The Law That Changed The World

The Law That Changed The World

The Law That Changed The World


World As OneMany are under the impression that the moral laws that today come close to being part of the conscience of educated men and women everywhere were in part spread by Socrates who was sentenced to the hemlock nearly 2,500 years ago.

Not really accurate.

The one true moral law that governs today’s societies is Jesus Christ’s new commandment to Love One Anothera decree that is a summary of the 10 Moral Laws or Commandments God gave us thousands of years before Socrates.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34

Prior to Christ, it was extremely difficult for anyone to love one’s neighbor. With Jesus’s sacrifice on the Cross, His resurrection, and the Advent of the Holy Spirit, applying such moral law became much easier.

From that point in history nothing has been the same. The Holy Spirit of Christ has been inspiring the world forward through dazzling innovations and technological achievements; not to mention the fact that the backward and hateful thinking of pagan cultures has been wiped out by Christian Civilization, which has impacted the entire globe.

Every religion or philosophy, which espouses loving one another and good will towards man, whether aware of it or not, has benefited from Jesus’s new commandment, which is the foundation of Christian enlightenment.

“And when everything is subject to Christ, then the Son Himself will also be subject to the One who subjected everything to Him, so that God may be all in all. ” 1 Corinthians 15:28

Sadly, Jesus’s Love Thy Neighbor command is currently under attack.

The Jewish-Dominated Media have instilled into the very fabric of our society the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor with their Muslim-bashing – just so the Apartheid State of Israel, which hates all its Arab neighbors, can look good by comparison.

What they fail to realize is that God has allowed the temporary realization of Impostor Israel to successfully transpire in order to test not only true Christians but the world as a whole, and to put through the fire their zeal for His Love Thy Neighbor command.

Anyone who supports Israel supports the anti-Christ spirit of Hate Thy Neighbor, the very opposite of what Jesus teaches. No ifs, ands, or buts. It’s that simple.


Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 4, 2018 9:52 am

“the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor with their Muslim-bashing ”

Fucking Musloids are not my neighbor so I can hate them at will. It is not an anti-Christ spirit unless you think Christians should live their lives as door mats to these mental sub-humans living in 7th century. They couldn’t integrate into a pile of 21st century cow dung.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 4, 2018 10:42 am

I think it is me as the problem here.


“The Jewish-Dominated Media have instilled into the very fabric of our society the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbor with their Muslim-bashing – just so the Apartheid State of Israel, which hates all its Arab neighbors, can look good by comparison.”

March 4, 2018 10:08 am

I don’t think TBP is the place for religious articles.

March 4, 2018 10:14 am


March 4, 2018 10:34 am


Btw, sent you an email.

March 4, 2018 10:13 am

That being said …… this is THE WORST religious article ever posted here.

The author’s “can’t we all just get along” stance is juvenile and Biblically erroneous.

This dipshit should ask himself, or herself, just one question; “Did Jesus love EVERYBODY?”.

BTW ….. Mooslims will burn and suffer painfully in hell forever and ever. Do you love that?

March 4, 2018 11:20 am

Could you explain and support your positions of it being the worst religious article and being Biblically erroneous?

March 4, 2018 12:50 pm

No, I can’t.

I just make shit up as I go along. Today you caught me.

March 4, 2018 1:17 pm

Once in a while you actually make sense and have a good point, it doesn’t hurt to give you the chance to show which of your posts actually are worthwhile to pay attention to if they look like they could be.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
March 4, 2018 12:24 pm

I disagree with the article anyway. The one (actually two) laws that changed the world was – ready, The Federal Reserve Act (enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. §§ 221 to 522). That along with the income tax act passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified February 3, 1913, as the 16th amendment.
Those two acts did two things, both of which has resulted in never ending wars, never ending greed and the consequences that comes with that. The reason it changed the world? It allowed a country to wage unchecked war on the world, as well as then, through Bretton Woods established its never ending currency as the world’s currency. Think about that for a minute. Then, the income tax allowed that unchecked currency to be forcibly backed by every citizens need to make a living. You are a battery in the matrix basically, giving energy to a never ending war machine, whose “energy” is the one currency the world MUST use.
How do you suppose THAT changed the world? Any “check” that was still left (Gold backing) was summarily eliminated by FDR (1933), by executive order BTW, and then the final nail by Nixon (when the country pretty well declared bankruptcy).
If you question that, ask yourself if ANY other country could have projected their war machine on the world without those “conveniences”. Do you think Hitler would have gone down if he owned the perpetual money machine and the world currency? I say we would have all been under his nutty 1000 year Reich if history had changed just a bit. We did have some semblance of “moral” standing in the world, but that was mostly due to clever marketing of the constitution which if it mattered, the 1913 laws would have never passed in the first place.
Christianity has its place, but Christianity only had a chance in its modern form because it was a image used by the elite to guide the world in their pursuit for your labor and resources. Nothing more. /cynical rant off

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
March 4, 2018 1:21 pm
March 4, 2018 10:27 am

Oh now I understand. Those damned Jews have influenced Burmese Buddhists to hate mohammedans. It wasn’t the intolerant and uncivilized behavior of the mohammedan, the cancer of the civilized world.
It’s not pro mohammedan it is plain old anti-Semitic.

March 4, 2018 12:28 pm

the jooish burmese bankers favored the mohammedans with loans,causing the buddists to lose their homes,businesses and temples,thus turning the buddists agin the raggies–

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 4, 2018 10:40 am

How about a ‘Question of the Day:

If the Palestine issue didn’t exist (in any form) would Israel/Jews be preaching hate the Arabs/Muslims/those 7th century Morlocks


Well the Muslims, and those on their side, would definitely be preaching hate the Jews and hate the Christians.

It’s been that way since their foundation, it’s in their scripture.

March 4, 2018 11:01 am

When did the children start having to play inside so they didn’t disappear? Who did that to our children? Was it the television who told them it was safer inside staring at its screen? When did we lose the ability to communicate with our children?

Was it when we let a Big Yellow Bird convince them staying inside on Sesame Street was much better than riding a bicycle or playing outside? I remember babysitting my young toddler cousins in the summertime, wanting them to go swimming at the pool, but they wanted to stay inside in the air conditioned house and watch the show for hours. Since I had my own soap opera faves, I didn’t pull them away and neither did most mothers in the 70s. Dislike the comment all you want, but it really was the beginning of the multicultural gender-bender strange madness… the walk down Sesame Street, if you are that dense.

March 4, 2018 11:30 am

Love a few songs by Train. Calling All Angels was the first one I heard by them.

Hey, I was tooling around in the car this a.m., and took a break from Classics, 60’s, and hard rock, and keyed up a couple instrumentals. Sometimes it’s good to avoid lyrics, and just let the music do the talking.
When you get back in the mood to tickle the ivories, check out this pianist with a You Boob search for a few of his good ones, imho.
If you like originals by artist, Danny Wright’s good ones are:
“Fire and Ice”;
“Linen Star”; and
“A Day in the Life”…from the album / disc of the same name
OR, if you like cover tunes by good artists, his “Black and White” disc has good piano instrumentals like:
“Theme from Terms of Endearment”, and
“Canon in D” by Pachelbel (not Taco Bell, you maroons)

A sample of his own work in this link…

March 4, 2018 12:30 pm

Well, if anything could put me in the mood, that was it… Check later.

March 4, 2018 11:21 am

I was driving home from the big city of Cape Girardeau, which is where one goes when one needs the big items only purchased at the big box stores in large quantities: dog food and toilet paper. Normally, I drive in silence or listening to some audio book or discussion I hook into my Aux plug, but for some reason, I had the radio on a classic music station playing a series of Angel-related songs. I felt as if it was a message that should be shared. Since this little gem showed up, it appeared to be the obvious place to drop it.

And, if it is a turd, well, I have lots of toilet paper.

March 4, 2018 1:06 pm

when did kids start staying inside?
i believe 2 things caused it–
first is that parents began believing that their kids were in more danger from other people than they were from the trouble they got themselves into–
second is air conditioning–it saps people’s energy & stamina, imho–

since i’m all jooed out today & you mentioned dog food,i have a question for you dog lovers here–
i buy wal-mart dog food,the one in the red bag–the last 3 bags i’ve brought home the dogs turn their noses up at it and only eat it when they’re ravenous–
have any of you noticed this?i’m wondering if wal mart has reformulated the food?
for dog owners who do not feed wal mart brand,what are some inexpensive brands you use?

March 4, 2018 1:57 pm

Dog food is not expensive imo. Even “expensive” DRY dog food is not expensive. It’s the vet bills at end of life. IMO, feed your dog good dry dog food. We even cook for our dog from time to time. There are some good recipes online. About once a month we cook a 3 day supply of food by combining eggs, rice, peas/spinach and even some cheese (check which cheeses you should avoid). The dog LOVES it.

CHECK online or with you vet please.

March 4, 2018 2:24 pm

Cheap dog food is made of grain protein, which dogs will eat only when no meat is available. Also, a lot of the cheap dog foods are made in china, where they feed livestock and poultry human fecal matter composted with other types of compost. That is according to my veterinary friend, who I have every reason to believe.

i forget
i forget
March 4, 2018 3:17 pm

Pay now or pay later. (Sometimes or is erased & and is written in.)

Raw is best for dogs. Even jewish ones.

Ours ate raw for awhile. Then refused. Will be trying it again, tho. Raw tripe – smells pretty bad – with the partially digested ruminant’s fare in it, will keep a dogs teeth pearly white. A canned version by Tripett goes down well, here.

The dry used here is by Ziwi Peak (some of their canned stuff, too). Imported. Punk-ass Purina prolly got its lawyers to slap a fat tariff on it. That gets mixed with various canned stuff.

If thy neighbors were dogs, it might be possible….

March 4, 2018 6:21 pm

Costco has good quality dog food sold under its house brand. My dog has been eating it enthusiastically for almost seven years. A 35 lbs. bag costs between $24 and $28 depending on the flavor.

March 4, 2018 6:38 pm

My dog loves the premium raw mixed with canned Lamb and Beef
If I’m feeling benevolent, cheap hamburger mixed in with rice.
Costco Lamb and Beef is a good dry choice as well

March 4, 2018 7:36 pm

thanks 4 the replies–
for those of you feeding canned food,there is a recall on some brands of canned food-some of it has been tainted w/the drugs that they use to euthanize animals–

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 4, 2018 9:39 pm

I used to buy my dogs dry good, usually the store brand. I lost one of my dogs to cancer. Afterwards, I switched my remaining dog to canned food and a grain-free dry food that I put out if he wants to eat a little more food that day. He has now lost a lot of weight and is looking good. The canned food is much better for dogs than the dry food. But when have more than one dog, it can get expensive. My dog is about 100 pounds and eats three cans per day, which adds up in cost . It was hard to do that when I had two large dogs.

March 4, 2018 11:46 am

From this article it seems we need to disappear all jews and muslims so the rest of us can live in peace.

March 4, 2018 12:29 pm

” The Jewish – Dominate media have installed into the very fabric of our society the AntiChrist spirit of hate thy neighbor with the Muslim bashing ” and I would add anti – white Christian bashing. I firmly believe that in order to win this war we either have to create our own ABCs or take back the media with force. The vast majority of white people have never known about the vile hatred Jews have for them.Most whites have believed Jews are white just like us and have our best interest at heart which has always been a lie. They hate us with a passion.Just go to some of the Jewish websites for a good dose of reality. Jews are in favor of everything that is harmful to Western Civilization and I do mean everything.They are the True enemy and CANCER within our nation .They must be removed from every position of influence in our nation.We must do what Hitler did to restore Germany to greatness.We must do the same here or everything we hold dear will be taken away.Trump is a good start .

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
March 4, 2018 7:44 pm

Any article that starts out with ficitional characters creating “laws” that the entire globe is supposed to follow is immediately ignored by me.

What is to stop some hindu from saying that the global “law” is that of krishna? The mohammedans’ take is that their psycho religion is the one to set down “The Law”.

Christians claim that a god character gave birth to himself via a surrogate, then sacrificed himself to himself. And he promises to come back at some point and whup our asses, except for 144,000 lucky lottery winners over the course of history (which means the writer is most likely destined for an eternity in hell.. how do you like them apples?).

The christian god character is such a psycho that -in the story- “he” already destroyed the world and virtually all its innocent creatures at least once.. (“Maybe he’s not that into you” is a phrase that comes to mind).

It’s all more bullshit than any sane person should be expected to swallow.

The biggest defect of our species is its preference for living in a world of fiction in the face of reality, whether that is religious fiction or secular fiction: communism, capitalism, techno-utopianism, egalitarianism (a mania that comes from christianity).