Rural normals in California want to break away from the left wing loonies inhabiting the coastal urban areas.

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January 17, 2018 9:13 am

A goodly amount of the blue chunk of CA appears to be on the wait list for the massive Earthquakes right?

Despite CA being a cesspool of hedonism, nihilism and materialism, they still produce a lot of food. WHEN the massive earthquakes hit, it will be a major blow to US food production, assuming the highways are devastated in many areas. CA acts like it already is its own country already. I feel bad for the non-city slickers that live there at least some of them, forced to bow down to the tyranny of the majority. CA has serious issues beyond politics. CA historically is a drought ridden, desert like area and has serious longterm issues with potable water in particular. Of course the tower of Babel is going to collapse in on itself, from everything I’ve read its long overdue. A 9.0 or a series of multiple faultline Earthquakes would be a twist of the dagger in the US debt.

January 17, 2018 9:24 am

Orange County used to be conservative. What happened?

January 17, 2018 10:09 am

Zar, if I take a wild guess, it’s that Hispanics have flowed into Irvine.
El Trumpo (and Ann Coulter)isn’t winning over these folks and it is going to cost the Republicans in Nov.

January 17, 2018 8:28 pm

Fuck the Mexicans

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 17, 2018 9:01 pm

Fuck Anonymous.

January 17, 2018 1:32 pm

Orange County is part of “New California.” They are that little county on the coast between San Diego and LA.

January 17, 2018 1:54 pm

You’re right. Los Angeles is placed in the wrong county on the map. The blue county north of Orange is LA County.

January 17, 2018 9:26 am

If we’re ever going to live free of tyranny this is what it’s going to take. Both sides win and Sacramento loses. What’s not to love?


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2018 9:54 am

This is bullshit. CA is the worlds 7th largest economy and the yellow part of that map is literally none of it. The blue parts would starve to death and the yellow parts wouldn’t be able to buy shoes. Oh and you might notice that old Maxim’s district is in the yellow part.

  Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2018 10:14 am

Despite CA being a cesspool of hedonism, nihilism and materialism, they still produce a lot of food. –

CA is the worlds 7th largest economy and the yellow part of that map is literally none of it. – HR

I guess the San Joaquin Valley and the Imperial Valley done dried up, Rob?

  Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2018 10:15 am

The blue parts would have tremendous resources, a massive hgy system, a number of incredibly valuable airports and seaports, world leading Silicon industries and a coastline unsurpassed in value anywhere in the world. The yellow parts would have a vast expanses of land, extraordinary natural resources, unsurpassed farm production and plenty of coastline as well. Both would do very well and both would have achieved the 4th amendment guarantee of free assembly. Everyone wins. And, as that success takes hold they can then talk about splitting those states in half as well.


  Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2018 4:37 pm

The San Joaquin valley and the Imperial Valley are in the yellow areas. The shit-holes are in the blue including SF, LA, and everything in between.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 17, 2018 9:06 pm

Tones, all they have is agriculture and the drought hasn’t helped. Go there one day, it’s a shithole by Trump standards. Much of the USA is a shithole.

  Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2018 8:31 pm

Wow, go big CA go go go

Lt. Dan
Lt. Dan
January 17, 2018 10:13 am

Not much different here in upstate New York. I used to think Flushing, New York was a city. Now I think it is just a good idea.

January 17, 2018 10:35 am

The yellow parts completely surround the blue parts. Secede, I’ll go get EC in my commercial truck and then starve the rest of them to Death . That was the first thought that popped in to my degenerate mind. I got an EVIL madness in my Being and “it ” never goes away .

January 17, 2018 11:30 am

Try using one of your favorite bible verses as a mantra and repeat as needed to counteract negative thoughts. For example: “I release all thoughts to Jesus” . I’m not kidding try it. BB

January 17, 2018 11:39 am

See what I mean, BB? all that talk of crazy California is so unfair to those of us who are not coastal. We live in the shithole part of Cali, you’ve seen it. Years ago, you had to drive to Ridgecrest to go to a Sizzlers. The entire coast is full of nuts.

Except San Diego, even the Hispanics there think they are conservative. Bastards, they’d sell their own abuelita for a chance to buy a $900,000 house. But then most of the Hispanics living in border towns are like, chale (no way), build the wall, while inland Hispanics are like, wait, my tia hasn’t crossed over yet.

January 17, 2018 10:35 am

The people should have an absolute right within a contiguous area to determine and establish their own physical political boundaries. Within every leftist is a tyrant screaming and clawing to be unleashed.

January 17, 2018 10:56 am

Silicon Valley is running on fumes. Oh Apple and all are still making money but only those workers who came in the 1980’s can still afford to live there. New workers will have to live in yellow California as even $200,000 per year won’t qualify for a mortgage in the area unless you already own a home there. Those first and second generation techies who live their now are being massively subsidized by Prop 13 tax basis and their children won’t inherit that so that $200,000 house they bought in 1985 will have an annual tax bill closer to $20,000+ per year.

Those tech firms might keep their HQ in the area but they will have to move their operations to areas where their workers can afford to live.

Dysmas The Thief
Dysmas The Thief
January 17, 2018 11:36 am

You’re exactly right Unit. We bought in ’83 and I’m now in the odd position of hoping 13 is somehow overturned which would force my wife’s hand and we could get out of this socialist nightmare.

Dysmas The Thief
Dysmas The Thief
January 17, 2018 11:22 am

I live in Contra Costa County. The picture on page 1 in the local section of today’s newspaper shows about 30 negroes sitting in lawn chairs outside a store in San Francisco waiting to buy the latest Air Jordans. I’m stuck here as the old woman won’t move. Think I’ll get drunk this afternoon.

  Dysmas The Thief
January 17, 2018 11:46 am

San Francisco’s negroes almost all live in public housing now so they can afford to waste their money on $200 sneakers. They don’t pay rent.

Big Dick
Big Dick
January 17, 2018 11:44 am

Is it me or does the blue in the picture look like something coming out of the back end of my dog? Then again the whole state is a Trump shithole run by idiots.

January 17, 2018 11:50 am

Please take a moment to check out the real session movement which is being hijacked… and it news page….TX

January 17, 2018 12:13 pm

Interest fact. The original Jefferson movement was started in 1942. I’ve attended meetings. Good people with some good ideas. Time to try something else.

January 17, 2018 11:53 am

Please take a moment to check out the real secession movement which is being hijacked… ….TX

January 17, 2018 11:55 am

The movement you speak of is a fraud, please take a moment to check out the real secession movement which is being hijacked… ….TX

Why Retire When I Can Work Myself To Death For An Extra Buck-Fiddy
Why Retire When I Can Work Myself To Death For An Extra Buck-Fiddy
January 17, 2018 12:45 pm

My home is in the Great State of Jefferson (a semi-fictional place where only patriots reside) but I work in the Bay Area. Two very different worlds.

Jefferson = Small communities where you know your neighbors and look out for them. You join together at the local hall during the holidays and weekends for fundraisers and other gatherings where you know almost everyone there. You shop “local” because everything else is too far away in the “big city”. Traffic is waiting 45 seconds to get out of your drive onto the main road (but that’s only when there are six vehicles backed up behind a logging truck or slow moving RV). Good, honest, hard working people live here. Sure there are some drunks, addicts, thieves and other sketchy folks but everyone knows who they are watches out for them (and they’ll never be seen from again when the apocalypse happens because, well, you know…).

Bay Area = Expensive housing, traffic, long lines/crowds, rude people, etc. Helicopter parents have evolved into bulldozer parents, pushing their kids and running over anyone that interferes with their goals. Tech workers that feel they know better than everyone else because they’re working on the “cutting edge of the future” and everyone else is just “the help”. Sure, there’s a million things to do and see here (if you aren’t working all the time) but the income inequality is obscene and the governance is atrocious.

Born and raised in the Bay Area. My heart and home is in Jefferson. I wish New California would succeed but I know it won’t… until something big happens and then it may. We’ll see…


CA needs to be at least 5 states, and here is a start.

January 17, 2018 1:17 pm

It’s funny how when the suggestion of a new state of New California or Jefferson is proposed it is written off by the coastal parts of CA as being an illegal and loony act by a bunch of morons. But when the same coastal areas work on a proposition to have the entire state secede from the US it’s portrayed as a heroic act of defiance.

January 17, 2018 2:00 pm

Even if they were to secede and get it to stick…like locusts, the liberal fucks will just move to a new area to plunder once their area has been sucked dry.

January 17, 2018 2:04 pm

I’d say what’s happening – and this goes for eastern Oregon, Washington and any other rural/conservative vs urban/liberal areas – is that the cons have been pushed so far that they just are about at the breaking point. They are trying, have been for years, to take care of the situation legally.
Now, when they finally are getting their shit together enough to be a danger to TPTB, those same PTB are going to start their own pushing. Here comes actual armed insurrection when they bully their way into the rural areas, and try to force compliance. All its going to take is one incident, one shot too many, the wrong person getting killed on either side, and here comes the shit-storm. Well, the Feds can’t let that happen, so here they come to the rescue and lock EVERYBODY down. Which will only make it worse, and drive a bunch underground. Which leads to more lock-down, which leads to…
I don’t know if it will play out like that, but I can definitely see the possibility.
Everyone knows that nobody is just going to let their control disappear, whichever side your on.

January 17, 2018 3:18 pm

I’d like to see them secede. Are they trying to just get out of CA, but still be part of the USA?

Having a path for the states, or groups or states, or even parts of states, to secede is something I hope to see in my lifetime. It seems the most likely way to get out from under the Feds, but someone first has to figure out how to go about without getting invaded, I mean ‘liberated’.

January 17, 2018 8:12 pm

It’s the Urban Liberal’s crapping on the Rurals Problem all over America even before the War of Northern Aggression and BB has stated the solution: let Slickers produce and transport their own food and fuel until they decide they want to eat and then we have a document ready for signatures similar historically to the Magna Carta, the Declaration Of Independence and the Bill of Rights: Rural Areas Govern Themselves and Cities Govern Themselves: the Congress is divided into two houses of equal power; neither side may maintain border forts to collect customs; neither side has the right to incur upon the others soil or persons; the SCOTUS will have 6 Urban and 6 Rural Judges; the POTUS from the Urban Area will serve on even days and the POTUS from Rural Area will serve on odd days.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 18, 2018 12:33 am

Jim Quinn , can you please publish my article, or any of them? Hard scrabble farmer suggested that I ask you, but I do not know how to contact you.

Ha! Well, if I lived in the noncoastal zone, I would demand a real estate reset, which appears to be in order, since all of silicon valley has essentially turned into a trailer park, since the rent is too damn high! Relocate the techies to Detroit!

The Truth About the Economy and Bubbles

The Truth About the Economy and Bubbles

  Andrea Iravani
January 18, 2018 12:54 am

Andrea, send your request to
[email protected]

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2018 10:11 pm

nudie, we went through this same shit a month or more ago. I offered to help Iravani get posting privileges. She asked Admin the same favor she asked today. Some dude told her to email Admin at that email addy. She does not have the capacity for learning. A few months from now, she will still be wondering how to get posting privileges. Obtuse is her middle name.

  Andrea Iravani
January 18, 2018 10:14 am

Send any postings in email format to [email protected] and then it is up to Admin if he wants to post it or not.

January 18, 2018 1:20 pm

They would be better off as about 30-50 states and every other state in our dis-union should be carved up at least 10-fold too. There is WAY TOO MUCH concentrated power throughout our nation.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 18, 2018 9:49 pm

Concentrated throughout? That’s plausible impossible because there is so much concentrated arrogance, wealth, power, wickedness, greed and stupidity in the Washington District of Criminals that the rest of the country isn’t even big enough to absorb that much sin and debt.