
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The New York Times worked itself into a fugue state this morning of the MLK holiday with a front-page orgy of reproving headlines: “[Charles] Blow: Trump is a Racist, Period;” “Donald Trump’s Racism, the Definitive List;” “’I’m Not a Racist,’ Trump says, as DACA Hopes Dim;” “In Trump Remarks, Black Churches See a Nation Backsliding.”

I suspect these are not so much the cries of a people yearning for redress of unfair laws — as was the case in 1963 when Martin Luther King led the now-hallowed march on Washington against the Jim Crow regime in Dixieland — but the hue and cry of a political machine desperate for attention that has otherwise run out of principles and purposes.

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Donald Trump is certainly a vulgar fellow of questionable intelligence, and the country might be better off with someone else in the White House, but where exactly would that leave black America? We’re not going to re-run the civil rights campaign of the 1960s, which culminated in explicit federal laws that abolished the southern state’s Jim Crow laws.

What is government supposed to do now to improve the lives of black America? There is, for instance, the quandary of public assistance — welfare of various forms, transfer payments, SNAP cards, housing subsidies. I don’t believe these policies were concocted deliberately to keep people-of-color down, but they’ve been hugely destructive to family formation because of the “man-in-the-house” rule that strongly promotes single-parent households headed by mothers. And these policies have surely shaped a dysfunctional ghetto culture in many other ways. I don’t hear any calls from the black caucuses, or from their professional colleagues in the lobbying industry, or from the black churches, to change that rule. There is no movement at all to get rid of public assistance per se.

We’ve had several generations who, in one way another, have enjoyed the benefits of “affirmative action,” and American black people are still under-represented in the professions, except in government jobs. Affirmative action has been challenged in the courts, but it finds new ways to assert itself, especially in academia. Black public intellectuals — Sowell, McWhorter, Steele, et al — have argued that affirmative action stigmatizes all of black America, and it’s worth considering if that is true. They are in a tiny minority of black non-Leftists who even dare to raise the question.

Who is actually responsible for the murder rate among black men in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, and Milwaukee? Is “structural racism” behind the decision to pull the trigger? Are gang-bangers depraved on account of they’re deprived, as the old lyric from West Side Story goes?

How come there is no recognition that the promotion of multi-culturalism militates against the idea of a national common culture — e pluribus unum (out of many, one) — leaving nothing for any people to assimilate into? And how much is the cult of multiculturalism an excuse for black America to stay exactly where it is, separate and steeped in grievance for being “left out?”

These questions are apart from the easily-observed character deformities of the President. But they were there in plain sight before he came on the scene and Trump is not the reason black America finds itself so frustrated and angry.

I had an eye-opening experience three years ago after I gave a lecture at Boston College (a talk on issues raised by The Long Emergency). The social justice hysteria on campus was reaching cruising speed just then. After my talk, I was taken out for dinner by six or seven faculty members. One was ethnically Asian, the rest white. Three of them were professors specializing in “race and gender” studies. Since that was the case, they steered the conversation to issues of race and gender. I made the remark that it ought to be a primary mission in high school education to teach proper spoken English — because without that ability, kids might not be able to learn anything else.

I was denounced as a “racist” all round the table for saying that. Three years later, it still astounds me that any professional educator would mount an argument against developing skills in the language of this country. That’s something I would definitely blame white people for.

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January 15, 2018 10:15 am

I grew up during the first “civil-rights” era and have a decidedly different “take” on this whole “civil-rights movement” era. In fact, I personally witnessed what went on during those turbulent times.

Despite the lies and fabrications by the so-called “mainstream media” the “civil-rights marches” in the South were not peaceful “gatherings” that were met with dogs and fire hoses, but were violent black confrontations that actually set back the “cause” of TRUE “civil-rights”. .

The so-called “civil-rights” demonstrations were waves of lawlessness that disrupted the lives of peaceful citizens. There were many black citizens in these areas that were against these “outsiders” (New York-based “carpetbaggers”) coming there to cause trouble. These “civil-rights” marchers committed crimes, rapes, robberies and other crimes, and trashed the areas they were protesting in. I WAS THERE . . . Of course, the cameras were turned off during the episodes of violence. . .then just as now, the news media could not “let a crisis go to waste” . . .

It was mostly ACLU, $PLC and ADL types that riled things up. . .and then later on “melted into the woodwork” only to become “civil-rights” attorneys, race hustlers and poverty pimps.

One incident comes to mind–the tragic death of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo–Mrs. Liuzzo was a Detroit housewife who traveled to the “deep south” (without her husband) to run around with “freedom riders” at night–this was a recipe that was asking for trouble. What business did she have running around with blacks at night in the South while she had a family in Detroit?? Why did she put herself “in harms way”??

I WAS THERE during the “civil-rights” disturbances and witnessed the misbehavior of these “civil-rights” groups (that never got reported). . .

Of course, the “victors” write the history. To the victors–how does it feel now that those you pushed and supported are now turning on you??

The so-called “news media” had an agenda then as it does now. White-on black crime (although relatively rare) is ALWAYS described as a “hate crime” where as black-on-white crime is NEVER described as a “hate crime”. . .Actually, ALL crimes are “hate crimes” . . .

January 15, 2018 11:10 am

ACLU, $PLC and ADL types that riled things up? As long as we’re being upfront and honest, how about exposing these “types” to what they actually are, which is none other than the perpetual thorn in White America’s side, the Zionist Jew. This fact is undeniable, but time and time again, authors go out of their way to “select” less offensive, or nondescript terms to describe America’s greatest threat and deadliest enemy; the Khazarian Jew. As self-described in the book written by one of their own, titled The Thirteenth Tribe, they lay claim to being the “destroyers.” History indeed prove this out, as more than one hundred nations expelled these parasites as a last ditch attempt to survive the ravages of their plague. America will never, ever find a solution to the myriad issues that are relentlessly destroying our white race, moral fabric, culture, economy and the overall stupidity of the American sheeple, until this problem is faced head on and dealt with effectively.

January 15, 2018 11:50 am

I have been a home for 8 days, recovering from arthroplasty (left hip replaced). It’s been a bitch – laying around, doing exercises, using my spirometer. Now, today I can walk without a cane. Although my wife waits on me, hand and foot, being with the ‘old lady’ for 8 days, quickly wears on me. Also, I haven’t had a drink in EIGHT days.

To get to the point, I’ve watched hours of daytime TV. There is no end to Neegrows, and other people with ‘fucked up hair’, that have a litany of complaints. Many of the Neegrows are whining about events 150 years ago. WTF are we supposed to do about that? Further, guys like me weren’t even born in this country. It’s racism – all whites are bad. I did not see one program that spoke about them helping themselves.

Now for the hospital – it was like a 5 star hotel. However the aids were all Somali, with an IQ of a brick. The first time I used a walker, the nurse (white) explained that for safety, they put a belt around my waist – she held it while I walked to the bathroom. There after, the Somali’s would put the belt around my waist, and they say “call me when you’re done”. They don’t get it.

January 15, 2018 10:19 am

Here are true stories about “icons” of the so-called “civil rights” movement . . .

There is much more to the “Emmett Till” story that is not widely known. Of course, killing him was wrong, (and made him into a “martyr” of the black “civil-rights” movement). but–it is not generally known that Emmett Till was a strapping young man of about 160 lbs.–NOT a “little boy” as some media types tried to portray him as. He was a known womanizer and attempted to take his cocky “Chicago ways” in dealing with women to the Deep South. He was sent to live with relatives in the South because his Chicago relatives could not handle him. He had a “cocky attitude” and bragged about “getting it on” with white women–definitely not a good idea in the South. . . According to published accounts, Mr. Till did not just “whistle” at a white woman, but on a dare from his friends, grabbed, manhandled and fondled a married white woman. In Southern culture, this was, and still is, the ultimate form of disrespect. Despite Mr. Till’s relatives’ attempts to spirit him “out of town” to avoid retribution by the woman’s relatives and townspeople, his cocky attitude “got in the way”, similar to the way that “young master Trayvon’s” attitude got him killed. Despite being given numerous “chances” to apologize for his behavior, he was defiant to the end. IF he had apologized for his behavior, he would still be alive today. In fact, one of his killers was a black man.
It is interesting to note that Emmett Till’s father was executed by the U S military for multiple rapes. Maybe “the apple didn’t fall far from the tree” . . .

Rosa Parks was not the “ordinary” black woman that so-called historians made her to be. She was an organizer for the NAACP and was “planted” in order to advance the cause of black “civil-rights” to which she was successful.
Approximately a year previous to Rosa Parks’ “bus ride” and refusal to vacate her seat, a REAL ordinary black woman did the same thing. This black woman received NO publicity or support from the NAACP or other black “civil-rights” organizations. You see, she was an unmarried black woman with children. According to the black civil-rights crowd, this would not do. They wanted someone who was “squeaky clean” without any “baggage”. In fact, the “white guy” sitting behind her was part of the “set-up”. He was a UPI reporter, contracted to “stage” the event…not only that, in the photo there is no one else on the bus. Ms. Parks could have sat wherever she wanted.
Hence, Rosa Parks made (fabricated) history . . .

Martin Luther (Michael) King was well-known for frequenting prostitutes, beating and abusing them while exclaiming that he “finally felt like a white man”. His own associates have stated as such. He also plagiarized his college papers and doctoral thesis. Of course, this was overlooked because of his status. King was also a communist.

Jesse Jackson used to brag to his associates on how he would spit in the food of white patrons of the restaurant he worked at. To his credit, he remarked that “when walking down the street, if I heard footsteps, I was (secretly) relieved that they were of a white person”. He acknowledged the rampant criminality among “his own kind”.

There are many more fabrications of history that were used to lend “legitimacy” to the so-called “civil-rights” movement . . .

January 15, 2018 12:11 pm

“Here are true stories about “icons” of the so-called “civil rights” movement . . .”

Where did you find this info?

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 15, 2018 10:23 am

“Donald Trump is certainly a vulgar fellow of questionable intelligence”
…….you are confusing Political Lie/BS with Intelligence

“the country might be better off with someone else in the White House”
…….like HildeBeast, for example

Fuck you Kunstler and your never-ending liberal hate.

  kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 15, 2018 10:32 am

Nice, Kokoda.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 15, 2018 10:34 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 15, 2018 10:42 am

We can’t take in the entire planet. The country is much fuller than before and we’ve chosen to establish a social safety net including free public schools, Medicaid, etc. Therefore we need to be selective. If we were allowed by our globalist rulers to have immigration criteria based upon merit, we’d probably take in fewer people from the shithole countries, but not none. The smart and/or hard-working from Haiti or Africa could still come (although a general pause in immigration is probably needed). It’s only because we haven’t been allowed to select the best individuals that the natural inclination arises to select based upon the country – and preferring the nice countries to the shitholes only makes sense. Is that racist? Sure, whatever.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Iska Waran
January 15, 2018 11:04 am

Correct, Iska.

When liberals/commies say “we are a nation of immigrants”, it boils my blood. Yes, we allowed in millions of immigrants who came here in the 1800’s and early 1900’s to work hard, but that was before Social Security, Medicare, EBT cards, etc.

Anyone with half a brain can see the majority of indigents come here now for those freebees, give birth to anchor babies, and enable chain migration which we absolutely cannot afford to give any longer.

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
January 15, 2018 10:43 am

Kuntsler always manages to insert a little “kunt” into otherwise intelligent pieces, showing his liberal streak like pepe la piew the skunk showed his.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 15, 2018 10:45 am

There’s almost nothing than can be done to help the prospects of someone who is unable or unwilling to properly pronounce the word “ask”.

January 15, 2018 10:49 am

JHK wants to write articles and be perceived as an intellectual.
He is Left…or progressive or anti-conservative…maybe he thinks
this stance makes him a smartie.

I am not a student of history, but I am a reader of history, and curious.
LBJ? Now there was a vulgar person with questionable intelligence.

The questions about Trump are not about his speech, or his IQ.
The questions are about how “influenced” (beholding to) the ADL
crews, etc. Also, they are about whether or not “they” will murder
him to stop his challenges to the boys running the US as a criminal
enterprise…latest numbers say 50 trillion and counting. The “they”
are not just the ADL crowd, they are just one of many crews operating
to loot the country. Look next to the “big” military contractors, the
intelligence machine, and sap sucking politicians enabling the looters.
And of course the BS private bankers lending the USA $$$$$ at interest.

It is said, the most profitable side business after the * war machine,
is the organ harvesting network. Clinton Haiti $$$$$ was heavy
invested in that business (prisons, and hospitals, infrastructure to
serve, and the hospital ships coming in to collect the organs and
“reinstall” them. Nasty business. JHK could lend his mega brain
and insights to shine light on that shit, shit shit. Remember, the
money spent went to the northern areas/ports/facilities.
It was the southern end that got upended. Those folks are eating

*war machine = weapons for everybody! and loot that country!
Money rules, people get mowed under.

January 15, 2018 11:11 am

I don’t know about Clinton’s running a organ transplant scheme because the doctors control who gets transplants in the US. You cannot ‘purchase’ an organ though a guy like Steve Jobs can, by virtue of his wealth, find available organs and make himself available for a transplant that a ‘normal’ person could not.

OTOH there was an Israeli who was running a kidney transplant for sale operation. It was shut down a few years ago but it did enable rich Americans to jump the line and fly off to India or the Philippines for a transplant.

January 15, 2018 10:54 am

Calling something, or someone, “racist” has become so common that it no longer has any real meaning.

January 15, 2018 11:11 am

I, for one am PROUD to be recognized as “racist”. When I am recognized as such, I profusely thank my accusers and (attempt to) shake their hands…
The incredulous, confused looks on their faces is priceless…

That being said…

I have come to the conclusion that enacting of the so-called “civil-rights” acts were mistakes. The more “rights” these black bastards demand, the more they complain and make demands not available to whites. When whites become a “minority” in our own country, do you think the “civil-rights” acts will benefit us? I think not…

When whites become a minority, this country is finished. All one has to do is look at Zimbabwe, South Africa, and other black-run “basket cases”. This is our future…

The term “racism” was invented by communists, and is used to destroy cultures and defuse (and render impotent) those with differing points-of-view on “racial” issues.

True “racism” is desirable as it merely cements cultural and social bonds that are necessary for a society to function and flourish.

True “racism” merely denotes commonality of purpose and advancement within each respective racial group.

Blacks have the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha, Jews have the $PLC, ACLU and ADL. These are all “racist” organizations that serve to promote the interests (and political power) of their respective races.

It is only whites who are castigated and threatened for attempting to show any signs of racial solidarity.

Let’s look at what us “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections.

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS (EVER) BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites possess an externalized altruism that no other races possesses. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of our white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

I blame those of the “greatest generation” for selling out our birthright with the passage of the “Civil-Rights Acts” of 1957 and 1964, and the “Hart-Celler immigration act of 1965”. To those of the “greatest generation” (who are still alive) thanks for NOTHING…

Let’s not forget that “freedom of association” (but only affecting the white majority) was eviscerated by the enacting of these clearly unconstitutional acts.

As whites comprise only 6% of the world population, it is us whites who should be the most protected and cherished of minorities…

January 15, 2018 11:44 am

Exactly, Anonymous. In doing so the leftists have broken one of their own hero’s rules. That would be Alinsky’s rule #7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don’t become old news.”

Slinging the terms racist and Nazi so often has now made those labels meaningless to the point that many who are so labeled wear those labels as a badge of courage. The cultural Marxists are the proverbial “broken record.”

January 15, 2018 11:00 am

Despite what MLK and his kind were protesting, segregation was not what was keeping blacks down. It was never practiced against blacks on the West Coast as there not enough negroes to matter until the US government shipped them west during WW2 nor was it prevalent in the big northern industrial states.

Blacks kept themselves down with their social pathologies and congenitally low IQs and no laws can alter biology. Fifty plus years after the end of de jure segregation and more than equal treatment in Federal employment and university admissions negroes are more uncivilized and as stupid as they have always been. Worse whites have negro fatigue and Latinos and Asians don’t give a damn about any ‘legacy of discrimination because it happened long before they arrived in large numbers. The only thing the negro has achieved is the bloc vote and this is ALL that gives them any leverage in American society. The Democrats cannot win an election without their negro auxiliary casting 95% of their votes for the Democrat candidate.

The problem for the negro is that not even the Democrats are going to be able to find the money to support their negro auxiliary much longer. Pension and medicare obligations ( and they are obligations recipients payed taxes for) will have to honored first. As Latinos become citizens and registered voters they are not going to put up with negroes getting first pick for Federal, state and local government jobs or positions in quangoes like utilities, mass transit districts, etc. The winds of competition are going blow up the fake black middle class that was artificially created over the past few decades and the negro will sink back to the level he can sustain on his own.

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
January 15, 2018 11:11 am

Grass hut?

sad bums
sad bums
January 15, 2018 12:24 pm

” I don’t believe these policies were concocted deliberately to keep people-of-color down ”

You are living proof that you can’t fix stupid.

It is the object of one world globalists and their henchmen to create and maintain a permanent third world underclass dependent upon confiscated wealth.

  sad bums
January 15, 2018 12:47 pm

Just how much ‘wealth’ do you think the African had? If you recall the only thing the African had to trade when Europeans arrived in 16th century was… Africans! They had no manufactured goods, precious metals or even commercial quantities of animal skins. It would take centuries for European imperialists to build enough infrastructure to develop rubber and cocoa plantations and discover and develop mineral deposits. Africa had no roads or navigable rivers and it was infested with disease. Even the wildlife was far more dangerous owing to their long exposure to proto humans.

sad bums
sad bums
January 15, 2018 4:32 pm

To clarify………..

The “permanent third world underclass” to whom I refer are the darkened diversity dindu’s.

The “confiscated wealth” is taken/redistributed by the alphabet soup bureaucracy.

January 15, 2018 1:21 pm

Kunstler is such a fraud. You start racism YOU START HERE !!

Racism: What’s Good for Jews is Good for Goyim
They want all races to disappear.
Henry Henry Makow Ph.D.

“Racism” seems to be in the news lately. “UN Anti-Racist Day” Saturday was marked by “anti racist, anti fascist” demonstrations in many cities. Last week, Starbucks ordered their barristas to scrawl “Race Together” on cups and engage customers in discussion.

The Illuminati uses the term “racism” to imply that accepting any racial distinctions is tantamount to a belief in racial superiority and discrimination. But surely we can believe that mankind is one big family with different races, each having unique qualities, none superior to the other in aggregate.

Surely people can have racial pride even if they are not one of the privileged minority of colored races the Illuminati central bankers sanction and promote.

In the Protocols of Zion, our Masters, the Illuminati Jewish central bankers, say they will “undermine every identity except their own.”

The four legs of human identity are race, religion (God), national and family (gender.) The denial of racial distinctions (“racism”) is an underhanded attempt to guilt whites into denying their racial heritage.

We have seen the same thing with “sexism” which is an absurd satanic denial of nature. Since when do genders or races have to be the same in order to be treated fairly? The Illuminati goal with “sexism” is to undermine men. It is a ruse.

Feminists clamored for gender equality but do you hear them complaining about inequality now that that women outnumber men two-to-one in universities? No, because sexism and racism are nothing but Illuminati social engineering. When whites are a minority, they won’t receive any “minority” privileges. Indeed they may face persecution as in South Africa.

HOWARD.jpgI believe that whatever is good for the Jews is good for the goyim. Israel is the most racist state on earth. You can’t become an Israeli unless your mother was a biological Jew. Racial intermarriage is forbidden by law. Blood transfusions from black Jews are rejected. Arabs are considered animals and slaughtered with impunity, as we saw in Gaza last summer. But do you hear Starbuck’s Illuminati Jewish CEO Harold Schultz campaigning against that?


In a recent article, a Conservative rabbi sounded the alarm that 58% of American Jews have married Gentiles since the year 2000. Only 20% of intermarried couples raise their children as Jews. He writes:

“Judaism is a covenant among our people and between God and us. It’s demanding. But that’s what makes it deep. Please link your individual lives to this eternal community, which is bigger than us and devoted to loftier missions than our own happiness (though we want you to be happy). To those not born Jewish, please join our people. Make our history and destiny your own. If you choose not to join right now, don’t worry, we will wait for you, and hope one day you’ll wish to join your spouse and children. For now, have a civil wedding, and we’ll wish you mazel tov.”

He pretends non-Jews can can convert and be accepted as racial Jews but that’s for public consumption. Jews do not believe in intermarriage. I think Israeli policies are too extreme but I believe a nation has a right to defend its racial character, especially since race includes culture and religion.

A “racist” is someone who loves different races and doesn’t want them to disappear by miscegenation. A racist is someone who doesn’t want the world to be a shade of chocolate while only Zionist Jews are racially pure. I would allow interracial marriage but discourage it. I married a Filipina myself.

Clearly, the bankers agenda is to encourage miscegenation and white guilt. Bank advertisements invariably feature interracial couples and minority banker reps. In Canada, 80% of female TV announcers and reporters are colored women, while they make up only 5% of the population.

I am all for a racism devoid of claims of superiority and acts of discrimination. Judge people by their individual merits but do not ignore that race denotes cultural and biological differences.

What’s good for the Jew is good for the goyim.

January 15, 2018 2:50 pm

Civil Rights Movement=Permanent Victimhood For Blacks .

January 15, 2018 2:54 pm

So a black kid pours flour over his head etc. marches into the living room and announces to his parents he’s white .

Infuriated the Dad tears into him about black pride etc. The tirade lasts several minutes .

The father tells his son to wash the flour off in the sower and go to his room.

The boys grumbles as he walks away and says to himself, ” I’ve been white for only 5 minutes and I already hate two blacks “.

January 15, 2018 3:18 pm

Do people even know what “racist” means? It means pre-judging people based on race.

If Trump pre-judged Africa, it was not because of race, but because Africa is a shithole. It has nothing to do with race, save for the fact that blacks live there. (Coincidence that? I think not.)

It is insane. Racist is hollered from the rooftops. You cannot say Detroit is a shithole, when it clearly is, because blacks live there? What kind of stupidity is that?

This shit is not going to end well. The “racists” are going to have to stand up and fight, because it has gone too far. Free speech is dying, the left feels it is ok to use violence against those with different ideas, and it is forbidden to even tell the truth, because it seems the truth is racist.

Supporting quietly in the background is going to be a loosing strategy. The loony left are going to mobilize far better than conservatives. They control the media, the universities, sports, the tech companies. People are going to have to take more positive action. Boycotting those bastards is one such way. Starve the beast. Marching against them will be necessary. I do not have all the answers, but the left is going to win this if more is not done to bring them down.

sad bums
sad bums
January 15, 2018 4:35 pm

“If Trump pre-judged Africa, it was not because of race, but because Africa is a shithole.”

das raciss