Don’t Trust Twitter Part II

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January 11, 2018 10:52 am

I wish Trump would tell people to stop using twitter and suggest an alternative like Gab. He could even start his own twitter clone. It’s not like it costs that much money to set up.

January 11, 2018 3:58 pm

Trump should leave Twitter, and move to GAB – citing Twitter’s evil political censorship. That would be pretty funny.

Sam I Am
Sam I Am
January 11, 2018 11:01 am

Is it my imagination, but do the majority of Twitter staff have a foreign accent?

  Sam I Am
January 11, 2018 12:04 pm

Amazing what you can get people to do and say when you wave their H1B visa over their heads.

January 11, 2018 11:36 am

Twitter appears to be run by Muslums

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 11, 2018 12:28 pm

Fuck Twatter – another totally worthless “social media” time waster.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 11, 2018 12:50 pm

No, twitter is staffed by autistic troll cucks.

Pablo C.
Pablo C.
  Hollywood Rob
January 11, 2018 4:33 pm

Now it becomes clear,
all of the lefties I know are addicted to these social media outlets, esp. twitter
and all of the information they get is “screened” so that they all have a safe place to talk to each other.

This kinda confirms that Twitter is a huge echo chamber for the left.

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 11, 2018 12:58 pm

On of my main commentators for Q updates has been Ray Potter, of the Potter Expositor on you tube. A video he put out today has him questioning the Q information posted after November 2017, as Twitter, including the presidents tweets, can be compromised as evidenced in this articles video and may be using the Q format to spread disinformation
His initial concern came from one of Q’s latest tweets referencing Defcon 1. To him and anyone with previous military experience, defcon 1 is some serious shit, designating that a nuclear attack is imminent. This seemed to be a misuse of the term that caused Lt. Col. Potter some real concerns and that have caused him some critical comments from the Anon community; and now a rift.
My own take from a different angle is Gitmo is a prison and not a retirement community and as such, whoever is being held there should be coming up very soon for public trial and if not, maybe there are only ghosts inhabiting the prison cells (ie. George Soros).
If the secret never goes public, maybe there is not as much going on as we were led to believe. His closing point is put up or shut up; either there is a counter coup or not, that which was secret cannot be secret forever.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 1:40 pm

Not Sure, here is that Potter video from this morning. It’s quite a rant. Apparently, Catherine Austin Fitts is calling Q “Hope Porn”.

Potter seems to be asking if this is worse than a LARP because no one is denying the evidence shows that some kind of Intelligence Operative or Insider or Both has been involved from the first Q post in October. If Twitter can change Trumps tweets, how can we even know if all of Trumps tweets are coming from him?

The question might be that the elites saw how social media and alternative media affected the outcome of the election and they lost control of the “message”. So now they are trying to control the alternative media through this Q thing.

I have to keep asking myself, “Does this Q all sound too good to be true?”

It still bears watching because if it’s not what we think it is..well, I don’t know. Draw your own conclusions.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 2:08 pm

First, thank you for posting his video, it’s much better hearing it from the source.
Conclusions? Well, hoping it’s all true is pretty pathetic, as there are no other options we can count on that have the same glorious outcome.
Touching on the things that are known, Trump seems to be heading along the course of justice through legal (non martial law) paths, with martial law possibly a last recourse if all else fails.
This is possible only if there has been some truth to the Q posts. If it has all been BS, we’ve been played and we are all heading to a globalist controlled end time scenario. I’m normally optimistic, but this is the best I can do. Prep. Pray and treasure what you have.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 11, 2018 11:47 pm

Drum head courts martials.

Blindfolds and last cigarettes.


January 12, 2018 5:04 pm

You can always trust a snake to be a snake.