“As I turn 75, there’s no simpler way to put it than this: I’m an old man on a new planet — and, in case it isn’t instantly obvious, that’s not good news on either score…

And I find myself looking at a world that, had you described it to me in the worst moments of the Vietnam War years when I was regularly in the streets protesting, I would never have believed possible. I probably would have thought you stark raving mad. Here I am in an America not just with all the weirdness of Donald Trump, but with a media that feeds on his every bizarre word, tweet, and act as if nothing else were happening on the face of the Earth. If only…

If you had told me that, in the next century, we would be fighting unending wars from Afghanistan to Somalia and beyond I would have been shocked. If you had added that, though even veterans of those wars largely believe they shouldn’t have been fought, just about no one would be out in the streets protesting, I would have thought you were nuts.”

Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

“The reason is partly because of a glitch in human cognition known as the just world hypothesis or just world fallacy, which causes us to assume that if bad things are happening to someone, it’s because that person deserves it. Blaming the victim is more psychologically comfortable than seeing that we live in an unjust world where we could very easily become victim ourselves someday, and we select for that comfort over rational analysis.

Like other cognitive biases, this one fundamentally boils down to our annoying psychological tendency to select for cognitive ease over cognitive discomfort. It feels more psychologically comfortable to interpret new information in a way that confirms our preexisting opinions, so we get confirmation bias.

It feels psychologically comfortable to assume something is true after hearing it repeated many times, so we get the illusory truth effect. It feels more psychologically comfortable to believe we live in a fair world where people get what they deserve than to believe we’re in a chaotic world where many of the most materially prosperous people are also the most depraved and sociopathic, and that we could be next in line to be victimized by them, so we get the just world fallacy.”

Caitlin Johnstone, The Just World Fallacy: Why People Bash Assange and Defend Power

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Who I Am, Where I Stand, And What I’m Trying To Do Here

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

Every so often I like to write an article describing exactly what I’m about in the interests of transparency, and for the benefit of any new followers who aren’t quite sure what they’re looking at here. It’s a good exercise for me because it allows me to clarify for myself exactly why I got into this gig and what specifically I’m trying to get out of it, and it lays all my intentions on the table so readers can decide if I’m their cup of tea or not.

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“One of the more impressive feats of US propaganda is how many Americans have been convinced that their country is simultaneously (A) an unstoppable superpower that should be in charge of the world and (B) a poor widdle victim bullied by Russians, North Koreans and terrorists.”

Caitlin Johnstone

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Continue reading “QUOTES OF THE DAY”


“When the baby is old enough, they send it to school, where it spends twelve years being taught lies about how the world works so that one day it will be able to watch CNN and say ‘Yes, this makes perfect sense’ instead of ‘This is ridiculous'”

Caitlin Johnstone

Continue reading “QUOTE OF THE DAY”


“Making a big show of pride about the US soldiers who have fought and died is an essential part of manufacturing support for endless war. It is also a lie. There are no war heroes, only war victims. Soldiers dying for Raytheon profit margins isn’t “heroic sacrifice”, it’s evil.”

Caitlin Johnstone

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