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June 2, 2018 10:56 am

How many people realize the Simpson’s is about to become the longest-running serial show, drama or otherwise, (passing Gunsmoke, I think, very soon).

Is it just me (and if it is, that’s OKAY because it is all about me anyway) or does anyone else think there might be a connection between the degradation and deterioration of our culture and the degradation and deterioration of the quality and type of family-oriented entertainment?

Does anyone in the “entertainment” industry even bother with considering there being a “moral” to the story? Wasn’t that a big part of story telling at one time? The main character aka “hero” should show positive change after courageously overcoming the main obstacle/villain in the hero’s path to success and love.

I rarely watch the Simpson’s and usually get sick of the low humor and turn it off. However, I recognize the appeal to most people, especially if they have young kids. At least it isn’t cross dressing faggots and slutty news journalists interviewing creepy congressmen.

So, about the farce…

June 2, 2018 11:39 am

I laughed out loud at that humorous post by Admin. Bravo!
Kind of interesting that that show hasn’t been bounced by the PC crowd, for how they stereotype some…like the accent laden dot-dot Indian guy who works at the convenience store.
Where’s their outrage for that funny? Personally, I don’t really give a damn.
Too many, too easily offended. Screw PC, especially in response to humor.
Maybe they cleaned it up by now. I don’t watch it either.
TV = garbage, for 95% of the content available.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
June 2, 2018 12:26 pm

The Simpsons is usually immune because it pushes a lot of (((the narrative))).

Father is dumb and lazy. The mother is smart and capable, wasting her life taking care of her oaf husband, she should be running a company! Daughter is a smart and “free-thinking” environmental feminist. Son is dumb troublemaker full of “toxic masculinity.” Mr. Burns is an evil, ultra-wealthy (((capitalist))).

Even this didn’t save them, the left always eats their own, in the end.


June 3, 2018 9:00 pm

Maggie, it’s not ‘the “entertainment” industry’, it’s (((the entertainment industry))).

June 3, 2018 9:01 pm

Maggie I grew up with 1 channel on a 9″ round black & white screen. I rejoiced when Mom got her inheritance and bought us a 19″ Zenith B &W!
Gotta say, early days of TV were marvelous because there was all this pent-up talent waiting to be exploited. Needless to say, the best rose to the top and the result was a “Golden” decade or two of programming. Stuff like Alfred Hitchcock, Twilight Zone, Playhouse 90, US Steel Hour, Kraft Music Hall, plus a plethora of live stage variety shows emanating from “Television City in Hollywood”.
By the 1980’s network programming was on auto-pilot and the proliferation of cable and satellite, and now streaming networks, greatly homogenized the programming further.
I liken it to a copy of a copy of a copy. Something is lost each generation down.

June 2, 2018 11:26 am

The entertainment industry has largely set itself up for the selling of Idols.
It prefers whenever possible that these Idols be at least as corrupt as themselves,
pretty much all the way.

June 2, 2018 12:55 pm

Could anybody do the same and replace Kim with Maggie? I kinda like her look as she shows off her modern appliances (in the laundry room) to the rubes.

June 2, 2018 2:54 pm

If you are talking about me, just wait until I take a picture of my new garden I’m building on the back hillside. I’m adding a water feature out there too!

So, I will have my music laundratorium in the basement and my hillside fishpond garden will be another added feature!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 2, 2018 3:46 pm

I feel as though I watched you grow up. You went from bathing in the backyard zinc tub to parading with dad at the county fair to parade rest in the AF to parading topless at the beach to Suzie homemaker to Diana the deer hunter.

  EL Coyote
June 2, 2018 5:38 pm

Well, here’s the herb garden after a month of digging and design. IT is going to be the Screaming Skull Garden. It will make my son laugh because we watched MST3K a lot when he was a kid. It made him a smartass.

Not me.

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james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 2, 2018 1:14 pm

I stopped watching Simpsons a decade or more back – it was just to PC for me, with the helpless white father, capable controlling mother, SJW girl child and hopelessly bratty boy. Satire or not, it was hard to tell which agenda they pushed most – white people are evil, dark people have to put up with them, evil capitalist (Smithers) tormenting everyone – just propaganda, from one end to the other.
I kept thinking “how many male children are EMULATING Bart Simpson, a rotten brat with awful behavior? Do the writers and producers of The Simpsons have any idea how many weak minded boy children will think Bart is someone to admire? Misbehaving, mouthing off, causing disruptions in the classroom – Bart is an idiot as much as Homer is, so all males are idiots? This “cartoon” helps NO ONE – and actively contributes to the degradation, breakdown and decay of society”.
May Matt Groening and all his cohort find a toasty spot in hell, they deserve it.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
June 2, 2018 1:49 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 2, 2018 2:33 pm

Some new survey or study was just released this week.

—- 89% of teenagers spend either “most” or “all” of their available free time on social media.

We be fucked. God help America when these brain dead douchbag zombies enter politics, the workforce, etc. We’ll all be wishing and begging for the “good old days” when people thought the Simpsons were evil.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 2, 2018 3:48 pm

The brain dead douche bag zombies will be changing your bedpan.

  EL Coyote
June 2, 2018 4:37 pm

speaking of zombies, I just watched Cargo on Netflix best zombie movie ever. Full of humane storyline. Martin F. from the lord of the rings and Sherlock was well cast.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 3, 2018 9:13 pm

Thanks for that comment, sub. My daughter said she loved it.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  EL Coyote
June 3, 2018 7:25 am

… and beating you like a dog until the webcam catches them.