Stucky QOTD: Sports Betting

The Supremes just legalized sports betting.

Now, I know that any article having to do with sports is mostly ignored, and often condemned by The Righteous Holy Ones who proclaim from the mountaintops; —- “Fuck sports! Sports are a waste of time!  I don’t watch no stinkin’ sports!!!!”.  Personally, I think you’re full of shit.  EVERYBODY watches SOME sport at SOME point, and that’s a fact,Mr.  Jack Mehoff. Soooo ….

Image result for sports betting funny

Q1:  Did the Supremes do the right thing, and why?

Q2: How will it affect sports itself?

Q3: Will their decision affect your sports viewing habits?

Q4 (optional):  How about them Yankees???  Fucken awesome, eh?

========================================= =


Q1:  Let’s be clear; The ONLY reason the Supremes ruled in favor of betting is to get your money. They would monetize your taking a shit, if they could.  Nevertheless, considering we are the most freest nation on earth that ever existed, the government has absolutely no business regulating what people spend their extra money on. None. Imagine … putting people in jail for gambling. That’s fucken bullshit.

Q2:  There’s a talk radio host here in NJ who said; — “Mark your calendars. Today is the day that sports died in America.”   I mostly agree with that. Here is the formula for the day; (Money + Government) = Corruption. Personally, I think sports is already wildly corrupt … and, this will only make it worse.  I think it will hit college sports especially hard.  Imagine being a 19 year old 5-star athlete from a poor background, and some fucker offers the kid (many) thousands of dollars to throw the game … and there are dozens of ways to throw any game and make it look totally legit.  You better believe that will happen … and there isn’t a damned thing anyone can do about it … especially the NCAA. one of the most corrupt institutions in America.

Q3:  Very little change to my viewing habits.  That’s because there are only two sports I watch faithfully.  Indiana Hoosier basketball and soccer (only National Teams – USA and Germany).  I won’t/can’t give them up.  NBA/baseball/NFL, only the finals.  Sports is mostly bread and circus bullshit anyway, and now it’s officially corrupted bread and circus bullshit. America, what a country.

Q4:  I watched all three games of the Yankee-Damned Boston series.  Maybe watched 2 or 3 other games.  They ARE going to break the 1906 Chicago Cubs and 2001 Seattle Mariners record of 116 wins.  Yanks will win 120+. Book it. So, I’m only watching for historical purposes.

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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May 14, 2018 8:02 pm

Q1…yes. lotteries are legal country wide. So are bingo, Indian Casinos, and other games of chance.

Q2…Just because sports gambling becomes legal doesn’t mean that 19 year old 5-stars will start taking bribes anymore than they might if sports gambling was illegal. The fact that sports gambling is legal does not mean that throwing games will become anymore prevalent than it is already. Fixing games by contestants or referees is still illegal, and will continue to be. Making sports gambling legal nationwide does not provide anymore of an incentive for players and officials to cheat. The illegality of sports gambling never stopped those players or officials that were inclined to break the law. Ask Pete Rose.

Q3…No. I will continue to watch as much as I do now.

Q4…Fuck the Yankees. Fuck Judge, Stanton, Gregorius, Gardner and the rest of them – Aaron Boone too. There is no professional sports franchise that I hate more than the Bronx asshole Yankee faggots..

May 14, 2018 8:26 pm

No, I’m a Rays fan, so being that the Yankees are in our division we have to play them 19 games a season which makes me want to vomit, like playing the Red Sox, Jays and the Orange Birds. Having to play 47% of your games against division rivals is sickening, but you will learn their players if you pay attention. I have hated the pinstriped bums since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. That will NEVER change. While I’m at it, fuck Mantle, Maris, Ruth, Tresh, Berra, Gehrig, Dimaggio and every other wanker that wore the pinstripes..

May 14, 2018 8:51 pm

and every other wanker that wore the pinstripes…

you are making me laugh Bud! Ah fuck!

May 14, 2018 8:22 pm

‘tsup w/ da bolts, brudder? They need to get ANGRY for my buddy Stevie.

May 14, 2018 8:27 pm

We’re pacing ourselves, LGR. We got this. Stay tuned.

May 14, 2018 8:48 pm

Come on Bolts!

Anyhoo as fer answering the questions there really isn’t any point. Nkit nailed it. Hit it out of the park! Replace Jays for Rays and that is pretty much how I feel about those Yankees. Except to add that Pinstripes are fer Homos!

But I still like you Stucky as a friend… but still Fuck dem Yankees!

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
May 14, 2018 8:09 pm

When I was 22 I went to a card room, cashed my paycheck and sat down at a poker table. Within half a hour I’d been “cold decked”. The term wasn’t even in my vocabulary at the time though later I’d see it used in the film, “The Sting”, in the famous poker game scene on the train. Dejected I went to the bar and ordered a draft beer with my last 10 spot. As the bartender sat it in front of me he said the following.
“Beer’s on the house.” He placed the mug on the cocktail napkin, leaned over and said very quietly; “Let me tell you something son. The only game on God’s green Earth that can’t be rigged is solitaire”. Then he winked and walked to the other end of the bar. It was a great life lesson.

May 14, 2018 8:19 pm

1. Yeah, cuz although “follow the money” is at the root, it’s still a decision to allow wider freedom for those who choose to wager. Foolish, but the demand is there, and one shouldn’t have to go to Vegas to drop a C or K at a sports book.
Underground bookies might lose some bidniss, but tough noogies. The tax man cometh.
2. The temptation for corruption and throwing outcomes will be huge. I wouldn’t bet at all.
3. No. I’ll still watch some sports, as I played ’em as a kid…hell, I’m off to play a competitive hockey game tonight. Still like watching football, hockey, a little golf, but who cares; you’re right Stuck. Pro monkeyball? Never. College hoops during the Final Four, yes.
Baseball on TV is typically a time waster; too slow for me. Hockey rules, for pace of play, skillsets and rough action, IMHO.
4. Don’t follow MLB much. As a homer, if my local team was doing good, I’d catch a game or 2 on the tube or spend a Summer evening at the ballpark, but Les Tigres are on a downswing, Miggy’s one of the few stars they have left. I do like watching highlights of beisbol, like the top 10 plays on Especially Shitty Pro Network. Stankees? No interest. Stone me.

Loved the pic above. Funny stuff. Reminded me of this stuttering champ scene from Harlem Nights.

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
May 14, 2018 8:48 pm

I’ve got tears of laughter in my eyes. Thx bro.

May 14, 2018 8:34 pm

Beeting should be legal. Aussies will bet on which of two flies will buzz off first. They are unbelievable. And if govt tax collector lottery betting is legal, why not sport betting?

Corruption will of course expand.

May 15, 2018 12:12 am

I’d say something, but I might be admonished that ‘beeting’ and ‘ betting’ are interchangeable on TBP…always has been that way…I’m just a newb…damn auto-incorrect…

May 14, 2018 8:44 pm

Q8 – fuck the yankmees.

May 14, 2018 8:47 pm

I’ll watch the last ten minutes of a football game if it is within one score ( 7 pts.)
Or, rugby sevens anytime. Seven men a side–two 7 minute halves.

May 14, 2018 9:03 pm

Wh0 gives a fuck?

Hope@ZeroKelvin -I am the Proud Deplorable Majority
Hope@ZeroKelvin -I am the Proud Deplorable Majority
May 14, 2018 9:18 pm

Ha ha, I didn’t even know it was illegal, I am such a dork.

Go Astros!


You’re not really a dork if the names Jose Altuve , George Springer, Carlos Correa and Evan Gattis ring a bell.. Certainly not in my book. That’s top shelf..

May 14, 2018 9:18 pm

In the summer of ’65 I detached one head of my biceps femoris. A severe hamstring injury from water skiing. Had I not done that I would have stayed and lived with my basket ball coach in Florida to vie for a scholarship. Instead I followed my family to Clinton Md. I tried out for the high school b-ball team but missed the cut by one. No surprise because at the time I could not lay on my stomach and bend my knee to lift my foot. I was a bit of a cripple.

So I eventually joined a boys club team. Silver Hill Boys Club, just outside DC. One of my classmates at Surrattsville High was on the team too. He was also a cripple, bad knees. He wore bulky metal knee braces to play. Had it not been for his disability, he would have become a college player. He was a 3 point shooter before the rule. We ended up winning the Maryland Boys Club championship, defeating the Baltimore Police Boys Club in College Park in the final game of the tournament. In Florida and DC I always led the team in rebounds and assists, I was not much of a scorer.

We were also entitled to play for the DC Boys Club Championship. We went through easy competition to get to the final game. They were all black save one red headed kid.
As the game progressed I found myself being blocked out under the basket by one of my team. An 18 year old tree stump of a young man. Strong as an ox but no jump to him. After he blocked me out several times I knew something was up.

Our star shooter lived with his alcoholic father in a one room apartment in the District. A sad situation of which John did well considering his plight. John and I hung together. He taught me the ropes of Anacostia’s hood. We drank beer together at Harrigan’s Irish bar, legal at 18.
We partied at his humble apartment when his father was gone. He was banging girls in his bathroom, I was a boy scout but one drinking night I finally felt up a female’s boob at his place.

But back to the game. We were losing significantly. I could see the goal of John and big Melvin. I told them, come on, at least make it close. So we closed the gap. In the final minute we were behind by one point. The other team shot a free throw and I grabbed the rebound and called timeout. Our normal strategy was to feed me down low to draw defenders and I would kick it out to John for his accurate perimeter shots. During the time out John empathically told me to give him the ball for the last shot. He was my good friend and I complied out of loyalty. I kicked the ball back to him and he put up a brick as time ran out.

Though he never said it out loud, he did tacitly acknowledge the game was fixed. I hope he made $50. I have no clue what the details were. But street ball was big back then. Austin Carr, DeMatha HS, all part of the street game in DC. Lew Alcindor was a HS senior in NYC.
I imagine there was big money on the outcome of our little local game.

I rationalize losing by the metaphor of John Booth (his real name, now deceased) throwing the championship game to black men in the Nation’s Capitol. We both attended Surrattsville High School, named after Mary Surrat who harbored John W. Booth after he shot Lincoln.

40 years later I was visited by a man who knew Melvin. He had 40 grand of possible dental work. He said he cared not one bit what it cost. He gave me a clipping Melvin had saved from a small newspaper that described our season. I figure Melvin owes me with interest.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
May 14, 2018 10:03 pm

Really who cares?

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
May 15, 2018 2:22 am

Keyser: Was at St. John’s College H.S. in ’65. Lived in Annandale (Va. burbs). We used to drive across Key Bridge Fri. & Sat. nights to buy beer at Dixie Liquors. 21 to drink in Va. 21 to drink in Md. 18 to drink in DC. That was a great area to be in at that time. The Beltway was relatively new and traffic so light on weeknights I once buried the needle at 130 in my old man’s Pontiac Bonneville.

May 14, 2018 9:31 pm

TPTB shouldn’t push sports; colleges should only play intramural games or go Pro and drop the education facade; they shouldn’t pay athletes millions; they shouldn’t charge so much for tickets; after TSHTF, jocks will have to get a job (if they can read).

May 14, 2018 9:44 pm

1–haven’t read about the supreme court decision but states should handle the issue,not the feds–
2–you’re correct,it will corrupt sports even more than they are already–even worse,now that much more $ will be riding upon outcomes,all errors & missed calls will be viewed w/suspicion-
3–i rarely watch sports anymore & won’t in the future–
4–yankees–it’s a known fact that both the players & their fans have small hands & long ring fingers–

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
May 14, 2018 10:03 pm

Simple retort. Fuck sports.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
May 14, 2018 10:09 pm

You know the Roman troops wagered for Heysus’s clothing. Nice eh? This is why Christians abhor gambling. They call it a sin to wager. I tend to agree. Why you ask? I worked for a casino for 3.5 years as an IT Manager. Only the random asshole wins occasionally otherwise the casino does.

So you ask, am I a christian? I wish I was. I would defend it more than the modern ones do.

May 14, 2018 10:41 pm

I guess I’m one of the few who don’t watch any sports.

The last sports I saw on TeeVee was in The Dalles, OR in late March this year. Awesome little town by the way. I had no idea that what I was watching was even a sport as I had never even heard of it. If I had had access to the remote control I would have just turned the TeeVee off but it was in a brew pub full of half liquored up morans who might have kicked my ass for such a transgression.

The sport? The Cornhole World Championships. I shit you not.

From what I saw of it, it consisted of a bunch of half liquored up morans holding a drink in one hand and tossing little bean bags at a hole in a board about 20 feet away.

When I was a kid that was a carny game designed to separate you from your money. Apparently it is now a sponsored professional sport designed to separate you from your money.

Next thing you know dingleberry digging and pimple popping will be a sport.

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May 14, 2018 11:45 pm

is that why yours winks now?

May 15, 2018 1:36 am

It only winks for you baybeee! You’re 4ever in my spank bank. 😉

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
May 14, 2018 10:59 pm

Friend of mine was raised in a strict, conservative Dutch First Christian Reformed church. One day at a market a couple of church members saw the pastor buying two lottery tickets and called him on it- “That’s the devil’s money!”
The pastor retorted “That’s right! And he’s had it long enough! It’s my turn to use it now!”
True story.
Another one (not on topic but reminded me of it)- Same friend was raised in a pretty sheltered environment. Church people and friends from the church Christian school were pretty much the only people he associated with growing up. No Hispanic acquaintances and certainly no blacks.
So he’s in a store checkout line with his mom one day when about age 10. The Hispanic man in front of them is wearing a uniform shirt with a name tag-“Jesus”. He whispers to his mom “Hey Mom! This guy thinks he’s Jesus!”

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
  Gloriously Deplorable Paul
May 14, 2018 11:30 pm

One of the wildest, hell raising MFs I ever met was a guy I hung with in the late ’70s. He was an Amish boy gone bad. Once he saw Carol Doda on Broadway in North Beach, he flicked the “good angel” off his right shoulder and never looked back.

  whiskey tango foxtrot
May 15, 2018 10:42 am

I recall Ms. Doda. And a thousand imitators since then. We have a club locally called Arety’s Angels. I found no “good angels” there. But it was a safe bet to find a fallen angel.

May 14, 2018 11:16 pm

The only people crying are the illegal bookies, the holy rolling do-gooders, and a bunch of wives who know the bills will be late again.
Fuck the SCOTUS, because they regularly fuck us.

May 14, 2018 11:21 pm

Q1- No
Q2-not in a positive way
Q3-Don’t watch much now, will not change my viewing habits.
Q4- Yankees suck DDD

May 15, 2018 12:18 am

Q4 answer = passing grade…move ahead…..1-3 was fluff…Fuck the Yankees..

Steve C
Steve C
May 14, 2018 11:50 pm

Q1: Did the Supremes do the right thing, and why?

A1: I agree with Stucky that it’s none of the governments fucking business if people want to bet on sports. Or to play poker for money with friends, etc.

Q2: How will it affect sports itself?

A2: I don’t think it will make much if any difference.

Q3: Will their decision affect your sports viewing habits?

A3: Easiest of the four to answer. Not having a TV I don’t watch sports now. I used to watch baseball, football, and mostly boxing, but the huge amount of money these guys make for playing sports that I played for the love of them when I was a kid and then having to listen to those self-serving spoiled assholes constantly whining about how mistreated they are eventually turned me off to it.

Having said that, I don’t wear it on my sleeve either. I think that anyone that enjoys watching sports should be able to do so without some condescending asshole giving them shit about it.

Do what you enjoy.

Q4 (optional): How about them Yankees??? Fucken awesome, eh?

A4: Being a Southerner, I am against anything that says ‘Yankee’.

Extra: I don’t actually need to watch or even know anything about a sport to bet on it. I just call my friend Nunzio and he tells me who to bet on.

Nunzio is a ‘Sports Mechanic’

He fixes the baseball game.
He fixes the football game.
He fixes the soccer game…

May 15, 2018 12:12 am

There will be less corruption. Bookies run the sports betting now. They have the incentive and skills to rig professional sports contests, and they do. Once state bureaucrats run sports betting, they will not have the intelligence, incentive, or skills to rig sports contests.

Where the corruption will come in will be the diversion of the state’s cut of winning (the vig) from public works projects to the bureaucrats pension funds or the general fund. When the state lottery was first pitched to voters, we were all told that the state’s cut of lottery wagering would be spent to maintain public parks and the such like, but I have never seen any evidence of that happening.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
May 15, 2018 12:25 am

Is soccer the one where they mostly kick the ball?

May 15, 2018 12:39 am

Fuck corporate athletic entertainment.

I think this is damage control above all. Get more people to watch something that provides absolutely nothing of value to society. 40 years old and plus will watch it until they croak. What 20 and under will do with visual entertainment in the future remains to be seen.

I figured sports in this era was done when I started hearing about college ball chasers forming a worker’s union of some sort.

All I see is damage control everywhere. Our tap water is radioactive so the local news needs to bombard the telecast with stories of high school student athletes getting cancer and the whole narrative is about how awesome it is to get cancer and still play sports.

It’s a grotesque time we live in and we all need our distractions, sure. But even the distractions are becoming too irritating to watch.

May 15, 2018 1:03 am

To borrow from Mr. E. Hemmingway-there are three sports: auto racing, mountaineering and bullfighting. The rest are games. I myself do enjoy the occassional NHRA drag racing event. Beyond that, I cannot stomach grown men playing a kid’s game for millions and millions of dollars and bitching about it every chance they get. Pardon the expression but they are fucking, ungrateful pukes. The untold, cumulative riches wasted on sports probably rivals the US’ military budget, secret space budget and black budget combined. It is absurd to stoop to saying it, but I will anyway: the money could be far better spent elsewhere. The whole matter is quite truly embarrassing. And yes, fuck the Yankees. They suck.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
May 15, 2018 5:29 am

You may never really know if he dropped that pass on purpose or not. Maybe it will be a jump shot you wonder about. On and on.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 15, 2018 11:37 am

I was a sports junkie throughout grade school and high school; abandoned it for the “loftier” goals of higher education for quite some time. I like sports again. The commercialization, corruption, sissification, pomp and circumstance is often times annoying, but there is a grace and beauty to sports (most) that I think is undeniable — not to mention they are fun. There is plenty of horribleness in the world today. I don’t quite see the harm in physical competition and excellence — as long as it is kept in perspective.

Not much beats a beer, a hot pretzel, a couple of buddies and/or the family and minor league baseball on a beautiful late spring day (early spring is freaking cold).

You can have Obama/Trump and the lofty goals of ideology and real politiks all day long.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 15, 2018 11:59 am

It’s all Greek to me.

I cannot even begin to understand why anyone would wager money on anything, or watch anyone other than their own kids play sports for fun.

To each their own.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 15, 2018 1:27 pm

I am told Greek is a very profound language (though I have never studied it myself–other than a few words). It is well known that the Greeks loved philosophy as well as sports, so maybe there is a connection, though maybe not. n.b: wrestling is my least favorite sport.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 15, 2018 3:11 pm

I gotcha…I think.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
May 15, 2018 12:29 pm

I’ve played the lottery even though I know better for decades, sporadically. All they’ve done is extend gambling from the lottery and Vegas / Atlantic City / etc. to a wider audience. No big deal, I’ve never bet on athletics and don’t intend to start now.

May 15, 2018 1:36 pm

All you need to know is that the big 5 gambling corporations all see their revenues going up.
The federal ban was put in place for a reason: corruption as in the Black Sox scandal (among many others).
Yes, there is corruption going on already, but the scale of legalized sports betting everywhere guarantees the profits, hence the incentive to corrupt, increases by orders of magnitude.

May 15, 2018 3:32 pm

Q2- not substantially but more corruption does tend to yield more corruption
Q3-don’t watch much though a day at the ballpark is a good day -no
Q4- tough on a red sox fan, but yes them yankees look really good this year