The Joy and Necessity of Driving Liberals Nuts

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

 The Joy and Necessity of Driving Liberals Nuts

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Is the foundation of our revolt against the elites – which the liberals and the Fredocons call “Trumpism” because they don’t want to face the fact that Normals are tired of their corruption and incompetence – merely trolling by a bunch of malcontents? True, we do enjoy messing with them. You look at the avatar of the movement, Donald Trump, and he’s the Trollmaster Level XII Emeritus. This guy lays down the smack, and a lot of Americans are delighted by his antics.

But is that all this is? Is our movement simply about slamming the people we’re annoyed at and nothing more?

Of course not.

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Don’t worry – we’re not showing our cards here. Napoleon (allegedly) warned that you should never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake, and dismissing your opponent – especially one who snatched away the presidency from The Smartest Women in the History of Ever – is always a grave strategic error. But we can safely discuss it here because they won’t listen. They can’t listen – to listen to us is to take us seriously and admit to themselves that We The People are a threat to Them Our Betters. Just look at the comments below – go and see how many of them draw exactly the opposite point that this column makes. They have to minimize and marginalize us because labelling our rebellion against their self-serving, failed rule a mere temper tantrum allows them to avoid the painful reality that they brought this on themselves because they are terrible.

We are blessed with an enemy that refuses to even try to understand us, but do we ever understand them. And that means we know their weaknesses. After all, the establishment has been in our faces all our lives. We can’t not know them because there is no way to avoid them. The media, entertainment, politics – it’s all them all the time, so we know what makes them tick, and where to plant the charges to bring down the whole stinking edifice.

It’s just a matter of pushing their buttons.

Annoying liberals and the Never Trump Gimp Gang is vitally important to our movement, and not just because it is fun, though fun is important. As Alinsky taught, the best techniques are the ones your people have fun with (Rule 6:  “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”). And there’s not much more fun to be had with your clothes on than driving pompous liberals to distraction.

But getting under our opponents’ collective collectivist skin is more than just an enjoyable way to pass the time. It performs vital functions for the movement both by exposing our enemy for what it is, and for supporting our own side’s morale.

Alinsky got it. Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” What’s important to our Alleged Betters? Their self-image as smart, sophisticated, and capable. Look at their bizarre fixation on academic credentials. Their status is everything to them. They consider themselves deserving of power not by some divine right – only us Normals believe in that God stuff – but by right of their own secular divinity.

So we need to deny them the respect and deference they believe they earned by getting a Gender Studies bachelors at Oberlin, or by being a Deputy Assistant Undersecretary of Kissing Up to the Mullahs, or by playing a magical guy in spandex in comic book movies. Their pompous self-regard is a fat, juicy target, and we need to be on it like Ana Navarro and Michael Moore on a discount buffet.

We’re not trying to shatter their infinite self-confidence. We can’t. They came to believe that they are superior despite a total lack of evidence and their unbroken track record of failure running our society, so a bunch of facts and observations from us is not going to make them stroke their stupid hipster beards and mutter, “Gee, I guess those rubes are right. We really do suck.”

The real purpose of our relentless mockery and our relentless highlighting of their relentless hypocrisy and incompetence is to demonstrate to the sleeping masses that the people claiming to be their betters are, in fact, not better at all. It’s easy to go through life shrugging and thinking “I’ll just leave it to the people who know best,” but the premise of that attitude is that the people claiming to know best actually know best. And they demonstrably don’t.

So that’s why, whether in columns or on TV or on Twitter or even in books about how an Americadivided by liberals might look, we need to keep at the left about their lies and duplicity. Here’s an example – when Jeff Session fired that unspeakable hack Andrew McCabe, Democrat transcriptionist Chris Cillizza of CNN tweeted, “If you think firing McCabe was totally the right thing to do and fully justified, ask yourself this: Why was it done at 10 pm on a Friday night?” But wait, aren’t the FBI and the DoJ paragons of propriety and stuff, or was there a memo distributed among the chattering changing that which we all missed?

So I responded: “Why are you attacking the integrity of the FBI? Didn’t the FBI determine McCabe had violated the law and merited dismissal? Why do you hate our intelligence services and, by extension, America, @CillizzaCNN?” Thousands of you liked and retweeted it. And a bunch of libs collectively wet themselves.

That’s when they reveal who they really are. You get them mad enough and they will confess that yes, they really do want to take away our freedom of speech, and yes, they really do want to confiscate our guns and, often, yes, they really do want us dead. The suppressed truth about what they really think and really intend to do is right there – you just have to get them really mad so they don’t try to hide it anymore.

Which brings us to the second key reason to mock libs. Morale. It shows people on our side that someone, somewhere is fighting back – and demonstrates the possibility that you can too.

The establishment tries to win when they tell us we are nothing, nobodies, “rubes” and “yokels,” as some of them recently labeled Normals who resist them. But they only win when we believe them.

Mockery is an act of resistance, critical pushback that tells the people isolated and discouraged by the establishment into thinking that nothing can ever change, that their would-be masters cannot be challenged.

So when our enemies start spouting off about how Donald Trump’s tweets show that this movement is nothing but unfocused rage and anger, and how conservative fighters are just a bunch of trolls, understand that our enemies don’t try to stop us from doing things that hurt our movement. They try to stop us doing things that help our cause. These people are hacks and clowns, puffed up on their own importance and vulnerable to a weapon we wield with brutal skill.

That weapon is contempt. And it’s a key component of our campaign to take our country back.

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March 19, 2018 6:50 am

“Look at their bizarre fixation on academic credentials.” In the world of government employment, don’t ever forget. That is the golden ticket to lifelong nanny state coddling. Get that golden ticket, and your bills are paid. For the rest of your life. Look at the outrage libtards are expressing, not that Andy McCabe got fired, but that they might take his pension away. Where were they when private-sector pensions we’re getting destroyed? They could care less. After all, those people didn’t have the golden ticket. In their mind, those people made bad choices by working for a living, and therefore deserve nothing.

March 19, 2018 10:28 am

The Trolljitsu is very strong in The Donald.

If you really want to drive leftist / progressive tax parasites insane, suggest that government employees should face at least double the legal penalties for any corrupt or criminal behavior.

Government employees have gold-plated pensions, gold-plated healthcare and virtually guaranteed jobs for life. In exchange for that generosity absolute integrity and honesty is expected. They cross that line (or are accused), it should be immediate termination (not administrative leave / paid vacation). If they are cleared, maybe they can be re-hired.

The penalties for crossing the corruption line should magnified to be so severe that government employees dare not cross that line lest they be completely destroyed (financially). Those government employees cheerfully destroy uppity tax-payers in this manner (General Flynn)

They hate the very thought. Because Trump.

March 19, 2018 8:15 am

A bit off topic, but thanks to Admin for posting Kurt’s articles here. Townhall drives me batshit crazy, too much flag waving over there. 🙂

P.S. Kurt drives me batshit crazy sometimes when he pick’s up the ‘R’ flag and waves it, but he’s doing it less and less lately. That’s a good thing.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
March 19, 2018 8:22 am

Pensions evaporate for private sector working people without cause or action by the employee . However you pull a couple bone head moves and lie about it and you are fired for cause and every benefit supplied by your contract agreement is gone especially a pension !
This whole band of Obamanite excrement will be fine . When they get out of prison they can join Hillary in a why us or me tour claiming The Donald made me do it !

March 19, 2018 8:58 am

“They are all at it right now. May, (((Trump))), Macron and Merkel, of course, but also the their sycophantic presstitutes and the herds of zombified followers. They all believe in their invulnerability and superiority.

Hold my beer and watch this!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 19, 2018 9:02 am

That McCabe – he looks gay to me.

March 19, 2018 10:10 am
March 19, 2018 9:20 pm


“it’s a key component of our campaign to take our country back.”

I honestly hate sh*t like this. “Our” campaign? Whooaa, big fella! Back it up a second. What does this “campaign” look like? Is there a plan? Is there a defined goal? Is there some specific way to know when that goal has been achieved? Is there an overall strategy? What tactics (apart from mocking liberals) are to be used? Who’s in charge here? And who elected them? And, most important I think, what does “our” country look like when the goal is achieved?

Is this “restore the Constitution” and hope it works better going forward than it did 230 years ago? Is this “our” campaign nothing more than “Hope & Change”? And what of the majority — yes, MAJORITY — who don’t like what “our” totally definitionless country will be when “our”totally definitionless campagin has run its course? What is to be done with them, pray tell?

Sorry, but you couldn’t get 75% of readers, commenters, & posters just on TBP to agree as to the purpose, nature, and structure of a merely hypothetical government. Yet, somehow, the elite will be ousted from power and then … presto! … liberty and justice for all in just the right way, under just the right government, with just the right constitution, just the right limits on government power, just the right people elected, never any overreach, nevermore any corruption, never again any self-serving politicians, etc, etc, etc, etc ……

Oh, and all leftists, libtards, globalists, communists, elitists, power-mad, war-mongers, schemers, corruptocrats, etc, etc, etc … they all either mystically and instantly see the light of reason, or magically vanish … ‘poof’ … like a small fart in a gusty wing, nevermore to be worried over.

The devil is in the details. Schmucks like Schlichter need to spell it out as clearly and concisely as they can just what the hell they mean by “our country” — i.e., what does it look like and how is it to be achieved — and open that description up to criticism. Otherwise, it’s worthless propaganda based on “feelz”. It’s all things to all people.

I’ve been wandering to and fro in teh interwebz for over 15 years and I’ve never seen a serious proposal for an end-state that is practical, achievable, realistic, or addresses problems with actual solutions that hasn’t been torn brutally limb-from-limb and cannibalized by those who would be presumed to support it. Mr. Schlichter needs to draft me up a new Constitution; tell me how that constitution limits or prohibits problems that have grown up in THIS nation over the last 230 years; and, explicitly explain how this nation gets balkanized or otherwise achieves some peace among multiple irreconcilable oppositions so that a “new & improved” version of “our” country can take hold. Because if it’s to be “restore the Constitution”, I can only refer him to the definition of insanity attributed to Einstein.

Until then he, and others, can GFT with this “Our” campaign, and “Our” country horseshit.

/ rant

March 19, 2018 11:09 pm

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