Jordan B. Peterson on Real Time with Bill Maher

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April 21, 2018 12:31 pm

I forgot Bill had a show called Politically Incorrect…interesting.

April 21, 2018 4:52 pm

Politically Correct was an awesome show. I always liked Bill Maher for the same reason I like my lefty employee. Lefty is not nearly so ugly when it isn’t hyper sensitive, and doesn’t expect to get it’s way all the time. Peterson needs some wardrobe help, that suit fit him like a garbage bag. Too easy not to correct.

April 21, 2018 12:36 pm

I bought the Audible version of Jordan’s Book and have been listening to it for 1.5 hours a day while commuting. So far It has been eye opening. I can see why the left doesn’t like him.

April 21, 2018 12:43 pm

It’s amazing he was allowed on this show.

Count all the lefty comments and innuendoes by Bill and the asian/black mulatto.

April 21, 2018 1:14 pm

Don’t like Maher much at all…he’s another one I’d like to see get punched in the mouth.

But, good interview until that bitch from CBS had to open her blow hole, whining about the difficulty of figuring or knowing what to do in the child rearing challenge.

Learn. Get better at it. Who said it would be easy?

Maybe stay at home and bond with that kid at its most critical developmental stages,
vs. dumping it into pseudo-parenting at daycare, to go off to CBS, in the quest to do both;
i.e., satisfy her womanly (noble) desire to have a child, alongside a career / paycheck.

Ah, but that’s the American way. NEED 2 incomes to afford luxuries. Thanks, Fed.

Then of course, the predictable, obligatory jab at Trump comment about why American society is so mucked up. She fits right in, as a panel guest of Maher’s.
Peterson? Not so much. I was shocked the audience didn’t boo him at some comment.

I wonder if she plops her offspring down in front of the TV at times, to briefly escape the demanding responsibility that comes with raising a child with old fashioned values like respect for the parents, courtesy to elders, learning, and a strong work ethic.

Maybe no Nickelodeon just yet, but perhaps a DVD played for the rugrat when they’re heading across town in the mini van / SUV? …just as bad, if the media content isn’t educational.

end of rant.

Bob P
Bob P
April 21, 2018 2:00 pm

I think Peterson is terrific. As for Maher, he mystifies me. I like a lot of his opinions–they make sense; this interview was a perfect example. But he’s a die-hard leftist. For the life of me I can’t understand how anyone with common sense could be a leftist. There’s a profound inconsistency in his thinking. As for the CBS twit, she’s a perfect MSM robot. Pretty so she draws the viewers and brainless so she doesn’t understand that she’s a professional liar.

April 21, 2018 3:42 pm

Dr. Peterson is gifted beyond words, and Bill has a lot in common with him despite being Leftist in many ways. They are both non-religious (OK Peterson leans to his own personal Christianity , but it doesn’t involve the afterlife , more like the heaven and hell of the here and now). Both are against entitlement and I assume anti-communist. I see Bill as just left of center, Jordan dead center. I forget if I posted this, but here is my want ad rant for all they both disagree with:

REQUIREMENTS: Must be located near mass indoctrination institution of higher learning to produce ever more ideologically possessed Neo-Marxist subjects.
All differences in status, achievement, or generally regarded “better off than” between subjects is to be dealt with harshly and means taken to be equalized by subjects unquestionable right of equal life outcome.
All differences in life outcomes must be attributed to oppression of victims related to or involving one of the following: (a) race, (b) sex, (c) age, (d) sexual orientation, (e) disability, (f) white privilege, and most importantly, there is no (g). (You would think (g) is religion like previous versions, not this one, it isn’t spoken of). Resentment disguised as compassion, and refusal to accept personal responsibility for life outcome is required by subjects.
Subjects must use the raised fist as symbol of the oppression of inequality of any kind.
Must strictly adhere to the “superiority of government over the individual” principal. Think termites where the individual is subordinate to the collective, and receives whatever sustenance the collective deems appropriate, but equal, no matter how small the portion since it is the government that provides.
Violations of the governments’ omnipotent authority are punishable by redistribution laws, taxes, and death.
If anyone knows where I can get one of these at the price of free(dom), let me know”.

The other want ad is this one:


Must be located in a well protected enclosure for housing the pure identical subjects, otherwise know as the pure tribe near mass indoctrination institution of higher learning to produce ever more ideologically possessed Neo-Fascist subjects.
Public displays of pure disgust and resentment for different others outside the tribe is encouraged and self reinforcing.
Laws to limit mixing, assembly and speech of the “other-thans” must be enacted and enforced.
War with different other tribes resulting in the annihilation of the opposing different tribe is the only perceived solution to the despicable “otherness” of the other tribe.
Persecution and Removal by any means of “other-thans” from the enclosure is the personal mission and righteous belief of every subject and becomes the duty of the government to execute without mercy or compassion.

If anyone knows where I can get one of these at the price of free(dom), let me know.”

April 21, 2018 3:59 pm

I would occasionally watch Bill Maher’s “Politically Incorrect” and then, later, his current show before I dropped HBO several years ago.

I will admit to having respect for Maher in the same way I did Christopher Hitchens. Both men, by the way of intellectual honesty, have equally pissed off those positioned on either side of the ideological and political spectrums.

For example, in the video above, Maher defines “political correctness” as the “elevation of sensitivity over truth”.

Pretty good. I liked that.

Then JP takes it further and says it’s “more like the elevation of moral posturing about sensitivity over truth; and that’s even worse.”

Good video. Actually, it was somewhat reminiscent of our conversation today at my “Breakfast Club”. There, I was once again called a Conspiracy Theorist; thus allowing me to again, ever so gently, take my libtarded friends to school. In truth, it was more like taking preschoolers to a “Saw” movie, but that’s OK. It was great fun. For me anyway.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
April 21, 2018 9:48 pm

What was the conspiracy?

  Chubby Bubbles
April 22, 2018 2:19 pm

911, Clinton’s, deep state,FBI & DOJ corruption, IG report, and pedophilia rings. I was surprised that none of them had heard of Jeffrey Epstein and the Lolita Express. That came up when they refused to accept the pedophilia convictions, before I brought it back to Weiner’s dic pics, Huma and Hillary. They have to think I’m crazy otherwise their heads would explode like the dude on the movie “Scanners”.

April 22, 2018 4:41 pm

All the sheep applauding because bill made it the thing to do, in other circumstances they would be calling for the professor’s head.

Thank goodness for the moron at the end, I was afraid we would get through the clip without a trump bash, ps, what is the reason for all the kids who are screwed up now, the trump excuse only works for kids about 1 year old, hard to see how that made a difference. Unless all the healthy parenting under Obama’s,s 8 years can be undone in an instant