“Making a big show of pride about the US soldiers who have fought and died is an essential part of manufacturing support for endless war. It is also a lie. There are no war heroes, only war victims. Soldiers dying for Raytheon profit margins isn’t “heroic sacrifice”, it’s evil.”

Caitlin Johnstone

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 7, 2018 7:29 am

War is good for business as long as it is not your kid being sent off by a band of treachous fools who are card carrying members of the Elite Circle Jerk . From Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street . And The winners are the 1% investor class the politicians bought and paid for by the 1% and the minions in the government employment machine from badge wearing minions to paper shufflers extracting wealth out of average Americans as we circle the drain .
War on poverty , drugs , terror pick the soup of the day ! It’s all nothing but schemes engineered to hide how pathetic our once great nation was as a Free Republic Of Independent States ! These nonsensecal buzz lines played at nausiem brainwashing the American public by a news media that typically lies by omission feeding an ever increasing dumbed down population and it’s gone all gone .
Do some real fact checking and anyone that still has the ability to think and reason indepently will discover none of these ongoing wars have absolutely nothing to do with a true threat or clear and present danger to America that was not provoked by those wishing to control the narritive for their own evil gain .
Every time someone wears a uniform in defense of this country I give a shit and have a great deal of contempt for those knowingly using their patriotic spirit for profit and we the American people get to attempt to pick up the pieces of those shattered lives . You want to be a hero , read War is a Racket .

  Boat Guy
June 7, 2018 12:50 pm

Boat Guy you have become my go-to guy on the futility and horror of war.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 7, 2018 2:36 pm

Thanks CC , those who understand that the real cost of war has nothing to do with money or politics get it . I can’t buy nikes made in Vietnam and resent this last budget signed by our president . It contained billons in military aid for Vietnam ! WTF

  Boat Guy
June 7, 2018 3:27 pm

I’ve trained my thinking to discard out of hand the bullshit shibboleths THEY use to dupe people into slaughter for THEIR gain. Shit like “The war to end all wars”; “to end tyranny in the world” or “to preserve the union”. Now I see all wars thru the prism of loot and political power-a more sophisticated form of cui bono. That brings it all into clear focus and makes you bulletproof (no pun intended) from THEIR schemes.

Do I assume correctly that you saw war up close and personal?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 7, 2018 7:56 pm

Forget Me Not CC

  Boat Guy
June 7, 2018 8:26 pm

I recently gave that book to a high school student at a continuation school….i have found many awakened souls at these schools…they have seen through the bullshit and think for themselves which is more than I can say about myself at that age.
Quick read and to the point.
Smedley Butler was a real American hero for blowing the whistle on the coup and telling the truth!

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
June 7, 2018 8:53 am

Amen and amen…

June 7, 2018 9:25 am

War is pretty much the natural state of man, reasons vary over all sorts of religious, political and economic issues but they only serve as a focal point to rally round and give the next war an excuse to take place.

It will be that way until the final battle is fought.

philly cheese
philly cheese
June 7, 2018 10:51 am

You are wrong. I once read a book “War before Civilization”, which basically said that before Europeans came to America, the inhabitants were killing each other as much as now, finding mass graves and the like. Technology just makes it easier. But the thesis is wrong. War is not just some idiots fighting over women and farm fields. War is conquest. The subjugation of a population to a permanent or semi-permanent ruler class. This is what started civilization because the ruling class then had the leisure to invent philosophy, science, art, and everything else we associate with civilization. Therefore, there was no war before civilization.

War then became one ruling class or ruler attempting to increase its power at the expense of another ruler or ruling class, essentially replacing it. For the people at the bottom, not much changed, and it just didn’t matter. Now, however, war is too destructive. And so kind of pointless. The winners of modern wars are those who don’t fight it. Instead, war is used mainly for internal purposes: the American army is never going to conquer anybody. It’s sole purpose is to conquer the US treasury and the bodies of American females. But it has to engage in this pointless death and destruction in brown-people countries, as well as “cold” wars with white-people countries to justify its existence. Because most of the people in it, from CEOs of the MIC to Army privates, are economically useless. Eventually, we will either destroy the world, or go bankrupt because of this reality.

If war is ultimately for internal purposes, then the ultimate war is revolution. So the smart play is to plot a way to seize power, rather than marching off to war to go die for some bullshit some speech writer made up. But most people are stupid, as we can see from the dumb fuck comments here.

  philly cheese
June 7, 2018 12:03 pm

You’re claiming that war is not a natural state for mankind? That it isn’t the result of human nature as it is?

That there is no need to be concerned about it if we just change our attitude?

Perhaps we could bring that about by making war on anyone that doesn’t agree, destroying and removing them from the future of the human race for all time.

June 7, 2018 10:34 am


If one believes corporate profits are the sole, or even a leading cause of conflict, then you possess a dangerously shallow view of the world, and the forces which move it.

June 7, 2018 10:46 am

I agree with Jack. I do understand Miss Johnstone’s point about the war racket, but it has nothing to do with being respectful to the men who do the dirty work to keep us free.

June 7, 2018 12:06 pm

Rule of acquisition number 34: War is good for business

Rule of acquisition number 35: Peace is good for business

June 7, 2018 12:46 pm

Johnstone is actually a lefty-but one with a brain. Here’s a Tom Woods podcast talking about her full article from which this quote is taken. It dials in the real Orange Crusader for those who can use some enlightenment on the subject:

Ep. 1170 Trump and the Deep State: Is Everyone Getting It Wrong?