CNN Praises Kim Jong Un’s Sister At The Winter Olympics And Ignores Both True Heroes and Reality In The Process

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter; Authored by Jon Hall

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Over the weekend, CNN turned heads in their direction yet again – this time after praising none other than Kim Jong Un’s sister.

Somehow, this isn’t a parody.

CNN’s article opens with a cringe-inducing reference to “diplomacy”which would be funny if it weren’t so sad…

If “diplomatic dance” were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Jong Un’s younger sister [Kim Yo Jong] would be favored to win gold…

Nothing about North Korea is diplomatic, lest they forgot the fact that it’s run by a dictator. The only off-hand mention they make to Kim Jong Un’s totalitarian regime is near the beginning of the piece:

But as North Korea’s brutal dictator, Kim’s brother has ruled with an iron fist since coming to power, operating Nazi-style prison camps, repressing political opposition and even executing senior officers and his own family members in an effort to consolidate power.

Otherwise, CNN’s article is a literal puff piece for North Korea’s regime. It chronicles Kim Yo Jong’s rise to power in the North Korean government as if it’s something to be proud of and even compares her to Ivanka Trump. 

Yep, because that’s a totally apt comparison!

If CNN is so hungry for comparisons, let’s dive right in…

For instance, let’s recollect the time they nearly doxxed someone’s anonymous identity for daring to post a humorous gif online… As I reported in July of 2017:

Purportedly – according to Fraud News Network (or CNN) – Reddit user, “HanAssholeSolo” posted the WWE Trump/CNN gif to The_Donald subreddit. Therefore, because he spread this heinous and destestable gif; doxxing him is justifiable. Wait, he apologized and showed remorse for his actions. CNN won’t identify him but “reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”

The definition of blackmail is as follows:

“The use of threats or the manipulation of someone’s feelings to force them to do something.”

The infamous gif in question.

If you’re keeping score at home, that’s right – CNN showered a vital and powerful part of a murderous, chaotic regime with compliments yet nearly exposed someone’s identity for merely posting something online.

Furthermore, to praise the sister of Kim Jong Un is to pick the side against North Korean defector, Ji Seong-ho who was in attendance at President Trump’s State of the Union…

…and truly stole the show – unlike Kim Yo Jong.

Month after month, CNN continues to hit new and astounding lows of journalistic integrity that make you wonder how they’ll be able to top themselves next time. Seemingly though, it can get no worse than giving compliments to a brutal, foreign dictatorship where no praise or accolades are merited.

CNN has not only proven themselves to be entirely incompetentmuch, much worse than any other mainstream media outlet – in publishing and pushing bogus, anonymous news stories (like the failing, two-year-plus “ongoing” Russia narrative) but now, they’ve also confirmed they’re anti-American and willing to publish propaganda for a volatile, hermit nation. Truly, journalism and broadcast news is dead if this is the best the “biggest” news organization in America has to offer its readers.

However, I’m sure that, in just a few months, this embarrassing and disappointing puff piece for a totalitarian dictatorship will pale in comparison to whatever new swill CNN has decided to publish and further desecrate and vaporize their reputation with.

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February 14, 2018 1:07 pm

Anything that promotes Korean unification and peace is positive. The real embarrassment has been the rude behavior of VP Pence at the Olympics.

February 14, 2018 1:30 pm

Peace at any price, eh?

Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory
February 14, 2018 2:42 pm

Beats sending our sons and grandsons to die in Korea. Nothing in Asia is worth one drop of American blood.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
February 14, 2018 2:28 pm

Zarathustra, I agree with you. North Korea is none of our business. If North and South Korea want to make nice with each other, good for them. Every time we point to some nation and complain it is run by a dictator who we need to take out, we spend truckloads of US taxpayer money totally fucking the place up so no one can live there. Iraq and Libya are only the latest examples.

Maybe we should just mind our own business and deal with our own homegrown problems. But wait, then the military-industrial complex would go broke and all those jobs would disappear. So more wars, it is the way to prosperity in Merica!

February 14, 2018 1:52 pm

North Korea is the darling of the MSM and several posters here,, it’s only to be expected that they get all gushy over it.

You won’t see anything like this coming from them:

February 14, 2018 2:02 pm

No fucks given.

Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory
February 14, 2018 2:43 pm

No business of the US government or responsibility of the American tax payer. If it bothers you, buy a parachute and a rifle and knock yourself out.

February 14, 2018 1:53 pm

If I ran into Kim Yo Jong on a Friday night Happy Hour I’d pass up her “moon face” for the chubby chick next to her. At least the next morning I would wake up and be able to chastise my errant male member. Rather than be dead or in a gulag.

February 14, 2018 3:48 pm

Nope, the woman who has been in the spotlight is a 5’3″ American of Korean heritage named Chloe Kim.

February 14, 2018 4:08 pm

Five dolla. Love american long time.

February 14, 2018 8:21 pm

It is beyond obvious that North Korea is a CIA/Globalist play piece.
It’s kinds fuckin funny when viewership is reduced to the point that you only get ratings when others mention your fucked up shit. Rest in peace you commie fuckin fucks. Your hatred of America is manifest and will put you under, where you belong.

Egyptian Posse
Egyptian Posse
March 16, 2018 2:41 pm

Well, what do you expect from a network with the voice of Darth Vader proclaiming, “the most trusted name in news”. It’s a Sith mind trick. These are not the news you were looking for.