A report issued by the House Intelligence Committee on alleged surveillance abuses by federal law enforcement authorities was just released to the public. Full memo below (pdf link): A full copy of the report is also embedded below.

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February 2, 2018 12:39 pm

I don’t think this will send anyone to prison. “Mistakes were made” will be their vague retort. Plus they could draw out litigation for a decade probably.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
February 2, 2018 12:41 pm

Perhaps no one will be incarcerated, but this once and for all proves that Hillary Clinton and the DNC worked to subvert Donald Trump by using agencies of the government.

February 2, 2018 12:43 pm

At best, someone may take early retirement.

Nothing of any real earthshaking importance to make any significant impact here.

I imagine those on the right will find it supportive, and those on the left will dismiss it as irrelevant.

Same as with everything else so far.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 12:43 pm

This is just the tip of the iceberg Vodka. It is the door through which every other door will be opened.

It’s a brand new world.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 12:52 pm

Opening a door doesn’t mean anyone is going to go through it, or that anyone who does will gain anything by doing so.

The Democrats and their Republican colluders aren’t going to do anything about it and no one else can.

IMO, wait to see as time passes and what public interest there currently is dissipates.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 12:57 pm

Time proves and disproves all things. There is no guarantee that the sun will rise each morning but it is reasonable to expect it based on prior evidence. I doubt the hype that has been built up around this document has been created for no reason. If it was to be relegated to the dustbins of history with just a few pee-pees slapped it would have been handled much differently.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:05 pm

Well, it did prove the truth about the Las Vegas shooting, now that no one still has any interest in it.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:16 pm

There is no interest in the Vegas shooting? Ok then.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:29 pm

When was the last time you saw someone in the mainstream talking about it, questioning it, investigating it, or filing FOIA requests to make details public?

Note that I said in the mainstream, not on the fringe.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:34 pm


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:37 pm

“not on the fringe.”

Thanks. You just told me everything I needed to know right there.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:10 pm

This entire event sets a precident one way or the other.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 3:21 pm

I prefer the spear (for them) over the iceberg metaphor…

Just the tip of the spear seat! Ouch!

  Francis Marion
February 3, 2018 12:00 pm

Francis- It’s day two after the MEMO is released and I get up look at the news and GUESS WHAT?

Nothing…..nada…….zip about arrests, info about the memo, it has been pushed aside. Today we are supposed to get ready for the big event (SUPER BOWL) and all of that memo business was just yesterday’s news. Now I am pissed off, we should all be pissed off.

I do however know that the MEMO II is a juicy tidbit and is not old news that everyone already knew. That memo will upset the apple cart, but for today be sure to get out and buy that 80 inch tv and invite all your friends over to watch the big game and don’t miss even one of those fabulous commercials they will air that cost millions per minute for companies who buy the airtime. Afterward the sheep will discuss those commercials and their greatness for weeks…….the MEMO not at all.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
February 2, 2018 1:36 pm

Breaking News! 1:40 P.M Dow Jones Industrial Average down 400 points.

  Robert (QSLV)
February 2, 2018 3:12 pm

Buy the fucking dip!

February 2, 2018 3:24 pm

Payday Loan???

Don't Tread On Memes
Don't Tread On Memes
February 2, 2018 4:51 pm

Usually i’m just a reader on TBP but i find this gentleman to be pretty level headed and insightful. Enjoy guys!

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
  Don't Tread On Memes
February 3, 2018 8:27 am

I thought that was Johimbo.

February 2, 2018 8:54 pm

You may not know, but they’re saying this is only 5-10% of the ammo they’ve uncovered. You might be right on it taking a decade to prosecute, but this is TREASON. It must be addressed and the responsible parties punished.
Otherwise we no longer have a country.

February 2, 2018 12:52 pm

This is already known, and it has been obvious for quite some time.

February 2, 2018 1:06 pm

Mmmmmm …….. you’re saying you were caught by surprise by this?

February 2, 2018 1:12 pm

I don’t want to speak for Admin but the way I’m interpreting it is He’s saying you’re an idiot.

February 2, 2018 1:31 pm

Yeah, call someone a “Moran” instead of addressing the issue or answering a direct question.

What does that say?

February 2, 2018 2:49 pm

Anon, moran does not mean moron, it means you screwed the pooch. You failed to understand the memo is the smoking gun. It’s that Perry Mason moment when the defendant is proven guilty as sin. We knew they were crooked, now we have proof. Standby for an indefinite government shutdown. Oh, you didn’t see that coming, moran?

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:17 pm

Anon @1:06

We already knew this. For the most part. Problem now for the Democrats and MSM is they have to choke on this on 24 hour news cycle for next couple of weeks. Yeah the spin has already started but they know, or should, that deep down this is just the start of the bad newz..

  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:34 pm

Being released on a Friday, I’m thinking it will already have mostly been addressed in the public mind by Monday, where it will be getting very little coverage or attention from the average guy on the street.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:44 pm

Sorry Snowflake But It’s Not Over

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:50 pm

You are right anon. Rule always been that you release info that will be forgotten on a Friday. Still that ain’t the real purpose of the persuasion technique being used here. The details are unimportant. Never are.

The problem now for folks like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper is they have to walk away. Cuz they now own all this along with Schiff and his band of ferrymen.
If they bring it up on Tuesday next week they will risk being dog piled. Now them two don’t mind that in da Village but on national television it would be another story all together. They will do it anyways cuz they are really that stoopid. Them being safe in their delusions. Still the damage is done.

Fruit of the poisoned tree. Baby!
Anything incriminating is going to be thrown out of court.

Yeah the Mueller fiasco will drone on.
Terminally kneecapped by this information.
Eventually Bob III will issue a report.
The Dems will go full potato.
There will be no there there.
Maxine and her troop of retards will vote to impeach.
Maybe it gets thru the house.
If it does it don’t matter
It will die in Senate.

And just like slick Willie Clinton, Trump will reign for rest of eight year term.

The Progressives melting in the woods might make some noise.
But nobody will stop long enough to care.

And the best part is this is only the start.

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Popcorn anyone!

February 2, 2018 12:53 pm

At the very least, these folks committed sedition. Heads should roll.


Fun fact of the day I just saw on twatter: both Comey and Rosenstein were prosecutors in the Whitewater scandal. Look it up. Explains to me where they were “turned”.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
February 2, 2018 9:37 pm


February 2, 2018 12:56 pm

I tried to explain it to my friend here locally. While she is not completely naive to business, being a mortgage broker for one of the local loan networks, she has never worked directly for anything related to government bureaucracy and has not witnessed the corruption that permeates almost every level of government or government contract work.

I told her that I believed that in the late 80s, when the Berlin Wall collapsed and there was a real opportunity to change the focus of our nation from the guns of war to the possibilities of the new century, the damned Warmongers won out and got greedy when we broke the back of the USSR over Reagan’s stubborn refusal to negotiate with something that he’d declared off the table. (It was Reagan’s refusal to discuss the SDI initiative, Star Wars missile defense system in planning stages, which brought the Soviet Union to Iceland a second time to actually negotiate. Henry Kissinger said Reagan did what no one had ever done in his own experience as a Statesman for the United States. Reagan, when asked about Star Wars, said “that is off the table” and he stood up and walked out of the room. In his book, Diplomacy, Kissinger said, they sat there for a few seconds and then someone cleared their throat and said, “What do we do now?”

I think, if I remember correctly, they disbanded for the day and made arrangements for another meeting.

Anyway, I believe Hillary Clinton would have signed us onto some International Treaty into a Federation, making the Clinton Foundation the official NGO (grifter funnel to defense contracts from pelosi galore et al) and, soon, Chelsea the first Empress Treasurer of the Galactic Alliance. Long live the Lizard People.

I explained to her that the bureaucratic arm of the federal government has been discovered to have been trying to determine the outcome of the election. Now, I realize those arms are attached to an Executive or “head” and that the body, or Congress, has oversight over many of the functions which should have been reigned in through criminal charge or at least administrative reprimand. So, the “head” either didn’t tell the Executive nor the Congress and is in jeopardy of treason charges OR the Executive did indeed know and then we are discussing the former president directing the election of the next president. Either way, it doesn’t bode well for Hillary. How’s that ankle?

February 2, 2018 3:49 pm

Reagan was the last true patriot we had in the WH. He really was trying to drain the swamp. He took away the elites “boogeyman” and caused major quandaries for the MIC. They tried to kill him but he lived and the evil Bush persuaded him to fight the war on drugs which in reality helped enrich the Deep State while they began to regroup.

February 2, 2018 12:58 pm

NEWS FLASH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yikes, DOW drops 400 points……..market spooked.

Look out B-E-L-O-W………..

February 2, 2018 1:35 pm

Does that mean if it crashes it will be the Republicans fault?

February 2, 2018 1:44 pm

Anon- YoBo will say it was da joos. Trump took credit for the rise, you figure it out.

DOW (-440)

PPT on coffee break?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
February 2, 2018 1:50 pm

Yes, for outing the evil demoncrats.

February 2, 2018 1:03 pm

So, based on the summary in the other pist the memo doesn’t contain anything that we didn’t already know. I’ll read the actual thing when I’m back at my computer.

February 2, 2018 4:04 pm

Correction, it doesn’t prove anything we didn’t already suspect. Big difference. The OIG report this memo was derived from details the proof of treason and the MI/NSA computers have it all. Evidence of crimes are going to be exposed through every twist and turn of this widening rabbit hole. Election rigging, illegal spying, fake documents, complicit media cover up, arming our enemies (U1 & HRC secret servers), pay to play, murder (Seth Rich), and DOJ, FBI, CIA and Obama KNEW ALL ABOUT IT and they consired to cover it all up.

Democrats were masters at sweeping suspicions aside, diverting attention and and covering up their crimes……or so they thought. No more. I suspect Mueller’s Russia investigation is over but his job is far from over as he was empowered to investigate ALL crimes uncovered by his probe. At some point he’ll have to recuse himself when his involvement in the U1 deal comes up.

Oh, and General Flynn just got a get out of jail free card.

February 2, 2018 10:49 pm

I was just telling my wife I think Flynn flys free. Personally I think Mr. Trump should rehire him.

February 3, 2018 12:02 am

Monuments will be built to both General Flynn and Admiral Rogers for averting the biggest Constitutional Crisis in US history. Q told us way back in Dec that Flynn was a patriot and was being protected. He pleaded guilty as part of the role he was playing in the misinfo/disinfo campaign being conducted by Trump and friends because he KNEW this was coming. He and Rogers KNOW the truth.

The MSM has been feeding us misinfo/disinfo for decades. They think Trump believes everything he says. I think Trumps recent TV experience was actually a covert coaching exercise to train him as an actor because he has PLAYED everyone! That’s the beauty of following Q and waiting for the future to prove the past.

It’s all so fucking elegant and bold in it’s simplicity.

February 2, 2018 1:56 pm

I like James Woods, but he needs to paint a bit more liberally (harharhar) with that brush.

Republicans are every bit as at fault as Dems at “destroying” America.

Both parties have been working together since Taft to reign in freedoms and extort creativity.

February 2, 2018 2:53 pm

rein in

Lisa Page
Lisa Page
February 2, 2018 3:18 pm

no I think reign is correct..

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
  Lisa Page
February 2, 2018 7:59 pm

It is not.

February 2, 2018 1:13 pm

Unless they release ALL the details, very little will be done. The libs will do their usual deny and dismiss and cry about how overblown this all is and that will be it. Hope I’m wrong but we ARE talking about the liberal criminals who will do whatever it takes to keep their blood money flowing.

February 2, 2018 1:13 pm

It could be something really big Or it could be the sound of nothing burgers sizzling on the grill.

Then again, it could be something, right?

There is the second dossier which is really juicy. Considering who paid for it and who actually put it together, I’m looking for something really BIG there.

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:23 pm

The best part is all the indictments that came from this are now fruit tainted from the poisoned tree. General Flynn and Carter Page can now use this information to get any charges against them thrown out of any court worth its salt…

February 2, 2018 1:24 pm

DOW slide continues……………..(-421)

February 2, 2018 2:21 pm

Of course, keeps your mind off the memo.

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
February 2, 2018 8:00 pm

Look! A quarter!

February 2, 2018 1:24 pm

Fox News crypto Jew reporter Chris Wallace is busy muddying the waters by claiming Carter Page came on the FBI’s radar in 2013 and the “Russians” tried to recruit him as an agent in 2014. Wallace did not ‘source’ this information but I gather it came from either the FBI or Wallace’s rabbi!

Thing is Comey did not seek a FISA warrant based on this solid information Chris ( Son of CBS’s Mike) Wallace informed us of back then but waited until he had the Steele dossier in September 2016. We thus must conclude that Wallace’s info on the 2013 and 2014 incidents amounted to nothing and that FBI director Comey only sought the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign NOT surveil anything to do with Russia.

February 2, 2018 4:50 pm

Chris Wallace is a fucking asswipe with s sissy lisp. He has been wrong more often than right and is fading to irrelevance like Krauthammer without the face warts. His last hurrah was the debates in 2016. He’s a never Trumpet closet liberal cock sucker.

February 2, 2018 1:25 pm

This is a major leak in the dam, that is blasting a small stream, but quite forcefully due to the high head (pressure) built up behind the dam. The Deep State is rightfully somewhat panicked about this, because as this small fissure grows, it could suck the nuts of Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok and others into the ever widening crack.
As the currently small stream becomes a raging torrent, it could possibly affect the free surface of the now calm reservoir behind the dam, where Barry and Hillary are sunbathing nude on the fantail of their yacht.
It will take awhile, but the dam is breached, and unless this damage is repaired, will only get worse.

February 2, 2018 3:11 pm

“because as this small fissure grows, it could suck the nuts of Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok and others into the ever widening crack.”
Are one of the Kardashian women involved, too? tsk, tsk, tsk.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 3, 2018 12:52 am

Are you obsessed with the Kardashians?
Which one, Kinka?

February 2, 2018 3:39 pm

“where Barry and Hillary are sunbathing nude on the fantail of their yacht.”


RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:26 pm

And what does CuNNt newz have to say..

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Shocker! The can’t even report on it without casting dispersions..

  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:43 pm

Dispersion’s that those who already have an anti Nunes/memo opinion will take as proof that their opinion is right.

That’s the way it works, and the Left knows it.

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 2:21 pm

True enough. This ain’t going to challenge any underlying biases of the hardcore left. They will still be throwing shoes at the wall in 2020. The important thing is it will sway the 5% of reasonable independents. Make Trump President again. People being herd animals, they should by now see which way the wind is blowing.

Its funny a year ago I was pessimistic about future course of world. Not so now. The young generation are throwing off the dogma of Post MOdernism. Only need witness the phenomena that is Jordan Peterson to see what groundswell is inexorable.

This fourth turning so-far has acts that play almost word for word from the Strauss -Howe book that foresaw all this. Trump the Grey Champion Archetype leading the way.

Amazing how predictable people are when it comes to planning a catastrophe…

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Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 2:49 pm

Are you kidding? There is definitely no reason to support the Dems. There is no reason to support Trump or the RNC who have signed onto the fascist legislation that allowed this to occur in the first place, not only on him but on many other Americans as well.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend philosophy works out really well for the enemy of your enemy, since you become his useful idiot.

  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:58 pm

Just this once, a dedication to Iravani: https://youtu.be/zlSFmotba2I

February 2, 2018 5:14 pm

That was pretty damn funny…

As an aside, my youtube page had Pink Floyd”s “on the turning away” cued up next on autoplay– quite a contrast from disco kiss to my normal music leanings

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 3:50 pm
  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 4:17 pm

Notice also that the MSM coverage of it is no longer synchronized. The daily 4am Operation Mockingbird news wire of talking points has been turned off. They are flapping like fish out of water.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 9:42 pm


February 2, 2018 1:27 pm

Look like I’m gonna’ need a bigger box of cornflakes to watch the dog and pony show ( I bet Slick Willie prefers the donkey show ) .

I think nothing will come of this. Trumpster probably has other intel in his back pocket that could get folks tried for treason. If so he’ll use it to neuter the Demorats for the next 3 years. The Demorats will play the political game along with some RINO’s and Trump will cruise to a 2nd term .

February 2, 2018 1:33 pm

Ryan needs to convene public hearings and bring Priestep, McCabe, Comey, Strzok etc. etc. and make them testify on national TV. If they want to take the Fifth the lower level FBI agents will know they have been working for criminals.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:11 pm

Only total idiots had any confidence in the surveillance state, Justice Department, Obama administration, the Clintons, DNC, and RNC who also colluded in the financing and leaking of the information in this filthy dossier. Yes McCain, I specifically mean you!!! As well as the other neocon establishment pupets!

So is this supposed to somehow legitimize the Justice Department ? Well, it doesn’t! The Justice Department had an obligation to inquire as to who financed the dossier in the first place! Furthermore, everyone knows that the Justice Department has been proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt in the collusion to throw the election into Hillary’s corner, despite solid evidence that Hillary was 100% corrupt! So, Justice Department, all that this dossier does is add the stigma of stupidity to your reputation of total corruption! Nice win dumb asses!

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
  Andrea Iravani
February 3, 2018 8:04 pm

You use too many ! exclamation points!!!!
just sayin’

February 2, 2018 1:34 pm

Interesting looking back on Obama’s 8 years and realizing that the *only* thing he was concerned with was weaponizing the federal bureaucracy against conservatives, stacking the deck against them while funneling taxpayer funds to Democrat pet projects and groups.

February 2, 2018 4:21 pm

Just you wait and see what OTHER things Obama was interested in. Arming NK with nukes on behalf of the Deep State is one.

February 2, 2018 4:57 pm

Fucking dumb chimp. Look how that’s working out for him now.

February 2, 2018 9:13 pm

Well sure, TC. Hillary was the breadwinner in the relationship. All barry obongo had to do was keep her happy, and life was pretty good.

February 2, 2018 1:50 pm

The ‘omits key facts’ line of bullshit was probably agreed upon when they expected a redacted memo to be released. Now that the full memo has been released, their line of bullshit makes no sense – but is still being used because they have nothing else to run with.

If it ends, it only ends one way:

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Really, the mainstream media (in its entirety) are indistinguishable co-conspirators – and belong in orange jumpsuits and hoods along with the rest.

PSA: Downloading the pdf of the memo off the House site failed several times, and was ridiculously slow, but was eventually successful – so, if you want a copy, keep trying if it doesn’t work.

February 2, 2018 1:37 pm

The good news is January jobs +200k which beat the number of store closings.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 1:45 pm

ROTFL! Maff is hard ya know.

  Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 5:15 pm

No it’s not

Andrew McCabe
Andrew McCabe
February 2, 2018 1:46 pm

But I still get my pension, right?

  Andrew McCabe
February 2, 2018 2:17 pm

You betcha!

peter strzok
peter strzok
  Andrew McCabe
February 2, 2018 2:25 pm

we all get our pension in prison.
can u pass the soap?

Lisa Page
Lisa Page
  peter strzok
February 2, 2018 2:56 pm

Do I get my pension
Gots ta get work on ma smile
Ma teeth are needin’ fixen

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Lisa Page
February 2, 2018 5:24 pm

I thought she made her way in the political realm on her back, not with her “smile”

February 2, 2018 2:15 pm

Yes, the loot was spread around. The most obvious was Andy McCabe’s wife who ran for state senate in Virginia. Got close to a quarter million total in campaign donations via Terry McCauliffe.



Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable of the NOT S**thole Nation
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable of the NOT S**thole Nation
February 2, 2018 1:42 pm

There is no upper limit on the scale to measure the degree of Asshole Puckering among the Democrats, their MSM enablers, and the Clinton Crime Family today. Even Obama is said to have retained his own attorney.

Just think: If The Felonius Pantsuited One was Prez, none of this rot would have ever come out and the Regime would continue to weaponize the government against their political opponents.

This memo release, plus the pathetic response of the Dems to the SOTU, is a part of a brilliant 1-2 punch by Trump.

MOAR winning.

February 2, 2018 1:46 pm

Am glad you weighed in Hope… was “hope”ing you’d show. I loved your blow by blow for a couple of debates back in the day.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 1:50 pm

A no shit Sherlock Captain Obvious revelation! No new information was disclosed in this document!

Just confirmation of what most of the general public knew over a year ago!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 1:57 pm

Did Nunes down vote? Who on TBP didn’t already know everything in this 4 page memo?

  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:35 pm

True but it’s laid bare now and the MSM can’t ignore or refute it (although they will put their liberal spin on it).

Collusion to overturn a presidential election is treasonous, which will lead to a military tribunal.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 3:13 pm

Which many Republicans are gulity of as well. No. Military tribunal is not in the constitution for anyone other than those in the military. ( even that is not spelled out but the military uses its own system for the military, not just here, but in most places. ) keep it in the shadows mentality.

The powers granted to the military in the constitution?


A military coup would in fact be treason!

  Andrea Iravani
February 3, 2018 8:40 am

“Military tribunal is not in the constitution for anyone other than those in the military.” -Andrea

Read the latest Executive Order from Trump and from past administrations (which remain in effect unless specifically overturned by incoming Presidents).

We are currently under a state of National Emergency, which is a de facto suspension of the Constitution.

Civilians can be marked as “enemy combatants” and charged with treason which can result in a military trial.

Your ignorance is stunning.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:58 pm

The general public is an idiot, and knew nothing of this, Andrea. I didn’t down thumb you, but should have.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert (QSLV)

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Robert (QSLV)
February 2, 2018 3:34 pm

Robert QSLV – I guess that I must know smarter people than you then. Birds of a feather!

So you didn’t know about this, or you elevate yourself from the general public? Which is it?

  Robert (QSLV)
February 2, 2018 4:23 pm

I think anyone who doesn’t slavishly watch the liberal media outlets already knew everything that is “revealed” in the memo. Since most people seem to get all their news from the MSM or late night comedy shows they are probably shocked…shocked! by the contents of the memo.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 5:50 pm

I don’t believe that they do tree farmer. There were polls out last year that had media approval and trustworthiness at 13% in one poll and 7% in another poll. Americans have also been cutting the cable cord en masse, many maybe didn’t previously because of football, but after the boycott by the right of the NFL for kneeling, more households have disconnected. The DNC establishment has lost. That places ordinary people with one side down, and the other side left to take down. None of us can win until their system implodes. Maybe this week’s market action is proof of the inevitable, which most realized was baked into the cake long ago. A sustainable system cannot be built upon a corrupt foundation.

  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 4:27 pm

The public didn’t KNOW jack shit! They rightly suspected. Learn the difference!

Now we have actionable information to demand a full investigation.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 7:04 pm

Many sites have been reporting on this for over a year. Are you suggesting that all of the black listed prop or not websites have had no readers?!

  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 7:42 pm

Have they been reporting ACTIONABLE FACTS? If so, SHOW ME.

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
February 2, 2018 8:05 pm

Ignore it. It is insane and cannot learn.

  Rdawg the fascist
February 2, 2018 8:47 pm

No shit! She is the 4%-6% Q said would never be red-pilled. Notice that she started posting here about the exact same time that Q started posting. I think she’s a disinfo shill or a “glowing CIA nigger” as the anons call them.

I did see your counteroffer on the other thread. Still contemplating it. 🙂

  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 5:32 pm

We are not the general public–trust me, when I mention this stuff casually at work or among certain groups of friends–they have no idea what I am talking about and most only know that the Super Bowl is this weekend.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 6:33 pm

Thus the “Q” phenomena on 8 Chan… I think the public is about to be ‘woke’.

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 1:58 pm

And there you have it. The money shot in this persuasion game.
Fucken’ leave it to Assange to “get it”.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 9:47 pm

But to the “average person” this *doesn’t matter*.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Chubby Bubbles
February 4, 2018 8:27 am

Nothing matter to the “average person” but their hungers, needs, and wants. They go whichever way the wind blows. There is no moral keel that guides them, no logical thought process they follow, no loyalty to anything other than self. They will switch teams in an instant if it means gratification or affirmation, so they’re not important in the bigger picture. You’ve only got to go from the 3% to the 10% to overturn the entire apple cart. I’d say that we’re almost there and the momentum is with us.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:24 pm

I find it remarkable that Trump has signed onto section 702, FISA, the American Freedom Act, HR6393, as well as the numerous other fascist surveillance state legislation that has allowed such abuses to occur in the first place! To me, that is the ultimate act of an idiot or a tyrant! Which is it? Both?

The very nature of FISA proves the total dishonesty and abuse of the executive branch, legislative branch, judicial system, and surveillance state! If someone cannot defend themselves, or, even know what the charges are, it allows the surveillance state to invent things out of thin air, or rely on others to do it for them, and present it to FISA as a reason for surveillance.

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:30 pm

Trump is now in charge.
In a street fight first rule is there are no rules.
Do onto them what they would do onto you..
Besides this is Sun Tzu playbook stuff anyways..
Art of War.
He just need convince his enemies that they have already lost.

  RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 3:49 pm

“Strategy without tactics is the longest path to victory; tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War

February 2, 2018 4:29 pm

Admin, hold onto your hat but the anons, based on Q clues, believe Snowden was/is a bad actor. Not sure I understand it myself just yet.

February 2, 2018 4:43 pm
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 3, 2018 12:36 am

James Corbett has been saying this since the beginning of the Snowden leaks.

February 2, 2018 3:32 pm

Like the 3 before his.

Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable of the NOT S**thole Nation
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable of the NOT S**thole Nation
February 2, 2018 2:10 pm

@Maggie – thanks! I have just been overwhelmed the last few years. I lurk alot and love your comments. Honestly spent most of the SOTU being just blown away by the amazing people profiled. Really restored my faith in the PEOPLE of America. I admit I cried a bit when the Korean guy held up his crutches – what a story! Of course, watching those unhinged batshit crazy Democrats commit political seppuku on national TV was just freaking awesome.

I am still left with the murder of Seth Rich. The revelations in this memo take me back to Seth’s discontent with the DNC and the fixing of the primaries for The Felonius Pansuited One. Was there also info in those files about the dossier or the lawfirm connection? I can’t remember, maybe one of the nerds on the site that has read all those files can tell us.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 2:11 pm

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February 2, 2018 2:13 pm

The whole system is a crime spree, DC is a crime scene, we know this.

February 2, 2018 2:16 pm

UPDATE- DOW down -511
Any time now PPT.

OTOH- Never let a good crisis go to waste.

February 2, 2018 2:17 pm

Nobody is citing any specific laws that were broken, only improper procedure before a court. That could only, at best, get some people disbarred. Bill Clinton and Obama are disbarred, so big deal.

To send them to prison would take a conspiracy conviction in which they would have to prove ‘intent’. I hope that is exactly what happens, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

February 2, 2018 2:28 pm

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February 2, 2018 2:45 pm

Vodka, you are parroting the CBS news spin on this with “Nobody is citing any specific laws that were broken”. There will be indictments coming out of this, for sure.

February 2, 2018 2:29 pm

I don’t understand how Trump continues to survive.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 2:41 pm

I don’t understand why people continue to support Trump since he is signing onto the fascist legislation that allowed this to occur in the first place, not only on him, but on many other Americans as well!

I guess that they unaware that they are victims of it, or they are perpetrators of it.

Mountain Farmer Woman
Mountain Farmer Woman
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 3:31 pm

There will always be corruption in government. We will never have a perfect world. However, Trump is much less corrupt than Clinton and her friends. Trump is getting rid of truly evil people.

Be grateful this is happening.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Mountain Farmer Woman
February 2, 2018 3:39 pm

Replacing truly evil people with other truly evil people isn’t a victory.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 3:56 pm

You & Denninger should get married.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Iska Waran
February 2, 2018 4:12 pm

I guess that I will take that as a compliment. I certainly share many of his sentiments, though I don’t know much about him. Thanks Iska. Too bad that the Koch brothers hijacked his movement and turned it into astroturph. It happens to all of these, on both sides, every fucking time!

On the left, it is usually the unions that take over, except the pharmactical industry, insurance industry, and AMA was added to them under Obama. Only 13% of Americans are in unions. The left will continue not representing most Americans as long as they continue giving unions elevated status over non union citizens.

  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 4:30 pm

These days, it’s the closest thing to a victory we can have.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
  Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 3:36 pm

I normally ignore you, but let me reply to this fascist accusation.

I don’t know that you supported Hillary and/or saw Trump as a potential fascist, but anybody who DID think Trump was/would become a fascist…

EVERYONE who was made to believe Trump was an agent of Russia AND that he won by cheating and that Russia helped him cheat en route to victory was CONNED; they swallowed the lies hook, line, and sinker. These people held visceral opposition to Trump because they viewed him as a cheat and as an enemy of democracy, a bane upon the Republic, and as a potential fascist dictator.

But let’s imagine that everything was reversed – that Hillary and her campaign had been subject to surveillance thanks to warrants obtained from a FISA court because a dossier containing information on her was funded by the Trump campaign. Then, Hillary wins, and for more than 1 year, Hillary is accused of collusion with Russia, and that this collusion is the reason she won.

Then a memo emerges stating everything today’s memo states – only Trump’s side and the RNC, not Hillary’s side and the DNC, was the one behind these machinations.

ANYONE of the Trump detractors, if presented with this scenario, I doubt they would want Trump to simply sit pretty in Trump Tower without any consequence.

If these people were to demand punishment for Trump and his people for doing to Hillary what Hillary etc. did to Trump, then if they have any moral consistency, they must demand AT THE VERY LEAST A FULL INVESTIGATION ON WHAT THE MEMO SAYS.

But if knowing all this, Trump detractors still think Hillary, Steele, Strzok, Page, and all others behind this did nothing wrong and should not be held accountable – then it is Trump detractors, not Donald Trump and not Trump’s backers, who do not believe in the rule of law, in the Constitution, in the democratic process.

No, such hypocrites care about “speaking truth to power” when their man/woman is the one doing the speaking. And in that sense, by tehir tolerance of the violation of the rule of law as we see here, THEY are no less fascists than they believed/believe Trump to be.

February 2, 2018 2:45 pm

Karl Denninger says:

This standing alone is a crime; it constitutes not only obstruction of justice but also perjury, and is further a fraud upon the court.

Therefore, the people named in the memo should be held in contempt, no?

If charges are not forthcoming soon, then what?

February 2, 2018 9:23 pm

I don’t think they could be convicted on any of those, Uncola. Robert Gore has a law degree, and I would love for him to weigh-in.

“Perjury” is giving false testimony while under oath. They were not giving legal testimony, but merely petitioning the court for an action.

“Obstruction of justice” is an attempt to thwart the administration of justice. But their was no ‘inquiry’ at the time to attempt to ‘thwart’.

And ‘contempt’ is the refusal to obey an active court order, of which there were none.

These people are snakes who know how to slither along the very edges of legality. Thus, Comey could boldly tweet “That’s it?”.

February 2, 2018 11:51 pm

Good points Vodka. In a perfect world, perjury would apply to these law enforcement officer’s oath(s) to uphold the U.S. Constitution and contempt to the implied active court order of not lying to any judge overseeing the FISA application process on four (4) separate occasions.

February 2, 2018 2:32 pm

Ho, hum, there doesn’t seem to be anything earth shattering in this memo. We already knew all of what is in it. There is no dangers to national security just to the treasonous pricks involved.

February 2, 2018 2:59 pm

Who keeps posting that drivel from Comey: “DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs”? Seriously? As in sending sniper teams out to Nevada to execute an entire family over grazing fees? Then lying about it and withholding that information from the lawyers for the people you were trying to murder? As well as the judge. Am I the only one seeing a pattern here?

Or was he talking about shooting a mother, not charged with any crime, in the head while holding her infant? (It’s quite likely the FBI psychopath was going for a “twofer” but the baby was saved by government marksmanship.) Or setting up mental defectives for terrorism charges? Burning almost a hundred women and children to death who had committed no crimes?

Tell you what, Comey, don’t worry about my trust in government goons being destroyed. That’s been gone a long time.

RiNS el deplorable
RiNS el deplorable
February 2, 2018 3:33 pm

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February 2, 2018 3:50 pm

UPDATE- Coming into the close- DOW down -643.92

How low will it go?

February 2, 2018 4:11 pm

You guessed it, the magic number for today:

DOW closed at (-666)

There is that number again.

Plausible Undeniability
Plausible Undeniability
February 2, 2018 5:26 pm

A sign of who really is in control and what’s coming?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 7:47 pm

You’ll tell me when to buy, right????

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
February 2, 2018 8:20 pm

Nope. -665.75.

  Rdawg the fascist
February 2, 2018 11:55 pm

We round up down here.

Rdawg the fascist
Rdawg the fascist
February 2, 2018 11:56 pm

Got it: -670, then.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Rdawg the fascist
February 3, 2018 9:58 am

Hat tip to the purveyors of plausible deniability.

665.75 is a horse’s head under your bed sheets.

February 2, 2018 5:02 pm

A big thing this memo will do is begin to turn the blue-pilled public’s consciousness. As evidence comes out lefties will begin to question their sacred cows. The more moderate among them will get it quickly and help bring the rest along.

February 2, 2018 5:23 pm

I be the FBI starts releasing pics of J Edgar Hoover wearing women’s clothing and hugging one of his gay pals…..just to change the subject .

Chris Wray
Chris Wray
February 2, 2018 5:30 pm

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  Chris Wray
February 2, 2018 5:36 pm
February 2, 2018 5:56 pm

Another thing……excepting a big, successful false flag by the deep state, the left is OUT OF AMMO. The light of truth is shining on their misdeeds and not even SPF 2,000,000 can stop the burn now.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 7:52 pm

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 7:53 pm

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February 2, 2018 8:13 pm

Dilley’s source dropped this after he read the memo on periscope:

After reading the memo and just prior to signing off, Dilley got some intel that he shared:
Sedition = death penalty.
RICO = life in prison
Which category is top tier?
That’s right, sedition, hanging time.
Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly.
Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling.
Storm is here, and it’s beautiful.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 8:47 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
February 2, 2018 8:20 pm

Did anyone here post comments on my blog site under the name Robert Thomas from TBP ? Just curious due to the unusual nature of the comments, as well as the unusual recipes.

In the comments section in this article:

The Governments Have Placed All Information About Their Activities In PDF Form Since the Spring of 2017

Andrea Iravani

February 2, 2018 8:47 pm

To understand the spin strategies of the talking heads this week, I’ve been watching MSNBC: Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and others.

Then, to compare, I flip over to Fox News to see what they are saying.

Just a couple of observations here:

1.) On MSNBC, every panel they present is an echo chamber with NO (zero, zip, nada) contrarian commentators to represent any alternative (i.e. conservative) perspectives on the House Intelligence Committee memo.

For past political scandals, this was not always the norm for these MSNBC shows?

2.) Fox News, however (including Tucker Carlson right now), does allow opposing commentators and the ensuing vigorous debate.

3.) It has been made clear that one of the back up strategies for Mueller’s investigation is an “obstruction of justice” charge by way of Trump’s firing of James Comey.

Yet, in Trump’s termination letter to Comey, he stated that he was acting upon the recommendations of Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein.

Now, according to the memo released today, we know Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller, signed off on at least one of the misrepresented (bogus / false) FISA applications on Trump.

No one (online, TV, or radio) is talking about these points of fact.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 2, 2018 8:54 pm

Well – I guess we can say it was said here (on the fringe nonetheless) first.