After One Year, President Trump Is Still A Winner – Despite Every Effort To Persuade Me Otherwise

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

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While having a conversation with some associates recently (who know about my support of President Trump), I was asked to just consider getting off the Trump Train.  “And support who, Hillary Clinton?”  I asked, laughing loudly in the process.  “I don’t care – support no one, or anyone else but Trump.”

I told him that barring something unforeseen, I’d jump off a bridge before I abandoned or switched teams, and that I haven’t regretted my vote for even one second.

To this point, I’d say I agree with at least 90% of the decisions and actions made and undertaken by the Trump administration, with very few I openly “disagree” with. My expectations for Trump were sky-high but subdued – having never held political office, and with no “past” to draw from, there was no way to tell if Trump would turn into a globalist puppet, or uphold his campaign promises and protect the interests of Americans.

And while there is only so much that can be accomplished and measured in just one year of a Presidency, it should suffice to say that after again reading over the list of reasons why I voted for Trump, I can say with conviction that he has delivered as advertised on every single one.  He hasn’t been perfect, but he has absolutely been just as advertised on the campaign trail.  

Don’t believe me?  Allow me to rehash my many reasons for voting for Trump:

Most importantly, I will vote for Trump because of what he is not – controlled by the global elites.

While this is certainly up for debate among many, Trump has gone in steadfast opposition to the globalist policies of the world’s wealthy and powerful.  While some elites are surely benefiting from tax reform and relaxed business policies, Trump has demonstrated that he will not bend to the whims of Democrats and establishment Republicans who have opposed him at every turn and are allied with globalist interests.  Trump has been a refreshing change from the Bush/Obama years, and while he has demonstrated that he is influenced by the elites, he is certainly not controlled by them.

I will vote for Trump because he represents the polar opposite of our dysfunctional and corrupt political system.

There’s really no questioning this – as Free Market Shooter’s Jon Hall pointed out, Trump has had a busy first year of undoing Obama (and Bush) policies and doing his best to promote “America First” – and there is still so much more to do.

I will vote for Trump because he is the only true anti-war candidate with a chance for victory this large in the 30+ years that I’ve been alive.

In spite of the mainstream media’s best efforts to convince us otherwise, the Trump administration has been remarkably free of military intervention.  Even his one true instance of “intervention”, a cruise missile strike in Syria, was very limited in scope, and the US has since been working to wind down the conflict in Syria.  Not only that, Trump has to be convinced by Defense Secretary Mattis not to pull all US troops out of Afghanistan.  It is very early, but so far, Trump has been the least warmongering US President in over 30 years.

I will vote for Trump because of his position on healthcare.  Notably, that the only bit of defined policy he has is the repeal of Obamacare, and allowing insurers to compete across state lines.

Trump did everything in his power to repeal and replace Obamacare.  He would have at least been able to have some sort of bill at his desk, had it not been for Senator John McCain (R-AZ), an anti-Trump establishment neocon Republican who campaigned on the platform of Obamacare repeal…


…and voted “No” on repeal several times, which many believe was just to spite Trump.  Trump at least tried his hardest to keep his promise to America, while McCain did the exact opposite.  However, Trump was able to strip the individual “mandate” to purchase health insurance out of Obamacare with his tax reform bill, and has tried over and over to gut Obamacare and repeal and/or replace the law.  If America could repeal and replace McCain, and not Trump, we might have Obamacare repeal after all.

I will vote for Trump because I really don’t care about the “social issues”, and I don’t think he does either.

People have been marching against Trump from the day he took office (literally) on the premise that he would restrict the rights of gay Americans and the rights of abortion.  As far as I know, gay marriage is still legal, Planned Parenthood still exists, and very little (if anything) has changed regarding these two issues.  While many other voters may disagree, he’s held up his end of the “social issues” bargain with me.

Finally, I will vote for Trump because he is politically incorrect.

Even the anti-Trump crowd will have a hard time arguing the above.  Trump has relentlessly attacked fake news, consistently tweeted out nicknames of politicians in his attacks on them, and has even done the same for North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, referring to him by his given “Rocket Man” nickname in front of the entire general assembly at the UN.  Trump has effectively weaponized Twitter and social media to bypass fake news deceptively editing him to appear in a poor light.  And, like it or not, everyone is interested – Trump’s “fake news awards” crashed the GOP website, and an off-site archive of the “awards” when they were released.

Trump has thus far demonstrated that he is the politically incorrect President, beholden to no one but himself and America, that I have been waiting my whole life for.

Trump has proven that he did indeed want to win and work for Americans, and has proven that he’s not just an ignorant blowhard, displaying political acumen far above many of his peers in Congress who have had a lifetime of political experience.  Though his inexperience as a government official has been demonstrated with a large amount of turnover in his cabinet, there is reason to believe he’s learned enough on the job to put the right people in the right positions going forward.  The parallels to Andrew Jackson’s presidency are quite astonishing, and should leave us all optimistic for the future of Trump’s presidency.

In spite of this, I’m still concerned about the future of America under Trump. I’m not a fan of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his expansion of the drug war, and not certain he can eliminate the Deep State perpetrators working to subvert Trump.  But more importantly, the stock market and has overshot to the upside, and an economic correction is long overdue.  Trump continues to take credit for the market’s resiliency and for economic success, which I believe will leave him holding the blame bag when it all comes crashing down.

As Straight Line Logic’s Robert Gore has explained, this could indeed be “as good as it gets” for President Trump:

In the US, real incomes have stagnated since the turn of the century. Rising equity markets and falling growth rates mean that corporate valuations are in the stratosphere. Joined with off-the-chart measures of optimism and declining central bank support, equity markets are poised for a fall. That it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t. It’s never “different this time.” Given the leverage and speculation embedded in the market, the fall could be breathtaking, a quick drop of 50 percent or more.

As noted, falling stock markets and economies generally take the popularity of incumbent politicians with them. Trump, the most polarizing political figure since Franklin Roosevelt, is not all that popular to begin with. The Deep State that has ruled this country since World War II is down; it would be unwise to count it out. It will certainly capitalize on financial and economic turmoil to launch a counterattack against Trump.

Even though the Deep State is doing its best to subvert Trump, he has persevered.  An economic collapse is perhaps the only thing that can propel the Deep State back into the driver’s seat.  However, as Gore continues, an economic collapse could leave the Deep State with no means to expand and retake control:

Next year’s silver lining may be that it marks peak government. Governments have coopted much of the world’s resources and put a gigantic lien on its future production. In a severe economic contraction, the wherewithal from taxes and credit markets that would allow them to grow even bigger—and thus more intrusive and repressive—simply won’t be there.

I am indeed very wary for the future of the US, and of what the next economic collapse will mean for this country.  However, I’ve never once doubted my vote for Trump.  He has truly lived up to the “Dark Knight” billing I gave him a year ago:


Like Batman was to Gotham City in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”: Trump is definitely not the hero America needs, but he sure as hell is the hero that America deserves. 

In spite of politicians, fake news, and even friends trying to persuade me otherwise, I haven’t doubted or questioned my vote for a second, and am hopeful that this isn’t “as good as it gets” for Trump.  No matter what happens, I have faith that Trump will continue to fight to uphold his campaign promises, and do his best to improve the well-being of the country and all of its citizens.

Trump has undoubtedly delivered on his promises and earned my unwavering support, and it’ll take a lot more than the begging of his haters to get me off the Trump Train.  

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Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 3:11 pm

I will not vote for Trump again, unless he starts repealing civil rights violating laws through executive order, and stops backing the MIC and Fed. It is debatable to claim that Trump is the most peaceful president in 30 years. Trump has actually increased the drone strikes of the Obama administration, has been attempting to incite war with Iran, Syria, Turkey, and countries in Africa, and is backing the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, how that works out with the ” anti-semetic” pro Israel policy is confounding! He is also supporting ISIS and the heroin trade.

I am glad that he didnt sign the TPP though, but Trump appears to be a globalist. Oh yeah, he’s in Davos now.

I may vote for my dog in 2020, if I’m still alive.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 3:16 pm

which means you loved Hillary bitch – the one that should be wearing an orange jump suit.


How sad that you can only think in 1s and 0s. One can happily hate BOTH Trump and Hillary and vote for NEITHER and maintain ALL of their principles. Try getting out more.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 4:02 pm

You are exactly the reason that I stay in, your lack of principals. I think that i know who you are, and that we have corresponded via email.

January 26, 2018 4:21 pm

I’m living proof.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2

point taken on Hillary

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani

Thanks. Doubt that I would have sent a FOIA request for all of her emails during SoS tenure to the NSA in May of 2015 if I liked her!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani

Oh. Who is?

  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 6:56 pm

You’re too stupid to live if you can’t figure that out on your own in about 30 fucking seconds. Are you any relation to Robert S. Finnegan?

January 26, 2018 7:33 pm

Oh, Finnegan’s Wakeup was a lot of fun.

  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 7:00 pm

So you’re just into shitting on a persons blog day after day and not even knowing who owns it? Wish I could say I am surprised. Fucking moran!

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 7:09 pm

Jim Quinn owns this blog.

  Rdawg the fascist
January 26, 2018 7:17 pm

Naw, he’s just the one collecting donations for the blog.

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
  Rdawg the fascist
January 26, 2018 11:06 pm



Pretty idiotic to let her know that!

Think about it.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani

It is strange that donations should be mailed out to him, if he isn’t the owner.


Mail to: Jim Quinn – P.O. Box 1520, Kulpsville, PA 19443

  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 8:19 pm

You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, for sure.

January 26, 2018 8:25 pm

Dull as a 2×4 and twice as dense.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 9:12 pm

Stucky- With that remark, evidently you aren’t either! think about It!

  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 8:36 pm

LOL! After weeks of near thrice daily shitting on the blog she discovers what was right up front all along.

DING fries are done! DING fries are done!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 9:17 pm

Ok. Your’e fried Mr. Potato head! Here is your fucking dinner ! I will even serve your head to you on a silver platter with a fucking doily!

January 26, 2018 9:45 pm

I would say “blow me” but I’m afraid your stupid would rub off on me. Just go shit somewhere else. Nobody reads your shit here. Get your own blog and piss off.

  Andrea Iravani
January 27, 2018 3:01 am

If you really want to piss him off, Andrea, start posting stuff on his other blog, the Daily Stormer. He’s much more sensitive there, and you’ll be right at home with the other posters. Get back to us in a few weeks and let us know how it goes

  Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 9:08 pm

Andrea, I used to feel bad for you, watching everyone down vote you, hurl scathing insults at you ( many couched in dripping irony, spoofing you without you having a clue and you taking everything literally).

But now I just see you as a cautionary tale to teens embarking of a career of hard drugs.

January 26, 2018 9:46 pm


Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 27, 2018 1:00 am

Ok. Please see me as a precautionary tale to teens to stay away from Psychiatrists who prescribed the Benzos, and to their parents to fight the war on drugs against Walgreens!

Jim B. Allen
Jim B. Allen
January 26, 2018 3:15 pm

He is a SICK S.O.B. but he has been GREAT for the markets. So I understand why you feel as you do!

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
  Jim B. Allen
January 26, 2018 3:18 pm

Explain SICK SOB, or is that too difficult for a liberal.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
January 26, 2018 3:15 pm

He still has my support.
“and the US has since been working to wind down the conflict in Syria” – then why are we still there with maybe a dozen military bases; I believe we sent 2,000 more troops there, on top of the 500 previously there. I’ll tell you why – it is to Balkanize (partition) Syria to eliminate Iran influence with Lebanon, cuz the US is ISISrahell’s bitch.

Abortion: just within the last few days Trump signed an EO to reinstate the ‘Mexico City Policy’, which bars international NGO’s that perform or promote abortions, from receiving government funding.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell

“Abortion: just within the last few days Trump signed an EO to reinstate the ‘Mexico City Policy’, which bars international NGO’s that perform or promote abortions, from receiving government funding.”
Well, what is wrong with that? If people want to pay for their own abortions, fine that is their deal, but I don’t want to be forced to do it at government gun point. I frankly don’t think the government should fund ANYTHING in the social realm. That is what has gotten us professional social justice warriors! Without all of this government funding for all this shit, these SJW would have to get a real job.
And, regarding “If America could repeal and replace McCain, and not Trump, we might have Obamacare repeal after all.” – looks like mother nature or god, did us the favor. He should be “repealed” soon, and that turd Jeff Flake, while not repealed by nature (apparently he was not so deeply entrenched) will be going away too.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
January 26, 2018 3:23 pm

ESPN has demoted that Racist bitch Jemele Hill as host of ESPN’s flagship “SportsCenter”, partly for calling Trump a white supremacist; of course, this was done without any supporting facts, just typical liberal low IQ name-calling.

YAY Trump.

And ESPN made the Fake News list.

January 26, 2018 3:56 pm

He may be a winner, but as with ALL presidents over the past 150 years or so, WE ARE ALL THE LOSERS.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 26, 2018 5:53 pm

I’ve enjoyed Year One of President Trump, but it’s the coming year that’ll be real interesting. Who wins – Deep State or Trump? My money’s on Trump. Who prevails on DACA/border/immigration? Trump vs the Dems is like two trains barreling toward each other on the same track. There’s no turning and its too late to brake. More and longer shutdowns loom. Some Dreamers are starting to tell Dems to take the deal – the latest Trump offering. So are the cognoscenti

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 26, 2018 6:11 pm

If you want a chuckle at what the extreme left thinks about Trump’s DACA/border/immigration proposal, look here:

  Iska Waran
January 26, 2018 7:08 pm

Iska…both your posts have my up votes!

The glass is half full of Tang!!!

January 26, 2018 10:14 pm

I wasn’t a Trump guy. I wanted Rand Paul. But Rand is too polite to get things done. I can’t help but wonder if it had been the Donald who got jumped from behind by his neighbor if he wouldn’t have grabbed the lawnmower and beaten the sob to death with it.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 26, 2018 11:24 pm

That is a funny visual!

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
January 27, 2018 11:28 am

And, Rand Paul is a fraud. He was one of the senators that earlier last year imbedded in one of the bills about repealing Obamacare to make big pharma and big Med immune from antitrust laws.

His latest nonsense is also grandstanding. I know that some are not a fan of Denninger, but his logic and facts are undeniable, RE: Rand Paul:

I liked Ron, but it so far appears that Rand has one of two things in mind A. He is trying to consolidate power to eventually get in a position to really make a difference, or B. Is just another opportunistic asshole using another “schtick” to the sheeple, trying to get to the top of the heap to join the elite that are screwing us. You decide which.

EL Coyotazo
EL Coyotazo
January 27, 2018 1:05 am

Let me say that many clues point to the possibility Iravani is a bot or AI; her moniker is one clue, her belief that the world is one dimensional is another – unless she exists as a program on a disc – how can she sound like Stevie wonder describing the colors of the rainbow? She denigrates all men as liars when the truth is women (Ann Coulter) are the liars.

However, this is not to say Iravani is entirely wrong. While koko demands that she back Trump with all her heart and soul, insisting that if she doesn’t it means she’s a Hillarite, I do not believe in Pharisees either.

If Iravani has eyes to see that Trump is no Reagan, that he wants to enlarge the scope and reach of government into the lives of the citizenry, that he wants to build a wall that has no strategic purpose, that he wants to destroy the media, that he wants to impose a theocracy where the government is the sole authority deciding who is a citizen (white) and who can be summarily executed on the street (brown). He wants to continue the march into the middle east and provoke a war in Asia to threaten China and Russia, both of which have made plans to replace the dollar hegemony.

You can sing his praises and laud his accomplishments, I just hope you can be proud of your blindness later. I mean, Ann Coulter reserves the right to criticize the Donald but in this supposed free blog, all I get to read are the idiotic comments of a bunch of clapping seals. There was a time when this blog welcomed controversy. Now, it seems the outlier is automatically seen as a pariah.

I’m glad Maggie at least gave a weak whimper of protest. Whatever Iravani’s faults, I admire the fact she is willing to remain independent, but you don’t like that. You want the Barabbas types like Ann Coulter.

January 27, 2018 7:11 am

When the author of an article states right in the headline that he can’t be convinced of a certain thing NO MATTER WHAT then what do you have? A shill. A dude with a shitload of biases. A writer with blindfolds on. Dishonesty. In other words, yet another Trump Nutsack Licker.

I’m somewhat surprised folks here go for that shit. As El Coyote rightfully stated above, it wasn’t always like that here. At one time, we had more discernment. What happened to those days??

There is so much wrong with his Trump Fellatio that I hardly know where to begin. So, I won’t. Except to say that his belief that Trump is not a war President is hysterically laughable. But, I really had to stop reading when he quoted SLL. Had too!!

For the record Trump will always have a certain level of my support if for no other reason than this; the fucken assholes in this country whom I LOATHE, and their number is Legion, hate Trump. As long as these fucktards exist, I will cheer on Mr. Trump. Which means I’ll probably be cheering for Trump even on his fourth term as POTUS. Fuck you fucken libtards to hell!!!!

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
January 27, 2018 11:37 am

“For the record Trump will always have a certain level of my support if for no other reason than this; the fucken assholes in this country whom I LOATHE, and their number is Legion, hate Trump. As long as these fucktards exist, I will cheer on Mr. Trump. Which means I’ll probably be cheering for Trump even on his fourth term as POTUS. Fuck you fucken libtards to hell!!!!”

Spot on. That should be all of our scale for the progress of President Trump – Which people that we are against are bitching and yelling the most, and how loud are they wailing. As long as the answers to the previous questions are: All of the bought and paid for politicians – libtards, SJW, and MSM and they are screaming loudly, my answer to Mr. Trump, even with his flaws is: Carry on….we’ll wait and see. If things calm down, and the MSM and crooked elites start settling in and even liking Trump, then we may have a problem.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 27, 2018 3:29 pm

Stuck, there are a few people I like to read, we don’t call them big dogs anymore but they are folks who’ve been here quite a while, long enough to know better. They damn well know better than the fucking rah-rahs that would deep throat Trump if he asked them to.

Seriously, Trump has made the Democrats an offer they can’t stand, he wants to trade legalization for 1.8 million DACAs in exchange for a purportedly $25B wall. That number has been bandied about so long that it’s become the truth, yet I recall my calculation came out at $75B without factoring in inflation. If you know anything about the bidding process, the low bidder will seek re-adjustments later in order to complete the project. That means we might be looking at $180B. Trump is offering to legalize each dreamer at a cost to the Congress of $30,000 to $100,000 per dreamer.

And that’s before we get to the small print where he wants them to swear off the family reunification that he calls chain migration and perhaps even the automatic citizenship for newborns. Imagine leaving your citizenship birth-right to the whims of the government. It would make sense if not for the fact that later, when the liberals come into power, they would use that to deport whites. Really, as the bible verse says: “What goes around comes around.”

Of course the Congress will reject it and then Old Trump, the negotiator, will crow that the Democrats don’t really want to make a deal. The fucking Democrats deserve it. They could have gotten all this many years ago at a much cheaper cost. Now they have to bargain, like an old whore who used to go for $thousands per night, for the pennies they can get for their soul.