The Drug Whisperers

Guest Post by Eric Peters

You may have heard about people getting speeding tickets not based on the reading of a radar gun or other instrument subject to empirical verification but solely on the basis of an armed government worker’s “training,” his estimation – that is is, his opinion – about how fast the alleged offender was traveling. In some jurisdictions, this is considered acceptable evidence in court – sufficient to convict.

Now comes the Drug Whisperer. A whole army of them.

These are armed government workers such as Cobb County, Georgia’s TT Carroll – who have received similar “training” and been anointed Certified Drug Recognition Experts, ready to go to war on drugs – even if there aren’t any around.

Carroll and other “trained experts” have arrested numerous motorists on the basis of the mere assertion that they are On Dope.

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Nothing more.

Certainly not on the basis of empirical evidence that they actually are On Dope, such as a blood or urine test. That’s too much of an inconvenience – and probably too factual, as well.

The “trained expert” at work…

Instead, the DRE’s “trained” opinion that the person he has waylaid – often on the pretext of a minor traffic offense, such as driving slightly on the shoulder or touching a yellow line, probably with the DRE cop car riding their bumper – is a Doper. The victims are arrested, caged and charged – and must then prove themselves innocent of the charges.

Many of them subsequently have. At least five of Carroll’s victims were found – empirically – to have nothing in their systems whatsoever. But that took months (the state’s crime lab isn’t speedy) and the charges don’t get dropped before the court date unless the DA feels so inclined.

The presumption of guilt applies.

Carroll – and 250 other “trained” government workers in Georgia alone – use scientific techniques such as “observing the subject’s attitude” – the attitude indicating Dope Fiend or not isn’t described – followed by a roadside gymnastics performance similar to the one used to suss out “drunk” drivers. Common clumsiness – aggravated by nervousness – becomes a “tell” that the “subject” is a Doper. As does refusal to perform the test.

He must be High.

The Drug Whisperer then proceeds to an evaluation of muscle tone. If your arms feel “rigid,” you’re on dope. If they are “flaccid,” you’re also on dope!

Whatever your arms feel like, you’re on dope.

Next comes a pulse check. If yours is “high” or “low” – well, you know what that means. It doesn’t seem to matter that normal pulse rates vary tremendously from individual to individual; some people have resting pulse rates around 40 beats a minute – much lower than the average 60-70. And when you are frightened – as you just might be when standing by the side of the road being interrogated by an armed government worker looking for an excuse to cuff and stuff you – your pulse rate might just go up.

Ah-ha!. You are obviously On Dope.

The probably GED-educated (but “trained”) Drug Recognition Expert can tell, every time.

Then comes the most scientific criteria of the DRE’s 12 Step Evaluation Process: It is the moment when the the armed government worker ” . . .forms an opinion as to whether or not (sic) the subject is impaired.”

Off to the clink you go. Your car goes to the impound lot. Your kids to Protective Services. Better Call Saul.

They could have used DREs during the Salem Witch Trails. It amounts to same thing, just more bureaucratized. Point a finger – witch! The DRE’s version is “I am seeing involuntary indicators of impairment caused by the marijuana you’ve been smoking” – these are Cobb’s words to one of his victims, a waitress who was later found to have smoked no marijuana at all, insofar as could be detected in her blood.

There is another parallel to Salem.

Like the witch hunters, the DRE has every incentive to form a very specific opinion. Everyone’s a witch! And everyone’s on Dope!

Note the Four Stars… a full Obergruppenfuhrer!

It justifies the exertions.

Cobb, for example, was awarded a silver medal by Mothers Against Drunk Driving for his aggressive opinionating, which put 90 people in the clink in 2016 alone, including the five known to be entirely innocent. He is lauded by his chief – a four-star Obergruppenfuhrer – as an exemplary opinionator – in the same manner as armed government workers who excel at catching “speeders.”

No doubt there are quotas – official or off the books being immaterial.

This is what’s waiting for you out there on the road – along with summary seizure of any “excess” cash you are found to have on your person, based on the of-a-piece presumption of guilty of something.

The DUI/drug charges against you may eventually be dismissed. After you hire a lawyer and pay for empirical blood/urine tests to prove that the DRE’s opinion was in error. There are no negative repercussions for the DRE who falsely arrested people, deprived them of their liberty – as well as lots of money.

It is necessary to break eggs if you want to make omelettes, you see.

The idea used to be that it was infinitely preferable to not break eggs – to avoid persecuting the innocent even if it made things easier on the guilty. That’s as much out the window, of course, as the idea that we have a right to be free from unreasonable searches, to freely associate and to not be compelled to provide evidence that can and will be used against us in a legal proceeding.

And the taint is not confined to Georgia, home of Cobb and his four-star Obergruppenfuhrer commander.

The Drug Evaluation and Classification Program “certifies” thousands of armed government workers in all 50 states. This “certification,” incidentally, is conferred by other armed government workers – the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Not disinterested third-party professionals who might actually have some expertise in the area, such as doctors.

Be careful out there. The Homeland isn’t what it used to be.

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kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 11, 2018 10:14 am

I seem to have forgotten the ‘word’ that describes this activity by our protectors. Just a lapse; I’m sure it will surface in time.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 11, 2018 10:17 am

Another example of the error of the 19th amendment.

January 11, 2018 10:25 am

“The idea used to be that it was infinitely preferable to not break eggs – to avoid persecuting the innocent even if it made things easier on the guilty.” I was going to stay out of this one, until Eric brought up this stinker. Whose idea was that, Eric? Some old tired liberal bromide, and we’re supposed to care about that? Try to make your case using facts, not the liberal non-starter, ” we all agree.” Because we don’t all agree. And we never did. That’s why we have elections.

January 11, 2018 10:31 am

Cop is the county, Caroll is the deputy. Carroll arrested 90 people for driving under the influence of drugs in 2016. Eric says five were found innocent. So Carol took 85 people observably under the influence of Narcotics based on observations of their driving, off the street. Doesn’t sound too terrible. Cobb County Emergency responders have to deal with three heroin overdoses per day. There’s a lot of junk out there. Does Eric think these people are safe on the road and the police should do nothing? Please.

January 11, 2018 10:46 am

Whoever downvoted me. So, if a police officer sees somebody obviously driving impaired under the influence of opioids, you agree with Eric he should have no way to take them off the road? I disagree. Rather than downvote, why not explain how you see that as a good idea. There is no breathalyzer for opioids. Drawing blood is intrusive. I’m sure you would be beside yourself if they did that on the side of the road. How do we handle this?

January 11, 2018 12:00 pm

A blood, urine or hair test. A DUI is a life changing event. They can and will draw your blood in most states. The supreme court has upheld it. you can be physically compelled to do it. my wife is a nurse and used to do it all the time.
But that may inconvenience the officers. I guess constitution should be scrapped if requires any sort of real proof of wrongdoing before they punish all of us Offenders, and of course we are ALL offenders.

January 11, 2018 5:05 pm

Starfckr, Though opioid drugs tend to be among the most common that affect pupil constriction, other medications may also have an effect on the pupils’ ability to dilate. Non-opioid drugs that can cause constricted pupils include:
Hypertension medications such as clonidine or tetrahydrozoline
MAO inhibitors and other antidepressants, and
Certain chemotherapy medications
Pathologies of the eye, nervous system, genetics, etc….

January 12, 2018 5:09 am

Wait till it’s you that gets pulled over for nothing and jailed, then talk your shit.

January 11, 2018 10:52 am

They use the term POLICEstate for a reason. Well now we know starfcker is a statist thug. Thank’s for outing yourself. Guilty until proven innocent.

January 11, 2018 11:11 am

So I’m a statist thug. But you’re still a moron who can’t answer my simple question. How do you deal with people high on opioids driving? Stop examining your prostate, and try to answer the question

January 11, 2018 11:31 am

I personally know that cops will lie, cheat and steal for one another even when the one they are lying, cheating and stealing for is DIRTY and obviously has an EGO problem. The “copfuk” union is a strong one and, except for the occasional line of fire accident, the police bond is always stronger than the client-protector policy. After all, the cop is wearing a badge and that makes him/her a brother or sister, part of the same family and in it together.

Same as doctors or lawyers or politicians.

I imagine society has functioned with people high on one thing or another for at least several thousand years. I don’t doubt more than one of our esteemed Founders put some extra powder in his snuff jar if you know what I mean Laud, Laud, Laud.

January 11, 2018 12:40 pm

Only once a year…
per anum,anum,anum.

January 11, 2018 12:02 pm

see above statist moron.

January 11, 2018 2:52 pm

How about they “escort” the person suspected of being high to a designated medical facility to conduct a 3-5 hour lab test and WAIT for the chemical results before making the arrest? If negative, they take them back to their car and send them home, with an apology for taking their time. That way, the “opinion” is supported by actual physical evidence before subjecting them to an arrest record.

However, I understand that this would need to be passed into law first and politicians are still loathe to be perceived as “soft on drugs”.

There is always a reasonable way to protect the innocent, if you are inclined to be concerned about that…

January 11, 2018 3:58 pm

“How do you deal with people high on opioids driving?”
“Wait for them to actually do something to deserve being stopped; and not create a problem for all by lying. Pre-crime is not chargeable.”

Alan nailed it !

January 11, 2018 5:01 pm


Blood or urine test after they’ve detained. Just like for the last 60 years. Not some dickhead’s “opinion.”

January 11, 2018 5:14 pm

Starfckr, Grandpa is 81 years young and taking 17 prescription meds, none of which are opiates/opioids. SSRIs, anti-anxiety, vasodilators, hypnotics, etc…He gets a pass?
If an altered state is your threshold 70% (?) of drivers would fall within your dragnet. Book em’ all Dan-o

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2018 11:11 am

Starfcker makes a somewhat valid point. However, in terms of IQ, most cops make Forrest Gump look like Steven Hawking. Therefore, I personally do not trust a dumbshit in a uniform to be making medical judgements about people.

But that’s just me.

January 11, 2018 12:04 pm

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” — Ben Franklin

I question the “85 guilty” claim. That could EASILY mean that the 85 did not have the financial resources and/or legal acumen to immediately get independently tested to disprove the cop’s opinion.

January 11, 2018 12:16 pm

Or they more likely were whacked out on opioids and could have killed your wife or kids. Some of the bullshit people around here defend. Liberalism is a mental disorder

January 11, 2018 4:00 pm

Yeah, and there could be a member of Al-CIAduh in your ass crack so drop your pants citizen.

January 12, 2018 5:44 pm

Bootlicking is a mental disorder

Dysmas The Thief
Dysmas The Thief
January 11, 2018 10:40 am

When all’s said and done it comes back to asset forfeiture, i.e. theft. When encountered as LE is holding all the cards, suggest one play the game as best they can. There’s always another day to settle accounts.

January 11, 2018 11:16 am

Even if it looks like Yankees are playing Bumper Cars out there, citizens are innocent until PROVEN guilty by breath, spit or blood (some people are handicapped and some plain stupid). I’m not a Lawfuck, but given cause, the Cop should have to apply an unbiased test to you and release or arrest you OR have you taken to a certified lab and tested (4,5,6,7,8 Amends). If there aren’t enough personnel, then a Judge must order more personnel because he cannot shred the Constitution. Some Bureaucrat making the Copfuck also a Doctor, a Prosecutor, a Judge and a Jailer ain’t Legal and that ain’t going to end well.

  RHS Jr
January 11, 2018 11:36 am

It has not ended well. I know a few folks whose lives have been destroyed by personal opinions of police officers deciding some offhand drunken comments were threats to harm someone. In almost all of the cases, the charges were all dropped at great expense to the real victim, the person who was arrested on the basis of a police officer’s personal opinion, which he is now too stubborn and dug in to change.

We all know innocent people who are in jail.

January 11, 2018 12:17 pm

That’s not true either. I don’t know a single innocent person in jail

January 11, 2018 3:15 pm

Then, you are just stupid. My son bought a tractor off a bullitenboard ad at a local feed mill. 6 months later several state agents roared into his driveway, confiscated the tractor, arrested and charged him with theft. 5 Kin legal expenses and all charges dropped. My older brother is a pharmacist. At age .60, arrested and hauled off to jail from work. Charged with illegal oxycodone perscriptions. Had to post 50K bail. Paid a lawyer 10K up front. All charges dropped. My son was an eagle scout. My brother a pillar in his smalltown community. They both were waffled by ignorant,aggressive cops. I hate them. I DO NOT trust them. Neither should you. Wake the fuck up.

January 11, 2018 5:25 pm

It is NOT a good time to be a citizen in some parts of this country, that’s for sure. Especially if you have any taxes to pay.

January 11, 2018 9:54 pm

That’s awfully wordy. Let’s abbreviate. They din du nuffin.

January 11, 2018 3:22 pm

Texas drivers are dangerous cold sober. You speak in absolutes when there are none. Some people can drive like champs when stoned or drunk. Others are dangerous at any time because they are either reckless dumbfucks who dont give a shit, old fucks who can barely walk or women.

When I was young and got wigged out on some drug, I’d get in my mustang and head for the country. I’d drive until I came down enough to figure out where I was. I never so much as ran over a possum doing it. What it stupid? Yeah. But I got away with it because I was determined to maintain. That’s all it takes…a determination to survive.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 4:08 pm

“or women” I resemble that remark, Zara!

Try driving under the influence of two little kids fighting in the back seat!

  Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 6:56 pm

LOL! I tossed out that morsel just for the lulz.

January 11, 2018 11:27 am

Even though I believe Starfarter is right .The officer did take 80 out of 85 off the road who were guilty of having drugs in their body I still don’t like cops having all the power and making you wait 3 months to get the results of drug test back. It really is about going through the numbers and using the law to take money from us.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 11, 2018 1:27 pm

BB….pls read AlsoTrapped comment above. I’m sure star read it and he still doesn’t get it.

The main intent of the cop was not to get people off the road that were ‘high’.

January 11, 2018 11:34 am

Thanks BB. I’m not saying I agree with everything Cobb County might be doing. And certainly there’s always the possibility of abuse. This is why I don’t favor legalizing drugs. How do you police them on the highway? How do you police them in the workplace? I employ people. Those people have to work on and around machinery that could kill them, or somebody else. How do I regulate drug use if it’s legal, and there are no simple tests as there are with alcohol. If somebody can give me a good answer, I might change that opinion

January 11, 2018 12:12 pm

Given Stucky’s hospital story in such close proximity to this one, I conclude that Starfckr is having us on. In case not, here’s a Niemöller quote to bear in mind:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

January 11, 2018 12:19 pm

Is that really all you’ve got? I’m starting to really question the intelligence of people around here. Ask a question, and instead of an intelligent answer I get old quotes and I’ve heard a million times. I got it. You’re a cut and paste genius. Give it a break, please. Try thinking for a change. Do you really think it’s a good idea to have people high on opioids driving on the highway?

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
January 11, 2018 12:42 pm

It seems to me that you actually believe that cops are out there to protect and serve us. How foolish a notion. They are overwhelmingly nothing but failures in our society that got real tired of peddling used cars, so they shoot steroids and hit the gym to qualify to be a copfuck.

Quit watching cops shows and start paying attention to reality. They are there to serve their politician masters in exchange for a great pension after a short career. This pig is arresting people he knows did nothing wrong just to help finance the promise.

As to your question…There were many studies done years ago to find a solution to drunk driving accidents and the end result was, if caught driving over .10 it was DWI. The revenue stream was great but dried up so they reduced it to .08. Once again the same thing happened so it was reduced to .04. Once again the same result and now it is up to the badge wearing clown to make the medical assessment. So it was never a solution they were looking for but was revenue.

And as to you beliefs on drug legalization… how are we to have the authorities fight a war on drugs when their masters are the ones trafficking them? We can clearly see the towns and cities in Afghanistan reduced to rubble yet the Poppy fields are pristine. How can that be?

Your trust and faith in law enforcement are misguided.

  Greg in NC
January 11, 2018 1:31 pm

Better get your facts straight. No state has a .04 level for civilians. .04 is the national standard for commercial truckers. As it should be. “And as to you beliefs on drug legalization.” Well I believe in the Queen’s English too, a lot of good that does me around here. We’re not talking about Afghanistan. We’re talking about Cobb County Georgia and the problems they have with opioid use in their population, and what to do about it. Stay on point you’ll be a better debater

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
January 11, 2018 1:41 pm

Sorry but, after the first DUI at .o8 anything after is .04, at least it is in NC.

And where do you suspect the prime ingredients of opioid’s are from? Surely not Cobb county?

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 11, 2018 12:47 pm

Sf – One (of several) serious problems with your argument is that you assume that there is an objective standard for the phenomenon “high on opioids” when in reality there isn’t. As a result you are willing to countenance the most egregious behavior by government agents in the name of “public safety”, and it is the unceasing bleat for the same that has been and is ushering in what appears increasingly likely to become the most comprehensively totalitarian regime in history.

  A. R. Wasem
January 11, 2018 1:33 pm

The fact there is not an objective standard is what they’re trying to figure out. No shit. Answer my question, how do you want them to police it? It’s obviously hazardous. Why are you taking the side of the drug addicts?

January 11, 2018 1:07 pm

What I find so insufferable about the Left (you think I’M the liberal!???) is how they paint every member of an identifiable group with the same hyperbolic brush. Voted for Trump? You white supremacist/Nazi/racist/homophobe!
You’re driving on the road and you accidentally cross the yellow line? Opioids! Measured reason has gone out the window.

But your replies make me more convinced than ever that you are larping. Your position is logically indefensible. Arrest everybody on the roads?

January 11, 2018 1:37 pm

Ever look at a person’s eyes that’s high on opioids? Their pupils are pin holes. Every cop knows that. Especially at night, your pupils should be wide open. Don’t let your ignorance get in the way of a dumb argument

January 11, 2018 3:15 pm

Larper, larper, larper!! Playing the game called “Get the Highest Number Of Down Votes.”. I say we all start up voting SF.

January 11, 2018 3:18 pm

Yes, I would much rather take my chances with drivers on heroin than the police hell you promote. Most heroin users function quite well while high. You probably don’t know that.

January 12, 2018 6:07 am

Says the guy whose brother gets arrested for giving out way too many oxycontin’s

January 11, 2018 10:49 pm

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Jews and I celebrated, because Jews are nothing but trouble and it’s best to be rid of them…although I still don’t know what a Jew is, other than (often) an asshole. Maybe the whole Jewish thing is just a bunch of assholes who look out for each other and fuck everybody else, thus drawing mostly sociopaths as converts who would rather seek the easy path to riches than achieve anything on their own. Yet there is Einstein…

January 11, 2018 5:07 pm


So what is done now w/ alcohol? You talk as if sussing drunk dope heads out is like rocket science. This is nothing new, except the extortion racket is getting another leg up.

January 11, 2018 7:01 pm

That’s not hard. Just because something is legal doesnt mean its a good idea or that you have to allow it.
Do what most companies do these days, require new employees to get drug tested and do random or selected testing during the employment period.

I’m all about sovereignty, whether individual or as an employer. Your body, your choice. Choose wisely.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 12, 2018 12:23 am

The Cops, school officials, military officers and large employers have the power to test individuals showing physiological signs of intoxication; I think you need to consult with the county drug officials learn the signs and to see what you can do to screen employees.

January 11, 2018 1:39 pm

star: you are the only one here that has made stupid comments! Go somewhere else!

January 11, 2018 1:55 pm

We can’t organize society around the needs and wants of heroin addicts. We won’t have a society left. Sorry Ragman

January 11, 2018 3:04 pm

I’m starting to suspect that SF’s mommy OD’d on H, or she got run over by a junkie, so he thinks everyone who uses an opioid for pain management is an addict that must be kept off the roads at all times.

January 11, 2018 3:46 pm

Nope. Nobody in my immediate world impacted by heroin or oxyconin’s at all. But I’ve seen plenty of junkies die. And I guarantee it, that’s not accidental. It’s just what they do. Every single time. “Most heroin users function quite well while high.” That’s the dumbest shit I ever heard. Half the time they nod out.

January 11, 2018 3:56 pm

Everybody! Stop feeding this larper! If you doubt he’s tweaking all of us, check out his comments on Stucky’s hospital story.

January 11, 2018 4:14 pm

Maybe you been watching too much T.V.?

January 11, 2018 4:06 pm

You are a control freak asshole. Obviously you don’t believe in human liberty, and believe humans only have rights that the government allows them to have. Fuck you! you braindead statist thug.

January 11, 2018 4:35 pm

No, maybe I just observed too many junkies. And I’m not impressed.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 12, 2018 1:06 am

Users minds become servants of the drugs, which serve Satan, which he is using to destroy and kill millions. Users become losers; lovers of the drugs which they defend beyond logic. When Hussein was POTUS, the Wicked were on top and harassed the Righteous (day & night); but the Wicked lost and are in a panic mode because the Victory of the Righteous reversed the roles and now Judgement is coming for the Wicked. Trump is a man of his word: Harpy, a sealed indictment has your name on it. Two thousand years ago in Capernaum, a man with an unclean spirit cried out to Jesus: “Let us alone…art thou come to destroy us?” Jesus commanded it to leave the man (Mk 1:23-26). If a drug slave is intelligent enough to want to quit, medical staff can provide medicine to block the excess neuron receptors the illegal drug caused; that reduces the victims craving and assist them becoming normal again; it costs $900 per month but taxpayers fund the bills. Free at last, thank God Almighty.

January 11, 2018 3:06 pm

law enforcement is corrupt and worse than the criminals
there are good individuals, but the system is broken and insulated against auditing and true justice

ALL members of “law enforcement” must be held to a higher standard and have the cloak of immunity removed

January 11, 2018 5:50 pm

“law enforcement is corrupt and worse than the criminals.” Now we have comedians chiming in. Wake up you liberal rat

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 11, 2018 4:25 pm

These examples are why you never ever talk to police NEVER ! You ask one question over and over and over but you never ever engauge them in any conversation !
Officer am I being detained or am I free to go ? Any spoken word by that officer other than you are free to go means you are under arrest ! Now you need an attorny no ifs ands or buts !
Remember regardless of what you were taught in school that policeman is not your friend even when you have called the police for assistance . Choose your words carefully and do not volunteer any information other than the facts to the best of your knowledge at that moment !

  Boat Guy
January 11, 2018 4:46 pm

You are absolutely right. The cops have an agenda and a narrative all cooked up. Anybody who thinks they are reasonable or willing to listen is naive. My 2 brothers and a son have all had horrible trouble with cops. We are a respectable family, educated, religious, community oriented. When these gun carrying ignorant savages grab you, the law becomes a thin illusion. The hell, time, and money it takes to deal with it is eclipsed by the bitter realization that these stupid fucknuts are your personal enemy. If you have any sense, listen to boatguy. Never engage a government agent without a lawyer.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 4:31 pm

I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. My eyes are light sensitive so my pupils constrict. Also, diabetes can cause light sensitivity. Thyroid problems and diabetes are epidemic.

Here is pretty long list of things that cause photophobia that are not a reason to keep anyone from driving.

I would rather take my chances on the road then take the chance I would be hauled off to jail just because my eyes “look funny”.

Maybe some of you saw this from back in 2012.

From the November 14, 2012 Columbia Missouri Citizens Police Review Board Meeting. Chief Ken Burton of the Columbia Police Department speaks on how his department uses funds seized through asset forfeitures. Calls it “Pennies from Heaven”

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
  Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 5:11 pm

Hahaha, “pennies from heaven”. More like rewards from Satan!

“Thou shalt not steal” is a commandment from the lord.

verb (used with object), stole, stolen, stealing.
to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force:

To try to enforce a “law” that overrides a commandment can only be pursued by a member of a satanic cult or by a fool.

oops, edit-

  Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 7:05 pm

Wonderful. A fat copfuk admits that they have an incentive to steal other people’s money.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 4:40 pm

This article reminded me of a ZH article that I had read about a California man arrested for driving under the influence of caffeine:

January 11, 2018 4:55 pm

I spent 2 years in a post graduate facial pain program (neurology related to the 5th cranial nerve) and it steams my ass to think that a weekend/week long program can make someone competent in diagnosing drug use in a roadside condition. It is just NOT possible under anything less than lab values derived from a blood serum test, urinalysis, or other factual confirmation. The complexity is such that even the most seasoned and knowledgable doctor specializing in drug detection would not under any circumstances suggest he/she could do such an evaluation in a clinic setting, let alone a roadside. Copfuks for sure.

January 11, 2018 5:48 pm

So what do you do, Steve? Change our society for the benefit of junkies? We need cops. We don’t need junkies

January 11, 2018 7:10 pm

You’ve gotten your answer several times sf, why do you keep ignoring it?
Arresting people on the basis of what they might do justifies the arrest and detention of anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Helping you achieve the highest number of downvotes ever in one post in the history of TBP.

January 11, 2018 8:02 pm

Oh, Karalan! That’s EXACTLY what SF’s trying to do! Literally! He’s sick in bed with the flu, under house arrest, or otherwise bored out of his mind, and thought that a day messing with everyone’s head sounded like fun: what can I do to deliberately get 100 down votes?. He’s been playing people here like a fiddle, getting them riled up for a lark. He doesn’t really believe any of this cop/opioid addict stuff. If you doubt it, look thru other posts, like Stucky’s, and check out Strfckr’s normal, sane comments. This is so over the top that I can’t believe no one else has figured it out. I’ve been upvoting him because it spoils his record: for every up vote, he loses 3 down votes on the scoreboard.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 11, 2018 8:04 pm

To the Cobb County Sherriffs Department : The Furha would be pleased !

  Boat Guy
January 11, 2018 11:48 pm

What’s a “Furha”? Do you mean Führer? As in Hitler?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 13, 2018 9:10 am

My German sucks , sorry . Thanks for the correction .

January 11, 2018 8:11 pm

It is kind of an indefensible position, especially when you remember that over a hundred million (supposedly) of US citizens are taking prescription SOMETHING and from all the brouhaha about painkillers, I’m betting a LOT of them are opiates. So, most of the drivers out there are legally HIGH, they just have their prescription bottles with them.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 11, 2018 8:32 pm

On the flip side, cops on anabolic steroids aren’t hard to spot!

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January 11, 2018 9:56 pm

No victim? No crime. Simple.

January 11, 2018 11:14 pm


January 11, 2018 11:49 pm

Compelling argument.

January 11, 2018 9:57 pm

That was fun. Take us out, Neil.

January 11, 2018 10:39 pm

WoW, never seen so many down votes SF has collected . I have mixed feeling on this. There is this:
Law enforcement officials in Florida arrested a Sarasota couple that was found passed out in their car from an apparent high dosage of drugs with two babies on the backseat.

Read more:
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And then the time I went in for my probation check and the piss test popped positive for pot. The urine cups used were open and exposed and accessible to anyone. I went immediately to a hospital and had another test performed that was negative and not a diluted specimen. The smart ass vigilante prosecutor asked me if I doubted the gas chromatography that found me positive from an unsecured urine sample. I said no but when I was in charge of the lab at Emory University Teaching Hospital at night we always would run a second test when results were questionable, including gas chromatography on arterial blood. So solly he said. The second test was invalid in his court room despite the hospital’s protocol used a tamper proof cup to collect the samples and was negative in results. (in fairness, my gf could have had THC in her system so my dip stick could have been contaminated) It cost me 6 months home detention. The idiot attorney I used actually had to make excuses to the judge because he had experienced some pain issues in his back. Translate: he was on opiates for back pain…

It was during that time I was random tested every week for a year, and twice a month for the second year under supervision from the State of Florida’s Department of Professional Regulation. Their test was so sensitive it would pick up alcohol if your barber used a shaving lotion on you the day before your test. And my peers learned NEVER EVER eat any poppy rolls or buns as it can lead to a positive pop for opiates. All my DPR tests were negative but I was warned when my barbers hair tonic created the presence of a minute bit of etoh in one sample, not enough to bust me but enough to lord over me.

With my first wife, I had 8 years of living with her opiate addict ways. She collected many dings in the new Celica I bought for her. Her drugging would cause her to nod out sometimes. She even nodded out in front of the marriage counselor we were seeing to salvage our marriage. The dumb shrink told me it was obvious she had a temporal lobe disorder creating her petite mal seizures. This is in spite of the FACT she had already been detoxed and maintained on methadone after the birth of our first born. She was pregnant at that time with my second son when she had the seizures in the counselor’s office. He referred us to a neurologist to diagnose the psychomotor seizure issue he witnessed. The f’ing neurologist thought is was best to give her barbiturates to control her seizures. The psych and neurologist looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I suspected she was surreptitiously using drugs. They were embarrassed I would impugn the lovely and charming woman they saw. The idiot psychologist even suggested to me, the reason I was having trouble in my marriage, is because I thought my wife was on drugs. I kid you not!

Worse was 6 years later, after the divorce and judge’s order to give her more money than I had made my entire life. I have worked since second grade. 4 years working 20-60 hours a week a McD’s, 4 years working 20-60 hours a week at Emory blood bank, two years in USAF, 4 years as a dentist prior to marriage and 8.5 years married to the woman who had a hole between her toes where all the money went. I was court ordered to provide her with health insurance along with more money than the most expensive disability insurance would provide me with. When her health insurance was cancelled due to the inordinate pills she took (opiates, muscle relaxers and barbiturates, more than 5000 pills a year) I took the documentation to my divorce attorney to rescue my children. He said I needed a drug counselor to say that was was abuse. Two different local treatment center gurus told me there was nothing wrong with what her pill pushing physicians had prescribed. What a crock. They did not want to be known as throwing the addict under the bus and protected the poor recovering addicts but not the poor co dependent spouse or dependent children. One of the fuk’s father was a big wig slip and fall attorney. And he was an owner of the swanky treatment center. After he told me there is nothing to be done about the drug use of my ex, I told him to go ask his father what his liability would be if something bad happened to my kids while she was impaired on these prescription meds that he approved of. He got out of the recovery business and sold his share of the treatment center a month later.

It is enough to drive a man insane. I finally received alignment with my thinking from the Court at the end of the 10 years of temporary alimony when her house was foreclosed on, holes in the roof, no hot water, despite the massive monthly money payments to her. And eventually from my psychiatrist at the Professional Enhancement Program in Hattiesburg. She knew the weasel charlatan of an addictionologist who told me nothing was wrong with my ex wife taking over 5000 downers a year. He told me I had the problem for being co dependent and for $25,000.00 he could treat me to make me all better. He also was the fuktard who evaluated me for DPR and labeled me all sorts of dysfunctional. He was popping pills in front of me as he did the interview. When he took a sexual history he asked me when I lost my virginity. I told him at 21 years of age. He said, “Whats wrong? Didn’t you like girls?” He taunted me and gloated the whole time as he did his professional evaluation for DPR.

Oh yea, did i say he 13th stepped with my ex when she began attending AA meetings locally, after being kicked out of two different treatment programs for infractions. For you non 12 steppers that means he shtupped her, a common occurrence in recovery.

My PEP psychiatrist called his actions atrocious and she was not referring to his grammar. She said she was going to complain. And she did but no professional censure was forthcoming from Florida. Last time I heard he was wearing a huge back brace and begging for opiates from a fellow dentist in town. The dentist told him to get lost and get help. There are many people who are in line behind me who would like to sue the quack fuk.

The ex was very well known to the Florida Highway Patrol who had her neighborhood beat. She had had several ‘encounters’ with them. The local FHP Lieutenant was a client of mine. He is who told me of her notoriety. He asked me if I wanted her ‘to go away?’, I got his grifting drift but stopped short of taking him up on his offer to have street justice applied to solve my alimony payments and custody issues.

Impaired driving is a given and why I always try to drive defensively. And I wonder how many of the drug whisperers are on steroids???

January 12, 2018 7:59 am

KS, such a common story. As a fellow DDS I can relate. Fortunately, I escaped this frequent lament. My sympathies are with you.

January 11, 2018 11:36 pm

I just got through telling my family that having no encounters with the cops would be the best.
Every time you talk to a cop it can either cost you a bundle or make your life a living hell.I thankfully have had no problems with the cops. When the cops have a drug dog they just teach it to alert on a subtle command.I traveled the country for years and people just don’t drive well.they really put little effort into it and I think the majority could be pulled over for their driving. Everyone is out to scam a buck(or thousands) from you.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 12, 2018 1:56 am

KeyserSusie: Guys, catch her in adultery and reduce some of your legal problems (no alimony for example). However, there seems to be no court concern about her level of Whoring or Liberal Psychosis (regarding child custodianship), her claimed child expenses, or the ex-spouse’s actual income. There must be whole separate levels in Hell for Copfuks, Lawfuks, Judgefuks, Mediafuks, Bankfuks, Politicfuks and maybe Climatefuks.

  rhs jr
January 12, 2018 7:42 pm

rhs, not sure if I follow what you are saying. My attorney said she could have a mattress strapped to her back and I would still have to pay. She did have several male friends who she would shack up with, with my kids present. It makes no difference in Florida is she shacked up. She would have to get married to eliminate alimony.

January 12, 2018 12:06 pm

Well, we could try something different- we could just let people poison themselves with whatever they want and drop dead or seek treatment. Treatment has a better chance of working than trying to catch people who have committed the crime of poisoning themselves with chemicals that the govt regulates and makes available to us. And I can’t forget the evil recreational pharmaceuticals.
Even if you lock all the pill poppers up, they’re just going to be in prison, on your dime, doing drugs there, and learning to up their crime game. So what’s the point?
If they want to kill themselves, let them, and make treatment available if they want to get the shit out of their system and seek a better existence than slow-motion suicide.

Oh, and the govt, who make this shit available, might want to reconsider doping us up in the first place.
Funny how they’re nearly always responsible in one way or another for all that harms us.