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22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
January 3, 2018 9:07 am

Just one major fly in the ointment:

Obama: no arms sales to the newly installed stooged in Kiev

Trump: approves arms sales to the newly installed stooges in Kiev three weeks ago (McCain foreign policy wins again)

January 3, 2018 9:31 am

The poor, poor Petulant One…the Shadow Traitor…lurking around DC and taking international oblique shots at Trump with his usual smug haughty persona…his head must be getting ready to explode after a year into the term of a man he publicly mocked, insulted, and derided…a man who has reversed much of his 2007 cocksure ad-lib about his impending:

“Radical transformation of America.”

The few times the Petulant One ever told the truth was when he wasn’t reading from a teleprompter or was on a hot mike.

I LOVE THIS CARTOON: Obama’s sickening P.C. sympathetic/romantic view of radical Islam along with his globalist, communist, socialist, progressive, useful idiot liberal legacy has and is being reversed ordered, repealed, outlawed or legislated away. This process is the real “Hope and Change” because of a supposed “Constitutional Professor”…what a crock of PC-BS he was and is. I’m surprised he didn’t come out and brag:

“If you want your Constitution…you can keep your Constitution”.

Saul Alinsky must be withering in his front row seat before the sulfur fires of the Hell that he pined for. After all he dedicated his legacy book, Rules for Radicals, to his mentor, Beelzebub. The Leftist playbook Obama and Hillary both so admired, embraced and politically worshiped:

A 2013 blast from the past – but even more insightful to read in 2018:

Remember this?

The Obama public insults that the media ate with a spoon…that I believe set the course for Trump’s run for the Presidency? It reminds me of the old truism: He who laughs last…laughs best.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold…maybe it is ever more delicious and in this case fitting…to serve it on a bed of scrumptious Obama Reversed Executive Orders, with side dishes of sliced and diced Big Government red tapes, while being serenaded by blue collar workers chanting “Drill baby Drill” and the last course for Barry…a big lump of West Virginia coal for desert!

I guess by now the Petulant One has figured out he isn’t the only one with a pen and a phone?

My disdain for Obama, Billary and all the radical Marxist collectivist Social Justice Warriors – Sheep in Wolves Clothing – is as intense and passionate and vibrant as my resolve in the Founding Father’s vision of our God Given inalienable rights that they want to (and have) degraded…for their religion…for their god…for their “Humanistic Utopian Tyrannical – Greater Good – Animal Farm”.

Since 2008 the relentless Democratic radical attempt to bring U.S. down and their Identity – divide and conquer – politics, led by the Community Organizer with the boyish smile, was parlayed into two terms of the greatest Trojan Horse trick since Troy! However, Obama has cost them over a 1,000 government seats nationwide and the total rejection and defeat of the Obama/Hillary two headed snake is still gathering momentum!

God Bless the TEA Party for…Standing in the Gap! God Bless Trump for hope! (But I’m still keeping my powder dry.)

When the truth of all the weaponized Federal government interconnected Barry/Billary/Soros etc. spider web of lies, persecutions, scandals, collusions, plots, pay for plays, yellow cake treason, conspiracies, Benghazi abandonment, crimes and Deep Sewer filthy corruptions and crimes against humanity (in both parties) exposes the snakes and all their minions…and what they have really done in their greed and lust and perversions and control and power…2018 “may” be a year of truth and justice that we haven’t seen in many generations.

Sniff the air…you can smell their desperation and panic.

January 3, 2018 9:34 am

“President Donald Trump fired off a warning tweet to North Korea Tuesday night, taunting leader Kim Jong Un who said in his New Year speech that Americans should be aware he has a ‘button’ for nuclear weapons.

Trump warned the hermit country: ‘North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un just stated that the ”Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!'”

Tweeting/joking about NUCLEAR WAR.

More 4D chess? Swamp draining? Brilliant strategy mere mortals like me don’t understand? Trump has a plan, believe me?

Or, maybe Trump is a full blown fucken retard? At least when it comes to world affairs.

January 3, 2018 10:30 am

“Brilliant strategy mere mortals like me don’t understand?”

I doubt you understand much.

Not that you don’t want to, just that you don’t.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 3, 2018 10:46 am

Stucken, that would make a good QOTD. I’d like to know what folks think about how we got from duck and cover to meh, who cares?

The Golden Golem of Aryaness may well be the anti-Christ.

  EL Coyote
January 3, 2018 5:51 pm

Show me a country run by a Golden Golem of Wetbackness worth a damn.

  EL Coyote
January 3, 2018 7:40 pm

Nah. You do it.

If I were were here just for Presidential politic discussion, well … I wouldn’t be here at all. That’s the damned truth.

Too many goddamned Trump dick suckers.

Oh, just wait, he’s got a plan .. give him time … to drain the swamp! He got us out of TPP and climate change! He’s really gonna build a wall, trust me. He’s better than Hillary! He’s pissing off MSM!

Meanwhile that Orange Assklown jokes about nuke war with a deranged nut case, and people give you three thumbs down. Trumpeteers, a pathetic species.

January 3, 2018 11:22 am

obammmma’s legacy is much akin to the brown residual streak in a baby’s diaper…..