A report issued by the House Intelligence Committee on alleged surveillance abuses by federal law enforcement authorities was just released to the public. Full memo below (pdf link): A full copy of the report is also embedded below.

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February 3, 2018 12:36 am

All of you violent fuckers can eat a bag of dicks. Enjoy voting yourself your “fair share” of all the violence that’s coming your way.

February 3, 2018 12:59 am

Anon…you’re the reason I buy more ammo…..I’m gonna aim for the crotch area…then bang….an instant Ken doll .

February 3, 2018 1:06 am

That House memo confirms exactly why I left TBP 2 years ago. I knew the CIA was being infected with political partisanship and said so, but I never imagined that my long professional relationship with the FBI could be so corrupted at those at the top. I blasted James Comey, but didn’t see the forest for the trees and defended the FBI as an institution.

I was wrong. Everyone at the top of the FBI is politically corrupt.

I was wrong. But in a sense, I was right. You haven’t heard my mistaken voice for

February 3, 2018 1:29 am

Welcome back SSS! Sincerely glad to see you back!

Don’t worry man. You’re a patriot……straight up! Plenty of hard working, high integrity people still work at the FBI and CIA. That’s why Trump visited both to speak directly to the rank and file. He has their backs. Be proud of your service. The evil fucks fooled us ALL to one degree or another. They use our patriotism and pride against us. My old man got fooled by Gulf of Tonkin. Think about Pat Tillman. The deep state abuses us relentlessly. We are about to be delivered from evil!

Did I say I was glad you’re back!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 3, 2018 2:27 am

SSS, I hope you will come back to the site and continue to post your comments. When you outlined your credentials, I realized we had a valuable person on the site with plenty of experience to give us good information on what’s going on. As IS, said, it’s those at the top, not the rank-and-file. And it’s those at the top that have been damaging the reputations of these agencies. When average people like me don’t trust the CIA and the FBI, there’s good reason – those at the top who are politicizing the agencies.

February 3, 2018 7:19 am

I won’t pry and ask why ….. but, I don’t understand why a corrupt FBI would stop you from posting here.

Obviously, you’re still reading TBP. So, that’s not leaving. Also, you do still comment from time to time. That’s not leaving.

Nevertheless, the lack of regular comments from you has made TBP experience poorer for all of us. I hope that changes at some point.

I trust your golf scores haven’t suffered as a result of The Memo?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 3, 2018 4:25 pm

Could it be, Stuck, that he commented with the full knowledge he was being observed?
It’s bigger than he thought. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/02/02/mysterious-lost-maya-cities-discovered-in-guatemalan-jungle.html

“Hey, asshole … Cowboy’s wasted. You’re fresh out of friends. I’m running this squad …”

Andrea Irritation
Andrea Irritation
February 3, 2018 1:36 am


Visit my blog @007 dot something. Really smart words there!

Andrea Irritation
Andrea Irritation
February 3, 2018 1:50 am


Please, please, please visit my website @007 dot something. Very good smart written commentary there. Very smart.

  Andrea Irritation
February 3, 2018 3:58 am

Now that IS funny and I don’t care who you are!

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
February 3, 2018 7:33 am

Any solution is fine with me as long as it is environmentally sound, sustainable, biodegradable and made of all natural fibres.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2018 8:18 am

Oh my.

It is quite telling to see those who are still trying to whitewash this out there flapping their gums for the whole world to see.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

As someone said somewhere up above, if there’s something exculpatory in the raw data, now would be the time to drag it out and let everyone have a look see, because short of that- and it better be huge- this is clear evidence of obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit fraud, collusion and dare I say it? Treason.

I just don’t see how they are going to get out from under this and from all accounts it’s just the beginning .

It makes you wonder, what was on the table for people to undertake this kind of activity? Was it just political and ideological or was it financial? A mixture of both? Or was it something far more sinister?

So now you have one of two options going forward- Trump was this prepared, this strategic, this cool and this informed for quite some time to set up the conspirators right next to him for that Michael Corleone kind of treatment, or he is the luckiest man who ever lived.

Either way, it appears to be a Royal Flush he’s holding.

And his name is Trump.

Either there’s a God in Heaven above, or the greatest script writer in history has gone unacknowledged.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2018 2:08 pm

HSF said:
“It makes you wonder, what was on the table for people to undertake this kind of activity? Was it just political and ideological or was it financial? A mixture of both? Or was it something far more sinister?”

I think Q has indicated that it comes down to people (in the beginning) being naive and allowing themselves to be compromised. The anons explored the methods used by bad guys to compromise targets. Very early on it’s easy to get out with only minor embarrassment but if you don’t object early the targets get sucked in and ultimately figure, in for a penny, in for a pound once they cross a certain threshold. And then of course the $$$ begins to look good. It’s a sick fucking process that goes on in Pedowood and the MSM as well.

February 3, 2018 9:06 am

One of the better commentaries on this subject, this guy is a former LEO that has experience working with the FBI and FISA warrants.

Worth your time to watch this IMO.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2018 9:22 am

Just because it hasn’t been mentioned anywhere else, I think that all indications are that the FISA Judge(s) is/are corrupted.

I can’t imagine how this kind of thing went on as long as it did without the Judge having stepped up long ago to bring the conspirators to account if he/she/it was on the level.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 3, 2018 2:11 pm

No shit……..it appears that one of them at least accepted a fucking *news story* as evidence to justify a warrant. Not good! The anons are digging on the FISA court judges looking for questionable associations.

jim in mo
jim in mo
February 3, 2018 9:33 am

It leaves the underlying question out there? Who else was wiretapped? My bet is there were more requests and closer to trump. More likely Trump was targeted. Did they get one on trump based the phony dossier? I think this is why the hand wringing freak out is happening. It really would be devastating to .gov for that to come out.