish. Not German. They were no more German than I am. Nice bit of spin, though.

December 28, 2017 12:08 am


December 26, 2017 5:27 pm

There certainly is a logical reason for “terrorism”. You fuck over Arabs in the middle east and they’ll look for a way to retaliate. The CIA calls it ‘blow back’. Did you happen to miss the entire Ron Paul Revolution? Read Pat Buchanan’s great work “The Unnecessary War” and learn how Germans were fucked over by the allies after WW1.

December 27, 2017 3:07 am

Yeah I did miss the whole Ron Paul Revolution. I blinked.

December 28, 2017 4:27 am

C’mon Jim, stay out of this. I’m down in the mud with the pigs.

December 27, 2017 9:01 am

Star, you’re common.

December 28, 2017 1:24 am

Star is a douchebag who belongs on the hannity forums, here he is a shitstain.

i forget
i forget
December 26, 2017 5:58 pm

Jew bankers got zero to do with jewish neighbors whose stuff, including their lives, was stolen.

Same vein, Tojo had zero to do with jap neighbors who stuff, including chunks of their lives, was stolen.

Same vein saw a couple of monks interviewed, one Benedictine, the other Dominican, who have been going around ME hotspots the past 10 years trying to save old books & manuscripts, that “isis” is doing best to destroy, explain that pluralism was norm in those parts – worship whatever floats your boat – until the crusaders rolled in. Then the blowback agin Christians began.

Sounds familiar. Scapegoat whoever’s handy, & handily outnumbered. Kill ‘em. Take their stuff. Punk ass cowards. Greedy, too.

“Logical reasons” are fiat dimes a dozen, & liars are liars, no matter how “logical” they may sound.

December 27, 2017 4:32 am

Not a Trekie
but funny how a Trache
prevents speech
Edit: I forget, (snicker) Aqualung.

i forget
i forget
December 28, 2017 2:30 pm

Doesn’t prevent typing tho, does it groggy?

December 28, 2017 10:46 am

The Georgia Guide Stone image didn’t load, so I’ll try again, and if it doesn’t load, here’s the link:
comment image
[imgcomment image[/img]